$^S Doesn't Catch Eval Deaths in Perl - perl

I override dying in Perl for the FastCGI implementation of my code and include a test for $^S in the override:
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
return if $^S;
say STDERR 'Contents of $^S:' . $^S;
&SAFARI::Core::safariErrorLogWriter('Dying from error.'); };
sub safariErrorLogWriter {
my $message = shift;
return if $^S;
my ($file,$line,$id) = id(2);
return if ($file =~ /^\(eval/);
my $datestring = localtime();
my $ipAddress = ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} // 'Local') . ': ';
$message = $ipAddress . $datestring . ': ' . $message . '; At file: ' . $file . '; line: ' . $line . '; id: ' . $id . "\n";
state $moduleFileHomeDir = require File::HomeDir;
my $filePath = File::HomeDir->my_home . "/safari_error_log";
open(my $DATA,">>$filePath") || CORE::die "Couldn't open file file.txt, $!";
print $DATA $message;
print STDERR $message;
The result in each case shows $^S as empty, as would be expected since the routine returns upon $^S being true.:
The result:
Local: Sat Jul 31 12:00:57 2021: Dying from error.; At file: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/CryptX.pm; line: 14; id:
However, during the normal course of loading modules return if ($file =~ /^\(eval/); is evaluated as true several times, seemingly indicating $^S is not giving the proper result. Several evals slip by both that test and $^S, for example, the one shown above when loading CryptX.pm, which is performing this eval on line 14:
eval { require Cpanel::JSON::XS }
Is there anything that would cause $^S to be inaccurate? Is there a better way to avoid getting evals in the mix here?
I tried to create a minimally reproducible example, but it doesn't seem to exhibit the same behavior, so there must be something else that is messing something up in the much larger code base. I guess that changes my question to: "What could alter the behavior such that $^S doesn't work as expected?
This works as expected:
package Core;
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { say STDERR "The result: " . $^S; return if $^S; &Core::safariErrorLogWriter('Dying from error.'); };
sub safariErrorLogWriter {
my $message = shift;
return if $^S;
my ($file,$line,$id) = id(2);
state $evalRegEx = qr#^\(eval#;
return if ($file =~ /$evalRegEx/);
my $datestring = localtime();
my $ipAddress = ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} // 'Local') . ': ';
$message = $ipAddress . $datestring . ': ' . $message . '; At file: ' . $file . '; line: ' . $line . '; id: ' . $id . "\n";
state $moduleFileHomeDir = require File::HomeDir;
my $filePath = File::HomeDir->my_home . "/safari_error_log";
open(my $DATA,">>$filePath") || CORE::die "Couldn't open file file.txt, $!";
print $DATA $message;
print STDERR $message;
sub _makeIpKeyCryptObject {
my $ipAddress = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
$ipAddress =~ s/\.//g;
# Make a 16 byte key out of the IP address info.
my $key = substr(sprintf("%016d", $ipAddress), 0, 16);
state $moduleCryptModeCBCEasy = require Crypt::Mode::CBC::Easy;
return Crypt::Mode::CBC::Easy->new(key => $key);
sub encodedSessionArray {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
$params->{'sessionId'} = 0 unless $params->{'sessionId'};
$params->{'uid'} = '0' unless $params->{'uid'};
my $crypt = $self->_makeIpKeyCryptObject;
my $encrypted = $crypt->encrypt(($params->{'sessionId'}, $params->{'uid'},time()));
$encrypted =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
return $encrypted;

For reference, the $^S variable shows
Current state of the interpreter.
$^S State
--------- -------------------------------------
undef Parsing module, eval, or main program
true (1) Executing an eval
false (0) Otherwise
The error message shown in the question, apparently triggered when CryptX.pm died inside of an eval statement, is printed from a sub called from the __DIE__ handler. In my tests $^S is 1 in a situation like that, but my tests aren't what is happening there.
