Is it possible to give multiline inputs in github actions workflow_dispatch? - github

I have a workflow and I need to give multiline input to workflow. Something like below:
name: Test
description: 'Changelog'
required: true
Here my changelog is multiline and when I am using the input it's not coming properly. Is there any way to pass multiline input correctly to a GitHub action?

At the time of writing this answer, there are no updates about this.
There was an answer on Github communinty and they mentioned that it will be added to their backlog tho.
Until then we found a couple of workarounds, either by passing the changelog as a one-line JSON string and parsing it in our workflow (something like this), or we create more inputs for our workflow_dispatch, I mean something like
name: Test
description: 'Version and date'
required: true
description: List of Additions, example: '["Added foo", "Added bar"]'
required: true
default: '[]'
description: List of changes, example: '["Changed foo", "Changed bar"]'
required: true
default: '[]'
Or, if you are using workflow_call, you can create a multi-line environment variable and just pass it to your workflow (this one might be unrelated to this example/request)


'YAML syntax error: (): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 1 column 1' while creating a GitHub issue form

I get the error YAML syntax error: (): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 1 column 1 while I've created another GitHub issue form.
Here is my code:
name: Bug report
description: Send a bug WinUEFI has that needs to be fixed
title: "[BUG] <title>"
labels: [bug]
- type: markdown
value: |
Thank you for filling out a bug that WinUEFI has! It helps me make the application better. Please be as detailed as possible so that i may consider and review the bug easier.
I ask that you search all the issues to avoid a duplicate bug. If one exists, please reply if you have anything to add to it.
Before requesting a bug, please make sure you are using the latest version and that the bug you are requesting is not already fixed in WinUEFI.
- type: textarea
id: bug-and-suggestion-relation
label: Is your bug related to a suggestion?
description: Please give some context for this request. Why do you want it to be fixed?
required: true
- type: textarea
id: bug-description
label: Describe the bug
description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is and what needs to be fixed.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: alternatives
label: Describe alternatives you've considered
description: List any alternatives you might have tried to fix the bug you want.
- type: checkboxes
id: agreements
label: Agreements
description: Please agree to the following:
- label: I have searched for and ensured there isn't already an open issue regarding this.
required: true
- label: I have ensured the bug I'm reporting isn't already fixed in the latest supported WinUEFI build.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: other
label: Other
description: Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request below.
EDIT: I have fixed it by correcting an another few things.
I've tried changing the name value, but it did not help.
I expected it to parse correctly and work as a template.
You have several issues going on with your YAML. First, labels: [bug] should be labels: ["but"] as that accepts a string array.
Second, you have a lot of issues with spacing. Remember that YAML is highly sensitive to spacing. Here is the working YAML of what you are looking for:
name: Bug report
description: Send a bug WinUEFI has that needs to be fixed
title: "[BUG] <title>"
labels: ["bug"]
- type: markdown
value: |
Thank you for filling out a bug that WinUEFI has! It helps me make the application better. Please be as detailed as possible so that i may consider and review the bug easier.
I ask that you search all the issues to avoid a duplicate bug. If one exists, please reply if you have anything to add to it.
Before requesting a bug, please make sure you are using the latest version and that the bug you are requesting is not already fixed in WinUEFI.
- type: textarea
id: bug-and-suggestion-relation
label: Is your bug related to a suggestion?
description: Please give some context for this request. Why do you want it to be fixed?
required: true
- type: textarea
id: bug-description
label: Describe the bug
description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is and what needs to be fixed.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: alternatives
label: Describe alternatives you've considered
description: List any alternatives you might have tried to fix the bug you want.
- type: checkboxes
id: agreements
label: Agreements
description: "Please agree to the following:"
- label: I have searched for and ensured there isn't already an open issue regarding this.
required: true
- label: I have ensured the bug I'm reporting isn't already fixed in the latest supported WinUEFI build.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: other
label: Other
description: Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request below.

