How to combine keys in hotkeys in autohotkeys? - autohotkey

I want to set up a hotkey by pressing Alt, q and the Left arrow. So far I've tried
# opt 1
!q & Left::
#opt 2
Alt & q & Left::
# opt 3
!qLeft:: M
but the only result I get once I run the script is Error: invalid hotkey in the line above. There seems something is wrong with the ampersand.
I can share the whole script if needed.

According to the Custom Combinations section of the documentation:
Combinations of three or more keys are not supported.
However, I found this class that claims to
enable easy usage of custom multi-key hotkeys.
I haven't tested it myself, but if that hotkey is important to you, then it might be worth trying!

Here's a slightly janky solution using vanilla ahk and a timer.
If(keyPressed = 1){
...Do a thing...
keyPressed := 1
SetTimer, altQTimer, 200
keyPressed := 0


AutoHotKey - LShift and RShift with arrow key, not working as I expected

Send % GetKeyState("LShift", "p") ? "+{End}" : "{End}"
code above is what I tried to implement (but failed).
However, code below, which was one of the tests, works... but not as smooth as I expected.
If (GetKeyState("RShift", "p") && GetKeyState("LShift", "p"))
MsgBox Both Shift Keys
MsgBox meh
It has some delay, and sometimes does not show me anything. This is so weird.
It could be manufacturer's problem, but I wanted to make sure. Any elegant solution to implement first code?
Seems that this simple thing is what you're looking for:
>+Right::SendInput, {End}
It's using the simple remapping syntax and your shift key gets passed through because the remapping syntax internally uses {Blind}.
And the second hotkey doesn't use the remapping syntax, instead just a normal send command, so the shift key will be consumed.
Another option since the first one didn't work on OP's end for some reason?
+<>+Right::SendInput, % (InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "+<") ? "+" : "") "{End}"
Since you had the cool ternary in there as well, I put it in as well. That code is the same as this:
>+Right::SendInput, {End}
+<>+Right::SendInput, +{End}

AHK | prevent resetting Hotstring count after "spaceless" hotstrings

I use some hotstrings either with :o: option or with manually sending a {bs} for other purposes.
In Both cases, if the string i want to add to the end of the previous hotstring happens to be aslo a hotstring in itself, it Will trigger the hotstring!
How to prevent this?
=> ahk+space+ahk should be: "AutoHotKeyahk", but instead it gets: "AutoHotKeyAutoHotKey"
Note: IF the text behind was not a hotkey it does not trigger again ofcourse.
AutoHotkey+ahk => AutoHotkeyahk
Also in general it would be nice to know, how to make hotstrings more aware if some letters are physically behind the cursor even though for various reasons it is not registered properly in the keycount -ergo prevent malfires of hotkeys in improper context.
So I have tried hard with various approaches and ran into several errors/bugs.
Finally I have a method that works reliably under all tested circumstances.
Ill post the code... feel free to post a better/more elegant one if you have.
#inputlevel 1
SendLevel 1
LAlt & space up::
sleep 50
if (GetKeystate("Enter") = 1) or (GetKeystate("?") = 1) or (GetKeystate(".") = 1) or (GetKeystate("Space") = 1)
#if (Ismodifier=1)
#inputlevel 0
#Include GeneralHotStrings.AHK

How to manually trigger Autohotkey hotstrings?

In my main Autohotkey script I have several hundred hotstrings like these:
::fe::for example
::fi::for instance
Fairly often it would be convenient to trigger a hotstring manually (e.g. by pressing ALT-9) rather than pressing and end character. Is there a way to do this? I haven't found anything in my Googling, so maybe there isn't. But it would be useful.
I've read the hotstrings options e.g. :*: but this isn't the same - I want normal hotstring operation, but also the option to manually force them to trigger as needed.
So what you are in fact looking for is using ALT+9 as an end character. I'm not sure but you can probably not use key-combinations for that (see hotstring doc). I cannot think of a really clever way of doing that right now. You might try something like
Transform, CtrlC, Chr, 3 ; comes from ahk input documentation, I never really understood how this is supposed to work but I guess there is a code for alt 9 as well somehow
input, key, L1 I M ; wait for the next 1 key
sendraw forExample
Old answer:
You have to outsource the hotstring body:
::fe::gosub forExample
send for example
, then you can define a hotkey somewhere:
!9::gosub forExample
If you want to be cool, use functions instead of subroutines.
is just a short form for
send something
::fe::for example
::fi::for instance
!8:: trigger_hotstring("fi")
!9:: trigger_hotstring("ha")
Loop, Read, %A_ScriptFullPath%
If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "::"hotstring "::")
SendInput, % StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine,"::"hotstring "::").2
If you use AutoHotkey v1.1.06+ you can use #InputLevel
::fe::for example
; and so on
#InputLevel, 1 ; sending space will trigger hotstrings above this line
!F9::Send {space}
I now see you want to omit the end char which needs a bit of extra work
One way would be to duplicate the hotstrings with additional options:
::fe::for example
:*O:fe_::for example ; duplicate the hotstrings like so
::fi::for instance
; and so on
#InputLevel, 1
!9::Send _
Another way would be to remove the endchar
::fe::for example
::fi::for instance
; and so on
#InputLevel, 1
Send {space}
Sleep 100 ; give it time to expand the hotstring, experiment with timing
Send {bs} ; now remove trailing space
I generally use TAB as a trigger for all my hotstrings. like
:*:Btw ::By the way,{Left}
Note that the space that you see here is a tab and not a space. you can do this instead of doing Alt+9 to trigger your macro hotstring.
you can even use more than one Tab so you can be sure that you only trigger it when you really intend to.