When in your code does this happen -- when loading CryptX? What other code gets involved? Does your handler get that die or something re-thrown along the way (not from an eval)? The CryptX loads C code first. Basics:
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
say "in __DIE__ handler, \$^S = $^S. call a sub";
sub handler {
print "in handler(), got: #_";
say "\$^S = $^S"
eval { require NoMod }; # note: in this namespace, not in another package
say "done";
This prints (my #INC suppressed)
in __DIE__ handler, $^S = 1. call a sub
in handler(), got: Can't locate NoMod.pm in #INC (#INC contains:...) at... line 15.
$^S = 1
But if a die is thrown from an eval in another package then my handler isn't triggered.† That appears to be the case in your code -- but then how does that error handling get triggered? This is an additional big complication with what is shown.
Altogether I wouldn't conclude that $^S is wrong but rather that we don't know what is going on, much as stated in the second part of the question.
The question also says
...during the normal course of loading modules return if ($file =~ /^\(eval/); is evaluated as true several times,...
(the quoted return... statement is in a sub shown to be called out of a __DIE__ handler)
It is mentioned in comments that the sub id, which return is assigned to $file, comes from CGI::Carp and is much like caller. Then $file is a (misnamed) name of a sub that's been called? Then in case of a match that would presumably be an eval -- but we don't know how closely that id mimics caller. Then, id(2) is presumably the frame level in the callstack? Are we still in eval execution? This all matters but is unclear. (And why 2?)
But above all note what the docs say by the end of %SIG in perlvar
Having to even think about the $^S variable in your exception handlers is simply wrong. $SIG{__DIE__} as currently implemented invites grievous and difficult to track down errors. Avoid it and use an END{} or CORE::GLOBAL::die override instead.
I'd recommend to heed that advice. Here is an article from Effective Perler on it
A few more notes
Pass #_ from __DIE__ handler to the next sub so to see the error
That & in front of SAFARI::Core::safariErrorLogWriter seems unneeded for that sub. It doesn't affect this discussion but I don't see that you need it there
The ( caller(LEVEL) )[7] says whether this comes from require. Could be useful here
† Unless it's defined in a BEGIN block, along with subs it uses. But then this is a bad idea since then all code after that point gets affected, libraries included


Saving a reference to a localized filehandle. How does it work?

This question is based on the observed behavior of patch running with a certain version of perl. When running a command like:
$ patch -N -p0 -u -b .bak < my.patch
I occasionally got output like:
print() on unopened filehandle NULL at patch line 715, <IN> line 12330.
When looking into the code, I see that the NULL filehandle is localized and saved in the object hash:
sub new {
# ....
local *NULL;
tie *NULL, 'Dev::Null';
$self->{o_fh} = \*NULL; # output filehandle
# ....
Since this behavior (the output of the message print() on unopened filehandle NULL) only occured for certain versions of perl and (maybe certain version of the patch program) I wondered if this is a bug? To me it looks like one should not localize NULL since we are saving a reference to it and the value of reference (*NULL) will be restored to its previous value when returning from new().
Here is a minimal example:
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $p = Patch->new();
package Patch;
sub new {
my ( $class ) = #_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
local *NULL;
tie *NULL, 'Dev::Null';
$self->{null} = \*NULL;
local *OUT;
my $out = 'out.txt';
open OUT, ">$out" or die "Couldn't open '$out': $!\n";
$self->{out} = \*OUT;
return $self;
sub apply {
my ( $self ) = #_;
my $null = $self->{null};
say $null "This should be discarded..";
my $out = $self->{out};
say $out "This is output to the file..";
package Dev::Null;
sub TIEHANDLE { bless \my $null }
sub PRINT {}
sub PRINTF {}
sub WRITE {}
sub READLINE {''}
sub READ {''}
sub GETC {''}
The output when I run this is:
say() on unopened filehandle NULL at ./p.pl line 34.
say() on unopened filehandle OUT at ./p.pl line 36.
It's a bug in patch.
$self->{...} = \*NULL;
should be
$self->{...} = *NULL;
Let's look at these four snippets:
my $r; $s = "abc"; $r = \$s; say $$r;
my $r; { local $s; $s = "abc"; $r = \$s; } say $$r;
my $r; *F = \*STDOUT; $r = \*F; say $r "abc";
my $r; { local *F; *F = \*STDOUT; $r = \*F; } say $r "abc";
Given that the first three work, we would expect the fourth to work too, but it doesn't.
