How to Mock Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path in Pester - azure-devops

Need help in Pester!
Script having one function, which calls an inline script using below
[string]$ScriptPath = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
. $ScriptPath/GetMemberList.ps1 -ErrorAction Stop
Pester class context:
Context "xxx returns proper result" {
BeforeEach {
Mock -Command Split-Path -MockWith { return "C:\xxxx\xxxx\Scripts" }
$Response = functionxxx #Params
It "Should return response" {
, $Response | Should -Not -Be $null
When I execute Pester, Giving me Below Error;
CommandNotFoundException: The term 'C:\PowerShell\Modules\Pester\5.2.2/GetMemberList.ps1' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
Can someone help me how Can I execute this pester?

Looks like your Split-Path Mock isn't working/isn't targeting correctly
When $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path is called in script by pester it returns the Invocation path of pester, not the script. So it is calling . $ScriptPath/GetMemberList.ps1 -ErrorAction Stop with $scriptPath = C:\PowerShell\Modules\Pester\5.2.2, not the value of "C:\xxxx\xxxx\Scripts" you want - and clearly not finding your GetMemberList.ps1 script as that is not where it lives, hence the error.
If the function functionxxx you are testing is from an imported module, then make sure you add the -ModuleName flag followed by the the name of the module to the mock call, this should let it target correctly.


Testing for mandatory parameters with Pester

I'm trying to figure out how to have Pester test for parameters that are missing:
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.'
Describe 'Mandatory paramters' {
it 'ComputerName' {
$Params = #{
#ComputerName = 'MyPc'
ScriptName = 'Test'
. "$here\$sut" #Params
} | Should throw
Param (
Function Find-Waldo {
Param (
'Do something'
Every time I try to assert the result or simply run the test, it will prompt me for the ComputerName parameter instead of failing the test.
Am I missing something super obvious here? Is there a way to test for the presence of mandatory parameters?
Per the comments from Mathias, you can't really test for whether a Mandatory parameter is missing because PowerShell prompts for it rather than throwing an error. Per the comment he linked to from the Pester team you could use Get-Command to test for the Mandatory parameter setting in the script (assuming it is the only parameter attribute set for that variable)
((Get-Command "$here\$sut").Parameters['ComputerName'].Attributes.Mandatory | Should Be $true
An alternative option would be to not use Mandatory parameters in this instance, and instead have a script block that does a Throw as the default value of the parameter:
Param (
[String]$ComputerName = $(Throw '-ComputerName is required'),
If the script is always used as part of an automated process (instead of via user execution) this might be preferred as it allows you to control/capture its behavior and avoids it getting stuck during execution. You can then test the script as you had originally proposed:
Describe 'Mandatory paramters' {
it 'ComputerName' {
$Params = #{
#ComputerName = 'MyPc'
ScriptName = 'Test'
. "$here\$sut" #Params
} | Should throw '-ComputerName is required'
Although the accepted answer indicates that this isn't possible, it actually is possible. Here is the solution that I developed to solve for this problem.
It 'Should fail when no priority is specified, for a valid process name' {
$ScriptBlock = {
Import-Module -Name $args[0]
Set-ProcessPriority -Name System
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $HOME/git/ProcessPriority/src/ProcessPriority | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
} | Should -Throw
What you'll notice from the above example is:
🚀 The code being tested has been wrapped in a PowerShell ScriptBlock
🚀 We invoke a PowerShell background job, containing the test code
🚀 We wait for the background job to complete, and then receive the results
🚀 If you run the Get-Job command, you'll notice that there is a job in the Blocked status
The exception that's thrown by the background job is similar to the following:
The Wait-Job cmdlet cannot finish working, because one or more jobs are blocked waiting for user interaction. Process interactive job output by using the Receive-Job cmdlet, and then try again.
You'll notice that I hard-coded the filesystem path to the module. I am not sure how to pass this as an argument into the "outer" ScriptBlock that Pester is invoking for us. Perhaps someone has a suggestion on how to accomplish that final piece of the puzzle.
What's uniquely interesting about PowerShell background jobs is that you can actually resume a job in the Blocked status, and it will prompt you for input, even though it threw the earlier exception.

Can a function know from where it is exectuted?

