Get User Set Filters using Gmail API? - email

I have an application that rewards users for placing orders with certain merchants and we are planning on connecting to our user's inbox (with their consent of course!) to verify and confirm that an order was placed on certain merchant sites. The idea is that if the order is placed and then cancelled, we'd be able to detect the order cancellation email sent by the merchant and then revoke any rewards linked to that order.
One potential flaw with this approach is that it is possible for a user to set filters that automatically reject and delete incoming emails that match those filters. A user can then set filters on his account to automatically reject and delete any cancellation emails sent by the merchant.
Is it possible to obtain whether a user has any filters set (and what those filters are) using Gmail API?

How to get the logged in user's GMail filters:
Use the users.settings.filters list endpoint.
Here is an example response from that endpoint.
"filter": [
"id": "0000000",
"criteria": {
"from": "YOUREMAIL",
"to": "me",
"subject": "ORDER",
"query": "ORDER"
"action": {
"addLabelIds": [
"removeLabelIds": [
Experiment by going to the URL I posted and make a request with me as the userId to see your own filters.


Create User / Batch Create Users in Asgardeo User Management API with Auto Generated Password

Just want to ask how we can create a user using Asgardeo User Management API without providing a password?
Basically we want to replicate this flow but instead of manually doing it on the console, we want to do it from the User Management API.
enter image description here
Here are some of the Endpoints that we tested
The password field seems to be a required field.
Setting the urn:scim:wso2:schema with "askPassword":"true" should allow you to create the users without providing the password.
Sample Payload of the scim
"value":"<User Email>"
"DEFAULT/<User Email>"
The will receive the invite request similar to the UI function.
Same approach can be taken with the Bulk endpoint too as mentioned this medium blog

Skype Bot sending message (not a reply)

Trying to create a Skype Bot, but I have a problem. Please, help me.
I use PHP so I use REST (not NodeJS or C# SDK).
The task: I have to send data from html form on my website to Skype (so I don’t have to reply to a message, but just send).
Well, I have successfully create a bot in Microsoft Bot Framework.
Then I have successfully received an access_token.
Then they say in docs that I have to send a POST to:
According to I have to send a request to /v3/conversations with JSON like that:
"bot": {
"id": "12345678",
"name": "bot's name"
"isGroup": false,
"members": [
"id": "1234abcd",
"name": "recipient's name"
"topicName": "News Alert"
But what is the "member's id and member's name"?
To get the member ids of some members, add all those members in a group and add the bot, too, to the group and preferably send a message in the group, mentioning the bot. You will receive a json with a conversationId. With this conversationId, make a get request to v3/conversations/{conversationId}/members in order to receive the member-ids and member-names of the members in the group.
You can now proceed with these member-ids and member-names to start individual conversations with the members (which is illustrated in my answer to this question).

Matching Google Cloud Storage ID to a user email address

I'm looking for a way to determine who uploaded a file to a Cloud Storage bucket. All of the users with access to write to the bucket are authenticated users in the same G Suite domain.
The object ACL in Cloud Storage shows an owner identifier string which looks like the following:
"entity": "user-84fac329bceSAMPLE777d5d22b8SAMPLE77d85ac2SAMPLE2dfcf7c4adf34da46",
"entityId": "84fac329bceSAMPLE777d5d22b8SAMPLE77d85ac2SAMPLE2dfcf7c4adf34da46",
"role": "OWNER"
However, it does not appear that there is an easy way to map this ID back to a user's email address (or to determine the Cloud Storage ID for a user whose email I know, except by using that user account to upload a file and querying the object ACL).
Is this true? Or am I just not seeing the way to do this?
Thank you for the help!
Although I can't give you an specific timeline, we're actively working on deprecating canonical ids. This should no longer be a problem in the near future.
In the meanwhile, there are.. options.
First: A user can find their canonical ID on this page (Unfortunately it is going to make you pick a project, since the page also shows the canonical ids for the project roles).
However, if you really need to find out the email address for a random canonical id you should be able to do this somewhat ugly workaround.
1) Add the user to a bucket policy via the ACL API
gsutil acl ch -u <canonical_id>:READ gs://<bucket>
2) Fetch the bucket IAM policy
gsutil iam get gs://<bucket>
The entry should show up as an email address.
"bindings": [
"members": [
"role": "roles/storage.legacyBucketOwner"
"members": [
"user:<user email here>"
"role": "roles/storage.legacyBucketReader"
"etag": "CAI="
Try getting the ACLs again. I just tried today 07/05/2017 and the returned ACLs included email address. It would appear Google has updated the API, replacing the old Google Cloud Storage ID with the user's email address.
"email": "",
"entity": "",
"role": "OWNER"