We can't really talk in terms of variables and values in Perl. Perl's model is far more complex than C's where a variable is just a name that represents a location. Globs are even more complex because they're both a variable type (*FOO) something that can be found in a scalar ($foo = *FOO;). The above difference is related to this.
The following does work while still properly localizing *F:
my $r; { local *F; *F = \*STDOUT; $r = *F; } say $r "abc";
patch already uses this approach for *OUT, but it needs to use it for *NULL too. It probably went unnoticed because *NULL is used as a sink, and using an undefined handle also acts as a sink (if you disregard the warning and the error returned by print).

How can I force exiting a perl subroutine/closure via last/next to fail the program automatically?

Given the following fully functional perl script and module:
use strict; # make sure $PWD is in your PERL5LIB
# no warnings!
use tx_exec qw(tx_exec);
tx_exec ("normal", sub { return "foobar"; });
tx_exec ("die", sub { die "barbaz\n"; });
tx_exec ("last", sub { last; });
tx_exec ("next", sub { next; });
package tx_exec;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT_OK = qw(tx_exec);
my $MAX_TRIES = 3;
sub tx_exec {
my ($desc, $sub, $args) = #_;
print "\ntx_exec($desc):\n";
my $try = 0;
while (1) {
my $sub_ret;
my $ok = eval {
# start transaction
$sub_ret = $sub->($args);
# commit transaction
unless ($ok) {
print "failed with error: $#";
# rollback transaction
if ($try >= $MAX_TRIES) {
print "failed after $try tries\n";
return (undef, undef);
print "try #$try failed, retrying...\n";
# some cleanup
print "returning (1, ".($sub_ret//'<undef>').")\n";
return (1, $sub_ret);
I get the following output:
$ ./tx_exec.pl
returning (1, foobar)
failed with error: barbaz
try #1 failed, retrying...
failed with error: barbaz
try #2 failed, retrying...
failed with error: barbaz
failed after 3 tries
# infinite loop
I understand what is happening, and I'm getting a warning about it if I turn on warnings in the script defining the closures. However, can I force the program to fail/die automatically/idiomatically, when next/last would exit a closure-subroutine like here, under the following strict circumstances:
The $sub being passed is a closure and not a simple function (a simple function dies on bare next/last anyway, which is trivial to handle)
The library code (tx_exec) and the client code (invoking it) are in separate compilation units and the client does not use warnings.
Using perl 5.16.2 (without possibility of upgrading).
Here is a github gist documenting all the approaches so far:
use warnings FATAL => qw(exiting) doesn't make a difference in library code
local $SIG handler doesn't work if the call site doesn't have FATAL => qw(exiting) warning enabled
manual detection works, but is somewhat cumbersome and all over the place (nonlocalized)
ysth's approach with a bare block works best, as it catches the last/next, fully localizing manual detection and guaranteeing that nothing can go wrong (except next/last with labels, which is easier to avoid).
Short Using next/last in the sub (that caller passes as coderef) triggers an exception, if not within a "loop block." This affords an easy handling of such use, with a small change of tx_exec().
The wrong use of last/next raised in the question is a little nuanced. First, from last
last cannot be used to exit a block that returns a value such as eval {}, sub {}, or do {}, and should not be used to exit a grep or map operation.
and for doing this in a sub or eval we get a warning
Exiting subroutine via last at ...
(and for "eval"), and similarly for next. These are classified as W in perldiag and can be controlled by using/not the warnings pragma.† This fact foils attempts to make such use fatal by FATAL => 'exiting' warning or by $SIG{__WARN__} hook.
However, if such use of next or last (in a sub or eval) has no "loop block" in any enclosing scope (or call stack) then it also raises an exception.‡ The message is
Can't "last" outside a loop block...
and similarly for next. It is found in perldiag (search for outside a loop), classified as F.