$MyInvocation can be used to identify where the source of a script is located.
How can a function do the same?
function whereami {
Write-Host $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # produces nothing
Write-Host $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
The C programmer would use __FILE__.
There is $PSCommandPath which returns the full path to the script being executed.
Note that the script must be saved as a file before this will work in the ISE.
function whereami {
Write-Host $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
PS C:\Users\> C:\Users\somescript.ps1

How do I load module from the project in a test script?

I'm having trouble loading getting the Module.psm1 to load in Module.tests.ps1.
Here is my Module.psm1. I add a return to Get-Function just to see if it would get picked up by the test runner.
This is in Module.psm1:
function Get-Function {
return $true
FunctionsToExport = 'Get-Function'
Describe "Get-Function" {
Context "Function Exists" {
Import-Module .\Module.psm1
It "Should Return" {
Get-Function | Should Be $true
Does the module have to be built and loaded into my module path before I can write tests against it? Or is there a way to reference it's location relative to the test path?
The results I'm seeing in the out put window are:
------ Run test started ------
Describing Get-Function
Context Function Exists
[-] Should Return 731ms
The term 'Get-Function' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,
script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path
was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
at line: 12 in C:\Users\Adam\Documents\code\Powershell\TestModuleProject\TestModuleProject\Module.tests.ps1
Tests completed in 731ms
Passed: 0 Failed: 1 Skipped: 0 Pending: 0
========== Run test finished: 1 run (0:00:08.1834099) ==========
Any suggestions?
I suspect that the working directory (.) is different from the directory in which your files reside when you're running the test. You could use $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path to determine the directory of the test script.
Pester unit tests (which is what your test code and output look like) usually contain a line like this for that purpose:
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Try changing your test code as follows:
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Describe "Get-Function" {
Context "Function Exists" {
Import-Module "$here\Module.psm1"
It "Should Return" {
Get-Function | Should Be $true

How to return the name of the calling script from a Powershell Module?

I have two Powershell files, a module and a script that calls the module.
Module: test.psm1
Function Get-Info {
Script: myTest.ps1
Import-Module C:\Users\moomin\Documents\test.psm1 -force
When I run ./myTest.ps1 I get
I want to return the name of the calling script (test.ps1). How can I do that?
Use PSCommandPath instead in your module:
Example test.psm1
function Get-Info{
Example myTest.ps1
Import-Module C:\Users\moomin\Documents\test.psm1 -force
If you want only the name of the script that could be managed by doing
GCI $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath | Select -Expand Name
That would output:
I believe you could use the Get-PSCallStack cmdlet, which returns an array of stack frame objects. You can use this to identify the calling script down to the line of code.
Module: test.psm1
Function Get-Info {
$callstack = Get-PSCallStack
myTest.ps1: Line 2
Using the $MyInvocation.MyCommand is relative to it's scope.
A simple example (Of a script located : C:\Dev\Test-Script.ps1):
$name = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name;
$path = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path;
function Get-Invocation(){
$path = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path;
$cmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name;
write-host "Command : $cmd - Path : $path";
write-host "Command : $cmd - Path : $path";
The output when running .\c:\Dev\Test-Script.ps1 :
Command : C:\Dev\Test-Script.ps1 - Path : C:\Dev\Test-Script.ps1
Command : Get-Invocation - Path :
As you see, the $MyInvocation is relative to the scoping. If you want the path of your script, do not enclose it in a function. If you want the invocation of the command, then you wrap it.
You could also use the callstack as suggested, but be aware of scoping rules.
I used this today after trying a couple of techniques.
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand | select -ExpandProperty Name
Invoke-Expression ". $Script\$ScriptName"
To refer to the invocation info of the calling script, use:
This provides the script path with trailing backslash as one variable and the script name as another.
The path works with Powershell 2.0 and 3.0 and 4.0 and probably 5.0
Where with Posershell $PSscriptroot is now available.
$_INST = $myinvocation.mycommand.path.substring(0,($myinvocation.mycommand.path.length - $
$_ScriptName = $myinvocation.mycommand.path.substring($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition.LastIndexOf('\'),($ +1))
$_ScriptName = $_ScriptName.TrimStart('\')
If you want a more reusable approach, you can use:
function Get-CallingFileName
$cStack = #(Get-PSCallStack)
The challenge I had was having a function that could be reused within the module. Everything else assumed that the script was calling the module function directly and if it was removed even 1 step, then the result would be the module file name. If, however, the source script is calling a function in the module which is, in turn, calling another function in the module, then this is the only answer I've seen that can ensure you're getting the source script info.
Of course, this approach is based on what #iRon and #James posted.
For you googlers looking for quick copy paste solution,
here is what works in Powershell 5.1
Inside your module:
$Script = (Get-PSCallStack)[2].Command
This will output just the script name (ScriptName.ps1) which invoked a function located in module.
I use this in my module:
function Get-ScriptPath {
param (
$Extension = '.ps1'
# Allow module to inherit '-Verbose' flag.
if (($PSCmdlet) -and (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose'))) {
$VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference')
# Allow module to inherit '-Debug' flag.
if (($PSCmdlet) -and (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug'))) {
$DebugPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('DebugPreference')
$callstack = Get-PSCallStack
$i = 0
$max = 100
while ($true) {
if (!$callstack[$i]) {
Write-Verbose "Cannot detect callstack frame '$i' in 'Get-ScriptPath'."
return $null
$path = $callstack[$i].ScriptName
if ($path) {
Write-Verbose "Callstack frame '$i': '$path'."
$ext = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($path)
if (($ext) -and $ext -eq $Extension) {
return $path
if ($i -gt $max) {
Write-Verbose "Exceeded the maximum of '$max' callstack frames in 'Get-ScriptPath'."
return $null
return $null
You can grab the automatic variable MyInvocation from the parent scope and get the name from there.
Get-Variable -Scope:1 -Name:MyInvocation -ValueOnly
I did a basic test to check to see if it would always just get the direct parent scope and it worked like a treat and is extremely fast as opposed to Get-PSCallStack
function ScopeTest () {
Write-Information -Message:'ScopeTest'
Write-nLog -Message:'nLog' -Type:110 -SetLevel:Verbose

