I have one spring boot ms app that deployed on external tomcat server. To register this ms app created one eureka server and deployed on another tomcat server.Deployment success both the server & I can see the ms app at eureka server but ms app port is not showing at eureka server- details as below -
Eureka Server configuration-
spring.application.name=MyEureka Server
Eureka Client configuration-
eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone =
When both servers are up I am getting ip:MY-REST-SERVICE not getting any port info.
Please suggest and help.
I have a spring-boot client app deployed in a customer network and I want to use SBA as a GUI for its actuator endpoints. I cannot use register-client-applications to register the app, mainly because the client app has no connectivity to SBA (its behind a firewall).
Is there a way how to add a client to SBA manually?
You can add use a static configuration for spring cloud's discovery client. So there is no need that the client reach the sba server. See http://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/current/#spring-cloud-discovery-static-config
Is there any possible way to find all instances of eureka server from a eureka client ?
Yes. You can register Eureka server itself in the registry.
i.e. In eureka-server
Now Eureka server instance details will be available when you query the Eureka server from other clients.
I use Eureka and Spring Cloud;
Start 2 Eureka Clients;
When closing a Eureka Clients, the Eureka client unregister from Eureka server need a little time (3-5 minutes);
the RestTemplate with #LoadBalanced will continue call the closing service, how fixed it?
I believe a Eureka client app doesn't go through the Eureka server to get metadata about another Eureka client app for every request. This means a Eureka client app keeps a cache of the registry, if another Eureka client app deregisters, its metadata might still be caches in the previous client until it syncs with the Eureka server.
This behavior might be configurable through one or a combination these settings:
I already started a stand alone eureka service and a #EnableDiscoveryClient annotated spring boot admin server. And the admin server was already registered in the eureka successfully. Now question is how to register a spring boot application to the admin server through eureka?
PS: without eureka, we need to add config: spring.boot.admin.url=http://localhost:8080 in the admin client to register the client to the admin server.
If your client apps are regular eureka apps they should show up in the admin server.
There is also a short section on this in the docs: http://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/1.4.3/#discover-clients-via-spring-cloud-discovery
I have some applications deployed in JBoss Application Server 4.
I need to know how to get a list of deployed web services in that application server ?
Is there any informations in the jmx-console?
You should see all deployed web services at: http://localhost:8080/jbossws/services. Update IP and port information in that address accordingly.