CSV file export in MATLAB adding new lines - matlab

I'm trying to take in a complex csv file in MATLAB and edit/rearrange it. I used tableread to pull out the numerical data that I then manipulated. Afterwards I aimed to take the first 52 rows of text metadata, add three more rows then combine with the numerical data and output as a csv file.
However, I can't seem to find a way to work with the text metadata rows that doesn't ultimately add new lines between them when output.
e.g. this is how my csv outputs:
Instrument, Data Processed Analysis
Created,Monday, August 16, 2021 3:13:38 PM
When it should look like:
NGX, Data Processed Analysis
Created,Monday, August 16, 2021 3:13:38 PM
Here is my code:
fileName = 'D5-116.NGXDP';
fileOut = fileName(1:end-6);
fileOut = append(fileOut, '.csv');
eEnergy = 1.602176634e-19; %electron energy in coulombs
resisTor = 1e11; %Resistor value for EM
%% Reading and Edit Mass Data - this is too hardcoded right now
T = readtable(fileName, 'FileType', 'text');
T = T{:,:}; %convert from table to matrix
dataOrg(:,1:3) = T(1087:1236, 1:3); %cycle:time:Ar
dataOrg(:,4) = T(935:1084, 3); %39
dataOrg(:,5) = T(783:932, 3); %38
dataOrg(:,6) = T(631:780, 3); %37
dataOrg(:,7) = T(479:628, 3); %36
dataOrg(:,7) = dataOrg(:,7) * eEnergy * resisTor; %36Ar - convert CPS to V
dataOrg(:,3:7) = dataOrg(:,3:7) * 1000; %Convert all to mV
%% Reading the metadata from the file
T2 = fopen(fileName);
metaData = fread(T2, '*char')'; %read content
results = strsplit(metaData, '\n'); %split the char data by entry spaces
metaNeat = results(:,1:52)'; %Takes the metadata prior to #collectors
metaNeat(end+1, 1) = {'Blocks, 1'}; %added data
metaNeat(end+1, 1) = {'Cycles, 150'}; %added data
metaNeat(end+1, 1) = {'Cycle, Time, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36'};
for n = 1:length(metaNeat) %scan each row, if there is a comma split them
if contains(metaNeat(n,1), ',') == 1
tempMeta = split(metaNeat(n,1), ',')';
metaNeat(n,1:size(tempMeta, 2)) = tempMeta;
clear tempMeta
outPut = metaNeat; %metadata section
outPut(end+1:(end+150), 1:7) = num2cell(dataOrg); %mass value section
writecell(outPut,fileOut,'Delimiter',',', 'FileType', 'text')
I'm sure there is a way to do this in three lines of course. My guess is that the strsplit function I'm using to separate the char cell into multiple rows is preserving the \n value. The added lines (e.g. Blocks, 1) do not show gaps in the csv file. Any tips or advice would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time,


MATLAB CSV read error

At first, I would like to say that this is not a duplicate of this: Reading CSV files with MATLAB?
In my script, I am trying to read a CSV file (sensor data). It is of the format:
2015-10-08 01:00:00.000,-0.762,-0.68,-0.234
2015-10-08 01:00:00.013,-0.762,-0.676,-0.234
2015-10-08 01:00:00.025,-0.762,-0.672,-0.234
2015-10-08 01:00:00.038,-0.762,-0.672,-0.23
and suddenly I get this error:
Error using dlmread (line 147)
Mismatch between file and format character vector.
Trouble reading 'Numeric' field from file (row number 1, field number 1) ==>
Error in csvread (line 48)
m=dlmread(filename, ',', r, c);
Error in getAvgData (line 17)
rawData = csvread([filePath, '/', fileList.name]);
Error in precomputeProcess (line 31)
This code used to work well without this error and this is the first time I am seeing this. I am not sure if textScan would be of any help. here is my code snippet:
for k = 1:length(hourSampleRateList)
hourSampleRate = hourSampleRateList(k);
disp(['Start at sampling rate: ', num2str(hourSampleRate)]);
for hour = startHour:endHour
hourStr = num2str(hour,'%02i');
filePath = fullfile(pwd, username, 'MasterSynced', yearStr, monthStr,dayStr,hourStr);
fileList = dir([filePath, '/RawDataFloat*.csv']);
if (isempty(fileList))
rawData = csvread([filePath, '/', fileList.name]);
avgData = zeros(ceil(length(rawData)/hourSampleRate), 4);
j = 1;
for i = 1:hourSampleRate:length(rawData)-1;
avgData(j, :) = mean(rawData(i:i+hourSampleRate-1, :));
j = j + 1;
filePath = fullfile(pwd, username, 'MasterSynced', yearStr, monthStr,dayStr,hourStr);
myPath = [filePath, '\Avg', num2str(hourSampleRate, '%03i'), '-', fileList.name];
if exist(myPath, 'file') == 2
disp(['Day-Hour(', dayStr, '-', hourStr, '): completed.']);
Any help or info would be helpful.
M = csvread(filename) reads a comma-separated value (CSV) formatted
file into array M. The file must contain only numeric values.
Your first column is a date, not a numerical value.
M = csvread(filename,R1,C1) reads data from the file starting at row
offset R1 and column offset C1.
So you may skip the first column by using rawData = csvread([filePath, '/', fileList.name],0,1);
Also if your version is < 2016b, this MATLAB Answer suggests to use textscan instead, with 'HeaderLines',8 and appropriate format discriptor, 'Delimiter', and if necessary, 'EndOfLine' declarations.

