How to mention a user in GitHub wiki? - github

I tried to type #username in a github wiki page but it didn't generate any link. Is there any way to do it without manually linking to a user's profile?

I think the only way to mention someone is :-
[#username] (

They never provided the support for this and most probably never will.
They have closed the issue ages ago. -
Mentioning users in a README allows readers to immediately view the user, via click or hover over, which is very convenient
as consequence, user mentions will be used more often, making users more interconnected.
#username mentions cannot be clicked outside GitHub ([#username]( can be clicked).


How to display ALL Facebook Comments on my Blog in ONE place?

Yes, before you ask, I need to clarify that I looked a possible
solution up but that wasn't what I'm trying to achieve.
What I really wan't to do cannot be explained in a few words so I'm going to give a short verbose explaination.
Like this familiar interface of comment-tool in facebook's developer site , I want to be able to see people/pages commenting on my different posts(webpages) in a single static page onmy website.(Pictures below):
Image-1: Comment-tool interface on
Image-2: Image of people commenting on some webpage displayed beside their name... and subsequent comments on different webpages following it
Ofcourse, I could use the comment-tool present in but that gives me access to me and my collaborators only. I need any visitor to be able to see what people are commenting on different posts, in a single page.
Since, this feature is already an option for comment-tool/app admins and moderators, I stand within reason to think that there must be some way to do this publicly too!
tl;dr version:
I want to bring the comment-tool interface found in to a webpage on my blog. Can anyone help me? I might drop a bounty if I really like your soultion :)

How do you keep track of your comments on GitHub issues?

I want to find all the GitHub issues that I commented on. I tried searching for commenter:mbigras type:issue like the Searching issues and pull requests GitHub article suggests. But that method returns fewer results than the public activity section of my profile.
See both attached images:
Search method
Doesn't display current results:
Profile method
Gets mixed up with other public activity:
Is there a way to get the full history of my comments on GitHub?
author:mbigras type:issue gives wider results but still not the full history:
What I'm looking for is a way to quickly view all my comment/issue history in all issues.
I emailed GitHub about this. Search doesn't match the public activity section because search indexes issues by creation date and not last active date.
How do you keep organized about which issues you've commented on?
Search for commenter:username in the main Github search box.
For example commenter:gavinandresen
To see recent activity, select Recently updated from Sort dropdown
You can also narrow the search: is:issue commenter:gavinandresen
I have also been very frustrated when I could not find an issue that I have commented on a while ago. I even did not remember the project it was in. I knew only the problem I was referring to.
Then, I went to the Notification settings on Github and saw there is an Include your own updates option that is unchecked by default.
Once you check it, Github will send you an e-mail notification about every comment or PR you make. They you probably want to add an appropriate label and filter for emails so Github messages do not clutter an inbox.
My life has changed since then. Now, every time I want to find something I have written on Github, I just search for it in the e-mail notifications.
You can view all the issues on Github you have commented on by going to and selecting Reason as Comment.
This will show all the issues that you've commented on.
You can also filter the issues by selecting other reason such as Assign, Author, Manual, Mention, etc. but you can select only one reason at a time. Also, you can filter the issues by repository by selecting the concerned repository from dropdown after clicking Repository
Search All GitHub using the search term is:issue author:#me
You can also check the following links.
For all your subscriptions
For all your issues
For all your pull requests
In case someone is interested to know how to find these links, go to github's resi api documentation. The URL's are not explicitly described there. However, look for the page names bellow REFERENCE.
If you lowercase the relevant word (for example Issues become issues, Pulls become pulls) and put that after, you most probably will find what you are looking for.
This might be a little late, but there's also another way to find what issues/PRs you have participated in. This method also brings in a lot more things you might be interested in too!
When you are on the website main page, on, use the keyboard shortcuts as described here to open your pull requests or issues. The shortcut for these is in particular [g, i] for issues and [g, p] for pull requests (I remember g by go, but whatever works for you.)
After you go to the page directed by these shortcuts you are greeted by an entire screen of goodies you can use! The search bar can be edited and the buttons can be used to make your experience fast!
Type involves:<your username> in the search box on the GitHub's main page. This will find all the issues that you commented on, was assigned to or mentioned in.
For example, if your username on GitHub is unclebob, the search query should look like:
Or if you're logged in to GitHub, then simply:
Note the difference between involves and similar search qualifiers - author and commenter:
author will find only the issues that were started by you; if you comment on the issue that was started by someone else, author query won't return it in the search results.
E.g., compare involves:unclebob and author:unclebob type:issue.
commenter will find only those issues where you commented second or later (creator of the first comment in an issue is considered its author and not a commenter); if you start an issue and then never comment on it, the commenter query won't return it in the search results.
E.g., compare involves:unclebob and commenter:unclebob.
In other words, when it comes to searching comments, author and commenter return only a subset of involves' results. So I recommend using involves not to miss anything.
Also, since Github is on the web, any HTTP search engine works, eg Google, Bing, etc. This works to the extent of your search engine's quality and the uniqueness of the writer name.
(Indeed, I actually do this all the time when I need to find any previously written web (engine)-accessible publication, including those on StackExchange. Names I use are 1 in probably an infinity, so Google often works better than forum search options.)
(Sample Google link.)
If you want to search for multiple users in a single search, use it like in the global search bar without the OR logical conjugation:
commenter:FantomX1 commenter:FantomX1-github
since the similar google way approach with 'OR' would not work
commenter:FantomX1 OR commenter:FantomX1-github

How can I see all the issues I'm watching on Github?

