AZP: Is there a best practice to be able to "namespace" script tasks in yaml templates for usage of variables? - azure-devops

In Azure Pipelines: my main problem is, if I create a yml template and have some logic inside that template in a script task where I want to set a variable, i need the
name: "pseudonamespace" to reference that variable further down in that template via
An example, where the script part does nothing overtly useful, but should demonstrate my problem:
- name: isWindowsOnTarget
type: boolean
default: true
- script: |
if [ "${{lower(parameters.isWindowsOnTarget)}}" == "true" ]; then
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=myCoolVariable;isOutput=true]$delimiter"
name: MyFakeNameSpace
- task: SomeTask#0
myInput: $(MyFakeNameSpace.myCoolVariable)
This codeblock works; but only, if, in a job, I only instanciate it once:
- template: mytemplate.yml#templates
isWindowsOnTarget: true
If I would need that template twice, differently parameterized, I get the error that the name of the script block needs to be unique.
Is there any useful possibility I'm not currently thinking about other than to have an extra parameter for the template that I could basically just call "UniqueNamespace"?

There is no much space to move. Your task needs a unique name as later as you mention for output parameters it works like a namespace. So the best and the only way you have is to provide another parameter which would be task name.
- name: isWindowsOnTarget
type: boolean
default: true
- name: taskName
type: string
- script: |
if [ "${{lower(parameters.isWindowsOnTarget)}}" == "true" ]; then
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=myCoolVariable;isOutput=true]$delimiter"
name: ${{ parameters.taskName }}
- task: SomeTask#0
myInput: $(MyFakeNameSpace.myCoolVariable)
and then:
- template: mytemplate.yml#templates
isWindowsOnTarget: true
taskName: MyFakeNameSpace
- template: mytemplate.yml#templates
isWindowsOnTarget: true
taskName: MyFakeNameSpace2
In fact when you do not provide a name Azure DevOps assign a unique name. However, in this way you don't know the name till runtime.


Deploy only certain resources into Azure using DevOps Pipeline

I have a main.bicep template with multiple resources that I deploy to Azure via my DevOps pipeline. My template is currently configured to either deploy all modules to Azure or none. However, I would like to customize this in my pipeline so that only certain resources show up in my resource group so that it acts like a selection catalog.
However, I need advice and help on how to solve the problem as I can’t find the right approach. Attached you can see a snippet from my bicep template below.
– main.bicep–
param deployAppInsights bool = true param deployNetworkWatcher bool = true param deploySentinel bool = true
Example for a module
// Deploy App Insights resource
module appInsights 'AzureMonitor/AppInsights/appInsights-temp.bicep' = if(deployAppInsights) { name: 'appInsightsDeployment' params: { appName: appInsightsName regionId: regionId // tagsArray: tagsArray requestSource: requestSource workspaceResourceId: workspace.outputs.resourceWorkspaceIdOutput } }
This snippet is in my pipeline - yml
(I would like to shorten the parameters block by using override parameters.)
- name: appInsights
type: boolean
default: True
- True
- False
inputs: overrideParameters: -deployAppInsights false -deployNetworkWatcher true -deploySentinel true
Currently, my override parameters are hardcoded, but I’d like to keep it in a general way, like for example:
overrideParameters: -deployAppInsights ${{appInsights}} -deployNetworkWatcher ${{networkWatcher}} -deploySentinel ${{sentinel}}
However, this does not unfortunately work. Could anyone please help me in this regard, how I can solve this or how the variables need to look like?
Thank you very much!
Best regards
As far as I understand, the syntax you are using is wrong in the below code
overrideParameters: -deployAppInsights ${{appInsights}} -deployNetworkWatcher ${{networkWatcher}} -deploySentinel ${{sentinel}}
Since you have already defined parameters section in the Yml file. The correct syntax is
overrideParameters: -deployAppInsights ${{parameters.appInsights}} -deployNetworkWatcher ${{parameters.networkWatcher}} -deploySentinel ${{parameters.sentinel}}
A sample code snippet for your reference
- name: var1
type: string
- name: var2
type: string
- name: bool1
type: bool
- task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment#3
deploymentScope: 'Resource Group'
azureResourceManagerConnection: ''
subscriptionId: ''
action: 'Create Or Update Resource Group'
resourceGroupName: rg-${{parameters.var1}}-${{parameters.var2}}
location: ''
templateLocation: 'Linked artifact'
csmFile: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/arm.json
csmParametersFile: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/arm.parameters.json
deploymentMode: 'Incremental'
-string1 ${{parameters.var1}}
-string2 ${{parameters.var2}}
-flag ${{parameters.bool1}}
For more, please refer to the link from Microsoft. Azure Devops Template
Edit: After the first comment
Please update your 'appInsights' parameter as follows
- name: appInsights
type: boolean
default: true