Then one solution for the posed problem is to run the coderef passed by caller outside of loop blocks, and we get the interpreter to check for and alert us to (raise exception) the offending use. As the while (1) loop is there only to be able to try multiple times this can be implemented.
The coderef can be run and tested against this exception in a utility routine
sub run_coderef {
my ($sub, #args) = #_;
my $sub_ret;
my $ok = eval { $sub_ret = $sub->(#args); 1 };
if (not $ok) {
if ($# =~ /^Can't "(?:next|last)"/) { #'
die $#; # disallow such use
else { return } # other error, perhaps retry
else { return $sub_ret }
which can be used like
sub tx_exec {
my ($sub, #args) = #_;
my $sub_ret = run_coderef($sub, #args);
my $run_again = (defined $sub_ret) ? 0 : 1;
if ($run_again) {
my $MAX_TRIES = 3;
my $try = 0;
while (1) {
$sub_ret = run_coderef($sub, #args);
if ( not defined $sub_ret ) { # "other error", run again
if ($try >= $MAX_TRIES) {
print "failed after $try tries\n";
return (undef, undef);
print "try #$try failed, retrying...\n";
This approach makes perfect sense design wise: it allows an exception to be raised for the disallowed use, and it localizes the handling in its own sub.
The disallowed behavior is checked for really only on the first run, since after that run_coderef is called out of a loop, in which case (this) exception isn't thrown. This is fine since the repeated runs (for "allowed" failures) are executed with that same sub so it is enough to check the first use.
On the other hand, it also means that we can
run eval { $sub_ret = $sub->(#args) ... } directly in the while (1), since we have checked for bad use of last/next on the first run
Can add further cases to check for in run_coderef, making it a more rounded checker/enforcer. The first example is the Exiting warnings, which we can make fatal and check for them as well. This will be useful if warnings in the caller are enabled
This approach can be foiled but the caller would have to go out of their way toward that end.
Tested with v5.16.3 and v5.26.2.
† Btw, you can't fight a caller's decision to turn off warnings. Let them be. It's their code.
‡ This can be checked with
perl -wE'sub tt { last }; do { tt() }; say "done"'
where we get
Exiting subroutine via last at -e line 1.
Can't "last" outside a loop block at -e line
while if there is a "loopy" block
perl -wE'sub tt { last }; { do { tt() } }; say "done"'
we get to see the end of the program, no exception
Exiting subroutine via last at -e line 1.
The extra block { ... } "semantically identical to a loop that executes once" (next).
This can be checked for eval by printing its message in $#.
The original post, based on the expectation that only warnings are emitted
The warnings pragma is lexical, so adding per ysth comment
use warnings FATAL => 'exiting';
in the sub itself (or in eval to scope it more tightly) should work under the restrictions
sub tx_exec {
use warnings FATAL => "exiting";
my ($sub, $args) = #_;
since the warning fires inside the tx_exec scope. In my test the call to this with a coderef not doing last/next first runs fine, and it dies only for a later call with them.
Or, can implement it using $SIG{__WARN__} "signal" (hook)
sub tx_exec {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
die #_ if $_[0] =~ /^Exiting subroutine via (?:last|next)/;
warn #_
my ($sub, $args) = #_;
This is the manual approach I was mentioning in the question. So far this was the only approach that helped me cleanly handle misbehaving client code, without any assumptions or expectations.
I'd prefer, and will gladly consider, a more idiomatic approach, like the local $SIG or use warnings FATAL => 'exiting', if they work without any expectation from client code (specifically that it has warnings enabled in any form).