get all commits in a Git tag through GitHub API return only the first commit

I'm trying to get all commits in a git tag throw github api.
I checked in this stack overflow issue
but in this way, it asks me to compare between two tags and it returns me only the first commit. I want to get all commits of a specific tag.
what I used is
because I want to specific tag I added the same tag
it return me the only 2 commits
but in the tag I have many commits as you can see here.
It wasn't clear what the constraints were tech-wise so here is an example solution using Node that should illustrate what's possible.
I believe the tags returned by /repos/:owner/:name/tags are not sorted by date created, but instead alphabetically, so I had to filter out the tags that didn't match the version regex to catch some stray inputs. To ensure the order was correct I used the semver npm package to sort them based on version.
Then it was a matter of just using the Compare endpoint with the two latest tags in the repository.
// API client for working with GitHub data using promises
const { Octokit } = require("#octokit/rest");
// helper function to compare two version strings using semver
const semverGt = require('semver/functions/gt');
const owner = "RapidAPI";
const repo = "ant-design";
const octokit = new Octokit();
.then(({ data: tags }) => {
// filter out tags that don't look like releases
const sortedTaggedVersions = tags.filter(t =>\d+.\d+.\d+/))
.sort((a, b) => semverGt(,;
// these are out inputs for locating the commits that are in the latest
// release (aka "head") but are not in the previous release (aka "base")
const head = sortedTaggedVersions[0].name;
const base = sortedTaggedVersions[1].name;
console.log(`Comparing base ${base} and head ${head}...`)
return octokit.repos.compareCommits({
.then(({ data }) => {
console.log(`Found ${data.commits.length} commits:`);
for (const c of data.commits) {
let message = c.commit.message;
// only show first line of commit message to keep output clean
const newline = message.indexOf("\n");
if (newline > -1) {
message = message.substr(0, newline);
let author = ? `#${}` : null;
if (author == null) {
// use the name from the commit itself if we cannot find a GitHub committer
author =;
console.log(` - ${c.sha} - ${author} - ${message}`)
.catch(err => {
console.error("Unable to find commits", err);
This is the result:
$ node index.js
Comparing base 3.13.1 and head 3.13.2...
Found 19 commits:
- 4b526bf251fde5d4b6f1fec6d1ec3eb8805b4c75 - #orzyyyy - docs: fix wrong comma
- 736f5b9549a3de6d694786f63f835aa26c29d105 - #pine3ree - doc: handle invalid date in call
- 0d65f0578de652d2b3f5231088eaeaab95d8a3be - dependabot[bot] - :arrow_up: Update #types/react requirement from ~16.7.13 to ~16.8.1
- c895c809f91e7ce817d9a42c4e0fd3ea5311d198 - #gyh9457 - improve tabs demo (#14701)
- 163140189f57c225dd49758f4ea2b8116f201dc9 - #ashearer - Fix quote rendering (#14708)
- 31d55e43b358c148640a7991b444c56e1cf25456 - #ycjcl868 - upd: version
- 976a6a5c5a2adb3c407e953b95df08f6810e0cd5 - #Josephus-P - Fixed typos and improved grammar
- b6f81340baeec20caa8511693ea4ec7d7d0c0ba7 - #Josephus-P - small change
- 777c56a515159a2eb7e809695def53d66aebfc10 - #zombieJ - mock test
- 6f040b6c4090fbc060bf2a06a7a01b900f4fe890 - #ycjcl868 - fix: strict check input
- 6cdc203a2fc58b5c89ea7bfe0ef361e7afdf95e6 - #ycjcl868 - Merge pull request #14725 from ant-design/fix-form-test
- 99eeefc25d38a2e2060c23de0f8446fd90729911 - #imhele - correct type in Switch (#14727)
- 2b558af9600c0d0fa56467b8de0522b2a4277232 - #zombieJ - update silder snapshot (#14732)