Facebook oauth login not returning email

I am using this plugin for oauth login, here is my FB response while doing aouth login:
{"state":"","access_token":"XYZ","expires_in":5110943,"client_id":"CLIENT ID","network":"facebook","display":"popup","redirect_uri":"http://localhost/XYZ123/www/callback.html","scope":"email,basic","expires":1439628780.389}}
The problem is i am not getting email of user. As per other SO solutions :
I have verified email so that should not be a matter. I am not getting FB message regrading verifying email.
Here is output of CLIENT ID/permissions
"data": [
"permission": "email",
"status": "granted"
"permission": "public_profile",
"status": "granted"
You need to make an API call to get the users profile. Email is not included in the authResponse object.
var fb = hello('facebook');
return fb.api('me');
// do something with
}, console.error.bind(console) );
Provides access to the person's primary email address via the email property on the user object.
Do not spam users. Your use of email must comply with both Facebook policies and with the CAN-SPAM Act.
Note, even if you request the email permission it is not guaranteed you will get an email address. For example, if someone signed up for Facebook with a phone number instead of an email address, the email field may be empty.
Your app may use this permission without review from Facebook.

setting event organizer with Outlook Calendar REST API

I am using the Outlook REST API for creating events and sending its invitations, based on this documentation
I authenticate the logged in user, and send its Bearer token through the Authorization header of the request, and the json-formatted event on its content.
If I set the "Organizer" to another user rather than the authenticated one, as well as the "IsOrganizer" property to "false", it gets totally ignored and sets the current logged in user as the organizer.
Any clues of what could be happening?
Is there another way of doing this?
Thank you!
I'm posting this in case someone else finds and needs an answer for this scenario...
You (Account A) can create a calendar event as someone else (Account B) through Office365 REST APIs as long as the account has permission to send as the other user account.
Here are the steps:
1) Call the Office365 REST API as follows,where {{{user2email}}} is the user you want the event to be created as (Account B's email address):{{{user2email}}}/calendar
This should return Account B's user's calendar ID.
2) Pass in your JSON - the following is an example of what I used during unit testing:
"Subject": "Test - Created using Office365 Calendar REST API should be from Technology Notice",
"IsOrganizer": "False",
"Body": {
"ContentType": "HTML",
"Content": "This is where body copy goes HTML supported"
"Start": "2015-12-11T19:00:00Z",
"End": "2015-12-11T20:00:00Z",
"Attendees": [
"EmailAddress": {
"Address": "",
"Name": "Attendee One"
"Type": "Required"
"Organizer": {
"EmailAddress": {
"Address": "",
"Name": "Technology Notice"
'Technology Notice' will be who the calendar invite is from.
3) Use the ID from step 2 in your POST request, for example:{{{user2email}}}/calendars/{{{ID}}}/events
Note: Make sure you're sending the POST request as the authenticated user account (Account A) who's account the mailbox/calendar it actually belongs to.
If everything is right you should be able to send a calendar invite and have it show up as originating from Account B instead of Account A.
Hope this helps someone out.
This is the correct behavior. You cannot create an event on User A's calendar but set the organizer to User B.