How do you specific GKE resource requests for Argo CD? - kubernetes

I am trying to set up Argo CD on Google Kubernetes Engine Autopilot and each pod/container is defaulting to the default resource request (0.5 vCPU and 2 GB RAM per container). This is way more than the pods need and is going to be too expensive (13GB of memory reserved in my cluster just for Argo CD). I am following the Getting Started guide for Argo CD and am running the following command to add Argo CD to my cluster:
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
How do I specify the resources for each pod when I am using someone else's yaml template? The only way I have found to set resource requests is with my own yaml file like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: memory-demo
namespace: mem-example
- name: memory-demo-ctr
image: polinux/stress
memory: "200Mi"
memory: "100Mi"
But I don't understand how to apply this type of configuration to Argo CD.

So right now you are just using kubectl with the manifest from github and you cannot edit it. What you need to do is
1 Download the file with wget
2 Use an editor like nano or vim to edit the file with requests as
explained in my comments above.
3 Then use kubectl apply -f newfile.yaml

You can dump the yaml of argocd, then customize your resource request, and then apply the modified yaml.
$ kubectl get deployment -n argocd -o yaml > argocd_deployment.yaml
$ kubectl get sts -n argocd -o yaml > argocd_statefulset.yaml
$ # modify resource
$ vim argocd_deployment.yaml
$ vim argocd_statefulset.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f argocd_deployment.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f argocd_statefulset.yaml
Or modify deplopyment and statefulset directly by kubectl edit
$ kubectl edit deployment -n argocd
$ kubectl edit sts -n argocd


Edit kubernetes resource using kubectl run --command

I am trying to create a pod run a command edit an exist resource , but its not working
My CR is
kind: TestCR
name: test
namespace: my-namespace
enabled: true
- name: tesst
perecetage: "10"
The command I am trying to run is
kubectl run kube-bitname --image=bitnami/kubectl:latest -n my-namespace --command -- kubectl get testcr test -n my-namespace -o json | jq '.spec.strategies[0].parameters.perecetage="66"' | kubectl apply -f -
But This not work ? any idea ?
It would be better if you post more info about the error o the trace that are you getting executing the command, but I have a question that could be a good insight about what is happening here.
Has the kubectl command that you are running inside the bitnami/kubectl:latest any context that allow it to connect to your cluster?
If you take a look into the kubectl docker hub documentation you can see that you should map a config file to the pod in order to connect to your own cluster.
$ docker run --rm --name kubectl -v /path/to/your/kube/config:/.kube/config bitnami/kubectl:latest

How to know the Kubernetes API all process when use kubectl for crd resources

I want to know that how to use api to curd my crd resources with api. And I can write a sdk to control resources.
Use kubectl just
kubectl get inferenceservices test-sklearn -n kserve-test
kubectl apply -f xx.yaml -n kserve-test
kubectl delete -f xx.yaml -n kserve-test
apiVersion: ""
kind: "InferenceService"
name: "test-sklearn"
storageUri: "http://xxxx"
get call process in process_log
kubectl get inferenceservices test-sklearn -n kserve-test --v=8 > process_log 2>&1
use kubectl proxy to test
kubectl proxy --address --accept-hosts=^.*
TEST to get resource status
GET http://xxx:8001/apis/

How to add label to existed namespace by helm

I have a project to create a mutating webhook in the kube-system namespace, which needs to exclude webhook server deployment namespaces.
But the kube-system namespace has been created. How do I attach the required labels to it using Helm?
Helmfile offers hooks which are pretty neat for that:
- name: istio-ingress
namespace: istio-ingress
chart: istio/gateway
wait: true
- events:
- presync
showlogs: true
command: sh
- -c
- "kubectl create namespace istio-ingress --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -"
- events:
- presync
showlogs: true
command: sh
- -c
- "kubectl label --dry-run=client -o yaml --overwrite namespace istio-ingress istio-injection=enabled | kubectl apply -f -"
Since the kube-system namespace is a core part of Kubernetes (every cluster has it preinstalled and some core components run there) Helm can't manage it.
Some possible things you could do instead:
Make the per-namespace labels opt-in, not opt-out; only apply the webhook in namespaces where the label is present, rather than in every namespace except flagged ones. (Istio's sidecar injector works this way.)
Exclude kube-system as a special case in the code.
Manually run kubectl label namespace outside of Helm.
Make your larger-scale deployment pipeline run the kubectl command (for example, if you have a Jenkins build that installs the webhook, also make it set the label).

Adding --record=true on a deployment file - Kubernetes

I'm new to Kubernetes and I wanted to know if there is there a way I can add '--record=true' inside the deployment yaml file, so I do not have to type it on the command line!
I know it goes like this: kubectl apply -f deployfile.yml --record
I am asking this because we work on a team, and not everyone is using --record=true at the end of the command when deploying files to kubernetes!
Thank you in advance,
As far as I'm aware there is no feature like --record=true flag in kubectl that you can add to Manifest.
The command which was used to start the Deployment is being stored in the annotation. This is being used for Rollout history which is described here.
First, check the revisions of this Deployment:
kubectl rollout history deployment.v1.apps/nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
deployments "nginx-deployment"
1 kubectl apply --filename= --record=true
2 kubectl set image deployment.v1.apps/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.9.1 --record=true
3 kubectl set image deployment.v1.apps/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.91 --record=true
CHANGE-CAUSE is copied from the Deployment annotation to its revisions upon creation. You can specify the CHANGE-CAUSE message by:
Annotating the Deployment with kubectl annotate deployment.v1.apps/nginx-deployment"image updated to 1.9.1"
Append the --record flag to save the kubectl command that is making changes to the resource.
Manually editing the manifest of the resource.
To see the details of each revision, run:
kubectl rollout history deployment.v1.apps/nginx-deployment --revision=2
The output is similar to this:
deployments "nginx-deployment" revision 2
Labels: app=nginx
Annotations: set image deployment.v1.apps/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.9.1 --record=true
Image: nginx:1.9.1
Port: 80/TCP
QoS Tier:
cpu: BestEffort
memory: BestEffort
Environment Variables: <none>
No volumes.
For the command history I would use $ history or check user bash_history
$ tail /home/username/.bash_history
Create an alias in your bashrc or zshrc as below
alias kubectl=kubectl --record and then do kubectl apply -f deployfile.yml
alias kr=kubectl --record and kr apply -f deployfile.yml