Github has a great feature where you can "watch" an issue. This is handy for getting notifications about progress on that issue.
However, sometimes you want to find the status of an issue you know you've flagged to watch, but can't remember what it was. This is particularly interesting, imho, for projects that are not your own projects. E.g. watching a bug in a library that your project uses but you don't contribute to frequently.
What I tried: Note that this is different from watching a repo. I tried searching github help (for "watch issue" and "subscribe issue" with no luck. I read the Unsubscribing from Conversations with some hope, but it didn't quite apply. While looking at the issues for the repository that I (think! I) subscribed to, I tried the various search criteria dropdowns with no luck. Last but not least, I read how to subscribe here at SO in case it mentioned how to see the subscribed list.
To those who might flag this as not being about programming, I can only ask for a better place to put this? As Github is a commonly used programming tool, I view this as highly relevant.
You can see all the GitHub issues you are currently subscribed to at
You can navigate to this page from any page by clicking the notification/bell icon on the top right and then selecting "Manage notifications" > "Subscriptions" from the left menu panel.
Github does not have any option to list all the watched issues.
Marking labels on such issues also does not solve the purpose.
But github sends notification whenever there is any change in the issue. So you can check all the notification at a single place
By default, this will show unread notifications (also indicated by a mailbox with a number in the top right corner). From that page you can choose "All Notifications", or to see all the issues being watched that have had at least one update since you subscribed to it.
According to the GitHub API v3 documentation1, there is a way to list subscribed issues in owned repositories, member repositories, and organization repositories. However, it does not list subscribed issues from any arbitrary repository in which you are not involved.
On Unix you can access the API like this (just enter your GitHub password when propmted):
curl --user "MyUserName"
"url": "",
"repository_url": "",
Or use this command to format the output as a list of links to the issues:
curl --user "MyUserName" | \
grep '"url"' | grep -o '*/issues/[0-9]*' | \
sed 's#'
1 Since my edit to the first answer mentioning the GitHub API was rejected, I'm adding the examples here.
The following method does not work for subscribe-only issues.
As a workaround you can enter this into the search box, either on, or on
is:open is:issue involves:YourUserName
This will show you all issues in which you are involved in some way, but not issues you are only subscribed to. The GitHub help page states:
The involves qualifier is just a logical OR between the author, assignee, mentions and commenter qualifiers for the same user.
If you want to see all the issues for a certain project that you have been part of i.e, interacted with that issue in any way. Do this;
In the search of Github issues do this.
is:issue commenter:<username here>
This will list all the issues that you are watching.
Seems you can fetch this information via Github API
GET /orgs/:org/issues
Name Type Description
filter string Indicates which sorts of issues to return. Can be one of:
* assigned: Issues assigned to you
* created: Issues created by you
* mentioned: Issues mentioning you
* subscribed: Issues you're subscribed to updates for
* all: All issues the authenticated user can see, regardless of participation or creation
Default: assigned

Cannot access App Namespace

I created my app's namespace using the wrong FB profile, so I deleted the app. And now I'm trying to recreate the namespace and it won't let me - it says it already exists. It doesn't exist! I deleted it! Help! Another user posted a similar question and got an answer suggesting he pick a different name. I'm hoping you will consider that I can guarantee it doesn't exist because I deleted it. Is it hopeless? This is not a name that can be easily changed with punctuation - this is a trademarked product name. And yes, I own the trademark. Please help! Thanks!
It may be temporarily cached and you can wait a couple of days and it'll free up.
But, the more important point is that the app namespace means very little. Practically the only time a user will see it is in their address bar when they go to your app. Most users will not find your app by directly typing in it's URL, instead they'll discover it through App Center or they'll click on a bookmark on Facebook, on a search result on Facebook or elsewhere, they'll see a link or request in news feed or they'll see an add for it.
App Namespace is used a lot in Open Graph code and such, but none of this is ever exposed to the user, only the developer. Therefore, having to use a difference namespace than your original one will make little difference.
As an example of how little app namespace matters, what do you suppose Farmville's app namespace is? farmville? Nope, it's onthefarm
Once you delete an app you created on FB, you can't re-create it with same namespace. It is a bug in FB. Once I had same issue and when I tried to get hep from FB community help center, I found many people having same issue. But the issue still not solved.

GWT 2.1 Place/Activity technique glitch: URL changes before navigation is confirmed

I'm reading this google guide and using this sample code provided by google, but there's a glitch: using the back/forth buttons makes the URL change before the confirmation dialog has returned. This means that if the user decides not to navigate away, the URL no longer represents the current Place.
Anyone have a solution or workaround? Ideally, the URL would not change until the confirmation is given, but even just switching the URL back in a hurry after a denial would be better.
There's no workaround. Your app somehow detects that the URL has changed, which triggers the place change (thus before navigation is confirmed).
And there's no way to know why the URL changed; was it a "back"? a "forth"? a "back" using the history menu to go several steps back at a time? a bookmark? manual editing of the URL? So there's no way you could do a to "cancel" the URL change in all cases (also note that it would trigger another place change). And trying to modify the URL with anything else than History.back/next/go would erase the forward history, which you probably don't want either.
FYI, I implemented that behavior 2 years ago in my own "place manager", and talked about it with Ray Ryan when he added the PlaceHistoryHandler to GWT 2.1, and we agreed that there was no better behavior than letting the URL no longer being in sync with the place. FYI, when I studied the thing 2 years ago, and then earlier this year, GMail had the same behavior (create a draft message and navigate while the draft has unsaved changes).