VS Code, remove the dotted border around the hovered item of the suggestion pop-up (IntelliSense) - visual-studio-code

With the following "settings.json", I could change the colours of the suggestion pop-up like the screenshot. The problem is that I could not remove the dotted-line around the hovered item. How can I remove it?
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground": "#351407",
"editorSuggestWidget.selectedForeground": "#f1f0dc",
"list.hoverBackground": "#555555",


Change the text color only of selected text in Vs Code

I want to change the color of selected text only not the background so what is the way to do it because I am not getting anything to change the selected text only, I am getting solution to change the background but not the text.
Here I have attached one image in which I have selected editor but text color is still green so want the text color in black after selection so is there any way to change it.
Please let me know if you have any suggestion.
Unfortunately this is a long-time open bug in VS Code:

How to change the color of explorer items of vscode

As this screenshot shows, vscode has multiple sections that I can click, But because of my color scheme, I can hardly see which one I'm selecting right now.
picture 1
I already know that using settings like
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"list.focusBackground": "#571863",
"list.inactiveFocusBackground": "#56186393",
can change the background color of the focused file or directory(shown as picture2).
picture 2
But those settings can't change the background color of selected sections.
And I also want to know how to switch between those sections (e.g. in this picture, OUTLINE, TIMELINE, JAVAPROJECTS) using the keyboard only.
Thanks in advance.~~~~~
Add this to your settings.json.
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"sideBar.foreground": "#9A9A9A"

Change the font color of the results shown in the suggestion widget when typing

I want to change the font color of the text typed in the keyboard shown in the suggestion widget when the autocomplete feature starts to filter the results.
When you are typing, the results in the suggestion widget change the color of the characters that match what has been typed.
What is the name of the property that does that?
In VSC press ctrl+comma to open the settings and search for the property workbench.colorCustumizations.
There's just a few properties regarding the suggestion widget, I tried them all but I couldn't hit the one.
This is the ss asked by Alex
In time: the virtual keyboard is in the ss cuz my laptop's keyboard went *oo.
Ok so in the suggestion box there is the color for the overall text of the results (white), the color of the text been typed in the editor (red) and the color of the text for the highlighted result in the box (green background).
I want to change the font color for the text that was highlighted by the user (ether by the mouse or the keyboard) because it's hard to see the white text in the green background and I don't want to give up my green lemon.
I hope I was able to explain it so you can understand. Thanks.
Only doable with extension: Custom CSS and JS Loader
.suggest-widget .monaco-list-row.focused {
color: #ff6a00;

how to remove the focus on disclosure panel's header

i noticed that whenever i click the disclosure panel's header, it got focused, namely you can see the black dotted border around the header, is there any way i can get rid of that? Thanks.
You can achieve this by setting css style outline:0 on the Disclosure header:
.gwt-DisclosurePanel .header {
See also http://css-tricks.com/removing-the-dotted-outline/
Basically you need to remove the outline from the a anchor element.

How to remove "selected" border around GtkButton?

In GTK+, how to remove this dotted border around a GtkButton, which gets drawn after we click the button?
This is the "focus" indicator. To get rid of this, remove support for keyboard-controlled focus from the button, like this: