Expecting arguments in Mojolicious routes - perl

I have two routes in Mojolicious app as follows:
my $route = $r->any('/api')->to('API#');
if I go to /api/get_data I get redirected to process_forms function. I want the app to take me to submit_forms function if I pass additional arguments to that same route. for example, url /api/get_data/?file=myfile&name=myname should call submit_forms function, but that's not the case here.
In both scenarios, process_forms is called.
What option Mojolicious routing provides to help me with this?

Mojo's router connects URL and HTTP request methods to controllers. The GET and POST parameters are not used in routing. This makes sense, because a URL is typically supposed to target a resource by itself.
You have a path /get_data you need to send that to one controller. From there you want it sounds like you want to do is to go to another controller if you have GET parameters (passed in the URL). You can do this, but it's not normally what you want.
Just putting a conditional in a controller,
What you normally want when handling get parameters is simply to put them inside a block in the controller, IE,
my $query = $c->req->query_params
my $file = $query->param('foo');
my $name = $query->param('name');
if ( defined $file && defined $name) {
# we have file and name
else {
# or we do not
But you can always redispatch to a different controller (manually)
Or, through Mojo,
As a last idea, you can also make it that the route doesn't match if the post variables aren't there. But, I've never needed to do this.


{guzzle-services} How to use middlewares with GuzzleClient client AS OPPOSED TO directly with raw GuzzleHttp\Client?

My middleware need is to:
add an extra query param to requests made by a REST API client derived from GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient
I cannot do this directly when invoking APIs through the client because GuzzleClient uses an API specification and it only passes on "legal" query parameters. Therefore I must install a middleware to intercept HTTP requests after the API client prepares them.
The track I am currently on:
The problem:
I cannot figure out the RIGHT way to assemble the functional Russian doll that $myMiddleware must be. This is an insane gazilliardth-order function scenario, and the exact right way the function should be written seems to be different from the extensively documented way of doing things when working with GuzzleHttp\Client directly. No matter what I try, I end up having wrong things passed to some layer of the matryoshka, causing an argument type error, or I end up returning something wrong from a layer, causing a type error in Guzzle code.
I made a carefully weighted decision to give up trying to understand. Please just give me a boilerplate solution for GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient, as opposed to GuzzleHttp\Client.
The HandlerStack that is used to handle middleware in GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient can either transform/validate a command before it is serialized or handle the result after it comes back. If you want to modify the command after it has been turned into a request, but before it is actually sent, then you'd use the same method of Middleware as if you weren't using GuzzleClient - create and attach middleware to the GuzzleHttp\Client instance that is passed as the first argument to GuzzleClient.
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Description;
class MyCustomMiddleware
public function __invoke(callable $handler) {
return function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use ($handler) {
// ... do something with request
return $handler($request, $options);
$handlerStack = HandlerStack::create();
$handlerStack->push(new MyCustomMiddleware);
$config['handler'] = $handlerStack;
$apiClient = new GuzzleClient(new Client($config), new Description(...));
The boilerplate solution for GuzzleClient is the same as for GuzzleHttp\Client because regardless of using Guzzle Services or not, your request-modifying middleware needs to go on GuzzleHttp\Client.
You can also use
Of sorts to manipulate the request. I'm not 100% certain this is the thing you're looking for. But I assume you can add your extra parameter to the Request in there.
private function createAuthStack()
$stack = HandlerStack::create();
$stack->push(Middleware::mapRequest(function (RequestInterface $request) {
return $request->withHeader('Authorization', "Bearer " . $this->accessToken);
return $stack;
More Examples here: https://hotexamples.com/examples/guzzlehttp/Middleware/mapRequest/php-middleware-maprequest-method-examples.html

Parameter based redirect in nginx

I have http requests such as the one below being sent to an nginx server:
GET /app/handler?id=1234&param1=cbd&param2=234
Now, I want to rewrite the request to a different handler depending on the id param in the request. eg. redirect to handler_even for even ids and handler_odd for odd ids. This is shown below:
GET /app/handler?id=1234&param1=cbd&param2=234 => /app/handler_even?id=1234&param1=cbd&param2=234
GET /app/handler?id=123&param1=cbd&param2=234 => /app/handler_odd?id=123&param1=cbd&param2=234
I can do the rewrite using proxy_pass, but I'm unsure how to redirect using the id parameter value. Any idea how I could go about this? Would using "if" be the best way to go about this?
Any pointers would be useful
Rather than use an if directive, you could use a map. To internally rewrite the URI use:
map $arg_id $handler {
default /app/handler_even;
~[13579]$ /app/handler_odd;
server {
location = /app/handler {
rewrite ^ $handler last;
The map should be located at the same level as your server directive (as shown above), i.e. within the http container.
See this document for details.

