how to restrict access to serverless api via resource policy? - aws-api-gateway

a serverless api gateway stack built via cloudformation template ( see below) . I added a resource policy to whitelist a particular IP address. Does this block all other IP address, without specifying a black list or do I have add a IpRangeBlacklist values as well?
Type: AWS::Serverless::Api
- ""

Verified, only list of IP under IpRangeWhitelist range are allowed. I wonder if there is a way to customize the error message we get, when not allowed.


serverless framework: configuring a pre-existing lambda authenticator for HTTP API Gateway routes in serverless.yml

I would like to add a preexisting lambda authenticator to the routes of a preexisting http api gateway using the serverless framework. I have followed the docs, whereby I have specified the authorizer details under provider.httpApi (lines 15 to 18), and I have referenced the authorizer on the route(s) below (line 27 & 28). Though I get the error message:
Cannot setup authorizers for externally configured HTTP API
What am I doing wrong here? It must be for a HTTP API gateway and not a REST API gateway as thats what the current infra is configured as. Thanks
It looks like you're using an externally configured HTTP API (I'm guessing from the id being set). In such a situation, you cannot configure authorizers in this manner, you can only do so when you're provisioning HTTP API as a part of your serverless service. What you can do there, is to setup a shared authorizer in a more manual way as described in docs here:
I came across this post when researching how to use API gateway authorizers and serverless framework. I was terraforming the API gateway therefore needed to terraform the authorizer as well. When created, I stashed the authorizer ID in a parameter store entry. This is a 6 character alphanumeric value such as tw9qgj. I then referenced the parameter as follows:
authorizerId: ${ssm:api_gateway_authoriser}
Then added the following block to each API e.g.
- httpApi:
path: /protected
method: get
id: ${self:custom.authorizerId}

How to add lambda invoke role in custom authorizer of api gateway using serverless framework

I would like to add Lambda invoke role in custom authorizer for an api gateway using serverless framework.
- http:
path: controls
method: GET
cors: ${self:custom.lambdaCORS}
arn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:XYZ:function:SLS-XYZ
managedExternally: true
identitySource: method.request.header.x-api-key
resultTtlInSeconds: 0
type: request
Can someone help me in finding the property under authorizer to add "Lambda invoke role". I was able to do it manually from aws console. I am trying to access authorizer defined in other region. It seems API gateway needs a permission to invoke lambda authorizer in another region.
So the solution I was able to come up with was to add a specific permission to the generate API Gateway Cloudformation template.
The AWS docs outline what the Cloudformation template should look like to add a permission for API Gateway to access a lambda:
So if you adapt that and add this block to the bottom of your serverless.yaml you should be able to access the Authorizer referenced by the FunctionName field!
Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission
Action: "lambda:InvokeFunction"
Principal: ""
SourceArn: "arn:aws:execute-api:${aws:region}:${aws:accountId}:*/*/*/*"
Hope this helps another lost soul and I smashed my head up against this for a good long while!

Enable CloudWatch logs in API GatewayV2 Stage with cloud formation

There is a similar question but it does not use AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage, and I need the AutoDeploy that only the V2 seems to provide.
How do I enable CloudWatch logs and log full message data (as per the image) using CloudFormation in an AWS API Gateway?
I can't find anything at the documentation for the Stage
I am using an autodeployed stage. I am able to create the log groups, the IAM role to write logs in CloudWatch, but I can't enable the logging itself.
Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api
Name: foo-ws-gateway
Description: Api Gateway for Websockets
ProtocolType: WEBSOCKET
RouteSelectionExpression: $request.body.action
DisableExecuteApiEndpoint: true # I use custom domain
# routes and integrations ommitted.
Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage
- wsConnectRoute
- wsSendRoute
- wsDisconnectRoute
StageName: production
Description: Autodeploy in production
AutoDeploy: true
ApiId: !Ref wsApiGateway
DestinationArn: !GetAtt wsApiGatewayLogGroup.Arn
Format: '{"requestTime":"$context.requestTime","requestId":"$context.requestId","httpMethod":"$context.httpMethod","path":"$context.path","routeKey":"$context.routeKey","status":$context.status,"responseLatency":$context.responseLatency, "responseLength":$context.responseLength, "integrationError":$context.integration.error}'
I also had to go to ApiGateway previous version to define the Account so that I could specify the IAM role ARN that has write access to CloudWatch logs in the account (The section on Settings at,the console's API Gateway). It doesn't seem to have a AWS::ApiGateway2::Account.
Type: "AWS::ApiGateway::Account"
CloudWatchRoleArn: !GetAtt apiGatewayWatchLogsRole.Arn
How do I enable CloudWatch logs and log full message data (as per the image) using CloudFormation in an AWS API Gateway?
You can't. Execution logs are not supported by HTTP API (i.e. ApiGatewayV2) as explained by AWS here:
HTTP APIs currently support access logging only, and logging setup is different for these APIs. For more information, see Configuring logging for an HTTP API.

Public path for API Gateway configured to use Cognito Authorizer

I have a Lambda being exposed to the world through API Gateway. The default authorizer is configured as a Cognito user pool and everything works fine.
I need to be able to expose just one of the endpoints without requiring the client to provide an authorization.
I'm using AWS SAM for defining the API and I couldn't find a way to specify an exception for the default authorizer.
How could this be done?
As it turns out it is in fact possible to disable the authorizer for one of the endpoints.
Simply set:
Authorizer: NONE
More information here:

What is the best way to restrict access to an Application Load Balancer?

Ideally, I'd like to lock down my ALB so that it can only be accessed by API Gateway.
I've looked into whether I can associate API gateway with an Inbound Rule - however, I have found that API Gateway cannot be associated with an IP address, or a security group. I've also looked into an Internal facing ALB, but I've been unable to get these working as VPC link only supports NLB.
Any help will be greatly appreciated - I've been looking in the Gateway Settings but cannot find this option.
What is the best way to approach this so that the ALB is as restricted as possible?
Use WAF to verify the custom HTTP Header value set at API GW
Inject a custom HTTP header at the Integration Request of a API GW HTTP Integration method. Use the static value as explained in Amazon API Gateway API request and response data mapping reference.
'STATIC_VALUE'. The STATIC_VALUE is a string literal and must be enclosed within a pair of single quotes.
As in the case with AWS documentations, it is confusing if we should use the "integration.request.header." format. If setting up in the AWS console, no need to type "integration.request.header." Just type the header name only. Make sure the header value is single quoted
However, when using a tool like CDK or CFN, then we need to use the "integration.request.header." part.
cdk_api_method: aws_apigateway.Method = cdk_api_resource.add_method(
"integration.request.header.{}".format(HTTP_HEADER_X_VALIDATION_CLIENT_NAME): "'{}'".format(HTTP_HEADER_X_VALIDATION_CLIENT_VALUE)
Setup up WAF to verify the HTTP header value and associate the ALB to WAF ACL.
The API Gateway doesn't have a static IP and ALBs don't offer any authentication other than Cognito User Pools at this moment. Because of that I would say your best option is to use a VPC link with Network Load Balancer as you propose and tunnel the request via the NLB to your ALB.
Alternatively you could have a Lambda inside your VPC invoke the ALB but that would be a lot slower, but cheaper for low volumes because you skip the NLB.
Depending on the use case, one possibility is secure your backend instead of the ALB using client SSL certificates.
Generate and Configure an SSL Certificate for Backend Authentication