How can I get the current PowerShell executing file?

Note: PowerShell 1.0
I'd like to get the current executing PowerShell file name. That is, if I start my session like this:
powershell.exe .\myfile.ps1
I'd like to get the string ".\myfile.ps1" (or something like that). EDIT: "myfile.ps1" is preferable.
Any ideas?
I've tried to summarize the various answers here, updated for PowerShell 5:
If you're only using PowerShell 3 or higher, use $PSCommandPath
If want compatibility with older versions, insert the shim:
if ($PSCommandPath -eq $null) { function GetPSCommandPath() { return $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath; } $PSCommandPath = GetPSCommandPath }
This adds $PSCommandPath if it doesn't already exist.
The shim code can be executed anywhere (top-level or inside a function), though $PSCommandPath variable is subject to normal scoping rules (eg, if you put the shim in a function, the variable is scoped to that function only).
There's 4 different methods used in various answers, so I wrote this script to demonstrate each (plus $PSCommandPath):
function PSCommandPath() { return $PSCommandPath }
function ScriptName() { return $MyInvocation.ScriptName }
function MyCommandName() { return $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name }
function MyCommandDefinition() {
# Begin of MyCommandDefinition()
# Note: ouput of this script shows the contents of this function, not the execution result
return $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
# End of MyCommandDefinition()
function MyInvocationPSCommandPath() { return $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath }
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "PSVersion: $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "`$PSCommandPath:"
Write-Host " * Direct: $PSCommandPath"
Write-Host " * Function: $(PSCommandPath)"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "`$MyInvocation.ScriptName:"
Write-Host " * Direct: $($MyInvocation.ScriptName)"
Write-Host " * Function: $(ScriptName)"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "`$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name:"
Write-Host " * Direct: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host " * Function: $(MyCommandName)"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "`$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition:"
Write-Host " * Direct: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
Write-Host " * Function: $(MyCommandDefinition)"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "`$MyInvocation.PSCommandPath:"
Write-Host " * Direct: $($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath)"
Write-Host " * Function: $(MyInvocationPSCommandPath)"
Write-Host ""
PS C:\> .\Test\test.ps1
PSVersion: 5.1.19035.1
* Direct: C:\Test\test.ps1
* Function: C:\Test\test.ps1
* Direct:
* Function: C:\Test\test.ps1
* Direct: test.ps1
* Function: MyCommandName
* Direct: C:\Test\test.ps1
* Function:
# Begin of MyCommandDefinition()
# Note this is the contents of the MyCommandDefinition() function, not the execution results
return $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition;
# End of MyCommandDefinition()
* Direct:
* Function: C:\Test\test.ps1
Executed from C:\, but actual script is C:\Test\test.ps1.
No method tells you the passed invocation path (.\Test\test.ps1)
$PSCommandPath is the only reliable way, but was introduced in PowerShell 3
For versions prior to 3, no single method works both inside and outside of a function
While the current Answer is right in most cases, there are certain situations that it will not give you the correct answer. If you use inside your script functions then:
Returns the name of the function instead name of the name of the script.
function test {
Will give you "test" no matter how your script is named.
The right command for getting the script name is always
this returns the full path of the script you are executing. If you need just the script filename than this code should help you:
split-path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Leaf
If you only want the filename (not the full path) use this:
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
Try the following
$path = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
This may not give you the actual path typed in but it will give you a valid path to the file.
Unlike the $PSScriptRoot and $PSCommandPath automatic variables, the
PSScriptRoot and PSCommandPath properties of the $MyInvocation automatic
variable contain information about the invoker or calling script, not the
current script.
