How to fetch data from more than one collection mongodb - mongodb

I have data from several collections, I'm try to fetch data from mongoDB using Go.
Here is the json I want to display:
"status": "ok",
"total": 59,
"subtotal": 10,
"values": [
"name": "Anita",
"age": 24,
"other": {
"a": "abc",
"b": "qwe"
"detail": [
"detail": "Detail a",
"description": "Desc"
"detail": "Detail b",
"description": "Desc"
"name": "Banji",
"age": 23,
"other": {
"a": "abc",
"b": "qwe"
"detail": [
"detail": "Detail a",
"description": "Desc"
How to make json data like above using go?


Paging not working with spring boot and mongodb

I saw several articles here on stackoverflow but I couldn't get my pagination working with mongodb and spring boot. The code always returns only one result when I change the value of the limit or skip variable the result is always nothing.
My Repository:
public interface CategoryProductRepository extends MongoRepository<CategoryProduct, String> {
#Aggregation(pipeline = {
"{ '$match': { 'categories.category_id' : ?0 } }",
"{ '$skip' : ?1 }",
"{ '$limit' : ?2 }"
List<CategoryProduct> findCategoriesCategoryId(
Long field0,
Long skip,
Long limit
My structure:
"product_id": 4,
"id_colletion": 4,
"product_tite": "Testar",
"product_quant": 50,
"product_slug": "slug6",
"product_active": "ativo",
"product_description": "description",
"product_price_un": 50,
"product_price_kg": 10.25,
"star": 0,
"photos": [
"photo": "url",
"type": "mini",
"title": "título",
"active": "ativo"
"photo": "url 2",
"type": "mini",
"title": "título 2",
"active": "ativo"
"categories": [
"category_id": 1,
"name": "categoria 1",
"active": "ativo"
"category_id": 2,
"name": "categoria 2",
"active": "ativo"
"product_id": 5,
"id_colletion": 5,
"product_tite": "new",
"product_quant": 50,
"product_slug": "slugnew",
"product_active": "ativo",
"product_description": "descriptionnew",
"product_price_un": 50,
"product_price_kg": 10.25,
"star": 0,
"photos": [
"photo_id": 13,
"photo": "photo 11",
"type": "mini",
"title": "photo 11",
"active": "ativo"
"categories": [
"category_id": 1,
"name": "categoria 1",
"active": "ativo"
"product_id": 9,
"id_colletion": 9,
"product_tite": "2",
"product_quant": 2,
"product_slug": "slugnew2",
"product_active": "ativo",
"product_description": "2",
"product_price_un": 2,
"product_price_kg": 2,
"star": 0,
"photos": [
"photo": "photo 2",
"type": "mini",
"title": "photo 2",
"active": "desativo"
"categories": [
"category_id": 2,
"name": "categoria 2",
"active": "ativo"
Does anyone have any idea where my mistake is?
I was inserting the limit and skip wrong but the code works fine