- b3834e48b1e009adbd142a7e2c38a129729170de - #imhele - Table: fix showing only first page (#14724)
- 991b47f421bc3c60d30a8ff1d689615e6b70dbe1 - #zombieJ - update antd-tools version to check (#14738)
- dfc9b24c989c58ffe6a922b45286e09450f85579 - #GabeMedrash - Properly type onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave events
- 5ad97a33d1d65f05a121796210e4fa15f2894c5c - #afc163 - :lipstick: improve home page style in mobile device
- a9a6da47ed44d811e402822ec3933608405c27fb - #thilo-behnke - Input: Clear icon doesn't disappear if value is null (vs undefined or empy string) (#14733)
- dab30ef2ccead39135ff6e4b215259344d812897 - #zombieJ - update changelog (#14746)
This is different to the provided URL from the screenshot because it uses the version 3.13.2 for both tags.
yes, I would happy to know what is doing when the same tag..
To explain the /repos/:owner/:repo/compare/:base...:head API I first need to explain the corresponding API in Git itself - how to get a list of commits.
If you were to run git log 3.13.2 it would do a few things:
figure out that 3.13.2 is a tag (a branch, commit ID, or other aliases could also be used here)
find the commit that belongs to this tag
list the details about this first commit
check the first parent of this commit
It'll then continue to traverse the history of the repository until you decide to exit the process.
But what if we only want to go back to a certain point? This is where "commit ranges" comes into play.
If you were working on the command line to find the commits between two tags, you'd probably use this syntax:
$ git log 3.13.1...3.13.2 --oneline
dab30ef2cc (tag: 3.13.2) update changelog (#14746)
a9a6da47ed Input: Clear icon doesn't disappear if value is null (vs undefined or empy string) (#14733)
5ad97a33d1 :lipstick: improve home page style in mobile device
dfc9b24c98 Properly type onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave events
991b47f421 update antd-tools version to check (#14738)
b3834e48b1 Table: fix showing only first page (#14724)
2b558af960 update silder snapshot (#14732)
99eeefc25d correct type in Switch (#14727)
6cdc203a2f Merge pull request #14725 from ant-design/fix-form-test
6f040b6c40 fix: strict check input
777c56a515 mock test
b6f81340ba small change
976a6a5c5a Fixed typos and improved grammar
31d55e43b3 upd: version
163140189f Fix quote rendering (#14708)
c895c809f9 improve tabs demo (#14701)
0d65f0578d :arrow_up: Update #types/react requirement from ~16.7.13 to ~16.8.1
736f5b9549 doc: handle invalid date in call
4b526bf251 docs: fix wrong comma
This is what the design of the /repos/:owner/:repo/compare/:base...:head API is based upon - providing the commit range that you want to query on in the form of two tags. But what happens when you provide the same tag twice?
$ git log 3.13.2...3.13.2 --oneline
No commits are returned, because Git thinks you want to find the range of commits from the same tag - which is an empty set. This is what the GitHub API is doing with your initial API call.
I want to point out a small bug in Brendan Forster's answer. I am new to stack overflow so can unfortunately not comment directly on his answer.
The sorting
tags. ...
.sort((a, b) => semverGt(,;
actually doesn't do anything. This is because semverGt returns a boolean value and JavaScript sort expects a comparator value (-1, 0 or 1).
A solution would be to manually translate to a comparator like:
tags. ...
.sort((a, b) => {
if (semverGt(, {return -1;}
if (semverGt(, {return 1;}
return 0;
The bug was quite hard to find because the results from GitHub are already somewhat ordered. Hope it saves someone from having the same headache as me!

