Flutter camera take too long to take a picture - flutter

I am trying to use the official flutter camera package but the take picture method take a lot of time (like 3-5 seconds) regardless of the resolution picked.
Is there a way to speed it up (I am using a Pixel 5 as a development device)? currently I show a message to the user to hold still while it's taking the picture but it feels like a bad UX.
Edit: I downgraded the picture format to jpeg instead of yuv420 and it is slightly quicker.

This is a known issue with the official camera package:
You can give it a thumbs up to give it more attention.
You can also try using the CamerAwesome package instead. It does not have as many features as the official package, but in my testing, it takes pictures pretty much instantly.
CamerAwesome: https://pub.dev/packages/camerawesome


Apple Vision Image Registration

I want to stitch images together to make a spherical panorama in an iOS App. I tried doing it with OpenCV but that turned out to be a waste of time since it almost always crashes when I try to stitch photos of the ceiling or the floor. Also, it takes up a lot of cpu memory.
I just discovered upon going through Apple documentation that Apple Vision has image registration capabilities. Upon spending hours and hours I couldn't figure out how to use it though. The documentation is terrible and there are no usage examples at all whatsoever.
All I really need is a tutorial or a demo or a function that stitches two or more images and I can make my way from there. Any help will be extremely appreciated since my job depends on it.

Downloading Images on iPhone - How does Facebook do it?

How does the Facebook app go about downloading/displaying the images in photo galleries? They appear to load in at varying times which would indicate some degree of threading? Surely the app doesn't spawn X amount of threads (where X is the number of pictures) as this would cause performance issues? Can anyone enlighten me as I would like to use something similar in my app (I will be regularly downloading a large amount of photos and displaying them in the app so downloading them one after another takes too long). Also, these photos change on a fairly regular basis so downloading once and cacheing isn't really an option.
Is there some kind of framework/solution around that might help me achieve something similar to Facebooks galleries?
The code the Facebook app uses to do this has been open-sourced as the three20 library. This functionality is provided in TTPhotoViewController.
Have a look at the LazyTableImages example from Apple. The images are downloaded asynchronously and have a reference back to where they are supposed to be displayed.
I would recommend you use this Library, ASIHTTPRequest, which is like an extended version of the NSURLRequest. I have been using it to download images for later display, asynchronously. It has a nice CACHE implementation which saves bandwidth and loading times on your app.

tutorial using gstreamer for saving photos and videos from web cam

I know that i have to use gstreamer for creating an application to capture photo and videos
from web cam. But, i could not find any documentation describing vividly the steps for creating the
same. It will be very pleased,if any one could helped me in this.
There is a GNOME/vala tutorial in the work that shows you how to make a Gtk application to grab pictures:
Saving a video is left for you to do, you'll have to use a tee to have both live preview and recording simultaneously.
Also, there is a high-level object, camerabin, for your case, but I never used it myself.
Camerabin is being used by libcheese, that is even higher level and depends on Clutter (but not Gtk), and allows you to plug effects with cheese_camera_set_effect().
Pick what you need!

OCR for mobile photos

I'm thinking of developping a mobile OCR app to detect words from mobile pictures.
The purpose if only to detect what words are in the picture, the layout is not important.
Also it would be use on very short texts.
I'm currently thinking of adapting tesseract to iphone and android.
I wonder if anyone has had any related experience? What are the limits etc.
Google Goggles does that... It takes a snapshot, reduces the color depth, scans through various contrast ratios, and exposes letters/words. It then performs a google search on what it found.
checkout this article http://www.itwizard.ro/interfacing-cc-libraries-via-jni-example-tesseract-163.html and this example http://code.google.com/p/mezzofanti/
i run it on my G1 and it's OK for single words, but it is very slow if you have 2-3 lines.
maybe with new phones (dual-core ones) you might get several lines in some seconds

Real-time Pitch Shifting on the iPhone

I have a children's iPhone application that I am writing and I need to be able to shift the pitch of a sound sample using Core Audio. Does anyone have any example code I could look at where this is done. There are many music and game apps in the app store that do this so I know I am not the first one. However, I cannot find any examples of it being done.
you can use dirac-2 from dsp dimension for pitch shifting on the iphone. quote: -
"DIRAC2 is available as both a commercial object library offering unlimited sample rates and phase locked multichannel support and as a free single channel, 44.1/48kHz LE version."
use the soundtouch open source project to change pitch
Here is the link : http://www.surina.net/soundtouch/
Once you add soundtouch to your project, you have to give the input sound file path, output sound file path and pitch change as the input.
Since it takes more time to process your sound its better to modify soundtouch so that when you record the voice, directly give the data for processing. It will make your application better.
I know it's too late for the person who asked but it is really a valuable link (As I found) for any one else who is looking for the solution of the same problem.
So Here we have latest DIRAC3 with it's own audio player classes which will take care of run time pitch and speed(explore for god knows what more) shifting. Run the sample and have huge round of applause for that.
Try Dirac - it's the best technology out there and it's available on Win, Linux, MacOS X and iOS. We're using it in all our products (and a couple of others do as well, search for "Capo" on the App Store). They're at version 3 now which has seen a huge increase in performance since previous versions. Hope this helps.
See: Related question
How much control over pitch do you need... could you precalculate all the different sounds?
If the answer is yes, then you can just pick the right sounds and play them.
You could also use Audio Converter Services in conjunction with AVAudioPlayer, which will allow you to resample the audio (which will effectively repitch them, though they'll change duration).
Alternatively, as the related question points out, you could use OpenAL and AL_PITCH