Mongoose allows a similar functionality using Regex for strings
But I did not find a single resource for how to use something similar for numbers
Say I have a number in my colection "88682265456" and when a user searches for "226" he get's that number and similar numbers, the way LIKE operator behaves in SQL databases.
I tried converting the field to a string using $where operator, but my atlas database tier does not support it.
What am I missing here?
I am building filtering functionality for web application which should look like JIRA of TFS filtering query. So user should be able to filter on fields contents and use logical operators in filter query.
The data lives in MongoDB and the main challenge is that the fields on which we will filter should support not only strict equality but also full text search are difficult to index because they can vary for each user.
In a nutshell, there is a nested object, which has three other nested object that can have different amount of fields depending of user, field names are also set by user, so we don't know them.
For example document structure in collection can be:
_id: ObjectId()
storage: {
_id: ObjectId()
storage: {
field_1 : val,
field_2 : val
I imagine queries will be something like:
find({$and:[{"storage.obj_1.field_1":{$regex: "va"}},{"storage.obj_1.var_2":"val"}]})
Unfortunately, I am not a database expert so the solutions that I see now are:
1) Use Elasticsearch as a search engine. But the question is: how do I set Elastic index if I don't know my documents structure?
2) Use sparse index in Mongo. But I will need to use regex for matching, is that solution better than Elastic?
So the question is: what is the best way to do filtering in such a DB structure?
I have put this question in SO and not Software Engineering because SO has more active members, pls keep your downvotes for later
Elasticsearch and MongoDB (much like a relational database) behave differently for indexing: In MongoDB you need to explicitly index every field (for a non $text index). In Elasticsearch every field is automatically indexed. Don't go too crazy on the number of fields in Elasticsearch, since there is a little overhead for each field (in terms of disk space though that has improved in version 6).
As soon as you are having more than a test data set, regular expressions are often slow, since they can only use indices in specific cases and you need to define those indices explicitly. Maybe the $text index and search operator are more what you are looking for. That one can index every field in a collection as well. If you need more features and a system that is fully built for search, then Elasticsearch will be the better option though.
I Want to query using part of id to get all the matched documents. So I tried “starts with” and "contains" which works find but is there any performance issue for large collection?
The best way to make this search optimum :
Add $text index on the fields you want to do search in. This is really important because internally it tokenize your string to that you could search for a part of it.
Use regex which is also quicker to do.
If you are using aggregate, read this mongodb official doc about aggregation optimization which might help you to implement this in efficient manner :
Last but not the least, if you are not yet fully inclined towards mongodb and project is fresh, look out for elasticsearch service which is based on Lucene. Its extremely powerful doing these kinds of searches.
I have a very open-ended API that allows the frontend to query the backend with more-or-less arbitrary mongo queries. I'm having problems with _ids being stored as ObjectIds but passed around as hex strings. If the frontend gives me some complicated mongo query, I don't want to have to implement logic to comb through all the crazy mongo query operators to replace string _ids with ObjectIds.
Beyond that, objects in the system have user-defined schemas, and so there are cases where the backend can't know whether a certain field being queried should be an ObjectId or not.
Does anyone know how I could solve this problem? The best idea I've come up with so far is to always store strings instead of ObjectIds for user-defined fields, and to figure out how to parse mongo queries to replace string _ids with ObjectIds for known fields. This certainly isn't ideal, so I'm hoping there's a more elegant solution here.
We are trying to develop a strategy for using elasticsearch for full-text searching on our mongodb instance. It would appear that every key that we want to use as a filter must be included in elastics index. Potentially we could want to use every key in mongo as a filter - i.e. full-text search on description, filter by date and telephone number. Does anyone have any real-world experiences of adding full-text to mongo that they can share?
Maybe we can just use elasticsearch as a db?
I do not see any reason to use ElasticSearch in conjunction with MongoDb, just use ElasticSearch as separate document storage for documents, that have to be searched. And yes, you can even as whole db. Of course it depends on your domain model and other factors.
If you don't need stemming, fuzzy search, complicated wildcard search, you can do search with mongoDb. When new document inserted, split it to words in lower case, and add to the array "words" for example. Later you can perform search request against this array with regex. Not you can' use I (ignore case) option in this regex, and you can search only LIKE% wildcard (or without wildcard), otherwise search would not use mongoDb index.
One more option - you can try to find river for mongoDb
Another option - is to use Lucene if you are using Java. Probably you will be able to extend Directory class, in such a way, that Lucene will store index in MongoDb instead of file system or RAM. I have not made any research in this area, but I think it is possible
I experimented with full text search in MongoDB by splitting the words in the string like #Umar suggested. Honestly though, its a database and not a search engine so I would use Mongo for persistant storage and ElasticSearch for the search engine part of it. As a matter of fact, I would stick with something like Postgresql for persistant storage and then push the data you want to search out to the search engine. is a driver that will allow you to quickly export your data from one RDBMS to ElasticSearch. THe data does not have to be geospatial in order to use it GDAL as long as their is a way to connect to the input source.
Does MongoDB supports comparing two fields in same collection by using native operators (not $where and JavaScript)?
I already looked at similar questions and all answers used $where / JavaScript.
MongoDB documentation clearly states that:
JavaScript executes more slowly than the native operators listed on this page, but is very flexible.
My primary concern is speed and I would like to use indexes if possible. So is comparing two fields in MongoDB possible without using JavaScript?
This is not currently possible, but it will be possible through the new aggregation framework currently under development (2.1+). This aggregation framework is native and does not rely on relatively slow JavaScript execution paths.
For more details check
and the progress at
From reading the documentation you link it doesn't look like MongoDB has the ability to compare two document properties using only native operators.
Perhaps you can modify the documents themselves (and/or the code which saves the documents) to include a boolean property with value resulting from the comparison (ahead-of-time) and then simply query on that new property as needed. You could even index it for even better performance.