Google Analytics API V4 runRealtimeReport with v1Beta - cannot get source, medium, url - google-analytics-api

We are running into the following problem;
We now request the v3 realtime endpoint for v3-properties. These requests contain the visited urls with source, medium and timestamp (minutesAgo). Since some of the v3-properties are transformed to v4-properties, we are exploring the runRealtimeReport-endpoint. But this doesn't seem to provide in this information.
My questions:
How can we get the visited url, medium (ex. referral) and source (ex. If this is not possible, when will it become possible?
Also, is there a depreciation-date known for the v3-beta-realtime-endpoint?


Azure data factory pagination doesn't work

I am working on a pipeline which executes oAuth2 flow in order to access REST API json data. Once I have the bearer token I am executing a request which returns the following structure:
As you can see, since the response is quite large, there's paging enabled and as part of the response I get a link to the next page. In order to get to that resource I need to also present MS-ContinuationToken in the headers. So, this is how I basically do it in the config of the Copy activity that I use to get the data from the REST endpoint:
and the issue here is that I only get the first 2000 rows and the next page(s) don't seem to be visited at all. Pipeline executes successfully and only the first 2000 items are fetched.
NOTE: continuationToken and have the exact same values from the initial response.
Even if you fix the other issue you’ll have an issue with the “next” URL not including “v1”. This is a known issue in the partner center api team. I’ve escalated it pretty high. But they don’t want to break backwards compatibility by changing the “next” URI to include the v1 or to be relative. They are considering other options but I wouldn’t hold your breath.
I would ditch the idea of using data factory and instead write a .NET console app using the partner center SDK
(You might think to paginate manually with loops etc but the Copy activity doesn’t return eg the http headers, so you will need a complex set up to somehow store the data in a data store and be able to look up the last page in order to get the continuation token. I couldn’t figure it out)

Extracting value from API/Webpage

I'm trying to retrieve the 'estimated value' field displayed on the website so it can be displayed in a google sheets automatically.
Example URL:
I've tried using the =IMPORTXML() function as such:
=IMPORTXML(, /*[contains(concat( " ", #class, " " ), concat( " ", "value", " " ))])
with no success, seemingly to be caused because it is retrieved using Javascript.
Doing some research I found poppriceguide is using Hobbydb's API which according to Hobbydb should be available.
Going through the network calls I found this API request, however when I do it separately it gives me an authentication failed.
Other API Requests do work however, for example:
How would I go about retrieving the value so it can dynamically be displayed in a Google sheets?
The link you shared says
Let us know if you are interested in exploring co-operation and using the API. Please provide us with a good overview of your project.
This is likely to mean that the API requires authentication
It is also possible for the API to have certain endpoints that are free, which is why some seem to work. Yet with no publicly available documentation, there is no way to know which ones.
So unfortunately you will not be able to use Apps Script for this, you could look into some other web scraping software, maybe Puppeteer. Or try and apply for an API key from HobbyDB.

Rest convention: Should api send details api url for listings or clients hard code them?

We have listing and details page for mobile, desktop, android and ios?
We have two apis- one for listing and other for details of those listings. So one api is assosiated with other.
listing api looks like:
details api looks like:
listing api in response sends back details api link for each listing:
For example:
will have Response:
"id": 1,
"price": 120,
"pages": 400,
"detailsUrl": "/api/book/{bookId}"
The problem is, should I send detailsUrl with each listing or let all the clients create this? Since they have bookId, they can create it.
What is considered to be best practise considering the url params in details api url may get added in future, api may be versioned and all other possibilities for widely used apis?
I'd put my money on creating the link.
There is a perfect explanation why putting id is not enough
DO NOT include just an entity's ID (such as 12) in a response, because
that way you're forcing clients to put together resource URIs
themselves. In order to do that, they would need to have prior
knowledge of what URIs there are, and you're losing control over the
URI space on the server side.
I recommend to read the entire, linked text (approved answer), it's very detailed and got nice resources. As the author mentioned, there is a popular convention how to make connections between resources - HAL. Consider this instead of detailsUrl.
Even if a link to the resource is obvious right now and you decided to put id alone, in other resources after some time it won't be so simple and you will be forced to specify full URL. Then your API won't be consistent. Experience has taught me it's always easier and better for maintenance to send back full link.

RESTful URL for search vs admin

I have a scenario where I have to either
Pull the data from backend as search
Pull the same data from backend to administrate
The URLs I am using are -
The search can be then subsequently filtered as
The concern that I have is that management is not a resource - it is actually an action. The management page contains links for other functionality associated with car management [add a car/delete a car/list cars/modify cars etc]
Has somebody else faced this issue? Can you let me know your solution?
There is nothing wrong with having a management resource that is a page showing management options for cars. Just because "cars" is the only thing in your database doesn't mean that is the only resource you can present to the user. You could have a resource that is just a form to pick a color (that makes a POST or PUT to the car resource). You could have a resource that is just a form to fill out the address you want the car delivered to. You could have a resource that is just a check box whether you want leather seats or not. You can have as many resources as you like and that make sense, even if all the resources are are pages with forms or links back to the car resource.
Just don't put any verbs in your URLs. You should still be using state transfer using HTTP verbs to change the state of the resources. Don't have a link like
GET /cars/123/deleteCar
on the management page. Instead there might be a link on the management page that (probably using Javascript since browsers have poor native support for HTTP verbs) performs a HTTP request along the lines of
DELETE /cars/123
when the user clicks the link. Something like jQuery can help with that. So long as the management page is using the HTTP verbs to change the state of the resources you are following REST since HTTP is a REST constrained protocol. REST doesn't say don't have actions, it says the actions should be constrained to state transfer.
There is no such concept as a "RESTful URL";
There is no issue with your URLs(/cars, /cars/management)
"/cars/management" is valid resource and it is not an action at all.
The RESTfull way to do this is to use the same URL with different HTTP verbs:
GET /cars for search/listing.
POST /cars for insert.
PUT /cars?id=123 (or /cars/123) for update.
DELETE /cars?id=123 for delete.

How to perform Action in Rest API

I try to create a pdf ON Server but what will be the Rest URL? I.e. For a List of all Clubs in one Region GET /clubListForRegion/3
The design of the resource depends on your application domain. If you offer some service for browsing different entertainment branches and you can drill down into certain regions I would propose
GET /regions/north-east/entertainment/clubs
and the representation of this collection of club resources would be a PDF.
If you are offering some service specialised on browsing clubs, you could shorten the hierarchy or use a query parameter:
GET /clubs/techno?region=north-east
If the on the fly creation of the PDF takes a noticeable amount of time, I would propose a POST on the resource instead. The response could contain a link to the final PDF and possibly a link to query the status of the PDF creation process.