Simple JOLT transformation. Add one level and paste part of attributes here - jolt

Please, help to modify next json. I need add one level and paste part of attributes here.
"Name" : "Some order",
"Status" : "New",
"Project" : "Some project",
"Goal" : "Some goal",
"Urgency" : "",
"URL" : "",
"table_name": "Order"
Desired output:
"row": {
"Name" : "Some order",
"Status" : "New",
"Project" : "Some project",
"Goal" : "Some goal",
"Urgency" : "",
"URL" : ""
"table_name": "Order"
If you have some cool sources about JOLT, please, share.

You can use the following shift transformation spec
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"table_name": "&",
"*": "row.&"
where you just need to nest the elements under row key other than the element with table_name key. &(&0) represents the nearest key(without going up any level, eg. in that case you would need to use &1,&2...etc in order to go 1,2,.. levels up)
You can check this site out as a nice reference.


"description" vs. "reviewBody" for Review

I am wondering what is the right use for a review in a product. I see two different suggestions:
Majory of sites I've checked use this structure:
"review": {
"#type": "Review",
"author": "Daniela",
"datePublished": "2016-11-01",
"description": "Fantastic product! It really helped me. I would recommend to all my friends and family.",
"name": "Awesome!",
"reviewRating": {
"#type": "Rating",
"bestRating": "5",
"ratingValue": "5",
"worstRating": "1"
And it's correctly validated in structured data test tool.
However structured data helper and docs show this format:
"review" : {
"#type" : "Review",
"author" : {
"#type" : "Person",
"name" : "Daniela"
"datePublished" : "2017-06-08",
"reviewRating" : {
"#type" : "Rating",
"ratingValue" : "5",
"bestRating" : "5",
"worstRating" : "0"
"reviewBody" : "Fantastic product! It really helped me. I would recommend to all my friends and family. "
They are similar, the only big difference is description vs. reviewBody.
Which is correct?
They are different properties:
description gives a (typically short) description/summary/teaser of the review
reviewBody gives the full review
There is no reason to choose only one here. If you have the data for both, you can use both properties.
For Google’s Review rich result, simply check the documentation:
for a "Critic review", description is required
for a "Review snippet", reviewBody is recommended

Mass-reversing smartsheet mistake

Someone managed to copy and paste a huge amount of data into the wrong place in smartsheet. Of course it wasn't reversed at the time, and now I have the lovely task of reversing out all of the entries. Manually. One cell at a time.
There has to be a better way.
Take a look at the Get Cell History endpoint on the Smartsheet API. When you call that you'll get a response back that looks like this:
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 100,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalCount": 3,
"data": [
"displayValue": "Revision 3",
"columnType": "TEXT_NUMBER",
"value": "Revision 3",
"modifiedAt": "2013-06-24T00:10:18Z",
"modifiedBy" : {
"name" : "Jane Smart",
"email" : ""
"displayValue": "Revision 2",
"columnType": "TEXT_NUMBER",
"value": "Revision 2",
"modifiedAt": "2013-06-23T00:10:18Z",
"modifiedBy" : {
"name" : "Joe Smart",
"email" : ""
You should be able to write a script that analyzes the revisions and lets you revert the value in a more automated fashion.

aws cloudformation -resource property error

I have defined my parameters like this:
"Description":"db subnetlist",
"Type": "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>"
"Description": "VPC list",
"Type": "List<AWS::EC2::VPC::Id>"
and referring the above parameters in "resources" section like below:
"InstanceSecurityGroup" : {
"Type" : "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
"Properties" : {
"VpcId" : {"Ref": "VPCLIST"} ,
"GroupDescription" : "Enable 3306/80/SSH access via port 22"
and while executing this I am getting the below error.
AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup InstanceSecurityGroup "Value of property VpcId must be of type String"
Note: I have only default VPC available which is not taken as string? any solutions to this issue...
The correct way is make this change:
"PrivateSubnets": {
"Description":"db subnetlist",
"Type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id"
"Description": "VPC list",
"Type": "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id"
The Security Groups requires the VpcId to be a string, the property is an array list, So you need to change the property to Type: String, or use the
Fn::Select function.
{ "Fn::Select" : [ 0, VPCLIST ] }
List – An array of VPC IDs
"Type" : "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
"Properties" : {
"GroupName" : String,
"GroupDescription" : String,
"SecurityGroupEgress" : [ Security Group Rule, ... ],
"SecurityGroupIngress" : [ Security Group Rule, ... ],
"Tags" : [ Resource Tag, ... ],
"VpcId" : String

How to do either operation in IRItemplate in a Hydra:Operation?

