Issue with transfer of domain from Google to AWS - amazon-route53

I have transferred my domain from Google to AWS 7 days back. The transfer process has been completed in AWS. I have created a public hosted zone in Router 53 and the NS records present in Route 53 are matching with the NS records of my domain in AWS. Also created CNAME records pointed to the application load balancer.
I am able to access my domain inside AWS workspace and even dig command returns the results in my AWS workspace but not working in some machines outside of AWS workspace but when I use load balancer url, I am able to access the application so there are no issues with security group configuration.
Also no dig results when using this url
Am I missing something here? Any help is highly appreciated

The issue is resolved after disabling the DNSSEC in Route 53. I think I had not disabled DNSSEC in google before transferring the domain to AWS so it has transferred the DNSSEC with keys to AWS.


Waiting for Certificate provisioning when mapping custom domain to Cloud Run

Trying to map a custom domain to an app deployed on Cloud Run.
Running into this issue: "Waiting for certificate provisioning. You must configure your DNS records for certificate issuance to begin."
Referred to this issue:
Google Cloud Run - Domain Mapping stuck at Certificate Provisioning
Am I missing a step or should I keep waiting?
Steps I took:
Added mapping with service and domain name.
Configured a Cloud DNS Zone and updated the DNS records on the domain host.
Linked the Cloud DNS Zone to a Cloud Domain.
Verified with TXT file google-site-verification=....
Used to monitor and it seems like regions Costa Rica and Indonesia are having trouble propagating.
It's possible that it is still provisioning. But you can consider checking the following :
Make sure that your SSL's scope is global.
A-record for your domain should be properly configured.
You can try using SSL Shopper or WhatsmyDNS to monitor and check the propagation status of your domain.

How to use Netlify DNS for domains managed by AWS Route 53?

I have a domain registered at Route 53, but I want to have Netlify manage the DNS for this domain (the entire domain, unlike other questions about subdomains). I set the NS record for the domain to point to Netlify's name servers, but Netlify's custom domain configuration tool still claims that DNS is not configured correctly.
Below is a screenshot showing my current Route53 hosted zone configuration, with the NS records clearly pointed at Netlify's DNS servers. I waited for DNS propagation timeouts, flushed Google's DNS cache, and tried other suggestions and nothing worked.
The problem turned out to be that setting the NS records in the hosted zone doesn't actually let Netlify manage the DNS for the domain. Instead, you need to change the nameservers in the Registered Domains section of the Route 53 console. (NOT the Hosted Zones section.)
On that page, remove the AWS nameservers and add Netlify's nameservers. It will look like this when it's done: (Note that your nameserver hostnames may be different; copy them from Netlify's Custom Domain page)
Kudos to Netlify's support team for writing a doc that explains how to do this. It was admittedly hard to find this doc in Google because there are so many different Netlify docs about various DNS intricacies. But eventually Googling helped me find it.
In retrospect, it's now obvious to me that adding DNS records to a zone (even NS records!) can't change the nameservers used by the domain. But it would have been nice if the AWS console included this info when I edited the NS records so I didn't waste a few hours.
Leaving this answer here for the next victim. 😁
For domain registered at Route 53 and Netlify managing the DNS. It worked for me by changing the name servers both from the "Registered Domain" area and "Hosted Zone".

AWS Certificate Request Validation Timeout

I'm trying to request a certificate using AWS certificate manager. I'm using route53 for DNS. I go through all of the steps, and use the "create record in Route53" to create the CNAME record automatically. I have double checked the CNAME record in Route53 to make sure it is the same one that ACM expects. After doing all of this, the DNS validation times out.
I have tried this multiple times with the same result. I barely know how to use dig so I'm kind of lost on how to troubleshoot this. Thanks.
I was facing a similar issue, where i copied the whole "name" of the CNAME record (from the AWS certificate manager) to the DNS configuration for my domain. And waited a whole day without any success. Then after reading "Michael - sqlbot" answer here, i removed the from in my domain's DNS configuration and Amazon Certificate Manager issued the certificate in about next 30 mins.
Hope you are not making the same mistake :-)
When I switched my domain from godaddy to AWS, the Name Server records did not automatically update. I thought they would but I actually had to change them manually from the AWS console.
I had registered a domain with Route 53 and was facing a similar issue when I deleted my website's hosted zone.
The CNAME record in Route 53 was exactly as it was in ACM (no extra strings, whitespaces, etc.)
The issue was in Route 53 - the name servers associated with the registered domain were different from the name servers associated with the hosted zone.
I fixed this issue by:-
Deleting and re-creating the hosted zone.
Replacing the NS values in the registered domain with the NS values of from the newly created hosted zone.
Creating a certificate in Certificate Manager with the domain name matching with the one specified in Route 53 hosted zone.
Creating a Route 53 record from the Certificate manager wizard (which is step 5 in the wizard)

Mapping AWS route 53 recordset to godaddy

I'm new to Amazon.
My client hosted their website at godaddy and
they have created the aws ec2 instance and running their Django apps in this instance.
Now they wants to use this instance for subdomain. say
So I have created a record set in aws route 53 by following procedure.
Created Recordset A pointing to elastic IP
Created Nameserver (NS)
Finally added this recordset into godaddy dns files. Still I'm not able to access this subdomain. Please can anyone help here.
Are you managing DNS through AWS?
If so..
You need to create a DNS Zone for that domain.
Add the records or import the ZONE file
Take the Name Server records from AWS
Go to the domain registrar(assuming you manage this also), in this case GoDaddy!
Point the Name Server records from AWS to GoDaddy!

redirect root domain name to amazon s3

My domain is rather long. I need to use it without www.
All the info I find on the net is about cnames.
How do I redirect the whole domain to an amazon s3 bucket, not only a subdomain?
Amazon recently announced support for root domain hosting via S3. The instructions for setting this up can be found here. Note that you will have to setup two buckets to accomplish this, and that you will have to use Route 53 for your DNS hosting.
Try wwwizer
What you need to do is to create a cname www pointing to your s3 bucket url (bucket name will need to match) and then create an A record to the ip given by wwwizer.
Another way is to use a url redirecting service or use a free web host (like godaddy's ad supported hosting) and on the index file issue a redirect to
There might be other solutions that rely on finding out the ips of the amazon s3 front end servers but they are error prone.