Merge two System Workbench for STM32 Projects - stm32

I configured with STM32CubeMX the UART interface for my Nucleo F446RE, it's using HAL Driver, and i want to connect it to a USB to UART Bridge so it can communicate with my GUI.
The other Project has all the programm code and it don't uses HAL Drivers.
Is there any way to merge these two Projects in System Workbench for STM32 together?


Issue in STM32CubeMx

While using STM32 CubeMX (version 5.2.1) and selecting the i2c in SMBus-two-wire-Interface it shows as follows:-
Warnings: STM32 CubeMX does not support the configuration of this mode of this IP.However,this IP can be configured manually.
Anyone please tell me the reason for this warning and also a solution for this

How to use LL (low level) drivers in CubeMX STM32?

I'm creating a blank project for a STM32F103 microcontroller using STM32CubeMX. Using HAL drivers (the default), I got a blinky example working pretty quickly, but I'd like to try out LL (low level) drivers instead of HAL.
When I go to Project > Settings > Advanced Settings in CubeMX, I see the peripherals listed, and there is a pulldown next to each one which only has one option, HAL. According to the docs this is where I could select LL or HAL for each peripheral.
How do I enable LL drivers in STM32CubeMX?
Details: I did a clean install of STM32CubeMX (4.23.0) on Ubuntu (16.04) and created a new project for STM32F103C8 microcontroller (this is on a "Blue Pill" board). I'm using SW4STM32 IDE, everything more or less worked out of the box except I had to select STLink V2 instead of V2.1 in a config file.
from project manager under advanced setting
from driver selector you can change HAL to LL for all peripherals
Currently (STM32CubeMX v4.23.0) the LL drivers are only generated for L1, L4, F2, F4, F7 series. See the chapter 6.2 STM32Cube code generation using Low Layer drivers
For STM32L1, STM32L4, STM32L4+, STM32F2, STM32F4 and STM32F7 Series,
STM32CubeMX allows generating peripheral initialization code based either on the
peripheral HAL driver or on the peripheral Low Layer (LL) driver.

How to do Simulink model run in Raspberry Pi after power on (booting) as standalone?

I build a Simulink model to control Dc motor, load into the board, stop Simulink model and plug out the power and Ethernet cable.
Does the Simulink model that has been loaded in the Raspberry Pi board work alone after Raspberry Pi power on (booting / startup) without running Simulink model again on the computer via Ethernet connection?
I assume you are using the official support package.
You will find a binary application built for your system in your home directory. The name of the folder is identical to the name of your simulink model.
You can use ssh to connect to your raspberry and start the application manually each time you boot the system. If you wish to start it automatically, check this question.
Make sure to stop the application before you use the support package to load a new application, for example when you update your model and built it again.
You can download the latest supportpackage for Raspberry Pi - 18a
They introduced "Run on Boot" feature at the Simulink config set.
You can directly add a model to startup during deployment.
Refer the supportpackage page for more information.

Redhat OS with notebook to Embedded controller RPI

Now I have the Redhat:Linux OS on notebook computer there are many applications inside that computer.
Reason that I need to port Redhat:OS to RPI that computer was installed Labview application and Labview with NiDAQmx , VISA I/O.(Now it's running fine on notebook with NI6008)
The question is how can I port that linux OS to my Raspberry PI with driver of RPI?(I need to know step by step)
NI does not support running LabVIEW standard on ARM processors - see What Linux Distributions Do National Instruments Drivers and Software Support?.
NI does have a Real Time modules that supports ARM processors, but not the Pi - see Targetting Raspberry PI.
You can still connect a NI6008 DAQ to your Pi and access the data using a driver such as Low Cost USB DAQ Driver for use with Raspberry Pi, but you will have to consume the data with an application written in a language other than LabVIEW (such as Python).

How can we Interface between Matlab and ROS

I have a face recognition program developed in matlab , I want to get results or output in robot operating system (ROS) also installed on my computer both matlab and ROS are on Ubuntu.
How can I interface both matlab and ROS?
There is ROS io matlab package, have a look here
Matlab 2015 is supporting ROS as well.
You can connect matlab with ROS with the Matlab-ROS toolbox.
There are plenty of matlab-ros guides available, such as:
The approach of such guides is commonly:
Set up connection (e.g. set ROS_IP / ROS_MASTER_URI, create a ros-1 core if you have none running yet)
Create a matlab publisher object that streams your data (messagetype of your choice, depending on the results you want to output) on a topic.
Connect other components by setting up subscribers (on matlab or in other frameworks) that listen to updates on the specified topics.
Matlab-ROS-toolbox allows interfacing with ros on both Windows and Linux, which does not require you to install ROS on your device.
Having ROS installed allows various features such as interaction through terminal (e.g. rostopic list).