My Perl variable to variable substitutions do not work - perl

I have a substitution to make in a Perl script, which I do not seem to get working. I have a string in a text file which has the form:
The string T+30H has to be written in many files and has to change from file to file. It is two digits and sometimes three digits. First I define the variable:
my $wrffcr=qr{T+\d+H};
After reading the file containing the string, I have the following substitution command (starting with the file capture)
foreach $scrptlines (#scrptlines) {
$scrptlines =~ s/$wrffcr/T+$fcrange2[$jj]H/g;
$fcrange2[$jj] is defined and I confirm its value by printing its value just before the above 4 lines of code.
print "$fcrange2[$jj]\n";
When I run my script, nothing changes for this particular substitution. I suspect it is to do with the way I define the string to be substituted.
I will appreciate any assistance.
Zilore Mumba

Watch out for the first + in my $wrffcr=qr{T+\d+H};. It'll make it match 1 or more Ts, not T followed by a +. You probably want
my $wrffcr=qr{T\+\d+H};


Search for a match, after the match is found take the number after the match and add 4 to it, it is posible in perl?

I am a beginer in perl and I need to modify a txt file by keeping all the previous data in it and only modify the file by adding 4 to every number related to a specific tag (< COMPRESSED-SIZE >). The file have many lines and tags and looks like below, I need to find all the < COMPRESSED-SIZE > tags and add 4 to the number specified near the tag:
So I guess I need to do something like: search for the keyword(match) and store the number 132219 in a variable and add the second number (4) to it, replace the result 132219 with 132223, the rest of the file must remain unchanged, only the numbers related to this tag must change. I cannot search for the number instead of the tag because the number could change while the tag will remain always the same. I also need to find all the tags with this name and replace the numbers near them by adding 4 to them. I already have the code for finding something after a keyword, because I needed to search also for another tag, but this script does something else, adds a number in front of a keyword. I think I could use this code for what i need, but I do not know how to make the calculation and keep the rest of the file intact or if it is posible in perl.
while (my $row = <$inputFileHandler>)
if(index($row,$Data_Pattern) != -1){
my $extract = substr($row, index($row,$Data_Pattern) + length($Data_Pattern), length($row));
my $counter_insert = sprintf "%08d", $counter;
my $spaces = " " x index($row,$Data_Pattern);
$data_to_send ="what i need to add" . $extract;
print {$outs} $spaces . $Data_Pattern . $data_to_send;
$counter = $counter + 1;
print {$outs} $row;
Maybe you could help me with a block of code for my needs, $Data_Pattern is the match. Thank you very much!
This is a classic one-liner Perl task. Basically you would do something like
$ perl -i.bak -pe's/^< COMPRESSED-SIZE >\K(\d+)/$1 + 4/e' yourfile.txt
Which will in essence copy and replace your file with a new, edited file. This can be very dangerous, especially if you are a Perl newbie. The -i switch is here used with the .bak extension which saves a backup in yourfile.txt.bak. This does not make this operation safe, however, as running the command twice will overwrite the backup.
It is advisable to make a separate backup of the target file before using this command.
-i.bak edit "in-place", the file is overwritten, a backup of the original is created with extension .bak.
-p argument is treated as a file name, which is read, and printed back.
s/ // the substitution operator, which is applied to all lines of the file.
^ inside the regex looks for beginning of line.
\K keep the match that is to the left.
(\d+) capture () 1 or more digits \d+ and store them in $1
/e treat the right hand side of the substitution operator as an expression and use the result as the replacement string. In this case it will increase your number and return the sum.
The long version of this command is
while (<>) {
s/^< COMPRESSED-SIZE >\K(\d+)/$1 + 4/e
Which can be placed in a file and run with the -i switch.

What does $variable{$2}++ mean in Perl?

I have a two-column data set in a tab-separated .txt file, and the perl script reads it as FH and this is the immediate snippet of code that follows:
push #{$target{$2}} ,$1;
When I try to print any of the above 4 variables, it says the variables are uninitialized.
And, when I tried to print $uniq_tar{$2}++; and $uniq_mir{$1}++;
It just prints some numbers which I cannot understand.
I would just like to know what this part of code evaluate in general?
The while loop puts each line of your file, in turn, into Perl's special variable $_.
/.../ is the match operator. By default it works on $_.
/(.*)\t(.*)/ is a regular expression inside the match operator. If the regex matches what is in $_, then the bits of the matching string that are inside the two pairs of parentheses are stored in Perl's special variables $1 and $2.
You have hashes called %uniq_tar and %uniq_mir. You access individual elements in a hash using the $hashname{key}. So, $uniq_tar{$1} is finding the value in %uniq_tar associated with the key that is stored in $1 (that is - the part of your record before the first tab).
$variable++ increments the number in $variable. So $uniq_tar{$1}++ increments the value that we found in the previous paragraph.
So, as zdim says, it's a frequency counter. You read each line in the file, and extract the bits of data before and after the first tab in the line. You then increment the values in two hashes to count the number of occurences of each of the strings.