My hydra vocab is similar to Markus-lanthaler Vocab.Here is one of my operation on User Class to retrieve collection of Users.
"#id": "payu:retrieve_users",
"#type": "hydra:Operation",
"method": "GET",
"label": "Retrieve users",
"description": "Retrieves Users",
"expects": null,
"returns": "hydra:Collection",
"IriTemplate" : {
"#type" : "IriTemplate",
"template" : "{?userIds,firstName,lastName}",
"variableRepresentation": "BasicRepresentation",
"mapping" : [
"#type" : "IriTemplateMapping",
"variable" : "userIds",
"property" : "hydra:property",
"required" : false
"#type" : "IriTemplateMapping",
"variable" : "firstName",
"property" : "hydra:property",
"required" : false
"#type" : "IriTemplateMapping",
"variable" : "lastName",
"property" : "hydra:property",
"required" : false
As you can see in IRItemplate
"template" : "{?userIds,firstName,lastName}"
so I want to get control over retrieve either a third person will be able to retrieve through (userIds) or (firstName,lastName).
Should I make two separate hydra Operations having IRItemplate :
In First Operation:
"template" : "{?userIds}"
In Second Operation:
"template" : "{?firstName,lastName}"
Or Is there any existing way to do this in Hydra Specification using single operation ?
Currently there's no way to specify that for a single operation. You'll need to have two operations. Also, you need to associate the operation to the IriTemplate and not the other way round:
"#type" : "IriTemplate",
"template" : "{?userIds,firstName,lastName}",
"operation": {
"#id": "payu:retrieve_users",
"#type": "hydra:Operation",
"method": "GET",

Get a collection of sub-resources at once with JSON-LD and Hydra

In the RESTful Web API book, the authors advise to expose a profile and use a content type which acknowledges link relations. JSON-LD extended by Hydra seem to match these requirements, and I want to use them in the design of my new API.
I am currently stuck with a performance issue. Let say that I have an online bike store, and I want to retrieve information about the wheels of a given bike.
With the Hydra specification, it seems to me that I need to send 2 requests to get the details about the wheels.
The first request is toward the bike itself:
GET /mybike HTTP/1.1
The response contains a Hydra::Link to the collection of wheels:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json
"#context" :
"Bike": "/contexts/vocab#Bike"
"#id" : "/mybike",
"#type" : "Bike",
"size" : "L",
"wheels" : "/mybike/wheels" // "wheels" is a "hydra:Link"
Now I can send a second request to the wheels resource to get the details:
GET /mybike/wheels HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json
"Collection": "",
"Wheel" : "/contexts/vocab#Wheel"
"#type" : "Collection",
"#id" : "/mybike/wheels",
"member" :
"#id" : "/mybike/wheels/firstwheel",
"#type" : "Wheel",
"color" : "blue"
"#id" : "/mybike/wheels/secondwheel",
"#type" : "Wheel",
"color" : "white"
Is it valid to send a single request and get a response such as the one below?
GET /mybike HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json
"#context" :
"Collection": "",
"Bike" : "/contexts/vocab#Bike",
"Wheel" : "/contexts/vocab#Wheel"
"#id" : "/mybike",
"#type" : "Bike",
"size" : "L",
"wheels" :
"#id" : "/mybike/wheels",
"#type" : "Link",
"#id" : "/mybike/wheels/firstwheel",
"#type" : "Wheel",
"color" : "blue"
"#id" : "/mybike/wheels/secondwheel",
"#type" : "Wheel",
"color" : "white"
Great to see that you consider using JSON-LD and Hydra. Of course it is possible to get all the data in a single response. You don't have to change the type of the collection from Collection to Link though. Also, you might want to tweak your context a bit. Summed up, your response would look somewhat like this:
"#context": [
{ "#vocab": "/contexts/vocab#" }
"#id": "/mybike",
"#type": "Bike",
"size": "L",
"wheels": {
"#id" : "/mybike/wheels",
"#type" : "Collection",
"member": [
"#id" : "/mybike/wheels/firstwheel",
"#type" : "Wheel",
"color" : "blue"
"#id" : "/mybike/wheels/secondwheel",
"#type" : "Wheel",
"color" : "white"
I'm importing Hydra's context here and then overlaying a default vocabulary which means that everything that isn't already defined in Hydra's context is expanded by appending it to /contexts/vocab#. So, Bike for instance will be expanded to /contexts/vocab#Bike.
Btw. there's a W3C Community Groupw working on Hydra which you should join if you are using it. We also have a mailing list on which all your questions will be answered.
The instructions to join the group can be found at