Retrieve only matched object from nested array in mongodb

In this json , I need a find query which finds all the field where the "status":"Y", if the parent field has "status":"N", ignore the child field , else find the child field where the "status":"Y" along with its parent field
Note: The sub field is in a array
"type": "Type 1",
"status": "Y",
"code": "1",
"category": [
"type": "Cat 1",
"status": "Y",
"code": "1000",
"subcategories": [
"type": "Sub 1",
"status": "N",
"code": "1001"
"type": "Sub 2",
"status": "N",
"code": "1002"
"type": "Sub 3",
"status": "Y",
"code": "1003"
"type": "Cat 2",
"status": "N",
"code": "2000",
"subcategories": [
"type": "Sub 4",
"status": "Y",
"code": "2001"
"type": "Sub 5",
"status": "Y",
"code": "2002"
My Output Should be like this
"type": "Type 1",
"status": "Y",
"code": "1",
"category": [
"type": "Cat 1",
"status": "Y",
"code": "1000",
"subcategories": [
"type": "Sub 3",
"status": "Y",
"code": "1003"
} ]
Thanks in Advance:)
You can try below aggregation
{ "$match": { "status": "Y" }},
{ "$unwind": "$category" },
{ "$match": { "category.status": "Y" } },
{ "$project": { "type": 1, "status": 1, "code": 1,
"category.type": "$category.type",
"category.status": "$category.status",
"category.code": "$category.code",
"category.subcategories": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$category.subcategories",
"as": "subcategory",
"cond": {
"$eq": [
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"type": { "$first": "$type" },
"status": { "$first": "$status" },
"code": { "$first": "$code" },
"category": { "$push": "$category" }
]).then((data) => {
Gives you following output (check here)
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"category": [
"code": "1000",
"status": "Y",
"subcategories": [
"code": "1003",
"status": "Y",
"type": "Sub 3"
"type": "Cat 1"
"code": "1",
"status": "Y",
"type": "Type 1"

How to check $exists in one to many relationship mongodb sails js?

Is there any way to find records that collection is empty?
For example please find below array. I want only that records with index "companydata" is empty. and also how can i get data that does not have empty "companydata" data.
Thanks in advance.
"company_id": {
"company_name": "C2",
"slug": "c2",
"is_organized": 1,
"status": "1",
"id": "5adf158f547f7f0314ca8b56",
"companydata": []
"user_id": "5ab889aee74a151b50d04ec1",
"status": "0",
"id": "5ae014e7432e85298081be0b"
"company_id": {
"company_name": "My Compnay",
"slug": "my-compnay",
"is_organized": 1,
"status": "1",
"id": "5ad442d98a0e0c1358ca93df",
"companydata": [
"name": "Bhavesh Amin",
"company_id": "5ad442d98a0e0c1358ca93df",
"status": "0",
"id": "5ad442da8a0e0c1358ca93e0"
"user_id": "5ab889aee74a151b50d04ec1",
"status": "0",
"id": "5ae01388432e85298081bdf8"
"company_id": {
"company_name": "Organization Name",
"slug": "organization-name",
"is_organized": 1,
"status": "1",
"id": "5ad08f9b938d1131eceea624",
"companydata": [
"name": "Helen H. Langley",
"company_id": "5ad08f9b938d1131eceea624",
"status": "1",
"id": "5ad08f9b938d1131eceea625"
"user_id": "5ab889aee74a151b50d04ec1",
"status": "0",
"id": "5ad42a5f52851a2b1449db2d"

