How can I configure my connector to run in specific worker group in multicluster connect environment in distributed kafka connect? - apache-kafka

As per the documentation, worker service is set to run before adding connectors. Suppose I am running worker-a with "cluster-a" and worker-b with "cluster-b" on three distributed VM's. What is the configuration that makes connectors to choose their worker group.
Suppose I need to configure debezium mysql connector's tasks to run on cluster-a and jdbc connector's all tasks on cluster-b. How should I do it?
Thanks in advance.

Each Connector group specified by communicate with each other over HTTP via their rest.advertised.listener (similar to the brokers). Each Connect cluster also requires its own unique config, offsets, and status topics
You'd HTTP POST to one of the group's rest.port endpoints, and the tasks will be distributed within that group
However, if you only have 3 machines, there's really no need to setup two unique Connect clusters (JDBC and Debezium tasks can run in the same cluster)


Using Kafka Connect in distributed mode, where are internal topics supposed to exist

As a follow up to my previous question here Attempting to run Kafka Connect in distributed mode locally, problem with internal topics, I have started to figure out what might really be going on (I'm learning Kafka as I go).
Kafka Connect, one way or another, requires three internal topics: config, offset, and status. Are these topics supposed to exist in the Kafka cluster where I am consuming data from? For context, what I'm doing is someone else has a Kafka cluster set up that has topics (messages?) for me to consume. I spin up a Kafka Connect cluster on my local machine (to test) and this local instance (we'll call it that going forward) then connects to the remote Kafka cluster (we'll call it the remote cluster) by way of me typing in the bootstrap servers, some callback handler classes, and a connect.jaas file.
Do these three topics need to already exist on the remote cluster? Here I have been trying to create them on my own broker on my local instance, but through continued research, I'm seeing maybe these three internal topics need to be on the remote cluster (where I'm getting my data from). Does the owner of the remote Kafka cluster need to create these three topics for me? Where would they create them exactly? What if their cluster is not a Kafka Connect cluster specifically?
The topics need to be created on the cluster defined by bootstrap.servers in the Connect worker properties. This can be local or remote, depending on what data you actually want the connector tasks to send/receive. Individual connect tasks cannot override what brokers are being used (not possible to use a source connector to write to multiple Kafka clusters, for example)
Latest versions of Kafka Connect will automatically create those internal topics, if it is authorized to do so. Otherwise, yes, they'll need to be created using kafka-topics --create with appropriate partition counts and replication factors.
If your data exists in a remote Kafka cluster, the only reason to run a local instance is if you want to use MirrorMaker, for example.
What if their cluster is not a Kafka Connect cluster specifically?
Unclear what this means. Kafka Connect is a client just like a Kafka Streams app or normal producer or consumer. It doesn't store topics itself.

In Kafka Connect, how to connect with multiple kafka clusters?

I set the kafka connect cluster in distributed mode and I wanna get connections with multiple kafka CLUSTERS, not just multiple brokers.
Target brokers can be set with bootstrap.servers in
So, at first, I set broker1 from kafka-cluster-A like below:
Absolutely, it worked well.
And then, I added broker2 from kafka-cluster-B like below:
So, these two brokers are in the different clusters.
And this didn't work at all.
Without any error, it was just stuck and there was no answer with the request like creating connector through the REST API.
How can I connect with multiple kafka clusters?
As far as I know, you can only connect a Kafka Connect worker to one Kafka cluster.
If you have data on different clusters that you want to handle with Kafka Connect then run multiple Kafka Connect worker processes.

Kafka and Kafka Connect deployment environment

if I already have Kafka running on premises, is Kafka Connect just a configuration on top of my existing Kafka, or does Kafka Connect require it's own Server/Environment separate from that of my existing Kafka?
Kafka Connect is part of Apache Kafka, but it runs as a separate process, called a Kafka Connect Worker. Except in a sandbox environment, you would usually deploy it on a separate machine/node from your Kafka brokers.
This diagram shows conceptually how it runs, separate from your brokers:
You can run Kafka Connect on a single node, or as part of a cluster (for throughput and redundancy).
You can read more here about installation and configuration and architecture of Kafka Connect.
Kafka Connect is its own configuration on top of your bootstrap-server's configuration.
For Kafka Connect you can choose between a standalone server or distributed connect servers and you'll have to update the corresponding properties file to point to your currently running Kafka server(s).
Look under {kafka-root}/config and you'll see
You'll basically update connect-standalone or connect-distributed properties based on your need.

