Mapbox Android Navigation SDK RouteRequest Error - No suitable edges near location - Code: 171 - mapbox

Using the mapboxNavigation requestRoutes with the following options code. Getting a Failure callback complaining No suitable edges near location. The same points array used in Postman calling the Direction API returns successfully.
RouteOptions.Builder builder=RouteOptions.builder();

The problem is fixed after couple changes ...
The baseUrl for RouteOptions request is
Commented out the call of geometries().
The following code successful the call of route request...
RouteOptions.Builder builder = RouteOptions.builder();
.requestUuid(""+ UUID.randomUUID())
// .geometries(DirectionsCriteria.GEOMETRY_POLYLINE)


How to Troubleshoot Dexie bound on IDBKeyRange Error

I'm using Dexie.js version 3.0.3-rc.3 in a Vue JS project and I occasionally run into this exception in Chrome (86):
Failed to execute 'bound' on 'IDBKeyRange': The parameter is not a valid key.↵ DataError: Failed to execute 'bound' on 'IDBKeyRange': The parameter is not a valid key.
Here's a screenshot of the full error:
I'm fairly certain the problem lies with something in my data being undefined, but I'm trying to find a good way to troubleshoot this. I paused the Chrome dev tools on exceptions and inspected the code around this particular part of Dexie, but it doesn't reveal what data was used to make this exception occur.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to find out what's actually wrong? It feels a bit like a needle in a haystack.
== Update ==
Below is the full call stack:
Try inspecting the call stack. I know it can be long until you reach a frame within your application code, but the failing call should be there!

What is the reason for receiving "It is not supported to change the behavior at runtime." error in SAPUI5 application

I have a SAPUI5 application and when I press on items to visit the detail or object page it shows the following error message in the following part of the code
It is not supported to change the behavior at runtime.
showObject: function(oItem) {
var sObjectId = oItem.getBindingContext().getProperty("Partner");
this.getRouter().navTo("object", {
objectId: encodeURIComponent(sObjectId)
}, false);
Are you sure that's where you're getting it? I've only seen that error when working with certain controls the UploadCollection and trying to fire a method like oUploadCollection.setUploadUrl("/url") which is not supported at runtime.
Without setting a property and given the code above, the error doesn't make sense.
*A side note: without seeing where your showObject method is called, it's hard to say... but if showObject is called directly off the press event of the ListItem you need to call getSource() on the event object. Might be throwing an error there about getBindingContext() not being a function.

WebDriverException: Method has not yet been implemented (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)

I want to perform click and scroll down action on a element .
* Already i tried with Action class
* javascript executor.
* Robot class
First I am trying to click on element and hold it for a while and then scroll till expected element finds but I am getting error as method has not yet been implemented.
WebDriverException: Method has not yet been implemented (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
1.The above error comes when your app is not matching with the current context
2.According to your code there is a need of context change of app environment you can change context using driver.context("YOUR APP CONTEXT NAME")
3.Some times there must be error in your code like it is not locating correct element or may be you are using unwanted method
Try above 2 points it might help you
if it is not working sorry for wasting your Testing time
Happy Testing

GWT Error Popup

The error popup with the following error message comes on the screen repeatedly when application is in idle state (no user activity is performed).
Error occurred on client: (TypeError): Unable to get property 'iterator_0' of undefined or null reference.
number: -2146823281
at handleEvent_206....EF34544...cache.html
at dispatchEvent_0..EF34544...cache.html
at sucess_184 ..
Can anyone give some pointers to navigate to the problamatic area in the code?
The fact that you're getting it repeatedly is probably due to the fact that you're performing an action on a timer (i.e. perform repeatedly an action).
From the small snippet you've shown, I don't think there's anything we can deduce. Do you have a larger stacktrace? It is still possible the error is in your own code (trying to invoke iterator() on a null object).

map.fitBounds() with JSON data in a featureGroup

I cannot get the fitBounds command to work on a project where I am bringing in data to a featureLayer using GeoJSON.
map.fitBounds(pointsFeatureGroup.getBounds()); // Uncaught Error: Bounds are not valid. at e.fitBounds (leaflet.js:5)
and this:
var bounds = L.latLngBounds(pointsFeatureGroup); // Uncaught Error: Bounds are not valid. at e.fitBounds
don't work
My simplified code is here:
If I just bring in markers individually into a normal Layer then a command like this works:
but that raises other issues with other functionality for which a features layer is required.
Am I doing something wrong?
The root cause is a classic asynchronous issue.
See How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?
At the time you call map.fitBounds(vesselsFeatureGroup.getBounds()), the vesselsFeatureGroup is still empty (no child layer), therefore Leaflet cannot compute bounds.
Simply call the getBounds and fitBounds within the callback of your asynchronous task ($.getJSON)