MATLAB - replace the string in a text file with index and delete those line without indexed

I have a text file with data structure like this
I want to index those file with a label file.and the result will be something like this.
However there might be some class that is not in label class and I need to filter those line out so I can use load() to load in.(you can't have char inside that text file and execute load().
here is my implement:
function test(vName,meta)
f_dt = fopen([vName '.txt'],'r');
f_indexed = fopen([vName '_indexed.txt'], 'w');
lbls = loadlbl()
count = 1;
if(f_dt == -1),
dt = fgets(f_dt);
if(dt == -1),
dt_cls = strsplit(dt,','){7};
dt_cls = regexprep(dt_cls, '\s+', '');
cls_idx = find(strcmp(lbls,dt_cls));
dt = strrep(dt,dt_cls,int2str(cls_idx));
if(f_dt ~= -1),
However it work very very slow because the text file contains 100 thousand of lines. Is it anyway that I could do this task smarter and faster?
You may use textscan, and get the indices/ line numbers of the labels you want. After knowing the line numbers, you can extract what you want.
fid = fopen('data.txt') ;
S = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n') ;
S = S{1} ;
fclose(fid) ;
%% get bicycle lines
idx = strfind(S, 'bicycle');
idx = find(not(cellfun('isempty', idx)));
S_bicycle = S(idx)
%% write this to text file
fid2 = fopen('text.txt','wt') ;
fclose(fid2) ;
From S_bicycle, you can extract your numbers.

Matlab; how to extract information from a header's file (text file)

I have many text files that have 35 lines of header followed by a large matrix with data of an image (that info can be ignored and do not need to read it at the moment). I want to be able to read the header lines and extract information contained on those lines. For instance the first few lines of the header are..
File Version Number: 1.0
Date: 06/05/2015
Time: 10:33:44 AM
Beam Voltage (-kV) = 13.000
Filament (W) = 4.052
Cond. (-kV) = 8.885
CenterX1 (V) = 10.7
CenterY1 (V) = -45.9
Objective (%) = 71.40
OctupoleX = -0.4653
OctupoleY = -0.1914
Angle (deg) = 0.00
I would like to be able to open this text file and read the vulue of the day and time the file was created, filament power, the condenser voltage, the angle, etc.. and save these in variables or send them to a text box on a GUI program.
I have tried several things but since the values I want to extract some times are after a '=' or after a ':' or simply after a '' then I do not know how to approach this. Perhaps reading each line and look for a match of a word?
Any help would be much appreciated.
This is not particularly difficult, and one of the ways to do it would be to parse line-by-line as you suggested. Something like this:
fid = fopen('input.txt');
lineCount = 0;
dateString = '';
beamVoltage = 0;
while ~eof(fid)
line = fgetl(fid);
lineCount = lineCount + 1;
%//check conditions for skipping loop body
if isempty(line)
elseif lineCount > MAX_LINES_TO_READ
%//find headers you are interested in
if strfind(line, 'Date')
%//find the first location of the header separator
idx = find(line, ':', 1);
%//extract substring starting from 1 char after separator
%//note: the trim is to get rid of leading/trailing whitespace
dateString = strtrim(line(idx + 1 : end));
elseif strfind(line, 'Beam Voltage')
idx = find(line, '=', 1);
beamVoltage = str2double(line(idx + 1 : end));

How to import in Matlab a cellarray from a .txt file with columns as "text"?