Emulating Ctrl + Spacebar + AlphabeticalKey with Autohotkey

My problem :
^space & c::
send {F2}
send {Escape}
but it didn't work, how do I emulate Ctrl+Space + AlphabeticaklKey ?
As my previous speakers said, it can't be done easily. Here's my suggestion, it seems to work fine:
Loop {
if(GetKeyState("c")) {
if(!GetKeyState("CTRL") || !GetKeyState("SPACE")) {
Sleep, 50
msgbox, You have pressed CTRL+SPACE+C
The code is pretty self-explanatory. When CTRL + SPACE is pressed, it waits until either one of both is released or C is pressed. The latter triggers the actual functionality, otherwise it will return.
I actually don't like it very much, because theoretically it may fail in some cases (e.g. when CTRL + SPACE + C is pressed and released before the execution reaches the check for the state of C; although that seems very unlikely).
There's also a way using #If. I recommend using that since it's more sophisticated and reliable. This is due to the fact that it doesn't need any loops:
#If GetKeyState("SPACE")
^c::Msgbox, You have pressed CTRL+SPACE+C
#If GetKeyState("c")
^space::Msgbox, You have pressed CTRL+SPACE+C
As far as I know, you can only combine two non-hotkey keys with the syntax:
space & c:: msgbox space and c
You can read it here
You can define a custom combination of two keys (except joystick
buttons) by using & between them. In the below example, you would hold
down Numpad0 then press the second key to trigger the hotkey:
Numpad0 & Numpad1::MsgBox You pressed Numpad1 while holding down
Numpad0. Numpad0 & Numpad2::Run Notepad
Trying to use control as well like in: space & c & control or space & ^c or any other combination will result in compile error.
My recommendation is that you don't combine that three keys together. Look for a pure hotkey combination or use another more or less useless key.
#!c:: windows + alt + c
AppsKey & c::
Remember that if you use a normal key as modificator, you have to remap it to itself to keep the original functionality, for example with the menu key (appskey):
AppsKey:: Send {Appskey}
AppsKey & c:: ;do what you want
There are actually a couple ways to get help. First of all the authors of this language have moved to a new domain It is always welcome to ask questions like these in our forum. I just happened to be digging through this site today and saw this by accident.
When you have more than one line of code after a hotkey you need to have a return follow it:
^space & c::
send {F2}
send {Escape}
Hope that helps

Autohotkey send key, let it trigger other hotkeys (#InputLevel confusion)

I want to create a hotkey that sends some key, and then another hotkey for that very just sent key, that in turn sends a third key.
That seems to be possible, using #InputLevel:
#InputLevel 1
#InputLevel 0
The above works as intended: By pressing a I get c.
However, I want not only to remap the first key: I want to do more before sending the key. So I thought I could just rewrite the above a little bit:
#InputLevel 1
Hotkey *a, foo
#InputLevel 0
; Do something more here …
SendInput {Blind}b
The above however does not work as intended: By pressing a I get b (not c).
Update: #Robert Ilbrink reminded me that you can execute more than one command, without using the Hotkey command:
#InputLevel 1
; Do something here …
SendEvent {Blind}b
#InputLevel 0
The above does give the intended effect: Pressing a results in c. However, I have to rephrase my problem. I guess the problem is: I need to set the hotkeys dynamically, which means I have to use the Hotkey command with a label (as far as I know). (Also notice that I use SendEvent above. Using SendInput produces a b. Odd.)
(End of update.)
I know there is a companion command to #InputLevel—SendLevel—which might be relevant. I've tried putting it many places but it has never made any difference.
So, that was the reduced, theoretical example. Remapping a to b to c is of course useless in reality (and the net result could of course be achieved by a::c). On to my use case. Just keep in mind that if it turns out that the "real" solution means doing what I'm trying to do some other way, I'm still interested in knowing more about #InputLevel and SendLevel, and why my example does not work as intended.
I'm working on implementing dual-role modifier keys. For example, send ) when pressing RShift alone, but RShift+key when pressed together with some other key. Basically, RShift on keydown, and RShift up and ) on keyup. However, that has one flaw: Even when combining RShift with some other key, ) is still sent. So the script needs to know when there has been a combination. My solution is to add hotkeys to all letter keys, the arrow keys and some other keys, like this:
for comboKey in filteredComboKeys {
Hotkey % "*" comboKey, Dual_comboKey
; Later in script:
; The following function lets the dual-role modifier keys know that they have
; been combined with another key (and a few other things, which I don't think
; are important for the issue.)
Dual.combo() ;
key := Dual.cleanKey(A_ThisHotkey)
SendInput {Blind}%key%
The above solution works very well for my purpose—except that the break all remappings and other hotkeys the user might have made: These simply never occur.
Why not:
; Do something
Send, b
As far as I can gather, #InputLevel doesn't bite on the Hotkey command. However, I stumbled on a solution for one of the snippets I originally posted:
Hotkey *a, foo
; Do something more here …
SendLevel 1
SetKeyDelay 0 ; Optional; Only affects this hotkey.
SendEvent {Blind}b
Note that SendEvent must be used. SendInput produces b. SendPlay produces nothing at all. I don't know why.
However, this technique won't work if you want to send the hotkey itself. Then you end up in an infinite loop. Using the keyboard hook does not help, since SendLevel overrides it.
So, again I have an answer the solves one of the initial examples, but does not help me in reality. I need to send the hotkey itself. I guess I have to let the user remap their keys using my script. Sigh.
I've published my dual-role modifiers script now, in case anyone is interested in more details, and how I deal with the problems.
I've updated my dual-role modifiers script. I now stay away from the Hotkey command. It's easier when dealing with this kind of thing, I think.
By now (starting Autohotkey 1.1.01), this can be achieved quite easily like so:
~Shift up::
IfInString, A_PriorKey, Shift
Send )