use strict;
# no warnings!
use tx_exec qw(tx_exec);
tx_exec ("normal", sub { return "foobar"; });
tx_exec ("die", sub { die "barbaz\n"; });
tx_exec ("last", sub { last; });
tx_exec ("next", sub { next; });
package tx_exec;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT_OK = qw(tx_exec);
my $MAX_TRIES = 3;
sub tx_exec {
my ($desc, $sub, $args) = #_;
print "\ntx_exec($desc):\n";
my $try = 0;
my $running = 0;
while (1) {
my $sub_ret;
my $ok = eval {
# start transaction
die "Usage of `next` disallowed in closure passed to tx_exec\n" if $running;
$running = 1;
$sub_ret = $sub->($args);
print "sub returned properly\n";
# commit transaction
$running = 0;
unless ($ok) {
if ($# =~ /^Usage of `next`/) {
print $#;
return (undef, undef); # don't retry
print "failed with error: $#";
# rollback transaction
if ($try >= $MAX_TRIES) {
print "failed after $try tries\n";
return (undef, undef);
print "try #$try failed, retrying...\n";
# some cleanup
print "returning (1, ".($sub_ret//'<undef>').")\n";
return (1, $sub_ret);
print "Usage of `last` disallowed in closure passed to tx_exec\n";
return (undef, undef);
sub returned properly
returning (1, foobar)
failed with error: barbaz
try #1 failed, retrying...
failed with error: barbaz
try #2 failed, retrying...
failed with error: barbaz
failed after 3 tries
Usage of `last` disallowed in closure passed to tx_exec
Usage of `next` disallowed in closure passed to tx_exec
For lack of #ysth's involvement in writing an answer, I'm writing the best solution I found so far, inspired by his first attempt from the comments to the question. (I will re-accept ysth's answer if he posts it later).
The eval calling the coderef needs to look like this:
my $ok = eval {
# start transaction
my $proper_return = 0;
$sub_ret = $sub->($args);
$proper_return = 1;
die "Usage of `next` or `last` disallowed in coderef passed to tx_exec\n" unless $proper_return;
# commit transaction
The bare block is acting as a loop which will immediately exit on either next or last, so whether we land after the bare block, or within it, from calling the coderef, we can deduce whether the coderef executed next/last and act appropriately.
More on bare block semantics and their interaction with next/last can be found here.
It is left as an exercise for the reader to handle the rarely seen redo in the code above.

How can I get the line number and file name of a coderef?

Say I've got some bit of library code, not entirely unlike this:
sub try_hard {
my $sub = shift;
my $tries = 3;
my #failures;
while($tries--) {
eval {
my $success = $sub->(#_) or die "sub returned false value";
} or do {
push #failures, $#;
die "try_hard: failed 3 times: $failures[-1]"
This might fail like this:
try_hard: failed 3 times: sub returned false value at BadUtils.pm line 7
...which is not useful if you're calling try_hard in a number of places and you don't know which call was the one that soft-failed.
If I could get the source of $sub, I could change that die to:
my $success = $sub->(#_) or die "sub returned false value at $file line $lineno
and the library would be slightly DWIMmer. Is it possible to achieve this?
Use croak instead of die. You can force a backtrace by starting your script using
perl -MCarp::Always script
PERL5OPT=-MCarp::Always script
my ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine) = caller(1);
my $success = $sub->(#_) or die "sub returned false value at ".
"$filename line $line in sub $subroutine in package $package";
Also see: How can I get a call stack listing in Perl?

just can't get perl working as expected ( conditionals and variable declaring )

I will try a better explication this time, this is the exact code from my script (sorry for all them coments, they are a result of your sugestions, and apear in the video below).
