Deploy from Github to multiple clouds? - github

Greetings from Brazil!
I have an app in github which I am deploying to a cloud service. I want to deploy this same app to other services such as Heroku, AWS and/or IBM Cloud, using Github diff changes (i.e. when I update the repo it automatically updates the cloud app - like magic). Currently GitHub diff changes works fine with streamlit share and heroku, but I have separate repos.
My questions is that: can I deploy an app to multiples services from just one repository in GitHub?
Irrelevant for the question: currently the app is Python3 and I share the app in streamlit share and Heroku, using separate repos. My question, however, is app agnostic.

You can use GitHub Actions to define your deployment workflows.
You can deploy to various cloud providers using available actions/operators:
Amazon ECS
Your project can define a workflow for each cloud provider and, within each workflow, decide when the deployment occurs (automatically on every push, only selected branches or manually - pushing a button).


Programmatically Connecting a GitHub repo to a Google Cloud Project

I'm working on a Terraform project that will set up all the GCP resources needed for a large project spanning multiple GitHub repos. My goal is to be able to recreate the cloud infrastructure from scratch completely with Terraform.
The issue I'm running into is in order to setup build triggers with Terraform within GCP, the GitHub repo that is setting off the trigger first needs to be connected. Currently, I've only been able to do that manually via the Google Cloud Build dashboard. I'm not sure if this is possible via Terraform or with a script but I'm looking for any solution I can automate this with. Once the projects are connected updating everything with Terraform is working fine.
TLDR; How can I programmatically connect a GitHub project with a GCP project instead of using the dashboard?
Currently there is no way to programmatically connect a GitHub repo to a Google Cloud Project. This must be done manually via Google Cloud.
My workaround is to manually connect an "admin" project, build containers and save them to that project's artifact registry, and then deploy the containers from the registry in the programmatically generated project.

Automate mirroring GitHub to GCP Source Repository?

We run Google Cloud Functions (python), which require to be deployed from Google Cloud Source Repository. Since all the code is stored on GitHub we resort to first mirroring GitHub into Source Repository. Although this only requires a few mouse clicks, it becomes a burden to repeat over 3+ projects (dev, staging, production) times 5+ repos (5+ apps).
I am looking to automate the mirroring config, preferably to add into the Terraform automation we already use, into a hands-off project configuration. Does the Google API support this mirroring automation? So far on my Google Cloud expedition everything was available in their API!
I fail to find Terraform examples though, and would appreciate a tip.
Come to think of it, if I can take Source Repository out of the equation, that would be just fine with me too. After all, I only use it as a pass-through / empty shell.
The Cloud Source Repository API includes a Repo resource that has a Mirror Config object where you could type in your Github's URL, webhook and credentials to automate this procedure. I would initially test it with the create method, but if you have an existing Cloud Source Repository I believe the patch method will also be worth exploring.
Additionally, there is an open Feature Request in order to connect a repository via the Cloud Build GitHub App that I recommend you to star and follow, as it could further ease your automation needs.

GitHub Pages Automation

I'm using GitHub Pages feature to host documentation. I'm working on a CI/CD process to automate the build so that when the source for the documentation is updated it automatically rebuilds the content and deploys to GitHub Pages.
So far, using AWS CodeBuild, I've implemented the following:
Pulls down source from GitHub Repo
Uses MkDocs to build and deploy to the special gh-pages branch using the "mkdocs gh-deploy" command.
This is done with command lines in the CodeBuild Buildspec. The reason I'm using commands is that I want to use GitHub Deploy Keys opposed to creating user account (used as a machine account) that my team would need to manage.
I have it all working except what triggers the build. If the process was using a user account to authenticate then I can use AWS CodePipeline which creates a Webhook within the GitHub repo, and then notifications are sent via the Webhook to say that the master branch was updated, which would trigger a new build.
I'd like to implement a similar process but using the GitHub repo's Deploy Key. Any suggestions?

GitHub Google Cloud Build - Multiple Repositories

I'm interested in trying the Google Cloud Build continuous integration application on GitHub.
My application currently has 2 repositories I would like to deploy in a single Docker image. One of them is NodeJS API server, the other is a browser-based (no server side rendering) ReactJS application.
The idea would be to have the NodeJS repo serve requests under /api/... and any for any other URIs, it would serve up the React app.
My question, is it possible to have the Google Cloud Build grab another repo as well, as long as it's on GitHub? Ideally, a commit to either repo (in the right branch) would trigger the same underlying build. Just curios if this is possible.
One approach would be for GitHub Google Cloud to grab a third repository, which would be a "parent" repo referencing the right SHA1/branch of your two other repositories as submodules.
You can see an example of such a build in "Static Website with Hugo, Cloudflare and Automated Builds using Google Cloud".
That would allow you to still work with "one" repository, even though that would check out two others in their own subfolders.

Cloud Build Trigger Settings have stale, out-of-date GitHub branch data

We installed the Google Cloud Build GitHub app. We then created some Build Triggers with the Google Cloud Build web user interface. This worked for a while.
Recently we pushed new branches to our GitHub repositories and tried to create Google Cloud Build Triggers for those branches. The Trigger Settings page says "No branch matches" even though we are 100% sure that the branch exists on GitHub.
How can we refresh the branch listings in the Google Cloud Build Trigger Settings page?
We have tried logging in/out of Google Cloud Build and GitHub. We have also tried uninstalling and re-installing the Google Cloud Build GitHub app. We have also tried simply waiting for a few hours.
The problem was that, while configuring Cloud Build with GitHub, we had pushed too many buttons.
This is an overview of what we needed to reset.
In GitHub
Go to the affected repository.
Open its settings.
Delete the Webhook associated with
Delete the Deploy key associated with Google Connected Repository Fingerprint.
In Google Cloud Console (
Open Source Repositories
Disconnect the mirror of the affected repository.
Open Cloud Build
Delete and recreate the Build Trigger(s) for the affected repository.
Aside re: the Google Cloud Build GitHub App
Setting up specific triggers in Google Cloud Build is orthogonal to using the Google Cloud Build GitHub app. The former does not require the latter. They are different ways to do similar things.
If you had installed the Google Cloud Build GitHub App in your GitHub account because you thought it was required for Google Cloud Build Triggers, then uninstall the Google Cloud Build GitHub App. It works differently than setting up specific Google Cloud Build triggers does, and I found it quite confusing to have both running.