Ambiguous Column in DataFrame Join - Unable to Alias or Call - pyspark

Getting into databricks from a SQL background and working with some dataframe samples for joining for basic transformations, and I am having issues isolating the correct dataframe.column for other transformations after the join.
For DF1, I have 3 columns: user_id, user_ts, email. For DF2, I have two columns: email, converted.
Below is how I have the logic for the join. This works and returns 5 columns; however, there are two email columns in the schema
df3 = (df1
.join(df2, ==, "outer")
I am trying to do some basic transformation on the df2 email as part the dataframe string, but I receive the error:
"Cannot resolve column name "" among (user_id, user_ts, email, email, converted)"
df3 = (df1
.join(df2, ==, "outer")
If I remove the df2 from the fill(), I get the error that the columns are ambiguous.
How can I define which column I want to do a transformation on if it has the same column name as a second column. In SQL, I just use a table alias predicate for the column, but this doesn't seem to be how pyspark is bested used.

If you want to avoid both key columns in the join result and get combined result then you can pass list of key columns as an argument to join() method.
If you want to retain same key columns from both dataframes then you have to rename one of the column name before doing transformation, otherwise spark will throw ambiguous column error.
df1 = spark.createDataFrame([(1, ''),(2,'')],["id1", "email"])
df2 = spark.createDataFrame([(1, ''),(2,'')],["id2", "email"])
df1.join(df2,['email'], 'outer').show()
| email| id1| id2|
|| 2|null|
||null| 2|
|| 1| 1|
df1.join(df2,df1['email'] == df2['email'], 'outer').show()
| id1| email| id2| email|
| 2||null| null|
|null| null| 2||
| 1|| 1||
df1.join(df2,df1['email'] == df2['email'], 'outer') \
.select('id1', 'id2', df1['email'], df2['email'].alias('email2')) \
| id1| id2| email| email2|
| 2|null|| False|
|null| 2| null||
| 1| 1|||
+----+----+-------------+-------------+ '''


How to select elements of a column of a dataframe with respect to a column of the another dataframe?

How I can use two dataframes, and select elements of df2, if a column in df1 is included in a column in df2and NA otherwise.
play ground
winter cold
col1 name
play ground play
winter cold winter
something NA
work NA
#Create match column
df1 = df1.alias('df1').withColumn('col_new',explode(split('col1','\s')))
new = (df1.join(df2, how='left', on common columns
.drop('col_new')#drop the match column introduced
.orderBy([,'name'])#Order the df
.drop_duplicates(['col1'])#eliminate duplicates
| col1| name|
|play ground| play|
| something| null|
|winter cold|winter|
| work| null|
It is recommended to use the contains condition directly to join.
df = df1.join(df2, on=[df1.col1.contains(], how='left')
df1 = spark.createDataFrame([("play ground",),("winter cold",),("something",),("work",)], ['col1',])
df2 = spark.createDataFrame([("summer",),("winter",),("play bc",),("play",)], ['name',])
df1 = df1.withColumn('common_word', explode(split(col('col1'), '\s')))
# Also split & explode Column 'name' of df2.
df2 = df2.withColumn('common_word', explode(split(col('name'), '\s')))
.join(df2, ['common_word'], "left")
|common_word| col1| name|
| ground|play ground| NA|
| play|play ground|play bc|
| play|play ground| play|
| something| something| NA|
| cold|winter cold| NA|
| winter|winter cold| winter|
| work| work| NA|

Spark Dataframe Combine 2 Columns into Single Column, with Additional Identifying Column