#use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper;
open(my $tmp_file, ">>", "/tmp/some_bad.log") or die "Can not open log file: $!\n";
#if( $id_client != "")
#allowed_locations = ();
#print $tmp_file "Before the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#allowed_locations, $id_client]) . "";
if( $id_client )
# print $tmp_file "Start the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#allowed_locations, $id_client]) . "";
# my $q = "select distinct id_location from locations inner join address using (id_db5_address) inner join zona_rural_detaliat using (id_city) where id_client=$id_client";
# my $st = &sql_special_transaction($sql_local_host, $sql_local_database, $sql_local_root, $sql_local_root_password, $q);
# print $tmp_file "Before the while loop: ref(st)='". ref($st) . "\n";
# while((my $id)=$st->fetchrow())
# {
# print $tmp_file "Row the while loop: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([$id]) . "";
# my $id = 12121212;
# push(#allowed_locations, $id);
# }
# print $tmp_file "After the while loop: ref(st)='". ref($st) . "\n";
# my($a) = 1;
#} else {
# my($a) = 0;
#print $tmp_file "After the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#allowed_locations, $id_client]) . "";
close($tmp_file) or die "Can not close file: $!\n";
First off all, somebody said that I should try to run it in command line, the script works fine in command line (no warnings, It was uncommented then), but when triyng to load in via apache in the browser it fails, please see this video where I captured the script behavior, what I tried to show in the video:
I have opened 2 tabs the first doesn't define the variable $id_client, the second defines the variable $id_client that is read from GET: ?id_client=36124 => $id_client = 36124; , both of them include the library in the video "locallib.pl"
When running the script with all the
new code commented the page loads
when uncoment the line that defines
the #allowed_locations = (); the
script fails
leave this definition and uncoment
the if block, and the definition of
my $a; in the if block; Now the script works fine when $id_client is
defined, but fails when $id_client
is not defined
Uncoment the else block and the
definition of my $a; in the else
block. Now the script works fine
with or without $id_client
now comment all the my $a;
definisions and comment the else
block, the script fails
but if I'm using open() to open
a file before the IF, and
close() to close it after the if it does't fail even if the IF block
is empty and event if there is no
else block
I have replicated all the steps when running the script in the command line, and the script worked after each step.
I know it sounds like something that cannot be the behavior of the script, but please watch the video (2 minutes), maybe you will notice something that I'm doing wrong there.
Using perl version:
[root#db]# perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.6 built for i386-linux-thread-mult
Somebody asked if I don't have a test server, answer: NO, my company has a production server that has multiple purposes, not only the web interface, and I cannot risk to update the kernel or the perl version, and cannot risk instaling any debuger, as the company owners say: "If it works, leave it alone", and for them the solution with my ($a); is perfect beacause it works, I'm asking here just for me, to learn more about perl, and to understand what is going wrong and what can I do better next time.
Thank you.
P.S. hope this new approach will restore some of my -1 :)
I had success starting the error logging, and found this in the error log after each step that resulted in a failure I got this messages:
[Thu Jul 15 14:29:19 2010] [error] locallib.pl did not return a true value at /var/www/html/rdsdb4/cgi-bin/clients/quicksearch.cgi line 2.
[Thu Jul 15 14:29:19 2010] [error] Premature end of script headers: quicksearch.cgi
What I found is that this code is at the end of the main code in the locallib.pl after this there are sub definitions, and locallib.pl is a library not a program file, so it's last statement must returns true. , a simple 1; statement at the end of the library ensures that (I put it after sub definitions to ensure that noobody writes code in the main after the 1;) and the problem was fixed.
Don't know why in CLI it had no problem ...
Maybe I will get a lot of down votes now ( be gentle :) ) , but what can I do ...and I hope that some newbies will read this and learn something from my mistake.
Thank you all for your help.
You need to explicitly check for definedness.
If you want to enter the loop when $client is defined,
use if ( defined $client ).
If you want to enter the loop when $client is defined and a valid integer,
use if ( defined $client && $client =~ /^-?\d+$/ ).
I assume it's an integer from the context, if it can be a float, the regex needs to be enhanced - there's a standard Perl library containing pre-canned regexes, including ones to match floats. If you require a non-negative int, drop -? from regex's start.
If you want to enter the loop when $client is defined and a non-zero (and assuming it shouldn't ever be an empty string),
use if ( $client ).
If you want to enter the loop when $client is defined and a valid non-zero int,
use if ( $client && $client =~ /^-?\d+$/ ).
Your #ids is "undef" when if condition is false, which may break the code later on if it relies on #ids being an array. Since you didn't actually specify how the script breaks without an else, this is the most likely cause.
