Why is there no documentation for Next-Auth get authorization url error? - next-auth

I get this error when trying to signin using next-auth:
https://next-auth.js.org/errors#get_authorization_url_error {
statusCode: 503...
There documentation says very little about the error https://next-auth.js.org/errors#get_authorization_url_error. Has anyone gotten this error before, or if not, can you direct me to a link that has more information?

You seem to be getting a 503 when requesting the authorization URL from your oauth provider. This generally means some provider settings (either from you or from next-auth) are incorrect. A 503 almost makes me think the URL you're trying to hit to generate the authenticationUrl might have a typo or something.
Can you provide some more details about your setup? [...nextauth].js file, versions of next-auth and next.js, etc.?


Facebook privacy policy URL: Bad Response Code: URL returned a bad HTTP response code (Using AWS S3 hosted Website)

I recently hosted a website on AWS S3 as a static page. For some unknown, Facebook won't allow me to submit the app using https://www.spotin.io/privacy-policy as an url because of a bad response code.
For now, I just added a simple generic privacy policy until I fix this, but I really need help. I read the other questions in Stack Over flow but their from 2 years ago and I following the given advice but it didn't work.
Here I include Facebook's debugger response image:
Facebook Debugger
Can someone help please?
You seem to use CloudFront. Your page already delivers 404 code as a response:
via https://httpstatus.io/
via Postman
Check your CloudFront setup, especially the Errors section. This alternative question might be of help:
CloudFront got X-Cache: Error from cloudfront with Status Code 200

OAuthException code 100

I'm getting the error:
{"error":{"message":"Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"fbtrace_id":"C0VqQrGq4iM"}
I manually built the login flow with the resulting dialog url:
On our FB app settings we have:
App Domains has opentable.ie
On Advanced Settings - Valid OAuth redirect URIs we have https://www.opentable.ie/my/oauth/facebook
When I went back to see my logs I saw that redirectUri lost https and is using plain http, that's the only pointer I have.
Any ideas on why we get this error? Thanks guys

Facebook - OAuth Token - redirect_uri isn't an absolute URL

... but it is!
I am calling the facebook API with the following link in order to receive my access token:
What am I doing wrong?
Facebook answers with the following error:
message: redirect_uri isn't an absolute URI. Check RFC 3986.
type: OAuthException
code: 191
It shouldn't have anything to do with it, but I am using java's URLEncode.encode() to encode the URL into UTF-8. I compared the result with that one from JavaScript's encodeURIComponent() and didn't find any difference.
EDIT: Do I have to set the domain into my configuration? I can't locate it on "App Domains" (because facebook doesn't allow me to add domains there with port configuration) but I set the domain as "URL of my website".
EDIT2: The unencoded redirect uri: http://mydomain.org:8080/Server/FacebookAuthenticationVerificationServlet
EDIT3: This has nothing to do with the :8080. I tested it with a php-script (URL was like bla.domain.org/myphp.php) and sent the code by the php script to the tomcat server, but the error persisted.
Okay, it turned out I misunderstood the OAuth protocol. I was fetching the authorizationCode that THEN leeds me to the accessToken.
But I wasn't able to fix that error in specific. I just redeveloped the procedure and implemented auth-code and access-token separation and it works fine now.
Maybe unauthorizating the app and reauthorizating it # facebook did fix it?
Error code 191 for Facebook is
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
Make sure mydomain.org is in the App Domains field, and that the Website with Facebook login field is correct.
You shouldn't encode redirect_uri. http%3A%2F%2Fmydomain.org is not understood as http://mydomain.org

oauth token for sinatra oauth2-provider

I am new to Sinatra and want to get it working with oauth2-provider gem. I followed instruction https://github.com/songkick/oauth2-provider#readme and looked at example. But after i've got access_token, i can't get information from Oauth endpoint using this. It generate 401 not Unauthorized error. From my application i do request
http://localhost:9292/me?access_token=, i've tried html request as well as json request, but without success.
Anybody faced with this problem ?
Looks like you did your request using HTTP vs HTTPS. Did you try setting Songkick::OAuth2::Provider.enforce_ssl = false for now?

Tab Page Error: The requested method GET is not allowed

I have just set up a custom tab on my page for the first time. I have thoroughly followed the setup guide and seem to have everything on the Facebook side setup correctly.
However when I view my page it throws the following error:
Method Not Allowed The requested method GET is not allowed for the
URL /Facebook/index.html. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was
encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the
request. Apache/1.3.41 Server at feebnaturals.com.au Port 80
I believe it may be some kind of Apache server config issue, however I'm not that Apache savvy, so not sure where to start.
I had the same problem, but instead of GET, it was POST method which was not allowed. This is a setting on your server. Not server savvy myself, but it seems that my provider didn't allow this method on html-page, but makes no problem on doing the same for php-pages. So all I did was rename my page from .html to .php, updated the app settings in facebook and all works fine now.
This is definitely an error on your side, check your server logs and see what they say - it looks like you've configured the page to only work via a POST request and it's being requested in a GET request