I'm trying to split and then combine 2 DataFrame columns into 1, with another column identifying which column it originated from. Here is the code to generate the sample DF
val data = Seq(("1", "in1,in2,in3", null), ("2","in4,in5","ex1,ex2,ex3"), ("3", null, "ex4,ex5"), ("4", null, null))
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF("id", "include", "exclude")
This is the sample DF
| id| include| exclude|
| 1|in1,in2,in3| null|
| 2| in4,in5|ex1,ex2,ex3|
| 3| null| ex4,ex5|
| 4| null| null|
which I'm trying to transform into
| id|type|col|
| 1|incl|in1|
| 1|incl|in2|
| 1|incl|in3|
| 2|incl|in4|
| 2|incl|in5|
| 2|excl|ex1|
| 2|excl|ex2|
| 2|excl|ex3|
| 3|excl|ex4|
| 3|excl|ex5|
EDIT: Should mention that the data inside each of the cells in the example DF is just for visualization, and doesn't need to have the form in1,ex1, etc.
I can get it to work with union, as so:$"id", lit("incl").as("type"), explode(split(col("include"), ",")))
.union($"id", lit("excl").as("type"), explode(split(col("exclude"), ",")))
but I was wondering if this was possible to do without using union.
The approach that I am thinking off is, better club both the include and exclude columns and then apply explode function. Then fetch only the column which doesn't have nulls. Finally a case statement.
This might be a long process.
With cte as ( select id, include+exclude as outputcol from SQL),
Ctes as (select id,explode(split(col("outputcol"), ",")) as finalcol from cte)
Select id, case when finalcol like 'in%' then 'incl' else 'excl' end as type, finalcol from Ctes
Where finalcol is not null

Spark dataframe replace values of specific columns in a row with Nulls

I am facing a problem when trying to replace the values of specific columns of a Spark dataframe with nulls.
I have a dataframe with more than fifty columns of which two are key columns. I want to create a new dataframe with same schema and the new dataframe should have values from the key columns and null values in non-key columns.
I tried the following ways but facing issues:
//old_df is the existing Dataframe
val key_cols = List("id", "key_number")
val non_key_cols = old_df.columns.toList.filterNot(key_cols.contains(_))
val key_col_df =, key_cols.tail:_*)
val non_key_cols_df =, non_key_cols.tail:_*)
val list_cols = List.fill(non_key_cols_df.columns.size)("NULL")
val rdd_list_cols = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(list_cols)).map(l => Row(l:_*))
val list_df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd_list_cols, non_key_cols_df.schema)
val new_df = key_col_df.crossJoin(list_df)
This approach was good when I only have string type columns in the old_df. But I have some columns of double type and int type which is throwing error because the rdd is a list of null strings.
To avoid this I tried the list_df as an empty dataframe with schema as the non_key_cols_df but the result of crossJoin is an empty dataframe which I believe is because one dataframe is empty.
My requirement is to have the non_key_cols as a single row dataframe with Nulls so that I can do crossJoin with key_col_df and form the required new_df.
Also any other easier way to update all columns except key columns of a dataframe to nulls will resolve my issue. Thanks in advance
crossJoin is an expensive operation so you want to avoid it if possible.
An easier solution would be to iterate over all non-key columns and insert null with lit(null). Using foldLeft this can be done as follows:
val keyCols = List("id", "key_number")
val nonKeyCols = df.columns.filterNot(keyCols.contains(_))
val df2 = nonKeyCols.foldLeft(df)((df, c) => df.withColumn(c, lit(null)))
Input example:
| id|key_number| c| d|
| 1| 2| 3| 4.0|
| 5| 6| 7| 8.0|
| 9| 10| 11|12.0|
will give:
| id|key_number| c| d|
| 1| 2|null|null|
| 5| 6|null|null|
| 9| 10|null|null|
Shaido answer has small drawback - column type will be lost.
Can be fixed with schema usage, like this:
val nonKeyCols = df.schema.fields.filterNot(f => keyCols.contains(
val df2 = nonKeyCols.foldLeft(df)((df, c) => df.withColumn(, lit(null).cast(c.dataType)))