I have a .txt file which I want to import with code in Matlab as a cell. This .txt file has lines with different lengths and a combination of numbers and characters in them. Here is a sample of the file:
*** After labeling ***
Elements: E11, E21, E31, E51, E61, E81,
Connections: E11E61, E21E81, E31E61, E31E81, E51E81,
*** After labeling ***
Elements: E11, E21, E31, E51, E61, E81,
Connections: E11E61, E21E81, E31E51, E31E81, E61E81,
*** After labeling ***
Elements: E11, E21, E31, E51, E61, E62, E81,
Connections: E11E61, E21E81, E31E51, E31E62, E61E81, E62E81,
The results should look like this:
When I import the file using the Import Tool some columns are recognized as text and some as numbers. I have to manually change the type of the column from number to text for each of them:
More, I have to select cellarray instead of Column Vectors each time. The maximum length of the lines is known, 15.
I tried results = importfile('results') but it does not work. Does anybody have any suggestions for me?
Here is some simple parsing routine that returns directly elements and connections as cell vectors.
NB: Parsing assumes text file is well formatted and is always elements, followed by connections.
function [elements, connections] = ReadElementsAndConnections(filename)
% For debug
if (nargin < 1), filename = 'ElementsAndConnections.txt'; end
% Read full file content
text = fileread(filename);
% Split on newline
lines = strsplit(strtrim(text), '\n');
% Parse
elements = cell(0,1);
connections = cell(0,1);
isElementLine = true;
lcount = length(lines);
startElements = length('Elements:') + 1;
startConnections = length('Connections:') + 1;
for li = 1:lcount,
% Skip empty lines or lines starting with '*'
line = strtrim(lines{li});
if (isempty(line) || (line(1) == '*')), continue; end
% NOT VERY SAFE: Assuming we always have 'elements', followed by 'connections'
if (isElementLine)
elementsLine = lines{li}(startElements:end);
elementsValues = strtrim(strsplit(elementsLine, ','));
elements{end+1} = elementsValues(1:(end-1)); % Last value is empty.
isElementLine = false;
connectionsLine = lines{li}(startConnections:end);
connectionsValues = strtrim(strsplit(connectionsLine, ','));
connections{end+1} = connectionsValues(1:(end-1)); % Last value is empty.
isElementLine = true;
You can then access elements and connections like this:
>> elements{1}
ans =
'E11' 'E21' 'E31' 'E51' 'E61' 'E81'
>> connections{3}
ans =
'E11E61' 'E21E81' 'E31E51' 'E31E62' 'E61E81' 'E62E81'