Passing Generated Value to Downstream Job

I'm struggling to figure out a way to populate a parameter for a downstream, freestyle project based on a value generated during my pipeline run.
A simplified example would probably best serve to illustrate the issue:
//other stuff...
stage('Environment Creation') {
steps {
dir(path: "${MY_DIR}") {
powershell '''
$generatedProps = New-Instance #instancePropsSplat
$generatedProps | Export-Clixml -Depth 99 -Path .\\props.xml
stash includes: 'props.xml', name: 'props'
stage('Cleanup') {
unstash props
// either pass props.xml
build job: 'EnvironmentCleanup', wait: false, parameters: [file: ???]
// or i could read the xml and then pass as a string
powershell '''
$props = Import-Clixml -Path props.xml
# how to get this out of this powershell script???
I create some resources in one stage, and then in a subsequent stage I want to kick off a job using those resources as a parameter. I can modify the downstream job however I want, but I am struggling to figure out how to do this.
Things I've tried:
File Parameter (just unstashing and passing through)
Apparently do not work with pipelines
Potential Paths:
EnvInject: may not be safe to use and apparently doesn't work with pipelines?
Defining a "global" variable like here, but I'm not sure how powershell changes that
So, what's the best way of accomplishing this? I have a value that is generated in one stage of a pipeline, and I then need to pass that value (or a file containing that value) as a parameter to a downstream job.
So here's the approach I've found that works for me.
In my stage that depends on the file created in a previous stage, I am doing the following:
stage ("Environment Cleanup') {
unstash props
archiveArtifacts "props.xml"
build job: 'EnvironmentCleanup', parameters: [string(name: "PROJECT", value: "${JOB_NAME}")], wait: false
Then in my dependent job (freestyle), I copy the "props.xml" file from the triggering build and using the job name passed in as a parameter, then execute my powershell to deserialize the xml to an object, and then read the properties I need.
The last, and most confusing, part I was missing was in the options for my triggering pipeline project I needed to grant copy permission to the downstream job:
options {
copyArtifactPermission('EnvironmentCleanup') // or just '*' if you want
This now works like a charm and I will be able to use it across my pipelines that follow this same workflow.

How to format code in Xcode INCLUDING MarkUps

I Know that using Xcode is possible to format code using Editor -> Structure -> Re-Indent the issue I'm having is when I want to Re-Indent all my code including markUps like this:
Append new motive to motives array
- parameters:
- name: A brief description of motive.
- returns: false if is empty otherwise true
Note: if I select all my code and Re-Ident it the MarkUp code will look like this :
Append new motive to motives array
- parameters:
- name: A brief description of motive.
- returns: false if is empty otherwise true
This going to affect the Quick Help shown, I've added both pictures before indent and after it.
Before Indent Quick Help:
After Indent Quick Help:
Look that after Indent my Code the Quick help is not shown as it has to be, look specially the parameters row it disappear because it needs to be indent from - parameters: one tab.
The questions is how can I Indent my code including the appropriate indent to MarkUps or how can I select all my code Indent it but not affect the MarkUps.
It looks kind of bugs not fixed yet.
I recommend the way of below for description of parameters.
Basic (Same way with Apple Development)
Append new motive to motives array
- parameters name: A brief description of motive
- parameters opt: A options
- returns: false if is empty otherwise true
public func exampleFunc(_ name: String, options opt: Options) {
But I prefer to use with auto indentation of XCode.
With Auto Indentation(Recommend way)
Append new motive to motives array
- parameters name: A brief description of motive
- parameters opt: A options
- returns: false if is empty otherwise true
public func exampleFunc(_ name: String, options opt: Options) {
It will make format always same even use auto indentation.

How to Log in SailsJS

What is the actual syntax to log in SailsJS?
Docs don't have anything, but found the following line in the site's roadmap
"Pull out Sails.log (winston wrapper) as a separate module so it can
be used by waterline"
I image it's something like:
In your controllers, models, services, and anywhere else that the sails global is available, you can log with one of:
The logging level (that is, the level at which logs will be output to the console) is set in /config/log.js.
To extend on the Scott Answer, dont forget to add the filePath: property to log.js file... otherwise it will not work :)
So it should be something like:
log: {
level: 'info',
maxSize: 1000,
filePath: 'c://serverlogs/mylogfilename.log'
Answer is changed based on Joseph question.