Make a post HTTP - flutter

I follow the below code, but it seems not to work:
var body = jsonEncode(<String, String>{
'uid': uid,
'limit': '10',
'offset': '2',
'action': 'feed',
final response = await
body: body,
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
List<Post> posts = [];
// If the server did return a 200 OK response,
// then parse the JSON.
return List<Post>.from(jsonDecode(response.body));
} else {
// If the server did not return a 200 OK response,
// then throw an exception.
throw Exception('Failed to update album.');
My API looks like this: http:/abc.or/fb/post.php?uid=aaaa&limit=10&offset=2&action=feed

try this.
import 'package:http/http.dart';
static const urlPrefix = '';
Future<void> makePostRequest() async {
final url = Uri.parse('$urlPrefix/posts');
final headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"};
final json = '{"title": "Hello", "body": "body text", "userId": 1}';
final response = await post(url, headers: headers, body: json);
print('Status code: ${response.statusCode}');
print('Body: ${response.body}');

Those are query fields not request body fields.
They are passed in the link or as queryparematers in a Uri
final response = await http.get(
path: <your url without the queries(http://abc)>,
query: <Your queries as they are in the string (uid=aaaa&limit=10&offset=2&action=feed), you can use string interpolation to fix the values in or better still use queryparematers, not both>
queryParameters : <String, dynamic>{ 'uid': uid, 'limit': 10, 'offset': 2, 'action': feed },)
I use a get method which should be the standard for such url. Do confirm from whoever wrote the api if it is a uses a get or post method.


how to send token while post request

have a great day, i have a silly problem, don't mind as i am noob. ok my problem is, i have a token which i received after i login, now i have to post a data but for that i have to include this token in my header, but i don't know how to....
here is my token, which i received after login as response
"token": "8d18265645a87d608868a127f373558ac2e131a6"
Here, i have to implement in flutter
apiData.ApiData app = apiData.ApiData();
final String apiURl = app.api;
SharedPreferences pref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
String? email = pref.getString("useremail");
String? token = pref.getString('token');
String date = DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(;
String time = DateFormat("Hms").format(;
dynamic response =
await + "/api/user-log/"), body: {
'user': email,
'start_time': time,
'start_date': date,
Here in the documentation you can found the following snippet, where the headers are sent with the HTTP request:
Future<http.Response> createAlbum(String title) {
headers: <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
body: jsonEncode(<String, String>{
'title': title,
Add header in the post method as below:
var headers = {
'authorization': token,
"Accept": "application/json"
dynamic response =
await + "/api/user-log/"),headers: headers), body: {
final response = await http.get(
Uri.parse(apiURl + "/api/user-log/"),
body: {}
headers: {
HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: "<Your token here>",
Documentation here

Response body empty API

My response.body return empty like this: Response.body: []
It was supposed to return the param like Response.body:["CodVenda":4057}]
static Future<List<Produto>> iniciaVenda(codVenda) async {
var url = '';
Map<String, String> headers = {};
final params = {"CodVenda": codVenda};
print("> Params: $params");
print("> Pedido Post POST: $url");
final response = await, body: params, headers: headers);
print('Response status: ${response.statusCode}');
print('Response body: ${response.body}');
List list = convert.json.decode(response.body);
final produtos =<Produto>((map) => Produto.fromJson(map)).toList();
var retornoResponse = false;
I get the data from a API and then I wanted to start the sell but it returns empty.
Could it be a problem in API?
Actually, you need to pass body data with JSON encoded. That may be the main problem.
final response = await, body: jsonEncode(params), headers: headers);
You can read more from the official document.

Flutter - How to send a POST request using HTTP in Dart?

I am using an API that converts HTTP to JSON and to get a response from the server I need to send a post request of HTML however i'm not sure how to do that?
This is my current implementation -
Future<String> test() async {
var link =
await http.get('');
var body = parse(link.body);
return body.outerHtml;
Future<Album> createAlbum(String html) async {
final http.Response response = await
headers: <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
body: html,
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return Album.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to create album.');
I call this is when my app starts like so,
void initState() {
test().then((body) => createAlbum(body)); //Output returns HTTP error 301, am I doing something wrong?
Checked the following code which worked for me.
Future<Album> createAlbum(String html) async {
final http.Response response = await
headers: <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
body: html,
You need to change the Content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8. This should do the trick.
Thanks to DARSH SHAH, I solved this using dio (
dynamic response;
Dio dio = Dio();
Future<dynamic> test() async {
dynamic link = await dio.get(
return link;
Future<dynamic> post(dynamic body) async {
String _baseUrl = "";
var options = Options(
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
followRedirects: false,
final response = await
data: body,
options: options,
return response;
onPressed: () async {
dynamic responseHTML = await test();
response = await post(; //This will contain the JSON response

how to post form data request using flutter in http package

I want to send form data in flutter using the HTTP package. Getting the error:FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1)
I/flutter (30465):
I am sending the form data in the HTTP post request.
Future<void> authethicate(
String schoolName,
String password,
) async {
try {
final url = '';
final response = await, body: {
'email': '',
'password': '123',
}, headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
final responseData = json.decode(response.body);
} catch (error) {
I have to use a multipart request for request. Thanks for your help.
Future<void> authethicate(
String schoolName,
String password,
) async {
try {
final url = Uri.parse('');
Map<String, String> requestBody = <String, String>{
'email': '',
'password': '123'
var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', url)
var response = await request.send();
final respStr = await;
print("This is the Status Code$respStr");
var encoded = json.decode(respStr);
print('This is the userId${encoded['data']['user_id']}');
} catch (error) {

Http Post in Flutter not Sending Headers

I am trying to do a post request in Flutter
Below is the code
final String url = Urls.HOME_URL;
String p = 'Bearer $vAuthToken';
final Map<String, String> tokenData = {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'Vauthtoken': p
final Map<String, String> data = {
'classId': '4',
'studentId': '5'
final response = await,
headers: tokenData,
body: jsonEncode(data),
encoding: Encoding.getByName("utf-8"));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
} else {
However the header data is not working. I have the correct data and everything. This request works perfectly when done in Postman Client.
Any one has any idea what is wrong?
Any suggestion is appreciated.