multiple connectors in kafka to different topics are going to same node

I have created two kafka connectors in kafka-connect which use the same Connector class but have different topics they listen to.
When I launch the process on my node, both the connectors end up creating tasks on this process. However, I would like one node to only handle one connector/topic. How can I limit a topic/connector to a single node? I don't see any configuration in where a process could specify which connector to use.
Kafka Connect in distributed mode can run as a cluster of one or more workers. Each worker can run multiple tasks. Depending on how many connectors and workers you are running, you will have tasks running on the same worker. This is deliberate - the idea is that Kafka Connect will manage your tasks and workload for you, across the available workers.
If you want to isolate your processing you can run Kafka Connect as separate Connect clusters, either on the same machine (make sure to use different REST ports), or separate machines.
For more info, see architecture and config for steps to configure separate clusters. Note that a cluster can actually be a single worker, but then you don't have any redundancy in the event of failure.

Kafka connect cluster setup or launching connect workers

I am going through kafka connect, and i am trying to get the concepts.
Let us say I have kafka cluster (nodes k1, k2 and k3) setup and it is running, now i want to run kafka connect workers in different nodes say c1 and c2 in distributed mode.
Few questions.
1) To run or launch kafka connect in distributed mode I need to use command ../bin/, which is available in kakfa cluster nodes, so I need to launch kafka connect from any one of the kafka cluster nodes? or any node from where I launch kafka connect needs to have kafka binaries so that i will be able to use ../bin/
2) I need to copy the my connector plugins to any kafka cluster node( or to all cluster nodes?) from where I do the step 1?
3) how does kafka copies these connector plugins to worker node before starting jvm process on the worker node? because the plugin is the one which has my task code and it needs to be copied to worker in order to start the process in worker.
4) Do i need to install anything in connect cluster nodes c1 and c2, like need to install java or any kafka connect related?
5) In some places it says use confluent platform but i would like to start it with apache kafka connect alone first.
can some one please through some light or even pointer to some resources would also help.
Thank you.
1) In order to have a highly available kafka-connect service you need to run at least two instances of on two distinct machines that have the same You can find more details regarding the configuration of each worker here. For improved performance, Connect should be ran independently of the broker and Zookeeper machines.
2) Yes, you need to place all your connectors under plugin.path (normally under /usr/share/java/) on every machine that you are planning to run kafka-connect.
3) kafka-connect will load the connectors on startup. You don't need to handle this. Note that if your kafka-connect instance is running and a new connector is added, you need to restart the service.
4) You need to have Java installed on all your machines. For Confluent Platform particularly:
Java 1.7 and 1.8 are supported in this version of Confluent Platform
(Java 1.9 is currently not supported). You should run with the
Garbage-First (G1) garbage collector. For more information, see the
Supported Versions and Interoperability.
5) It depends. Confluent was founded by the original creators of Apache Kafka and it comes as a more complete distribution adding schema management, connectors and clients. It also comes with KSQL which is quite useful if you need to act on certain events. Confluent simply adds on top of the Apache Kafka distribution, it's not a modified version.
Answer given by Giorgos is correct. I ran few connectors and now I understand it better.
I am just trying to put it differently.
In Kafka connect there are two things involved one is Worker and second is connector.Below is on details about running distributed Kafka connect.
Kafka connect Worker is a Java process on which the connector/connect task will run. So first thing is we need to launch worker, to run/launch a worker we need java installed on that machine then we need Kafka connect related sh/bat files to launch worker and kafka libs which will be used by kafka connect worker, for this we will just simply copy/install Kafka in the worker machine, also we need to copy all the connector and connect-task related jars/dependencies in "plugin.path" as defined in the below worker properties file, now worker machine is ready, to start worker we need to invoke ./bin/ ./config/, here will have configuration for worker. The same thing has to be repeated in each machine where we need to run Kafka connect.
Now the worker java process is running in all machines, the woker config will have property, the workers which have this same property value will be forming a group/cluster of workers.
Each worker process will expose rest endpoint (default http://localhost:8083/connectors), to launch/start a connector on the running workers, we need do http-post a connector config json, based on the given config the worker will start the connector and the number of tasks in the above group/cluster workers.
Example: Connect post,
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"name": "local-file-sink", "config": {"connector.class":"FileStreamSinkConnector", "tasks.max":"3", "file":"test.sink.txt", "topics":"connect-test" }}' http://localhost:8083/connectors