Please see if this version works (use whichever "if" condition from above you need, I picked the last one as it appears to match the closest witrh the original code's intent - only enter for non-zero integers):
use Data::Dumper;
open(my $tmp_file, ">", "/tmp/some_bad.log") or die "Can not open log file: $!\n";
#ids = (); # Do this first so #ids is always an array, even for non-client!
print $tmp_file "Before the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#ids, $client]) . "\n";
if ( $client && $client =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) # First expression catches undef and zero
print $tmp_file "Start the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#ids, $client]) . "\n";
my $st = &sql_query("select id from table where client=$client");
print $tmp_file "Before the while loop: ref(st)='". ref($st) . "'\n";
while(my $row = $st->fetchrow())
print $tmp_file "Row the while loop: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([row]) . "'\n";
push(#ids, $row->[0]);
print $tmp_file "After the while loop: ref(st)='". ref($st) . "'\n";
# No need to undef since both variables are lexically in this block only
print $tmp_file "After the if\n";
close($tmp_file) or die "Can not close file: $!\n";
when checking against a string, == and != should be respectively 'eq' or 'ne'
if( $client != "" )
should be
if( $client ne "" )
Otherwise you don't get what you're expecting to get.
Always begin your script with :
use warnings;
use strict;
these will give you usefull informations.
Then you could write :
my #ids;
if (defined $client) {
#ids = (); # not necessary if you run this part only once
my $st = sql_query("select id from table where client=$client");
while( my ($id) = $st->fetchrow ) {
push #ids, $id;
} else {
warn '$client not defined';
if (#ids) { # Your query returned something
# do stuff with #ids
} else {
warn "client '$client' does not exist in database";
Note: this answer was deleted because I consider that this is not a real question. I am undeleting it to save other people repeating this.
Instead of
if( $client != "" )
if ($client)
Also, Perl debugging is easier if you
use warnings;
use strict;
What I found is that this code is at the end of the main code in the locallib.pl after this there are sub definitions, and locallib.pl is a library not a program file, so it's last statement must returns true, a simple 1; statement at the end of the library ensures that (put it after sub definitions to ensure that noobody writes code in the main after the 1;) and the problem was fixed.
The conclusion:
I have learned that every time you write a library or modify one, ensure that it's last statment returns true;
Oh my... Try this as an example instead...
# Move the logic into a subroutine
# Forward definition so perl knows func exists
sub getClientIds($);
# Call subroutine to find id's - defined later.
my #ids_from_database = &getClientIds("Joe Smith");
# If sub returned an empty list () then variable will be false.
# Otherwise, print each ID we found.
if (#ids_from_database) {
foreach my $i (#ids_from_database) {
print "Found ID $i \n";
} else {
print "Found nothing! \n";
# This is the end of the "main" code - now we define the logic.
# Here's the real work
sub getClientIds($) {
my $client = shift #_; # assign first parameter to var $client
my #ids = (); # what we will return
# ensure we weren't called with &getClientIds("") or something...
if (not $client) {
print "I really need you to give me a parameter...\n";
return #ids;
# I'm assuming the query is string based, so probably need to put it
# inside \"quotes\"
my $st = &sql_query("select id from table where client=\"$client\"");
# Did sql_query() fail?
if (not $st) {
print "Oops someone made a problem in the SQL...\n";
return #ids;
my #result;
# Returns a list, so putting it in a list and then pulling the first element
# in two steps instead of one.
while (#result = $st->fetchrow()) {
push #ids, $result[0];
# Always a good idea to clean up once you're done.
return #ids;
To your specific questions:
If you want to test if $client is defined, you want "if ( eval { defined $client; } )", but that's almost certainly NOT what you're looking for! It's far easier to ensure $client has some definition early in the program (e.g. $client = "";). Also note Kaklon's answer about the difference between ne and !=
if (X) { stuff } else { } is not valid perl. You could do: if (X) { stuff } else { 1; } but that's kind of begging the question, because the real issue is the test of the variable, not an else clause.
Sorry, no clue on that - I think the problem's elsewhere.
I also echo Kinopiko in recommending you add "use strict;" at the start of your program. That means that any $variable #that %you use has to be pre-defined as "my $varable; my #that; my %you;" It may seem like more work, but it's less work than trying to deal with undefined versus defined variables in code. It's a good habit to get into.