Azure Devops Yaml Python Script task: PythonScriptV0 , how to pass arrays as the field supports only a strings

I am trying to pass to a python scripts 3 parameters one of them is an array, this works when i run the script locally, i am using sys.argv to achieve this.
However the argument field support only strings as far i can see. How can i go around this any ideas? Thanks
the array is ${{ parameters.packageVersion }}
- task: PythonScript#0
displayName: 'Modify ansible inventory files (wms_common.yml) with deployed versions'
scriptSource: filePath
scriptPath: deployment/s/azure-devops/scripts/
arguments: |
../../inventories/${{ variables.inventory }}/group_vars/all/wms_common.yml
../../inventories/central/${{ variables.inventory }}/group_vars/all/wms_common.yml
${{ parameters.packageVersion }}
/azure-devops/wms.full.pipeline.yml (Line: 95, Col: 18): Unable to convert from Array to String. Value: Array
Edit: Reframed question
I think the below YAML will help you convert the array to String objects and use them.
myVariable1: 'value1'
myVariable2: 'value2'
system.debug: true
- name: InstanceArgs
type: object
default: [1,2]
- task: PythonScript#0
scriptSource: 'inline'
script: |
import argparse
parse = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test")
args = parse.parse_args()
print('this is a test.')
# arguments: $(myVariable1) $(myVariable2)'
arguments: ${{join(' ',parameters.InstanceArgs)}}
You need to use the join expression in YAML to get the elements:

Referencing json list value created in Rundeck Data Workflow step

Rundeck job: When I create data in data workflow step as json list
"repo": ["repo1","repo2","repo3"],
"myrepo": "repo4"
how can I access the elements in the list from inline script in next step?
doesn't work
works fine
Data Workflow step executed
echo "value: #stub.repo[1]]#"
echo "value2: #stub.myrepo#"
value2: repo4
The easiest way to catch that array is to use the jq-JSON mapper log filter plugin in any step like the command step or script step (here are the releases, here is how to install the plugin, and here how Log filters works).
Using this plugin you can use the array positions directly, e.g: ${}, ${}, etc.
Job definition example with your JSON output for testing.
- defaultTab: summary
description: ''
executionEnabled: true
group: JSON
id: f0d2843f-8de3-4984-a9ae-2fd7ab3963ae
loglevel: INFO
name: test-json-array
nodeFilterEditable: false
ExecutionLifecycle: null
scheduleEnabled: true
- plugins:
- config:
filter: .[]
logData: 'true'
prefix: data
type: json-mapper
script: |-
cat <<-END
"repo": ["repo1","repo2","repo3"],
"myrepo": "repo4"
- exec: echo ${}
keepgoing: false
strategy: node-first
uuid: f0d2843f-8de3-4984-a9ae-2fd7ab3963ae
More info about the plugin here.

Rundeck stop running steps based on global variable

I have a Rundeck job that executes multiple steps, each of which are Job References to other small jobs. The first step selects a server to upgrade, and sets a global variable with the server name. The remaining steps perform upgrade tasks. It is possible though for the first step to return NONE as the server name, and if that's the case I would like to halt execution right there without running the remaining steps, and I'd like the whole job to be marked as Successful.
I could just make that first job exit with an error code, but then the whole job looks failed, and it looks like there is something wrong with it, even though it successfully ran and found there was nothing to upgrade.
Any ideas? I'm finding "use a flow control step" everywhere, but I can't see how to make that work for my use case.
The best way to create complex workflows depending on some output value is to use the Ruleset Strategy (Rundeck Enterprise). Take a look at this.
On the community version you can save the result of the first step on a key-value variable and do some "script-fu" in the following steps:
Step 1: print the status and save it on a data variable using the key-value data log filter.
Steps 2,3,4: capture the key-value data and then the step can continue or not.
I made an example easy to import to your instance for testing:
- defaultTab: nodes
description: ''
executionEnabled: true
id: 27de501a-8bb2-4c6e-a5f9-0676e80ca75a
loglevel: INFO
name: HelloWorld
nodeFilterEditable: false
- enforced: true
name: opt1
required: true
value: 'true'
- 'true'
- 'false'
valuesListDelimiter: ','
ExecutionLifecycle: null
scheduleEnabled: true
- exec: echo "url=${option.opt1}"
- config:
invalidKeyPattern: \s|\$|\{|\}|\\
logData: 'true'
name: result
regex: .*=\s*(.+)$
type: key-value-data
- fileExtension: .sh
interpreterArgsQuoted: false
script: |-
# data/value evaluation
if [ "#data.result#" = "true" ]; then
echo "step two"
scriptInterpreter: /bin/bash
- fileExtension: .sh
interpreterArgsQuoted: false
script: |-
# data/value evaluation
if [ "#data.result#" = "true" ]; then
echo "step three"
scriptInterpreter: /bin/bash
- fileExtension: .sh
interpreterArgsQuoted: false
script: |-
# data/value evaluation
if [ "#data.result#" = "true" ]; then
echo "step four"
scriptInterpreter: /bin/bash
keepgoing: false
strategy: node-first
uuid: 27de501a-8bb2-4c6e-a5f9-0676e80ca75a
MegaDrive68k's answer is what you can do best with the basic opensource version or if you have the Enterprise version.
But you can also create your own plugin or make a fork out of an existing one.
Which I did with the official flow control puglin and add conditions.
You can fork this plugin and add in the java code 2 new #PluginProperty (That add two new field in a plugin parameter in rundeck interface) and make a comparison of values.
#PluginProperty(title = "First Value", description = "Compare this", required = true)
String value1;
#PluginProperty(title = "Second Value", description = "To this", required = true)
String value2;
Comparison of Strings values (in your case it is)
if (value1.equals(value2)) {...}
Comparison of Numeric values
if (value1 == value2) {...}
If you want to stop the job with successful (it does not stop the parent job, just actual):
If you want to stop the job with a failed status:
If you want to stop the job with a customized status:
context.getFlowControl().Halt("MY CUSTOM STATUS");
And finally, if you want to continue and not stop:
So a complete example (add this to your public class):
#PluginProperty(title = "First Value", description = "Compare this", required = true)
String value1;
#PluginProperty(title = "Second Value", description = "To this", required = true)
String value2;
public void executeStep(final PluginStepContext context, final Map<String, Object> configuration)
throws StepException
if (value1.equals(value2)) {
//Halt actual JOB without failed
} else {
Then create your jar file and place it in the libext folder.
Now you can add your custom step. Put your global var in the first field and "NONE" in the second field.
If global var contain "NONE" the job stop successful at this step.
If you call a job with this step from oterh job (parent), the parent job continue.
If you want you can use this fork plugin which already includes these modifications. Look like this