Create Daemonset using kubectl?

I took the CKA exam and I needed to work with Daemonsets for quite a while there. Since it is much faster to do everything with kubectl instead of creating yaml manifests for k8s resources, I was wondering if it is possible to create Daemonset resources using kubectl.
I know that it is NOT possible to create it using regular kubectl create daemonset at least for now. And there is no description of it in the documentation. But maybe there is a way to do that in some different way?
The best thing I could do right now is to create Deployment first like kubectl create deployment and edit it's output manifest. Any options here?
The fastest hack is to create a deployment file using
kubectl create deploy nginx --image=nginx --dry-run -o yaml > nginx-ds.yaml
Now replace the line kind: Deployment with kind: DaemonSet in nginx-ds.yaml and remove the line replicas: 1
However, the following command will give a clean daemonset manifest considering that "apps/v1" is the api used for DaemonSet in your cluster
kubectl create deploy nginx --image=nginx --dry-run -o yaml | \
sed '/null\|{}\|replicas/d;/status/,$d;s/Deployment/DaemonSet/g' > nginx-ds.yaml
You have your nginx DaemonSet.
CKA allows access to K8S documentation. So, it should be possible to get a sample YAML for different resources from there. Here is the one for the Daemonset from K8S documentation.
Also, not sure if the certification environment has access to resources in the kube-system namespace. If yes, then use the below command to get a sample yaml for Daemonset.
kubectl get daemonsets kube-flannel-ds-amd64 -o yaml -n=kube-system > daemonset.yaml
It's impossible. At least for Kubernetes 1.12. The only option is to get a sample Daemonset yaml file and go from there.
The fastest way to create
kubectl create deploy nginx --image=nginx --dry-run -o yaml > nginx-ds.yaml
Now replace the line kind: Deployment with kind: DaemonSet in nginx-ds.yaml and remove the line replicas: 1 , strategy {} and status {} as well.
Otherwise it shows error for some required fields like this
error: error validating "nginx-ds.yaml": error validating data: [ValidationError(DaemonSet.spec): unknown field "strategy" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetSpec, ValidationError(DaemonSet.status): missing required field "currentNumberScheduled" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetStatus,ValidationError(DaemonSet.status): missing required field "numberMisscheduled" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetStatus, ValidationError(DaemonSet.status): missing required field "desiredNumberScheduled" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetStatus, ValidationError(DaemonSet.status): missing required field "numberReady" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DaemonSetStatus]; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
There is no such option to create a DaemonSet using kubectl. But still, you can prepare a Yaml file with basic configuration for a DaemonSet, e.g. daemon-set-basic.yaml, and create it using kubectl create -f daemon-set-basic.yaml
You can edit new DaemonSet using kubectl edit daemonset <name-of-the-daemon-set>. Or modify the Yaml file and apply changes by kubectl apply -f daemon-set-basic.yaml. Note, if you want to update configuration modifying file and using apply command, it is better to use apply instead of create when you create the DaemonSet.
Here is the example of a simple DaemonSet:
kind: DaemonSet
name: fluentd-elasticsearch
k8s-app: fluentd-logging
name: fluentd-elasticsearch
name: fluentd-elasticsearch
- name: fluentd-elasticsearch
You could take advantage of Kubernetes architecture to obtain definition of DaemonSet from existing cluster. Have a look at kube-proxy, which is a network component that runs on each node in your cluster.
kube-proxy is deployed as DaemonSet so you can extract its definition with below command.
$ kubectl get ds kube-proxy -n kube-system -o yaml > kube-proxy.ds.yaml
By extracting definition of DaemonSet from kube-proxy be aware that:
You will have to do pliantly of clean up!
You will have to change apiVersion from extensions/v1beta1 to apps/v1
I used this by the following commands:
Either create Replicaset or deployment from Kubernetes imperative command
kubectl create deployment <daemonset_name> --image= --dry-run -o yaml > file.txt
Edit the kind and replace DaemonSet, remove replicas and strategy fields into it.
kubectl apply -f file.txt
During CKA examination you are allowed to access Kubernetes Documentation for DaemonSets. You could use the link and get examples of DaemonSet yaml files. However you could use the way you mentioned, change a deployment specification to DaemonSet specification. You need to change the kind to Daemonset, remove strategy, replicas and status fields. That would do.
Using command to deployment create and modifying it, one can create daemonset very quickly.
Below is one line command to create daemonset
kubectl create deployment elasticsearch --namespace=kube-system --dry-run -o yaml | grep -v "creationTimestamp\|status" | awk '{gsub(/Deployment/, "DaemonSet"); print }'