Prebuilt Azure Devops Boards - azure-devops

Im happy with the Kanban side of Devops along with dashboards etc. The team is looking to try to roll out multiple projects, but all with the same Epics, Features, Backlog and Tasks etc etc ie a repeatable project. Although im fairly sure the answer is no, is there a way to build out a project with all the work items, and then copy this as a file, and when creating a new one, use this as the basis??

is there a way to build out a project with all the work items, and then copy this as a file, and when creating a new one, use this as the basis??
When you create new projects, you can use the same Process.
For copy the work items as the basis, I suggest that you can export Work items to excel , then when you can import the exported work items to new projects.
For more detailed info, you can refer to this doc: Bulk import or update work items using CSV files


Restore the state my project was in 11/10/2021 into another temporary project, so I can only get the order of work items from Boards from that day

I want to restore the state my project was in 11/10/2021 into another temporary project (not the one I am currently using), so I can only grasp the order of work items from Backlogs from Boards for that day. I did not delete the project. I just changed the Area Paths for Teams and the order of work items changed. I just want to have a reference in a separate temporary project, so I can compare work items order between them and restore correct one to the actual backlog.
Doing something like this is going to be quite tricky, I think that the closest you will come to doing this will be to create a new project and then try to use the open-source migration tools at We used an earlier version of this for an Azure DevOps carveout from another tenant, and it worked well, but we didn't have your "restore-to-point-in-time" use case.
I think that what you're going to need to do is use the ReplayRevisions on the WorkItemMigration class, and then you're probably going to need to write some custom WIQL to get only what you're looking for. It's even conceivable you might need to extend this to get the functionality you want.

How to import to Azure DevOps CSV file with issues and epics (parent link) at single CSV file

I know how to do that at first importing epics, and fill CSV with issues in column parent link a new epics id's from azure. But when we got very big csv file from for example Jira with many relations to epic, how to do that in one Csv file, import Epics, Issues and on Issues set parent link to the new (old) Epics?
Data schema
Issue Type Custom field (Epic Name) Summary Custom field (Epic Link) Description
Epic Epic 1 Epic 1
Task pfpfpf SZKOL-45
Bug important bug SZKOL-45 important bug to solve
Bug Test1 SZKOL-45
If I understand correctly, you are trying to migrate work items from Jira to Azure DevOps. The main tool you can use to import work tracking data you've exported from elsewhere is Microsoft Excel. Excel supports publishing a flat list of work items or a hierarchical tree of parent-child linked work items. To learn more, see Bulk add or modify work items with Excel.
Since you want to migrate from Jira to Azure DevOps, consider using the Marketplace extension, Jira to Azure DevOps work item migration tool. This tool provides support for the following tasks:
Export Jira issues from Jira queries
Map users from Jira to users in Azure DevOps
Migrate work item field data
Migrate links and attachments
Migrate history

Does Azure DevOps support multiple templates per project?

Management would like to migrate all teams using Azure DevOps (VSTS) to a single project to make reporting and work roll-ups easier. if this is done can the individual teams still utilize templates customized to their specific needs or would they need to use the default template for the project.
We are being asked to migrate to a "standard" company project but don't know if we will be able to have customization for our process
No. One team project has one process template. You can customize that process template however you wish, of course.
What you could do is create an inherited process in order to make your customizations, and change every Team Project to that Process.
You have to take into account that the customizations you have made to your Team Project could be affected when you change to a inherited process.
Test carefully with some test Team Projects before.

In VSTS Duplicate Feature or Epic with Work Items

We have a project that often has the exact same work flow needed.
We have a feature that includes detailed work items, along with very helpful descriptions.
Is there not a way to take a current Feature and duplicate it along with all of the work items?
I have tried using templates but that has not worked out.
I tried Copy Work Item and checked 'Include existing links' but it does not copy the Related Work, which is what I need.
To further clarify I would like to duplicate a Feature, along with its Product Backlog Items and their Tasks.
You would be able to use powershell and VSTS REST API to achieve this copying. A sample powershell is available in the thread here
You can modify that and create a script to support your needs.

Creating multiple objects in one shot within ADF

I know that in Author & Deploy draft we can create objects one by one, like data sets, linked service, pipelines etc. But what if you have all those JSONs stored in a single file, why can't you just copy and paste it all to draft and deploy them all in one shot? I know there will be dependency of objects on one another, but that ADF should be able to determine. As of now, copying individual objects one by one and deploying individually is a pain. I know there are programmatic ways to do it easily. But I am specifically asking about Author & Deploy feature.
I would assume the biggest reason they do not handle this is as you mention the dependency checking they would have to perform.
An alternative idea, if you use visual studio you can download Microsoft Azure DataFactory Tools, another link. This will give you a DataFactory project template inside visual studio. You can then store all of your JSON files in the Data Factory project and then "Publish" the project to a DataFactory in azure from visual studio. You also get the benefit of being able to check in the files into source control.
Hope this helps.