Resolving Predefined Agent Variables in Runtime Expressions

I have the following scenario, it is simplified for the sake of brevity, but outlines my problem.
I have a 2 Job pipeline.
BreakMatrix Job: A job that runs on an AdminPool and outputs 2 variables with the following names ENV1 and ENV2. The names are important because each of them matches the name of an Environment running in a separate MachinePool VM deployment pool.
Upgrade Job: A deployment job that depends on the BreakMatrix job and that runs on a VM MachinePool, with a tag that will select ENV1 and ENV2 environments.
I am trying to pass in one of the variables to each of the corresponding Environments:
- job: BreakMatrix
pool: AdminPool
- checkout: none
- powershell: |
$result1 = #{"Hostname" = "Env1Value"}
$result2 = #{"Hostname" = "Env2Value"}
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=ENV1;isOutput=true;]$result1"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=ENV2;isOutput=true;]$result2"
name: outputter
- deployment: Upgrade
dependsOn: BreakMatrix
agentName: $(Environment.ResourceName)
agentName2: $(Agent.Name)
formatted: $[ format('outputter.{0}', variables['agentName']) ]
result1: $[ dependencies.BreakMatrix.outputs[format('outputter.{0}', variables['agentName'])] ]
result2: $[ dependencies.BreakMatrix.outputs[format('outputter.{0}', variables['agentName2'])] ]
result3: $[ dependencies.BreakMatrix.outputs[format('outputter.{0}', variables['Agent.Name'])] ]
hardcode: $[ dependencies.BreakMatrix.outputs['outputter.ENV2'] ]
json: $[ convertToJson(dependencies.BreakMatrix.outputs) ]
name: MachinePool
resourceType: VirtualMachine
tags: deploy-dynamic
- powershell: |
echo 'Predeploy'
echo "agentName: $(agentName)"
echo "agentName2: $(agentName2)"
echo "env: $(Environment.ResourceName)"
echo "formatted: $(formatted)"
echo "harcode: $(harcode)"
echo "result1: $(result1)"
echo "result2: $(result2)"
echo "result3: $(result3)"
echo "json: $(json)"
- powershell: |
echo 'Deploy'
Output for ENV2 pre-deploy step:
agentName: ENV2
agentName2: ENV2
env: ENV2
formatted: outputter.ENV2
hardcode: {
json: {
If i try to use a predefined variable in a dependency expression they don't seem to properly resolve, but if i just simply map them to a variable / format them they work.
Note: The environment names are actually dynamically calculated before these jobs run so I cannot use parameters or static/compile time variables.
Any suggestions on how to pass in only the relevant variable to each of the environments ?
I got confirmation on the developer community that this is not possible.
Relevant part:
But I am afraid that the requirement couldn’t be achieved.
The reason is that the dependencies.xx.outputs expression can’t read
the variable(variables['Agent.Name']) and format expression value
defined in the YAML pipeline.
It now only supports hard-coding the name of the variable to get the
corresponding job variable value.