How to call action in some other controller in Mojolicious?

I have an application that uses the Mojolicious framework. I have a table in the database that has a list of error response and additional details associated with it. I have created corresponding Result and Resultset to work with the DB table. There is also a controller to get details about the Error by interacting with the Resultset.
My idea is to Call an action in this controller that would get the details of the error that is passed to it (by another controller) by querying the database, add-in runtime information about the environment that requested for the resource that resulted in the error, create a response and return to the controller that called it.
I am struggling with the call from one controller to another. How do I do it in Mojolicious? I can pass the controller object ($self) to accomplish this, but is there a better way to do it, so that I separate entirely my error handling response from the calling controller?
In Mojolicious, you would probably want to pass that object around with a helper without creating a Mojolicious::Controller out of it:
In your main class:
sub startup {
my $app = shift;
# ...
my $thing = Thing->new(foo => 42);
$app->helper(thing => sub {$thing});
In your controller:
sub cool_action {
my $c = shift;
# ...
my $foo = $c->thing->gimmeh_foo('bar');
# ...
However, if you would like to prepare something (e.g. databases) for some actions, maybe under is helpful for you:
To share code with multiple nested routes you can [...]
PS: This feature of Mojolicious was previously named Bridges. Answer updated accordingly.

redirect forms with url values in zend

I have a page of the format www.test.com/policy-info/
which has a form that takes you to another page www.test.com/payment-info.
Now I am redirecting the page from www.test.com/payment-info to www.test.com/policy-info based on the some values obtained from the form. How do I redirect with certain values in the url.
the filename is policy-info.phtml.
Is this the only way to redirect?
You can use this:
$this->_helper->redirector('action', 'controller', 'module', array('param1'=>'value1', 'param2'=>'value2'));
in your case:
$this->_helper->redirector('index', 'policy-info', 'default',array('param1'=>'value1', 'param2'=>'value2'));
I always use $this->_redirect(...) and that works fine:
This may be a case where _forward() may be the best choice.
_forward($action, $controller = null, $module = null, array $params = null): perform another action. If called in preDispatch(), the
currently requested action will be skipped in favor of the new one.
Otherwise, after the current action is processed, the action requested
in _forward() will be executed.
also It looks like you may be using named/defined routes, if that is true gotoRoute maybe useful as well Redirector Helper:
$this->_helper->getHelper('Redirector')->gotoRoute(array('param'=>'value'), 'routeName');

Zend_Test - Setting redirect in Controller Plugin for PHPUnit

I have been trying to use PHPUnit to test an application. I have it all working, but cannot test redirects.
My redirects are occurring inside an Acl Controller Plugin, not inside an Action in a Controller.
I have changed them to use the suggested format of
$r = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
$r->gotoSimple("index", "index", "default");
But this fails in the tests, the response body is empty and I get errors like
Zend_Dom_Exception: Cannot query; no document registered
If I then change the test so that the dispatch method does not result in gotoSimple() being called then the test runs correctly.
How am I supposed to do a redirect in my application so that it runs correctly with Zend_Test's response object?
The Zend docs cover this in about two lines, which I have tried and it fails.
To test that redirect has occurred, you need to add
$this->assertRedirectTo( 'index' );
after running $this->dispatch();
You cannot query the response body, since it's empty in case of redirect (that's where your exception comes from).
You can always check what the response actually looks like with
print_r( $this->getResponse() );
Make sure, your actions return anything after redirections, because Zend_Test_PHPUnit disables redirects, so the code after redirect is executed as well.
$r = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
$r->gotoSimple("index", "index", "default");
$r = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
return $r->gotoSimple("index", "index", "default");
To test the redirect itself, you may use assertRedirect* assertions.
Read the above manual, because there are important notes about action hooks.