Using Perl to parse text from blocks

I have a file with multiple blocks of test. FOR EACH block of test, I want to be able to extract what is in the square bracket, the line containing the FIRST instance of the word "area", and what is on the right of the square bracket. Everything will be a string. Essentially what I want to do is store each string into a variable in a hash so i can print it into a 3 column csv file.
Here's a sample of what the file looks like:
Student-[K-6] Exceptional in Math
/home/area/kinder/mathadvance.txt, 12
Students in grade K-12 shown to be exceptional in math.
Placed into special after school program.
See /home/area/overall/performance.txt, 200
Student-[Junior] Weak Performance
Students with overall weak performance.
Summer program services offered as shown in
"/home/area/services/summer.txt", 212
Student-[K-6] Physical Excerise Time Slots
/home/area/pe/schedule.txt, 303
Assigned time slots for PE based on student's grade level. Make reference to
/home/area/overall/classtimes.txt, 90
I want to to have a final csv file that looks like:
K-6, Exceptional in Math, /home/area/kinder/mathadvance.txt, 12
K-6, Physical Exercise Time Slots, /home/area/pe/schedule.txt, 303
Junior, Weak Performance, "/home/area/services/summer.txt", 212
Since it's a csv file, I know it will also separate at the line number when exporting into excel but I'm fine with that.
I started off by putting the grade type into an array because I want to be able to add more strings to it for different grade levels.
My program looks like this so far:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #grades = ("K-6", "Junior", "Community-College", "PreK");
I was thinking that I will need to do some sort of system sed command to grab what is in the brackets and store it into a variable. Then I will grab everything to the right of the bracket on the line and store it into a variable. And then I will grep for a line containing "area" to get the path and I will store it as a string into a variable, put these in a hash, and then print into csv. I'm not sure if I'm thinking about this the right way. Also, I have NO IDEA how to do this for each BLOCK of text in the file. I need it by block because each block has its own corresponding grades, topics, and paths.
perl -000 -ne '($grade, $topic) = /\[(.*)\] (.*)/;
($path) = m{(.*/area/.*)};
print "$grade, $topic, $path\n"' -- file.txt
-000 turns on paragraph mode, -n won't read line by line, but paragraph by paragraph
/\[(.*)\] (.*)/ matches the square brackets and whatever follows them up to a newline. The inside of the square brackets and the following text are captured using the parentheses.
m{(.*/area/.*)} captures the line containing "area". It uses the m{} syntax instead of // so we don't have to backslash the slashes (avoiding so called "leaning toothpick syndrome")

perl to hardcode a static value in a field

I am still learning perl and have all most got a program written. My question, as simple as it may be, is if I want to hardcode a string to a field would the below do that? Thank you :).
In the other lines I use the below to define the values that are passed into the `$[out], but the one in question is hardcoded and the others come from a split.
my #vals = split/\t/; # this splits the line at tabs
my #mutations=split/,/,$vals[9]; # splits on comma to create an array of mutations
my ($gene,$transcript,$exon,$coding,$aa);
for (#mutations)
($gene,$transcript,$exon,$coding,$aa) = split/\:/; # this takes col AB and splits it at colons
grep {$transcript eq $_} keys %nms or next;
my #out=($.,#colsleft,$_,#colsright);
Your line of code: $out[45]="VUS"; is correct in that it is defining that 46th element of the array #out to the string, "VUS". I am trying to understand from your code, however why you would want to do that? Usually, it is better practice to not hardcode if at all possible. You want to make it your goal to make your program as dynamic as possible.

Perl File Globbing Oddities

I'm writing a script that will loop through a range of numbers, build a glob pattern, and test if a file exists in a directory based on the glob.
The images are Nascar car number images, and follow the the following pattern:
Here is a snippet of the script that I am using:
foreach $currCarNum (0..101) {
if (glob("//headshot01/CARS/${currCarNum}_*_256.TGA")) {
print("Car image $currCarNum exists\n");
} else {
print("Car image $currCarNum doesn't exist\n");
The problem I'm having, is that images that exist in the directory, and that should match the file glob pattern do not.
For example, the file with the following name returns as not existing:
Whereas, the following returns as existing:
If I use the same file glob pattern in DOS or Cygwin, both files are listed properly.
Are file glob patterns interpreted differently in Perl? Is there something I am missing?
You need to have the results returned in a list format instead of a scalar format. Try this for your if statement, it worked for me when I tested it.
if (my #arr = glob("//headshot01/CARS/${currCarNum}_*_256.TGA")) {
From perldoc perlop:
A (file)glob evaluates its (embedded)
argument only when it is starting a
new list. All values must be read
before it will start over. In list
context, this isn't important because
you automatically get them all anyway.
However, in scalar context the
operator returns the next value each
time it's called, or undef when the
list has run out.