Note that my variables only live within the squiggliez in which they are defined (there's implicit squiggliez around the whole file:
my $x = 1;
if ($x == 1)
my $x = 2;
print "$x \n"; # prints 2. This is NOT the same $x as was set to 1 above.
print "$x \n"; # prints 1, because the $x in the squiggliez is gone.

Can a Perl subroutine return data but keep processing?

Is there any way to have a subroutine send data back while still processing? For instance (this example used simply to illustrate) - a subroutine reads a file. While it is reading through the file, if some condition is met, then "return" that line and keep processing. I know there are those that will answer - why would you want to do that? and why don't you just ...?, but I really would like to know if this is possible.
A common way to implement this type of functionality is with a callback function:
open my $log, '>', 'logfile' or die $!;
sub log_line {print $log #_}
sub process_file {
my ($filename, $callback) = #_;
open my $file, '<', $filename or die $!;
local $_;
while (<$file>) {
if (/some condition/) {
# whatever other processing you need ....
process_file 'myfile.txt', \&log_line;
or without even naming the callback:
process_file 'myfile.txt', sub {print STDERR #_};
Some languages offer this sort of feature using "generators" or "coroutines", but Perl does not. The generator page linked above has examples in Python, C#, and Ruby (among others).
The Coro module looks like it would be useful for this problem, though I have no idea how it works and no idea whether it does what it advertises.
The easiest way to do this in Perl is probably with an iterator-type solution. For example, here we have a subroutine which forms a closure over a filehandle:
open my $fh, '<', 'some_file.txt' or die $!;
my $iter = sub {
while( my $line = <$fh> ) {
return $line if $line =~ /foo/;
The sub iterates over the lines until it finds one matching the pattern /foo/ and then returns it, or else returns nothing. (undef in scalar context.) Because the filehandle $fh is defined outsite the scope of the sub, it remains resident in memory between calls. Most importantly, its state, including the current seek position in the file, is retained. So each call to the subroutine resumes reading the file where it last left off.
To use the iterator:
while( defined( my $next_line = $iter->() ) ) {
# do something with each line here
If you really want do this you can by using threading. One option would be to fork a separate thread that reads the file and when it finds a certain line, place it in an array that is shared between threads. Then the other thread could take the lines, as they are found, and process them. Here is an example that reads a file, looks for an 'X' in a file's line, and does an action when it is found.
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my #ary : shared;
my $thr = threads->create('file_reader');
my ($value);
if ($#ary > -1){
$value = shift(#ary);
print "Found a line to process: $value\n";
print "no more lines to process...\n";
#process $value
sub file_reader{
#File input
open(INPUT, "<test.txt");
my($line) = $_;
print "reading $line\n";
if ($line =~ /X/){
print "pushing $line\n";
push #ary, $line;
Try this code as the test.txt file:
line 1
line 2X
line 3
line 4X
line 5
line 6
line 7X
line 8
line 9
line 10
line 11
line 12X
If your language supports closures, you may be able to do something like this:
By the way, the function would not keep processing the file, it would run just when you call it, so it may be not what you need.
(This is a javascript like pseudo-code)
function fileReader (filename) {
var file = open(filename);
return function () {
while (s = file.read()) {
if (condition) {
return line;
return null;
a = fileReader("myfile");
line1 = a();
line2 = a();
line3 = a();
What about a recursive sub? Re-opening existing filehandles do not reset the input line number, so it carries on from where it's left off.
Here is an example where the process_file subroutine prints out blank-line-separated "\n\n" paragraphs that contain foo.
sub process_file {
my ($fileHandle) = #_;
my $paragraph;
while ( defined(my $line = <$fileHandle>) and not eof(<$fileHandle>) ) {
$paragraph .= $line;
last unless length($line);
print $paragraph if $paragraph =~ /foo/;
goto &process_file unless eof($fileHandle);
# goto optimizes the tail recursion and prevents a stack overflow
# redo unless eof($fileHandle); would also work
open my $fileHandle, '<', 'file.txt';