Excessively large overhead in MATLAB .mat file

I am parsing a large text file full of data and then saving it to disk as a *.mat file so that I can easily load in only parts of it (see here for more information on reading in the files, and here for the data). To do so, I read in one line at a time, parse the line, and then append it to the file. The problem is that the file itself is >3 orders of magnitude larger than the data contained therein!
Here is a stripped down version of my code:
database = which('01_hit12.par');
[directory,filename,~] = fileparts(database);
matObj = matfile(fullfile(directory,[filename '.mat']),'Writable',true);
fidr = fopen(database);
hitranTemp = fgetl(fidr);
k = 1;
while ischar(hitranTemp)
if abs(hitranTemp(1)) == 32;
hitranTemp(1) = '0';
hitran = textscan(hitranTemp,'%2u%1u%12f%10f%10f%5f%5f%10f%4f%8f%15c%15c%15c%15c%6u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2u%1c%7f%7f','delimiter','','whitespace','');
matObj.moleculeNumber(1,k) = uint8(hitran{1});
matObj.isotopeologueNumber(1,k) = uint8(hitran{2});
matObj.vacuumWavenumber(1,k) = hitran{3};
matObj.lineIntensity(1,k) = hitran{4};
matObj.airWidth(1,k) = single(hitran{6});
matObj.selfWidth(1,k) = single(hitran{7});
matObj.lowStateE(1,k) = single(hitran{8});
matObj.tempDependWidth(1,k) = single(hitran{9});
matObj.pressureShift(1,k) = single(hitran{10});
if rem(k,1e4) == 0;
display(sprintf('line %u (%2.2f)',k,100*k/K));
hitranTemp = fgetl(fidr);
k = k + 1;
I stopped the code after 13,813 of the 224,515 lines had been parsed because it had been taking a very long time and the file size was getting huge, but the last printout indicated that I had only just cleared 10k lines. I cleared the memory, and then ran:
S = whos('-file','01_hit12.mat');
fileBytes = sum([S.bytes]);
T = dir(which('01_hit12.mat'));
diskBytes = T.bytes;
disp([fileBytes diskBytes diskBytes/fileBytes])
and get the output:
524894 896189009 1707.37141022759
What is taking up the extra 895,664,115 bytes? I know the help page says there should be a little extra overhead, but I feel that nearly a Gb of descriptive header is a bit excessive!
New information:
I tried pre-allocating the file, thinking that perhaps MATLAB was doing the same thing it does when a matrix is embiggened in a loop and reallocating a chunk of disk space for the entire matrix on each write, and that isn't it. Filling the file with zeros of the appropriate data types results in a file that my short check script returns:
8531570 71467 0.00837677004349727
This makes more sense to me. Matlab is saving the file sparsely, so the disk file size is much smaller than the size of the full matrix in memory. Once it starts replacing values with real data, however, I get the same behavior as before and the file size starts skyrocketing beyond all reasonable bounds.
New new information:
Tried this on a subset of the data, 100 lines long. To stream to disk, the data has to be in v7.3 format, so I ran the subset through my script, loaded it into memory, and then resaved as v7.0 format. Here are the results:
v7.3: 3800 8752 2.30
v7.0: 3800 2561 0.67
No wonder the v7.3 format isn't the default. Does anyone know a way around this? Is this a bug or a feature?
This seems like a bug to me. A workaround is to write in chunks to pre-allocated arrays.
Start off by pre-allocating:
fid = fopen('01_hit12.par', 'r');
data = fread(fid, inf, 'uint8');
nlines = nnz(data == 10) + 1;
matObj.moleculeNumber = zeros(1,nlines,'uint8');
matObj.isotopeologueNumber = zeros(1,nlines,'uint8');
matObj.vacuumWavenumber = zeros(1,nlines,'double');
matObj.lineIntensity = zeros(1,nlines,'double');
matObj.airWidth = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
matObj.selfWidth = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
matObj.lowStateE = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
matObj.tempDependWidth = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
matObj.pressureShift = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
Then to write in chunks of 10000, I modified your code as follows:
... % your code plus pre-alloc first
bs = 10000;
while ischar(hitranTemp)
if abs(hitranTemp(1)) == 32;
hitranTemp(1) = '0';
for ii = 1:bs,
hitran{ii} = textscan(hitranTemp,'%2u%1u%12f%10f%10f%5f%5f%10f%4f%8f%15c%15c%15c%15c%6u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2 u%1c%7f%7f','delimiter','','whitespace','');
hitranTemp = fgetl(fidr);
if hitranTemp==-1, bs=ii; break; end
% this part really ugly, sorry! trying to keep it compact...
matObj.moleculeNumber(1,k:k+bs-1) = uint8(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{1},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.isotopeologueNumber(1,k:k+bs-1) = uint8(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{2},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.vacuumWavenumber(1,k:k+bs-1) = builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{3},hitran),1:bs);
matObj.lineIntensity(1,k:k+bs-1) = builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{4},hitran),1:bs);
matObj.airWidth(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{5},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.selfWidth(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{6},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.lowStateE(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{7},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.tempDependWidth(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{8},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.pressureShift(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{9},hitran),1:bs));
k = k + bs;
The final size on disk is 21,393,408 bytes. The usage breaks down as,
>> S = whos('-file','01_hit12.mat');
>> fileBytes = sum([S.bytes]);
>> T = dir(which('01_hit12.mat'));
>> diskBytes = T.bytes; ratio = diskBytes/fileBytes;
>> fprintf('%10d whos\n%10d disk\n%10.6f\n',fileBytes,diskBytes,ratio)
8531608 whos
21389582 disk
Still fairly inefficient, but not out of control.