Remove all records which are duplicate in spark dataframe

I have a spark dataframe with multiple columns in it. I want to find out and remove rows which have duplicated values in a column (the other columns can be different).
I tried using dropDuplicates(col_name) but it will only drop duplicate entries but still keep one record in the dataframe. What I need is to remove all entries which were initially containing duplicate entries.
I am using Spark 1.6 and Scala 2.10.
I would use window-functions for this. Lets say you want to remove duplicate id rows :
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
.withColumn("cnt", count("*").over(Window.partitionBy($"id")))
This can be done by grouping by the column (or columns) to look for duplicates in and then aggregate and filter the results.
Example dataframe df:
| id|num|
| 1| 1|
| 2| 2|
| 3| 3|
| 4| 4|
| 4| 5|
Grouping by the id column to remove its duplicates (the last two rows):
val df2 = df.groupBy("id")
.agg(first($"num").as("num"), count($"id").as("count"))
.filter($"count" === 1)
.select("id", "num")
This will give you:
| id|num|
| 1| 1|
| 2| 2|
| 3| 3|
Alternativly, it can be done by using a join. It will be slower, but if there is a lot of columns there is no need to use first($"num").as("num") for each one to keep them.
val df2 = df.groupBy("id").agg(count($"id").as("count")).filter($"count" === 1).select("id")
val df3 = df.join(df2, Seq("id"), "inner")
I added a killDuplicates() method to the open source spark-daria library that uses #Raphael Roth's solution. Here's how to use the code:
import com.github.mrpowers.spark.daria.sql.DataFrameExt._
// you can also supply multiple Column arguments
df.killDuplicates(col("id"), col("another_column"))
Here's the code implementation:
object DataFrameExt {
implicit class DataFrameMethods(df: DataFrame) {
def killDuplicates(cols: Column*): DataFrame = {
count("*").over(Window.partitionBy(cols: _*))
.where(col("my_super_secret_count") === 1)
You might want to leverage the spark-daria library to keep this logic out of your codebase.

Spark SQL Dataframe API -build filter condition dynamically

I have two Spark dataframe's, df1 and df2:
| name|empNo|age|
|shankar|12121| 28|
| ramesh| 1212| 29|
| suresh| 1111| 30|
| aarush| 0707| 15|
| eName| eNo|age| city|
|aarush|12121| 15|malmo|
|ramesh| 1212| 29|malmo|
I need to get the non matching records from df1, based on a number of columns which is specified in another file.
For example, the column look up file is something like below:
empNo, eNo
Expected output is:
| name|empNo|age|
|shankar|12121| 28|
| suresh| 1111| 30|
| aarush| 0707| 15|
The idea is how to build a where condition dynamically for the above scenario, because the lookup file is configurable, so it might have 1 to n fields.
You can use the except dataframe method. I'm assuming that the columns to use are in two lists for simplicity. It's necessary that the order of both lists are correct, the columns on the same location in the list will be compared (regardless of column name). After except, use join to get the missing columns from the first dataframe.
val df1 = Seq(("shankar","12121",28),("ramesh","1212",29),("suresh","1111",30),("aarush","0707",15))
.toDF("name", "empNo", "age")
val df2 = Seq(("aarush", "12121", 15, "malmo"),("ramesh", "1212", 29, "malmo"))
.toDF("eName", "eNo", "age", "city")
val df1Cols = List("name", "empNo")
val df2Cols = List("eName", "eNo")
val tempDf =, df1Cols.tail: _*)
.except(, df2Cols.tail: _*))
val df = df1.join(broadcast(tempDf), df1Cols)
The resulting dataframe will look as wanted:
| name|empNo|age|
| aarush| 0707| 15|
| suresh| 1111| 30|
|shankar|12121| 28|
If you're doing this from a SQL query I would remap the column names in the SQL query itself with something like Changing a SQL column title via query. You could do a simple text replace in the query to normalize them to the df1 or df2 column names.
Once you have that you can diff using something like
How to obtain the difference between two DataFrames?
If you need more columns that wouldn't be used in the diff (e.g. age) you can reselect the data again based on your diff results. This may not be the optimal way of doing it but it would probably work.