Nested grouping of array

There are 3 master collection of category , subcategory and criteria each, i will be building framework with any possible combination of category , subcategory and criteria which will be stored as below-
framework document is added below having list of criteriaconfig as embedded object which further have single object of category , subcategory and criteria. you can refer criteriaconfig as link table that u call in mysql.
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b2331",
"name": "Framework1",
"description": "framework 1 for testing",
"criteriaConfigs": [
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b232f",
"category": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb39",
"name": "category1",
"description": "category1",
"deleted": false,
"createdDate": 1495019359558
"subCategory": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb83",
"name": "subCat1",
"description": "subCat1"
"criteria": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fbad",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b232e",
"category": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb37",
"name": "Process",
"description": "Enagagement"
"subCategory": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb81",
"name": "COMM / BRANDING",
"description": "COMM / BRANDING"
"criteria": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fba9",
"name": "Company representative forgets about customer on hold",
"measure": ""
} ]
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b2332",
"name": "Framework2",
"description": "framework 2 for testing",
"criteriaConfigs": [
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b232f",
"category": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb39",
"name": "category1",
"description": "category1"
"subCategory": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb83",
"name": "subCat1",
"description": "subCat1"
"criteria": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fbad",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
i need a view containing framework that will contain all list of category and inside category there will be list of added subcategory and inside subcategory will have list of criteria for single framework.
expected result -
"id": "f1",
"name": "Framework1",
"description": "framework 1 for testing",
"categories": [
"id": "c2",
"name": "category2",
"description": "category2",
"subCategories": [
"id": "sb1",
"name": "subCat1",
"description": "subCat1",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr2",
"name": "criteria2",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr3",
"name": "criteria3",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "sb2",
"name": "subCat2",
"description": "subCat2",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr4",
"name": "criteria4",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "c1",
"name": "category1",
"description": "category1",
"subCategories": [
"id": "sb3",
"name": "subCat3",
"description": "subCat3",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr2",
"name": "criteria2",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "sb2",
"name": "subCat2",
"description": "subCat2",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr4",
"name": "criteria4",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "f2",
"name": "Framework2",
"description": "framework 2 for testing",
"categories": [
"id": "c2",
"name": "category2",
"description": "category2",
"subCategories": [
"id": "sb4",
"name": "subCat5",
"description": "subCat5",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr3",
"name": "criteria3",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "sb2",
"name": "subCat2",
"description": "subCat2",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr4",
"name": "criteria4",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "c1",
"name": "category1",
"description": "category1",
"subCategories": [
"id": "sb3",
"name": "subCat3",
"description": "subCat3",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr2",
"name": "criteria2",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "sb2",
"name": "subCat2",
"description": "subCat2",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr4",
"name": "criteria4",
"measure": "Action"
Note - Category document doesn't have any reference to subcategory and same way subcategory doesn't have any reference to criteria object currently as they are master data and are generic , framework is created with their combination dynamically.
If you want to try to do all the work in the aggregation, you could group first by subcategory, then by category like:
Depending on how you plan to us the return data, it may be more efficient to return each unique combination:
I'm not sure from your question what shape you are expecting the return data to have, so you may need to adjust for that.

Elasticsearch nested query

I'm new to elasticsearch, managed to set it up and import recordset from my mongodb collection using the river plugin. For a start, I want to query against the "desc" field but just can't manage to get the query .. not sure if the problem is driven by the way index was defined.. can anyone help please?
Sample recordset in elastic search looks like this
"took": 2,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 107209,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "shiv",
"_type": "shiv",
"_id": "iG1eIzN7RGO7hFfxTlnLuA",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "50901d7f485bf7bd1c000021"
"brand": "",
"category": {
"$ref": "categories",
"$id": {
"$oid": "4fbd2221758cb11d14000174"
"comments": [],
"count_comment": 0,
"count_fav": 2,
"count_hotness": 1.46,
"count_rekick": 0,
"count_share": 0,
"country": {
"$ref": "countries",
"$id": {
"$oid": "4fec98f7758cb18c6e0002c9"
"currency": "pound",
"desc": "A men's automatic watch, this Seamaster Bond model features a Co-Axial escapement and date function. Its blue dial is teamed with a stainless steel case and bracelet for a look that's sporty and refined.",
"gender": "male",
"ident": "omega-seamaster-diver-bond-men-s-automatic-watch---ernest-jones-1351622015",
"img_url": "$detail$",
"lifestyles": [
"$ref": "lifestyles",
"$id": {
"$oid": "508ff6ca485bf73112000060"
"location": "United Kingdom",
"owner": {
"$ref": "accounts",
"$id": {
"$oid": "50742fd8485bf74b7a00213f"
"price": 2400,
"store": "",
"tags": [
"timestamp_creation": 1351622015,
"timestamp_exp": 1356825600,
"timestamp_update": 1351622015,
"title": "Omega Seamaster Diver Bond men's automatic watch - Ernest Jones",
"url": ""
The mapping of the index "shiv" looks like
"shiv": {
"properties": {
"$oid": {
"type": "string"
Thanks again
There are lots of ways to query, have you tried a match query?
Using curl or a rest client of your choice...
"query" : {
"match" : {
"desc" : "some value you want to find in desc"