PS C:\Users\S_ms\OneDrive\Documents> C:\Users\SP_ms\OneDrive\Documents\DPM ...
...where DPM.ps1 contains
Write-Host ("="+($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath)+"!"+$PSCommandPath)
If you are looking for the current directory in which the script is being executed, you can try this one:
$fullPathIncFileName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$currentScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$currentExecutingPath = $fullPathIncFileName.Replace($currentScriptName, "")
Write-Host $currentExecutingPath
As noted in previous responses, using "$MyInvocation" is subject to scoping issues and doesn't necessarily provide consistent data (return value vs. direct access value). I've found that the "cleanest" (most consistent) method for getting script info like script path, name, parms, command line, etc. regardless of scope (in main or subsequent/nested function calls) is to use "Get-Variable" on "MyInvocation"...
# Get the MyInvocation variable at script level
# Can be done anywhere within a script
$ScriptInvocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope Script).Value
# Get the full path to the script
$ScriptPath = $ScriptInvocation.MyCommand.Path
# Get the directory of the script
$ScriptDirectory = Split-Path $ScriptPath
# Get the script name
# Yes, could get via Split-Path, but this is "simpler" since this is the default return value
$ScriptName = $ScriptInvocation.MyCommand.Name
# Get the invocation path (relative to $PWD)
# #GregMac, this addresses your second point
$InvocationPath = ScriptInvocation.InvocationName
So, you can get the same info as $PSCommandPath, but a whole lot more in the deal. Not sure, but it looks like "Get-Variable" was not available until PS3 so not a lot of help for really old (not updated) systems.
There are also some interesting aspects when using "-Scope" as you can backtrack to get the names, etc. of the calling function(s). 0=current, 1=parent, etc.
Hope this is somewhat helpful.
I would argue that there is a better method, by setting the scope of the variable $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path:
ex> $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
This method works in all circumstances of invocation:
function printme () {
"In function:"
( "MyInvocation.ScriptName: " + [string]($MyInvocation.ScriptName) )
( "script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: " + [string]($script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) )
( "MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: " + [string]($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) )
( "MyInvocation.ScriptName: " + [string]($MyInvocation.ScriptName) )
( "script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: " + [string]($script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) )
( "MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: " + [string]($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) )
" "
PS> powershell C:\temp\test.ps1
script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: test.ps1
MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: test.ps1
In function:
MyInvocation.ScriptName: C:\temp\test.ps1
script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: test.ps1
MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: printme
Notice how the above accepted answer does NOT return a value when called from Main. Also, note that the above accepted answer returns the full path when the question requested the script name only. The scoped variable works in all places.
Also, if you did want the full path, then you would just call:
A short demonstration of #gregmac's (excellent and detailed) answer, which essentially recommends $PSCommandPath as the only reliable command to return the currently running script where Powershell 3.0 and above is used.
Here I show returning either the full path or just the file name.
$PSCommandPath # Full Path
Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath -Leaf # File Name only
function main () {
'Within a function:'
Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath -Leaf
PS> .\Test.ps1
Within a function:
Did some testing with the following script, on both PS 2 and PS 4 and had the same result. I hope this helps people.
function PSscript {
$PSscript = Get-Item $MyInvocation.ScriptName
Return $PSscript
$PSscript = PSscript
$PSscript = Get-Item $MyInvocation.InvocationName
Results -
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
4 0 -1 -1
This can works on most powershell versions:
(& { $MyInvocation.ScriptName; })
This can work for Scheduled Job
Get-ScheduledJob |? Name -Match 'JOBNAMETAG' |% Command