Which FIX tag can I use as an ID for the message? Are there any tags that are universal? - quickfix

Using QuickFIX/J I am trying to write a test to time how long it takes for a FIX message to reach its destination. However I am not sure which tag or tags I can use to identify a message as the exact same one that was sent. The toString method for the message seems to return slightly different values.
Are there any tag or tags that are universal to all FIX messages?

There is no unique FIX message identifier like you're looking for.
However, for your perf-test use case, I think you should just pick a String field that belongs to whichever message you are trying to measure, and set it to a unique value that the receiver is looking for.
If you don't have a specific message in mind, I suggest you use the News message (35=B). It doesn't have many required fields and has a very simple structure. You could use the Headline field to set your unique identifier value.


Is there anyway to check duplicate the message control id (MSH:10) in MSH segment using Mirth connect?

Is there anyway to check duplicate the message control id (MSH:10) in MSH segment using Mirth connect?
MSH|^~&|sss|xxx|INSTANCE2|KKLIU 0063/2021|20190905162034||ADT^A28^ADT_A05|Zx20190905162034|P|2.4|||NE|NE|||||
whenever message enters it needs to be validated whether duplicate of control id Zx20190905162034 is already processed or not?
Mirth will not do this for you, but you can write your own JavaScript transformer to check a database or your own set of previously encountered control ids.
Your JavaScript can make use of any appropriate Java classes.
The database check (you can implement this using code template) is the easier way out. You might want to designate the column storing MSH:10 values as a primary key or define an index on it. Queries against unique entries would be faster. Other alternatives include periodically redeploying the Channel while reading all MSH:10 values already in the database and placing them in a global map variable or maintained in an API that you can make a GET request to when processing every message. Any of the options depends on the number of records we are speaking about.

What is the use of Message-ID in email?

From what I've read, every Message-ID must be unique, however it is possible to create repeated Message-IDs if we force the header with a fixed value. So I don't understand what the point of them saying that the Message-ID should be unique, but they are very easy to create duplicates. If they can easily be generated by anyone with a little reading and basic programmatic knowledge, why do Message-IDs exist and what are they used for, which I can easily duplicate?
Short answer: For threading in email clients.
The message-id header is defined in RFC 2822:
The "Message-ID:" field contains a single unique message identifier.
The "References:" and "In-Reply-To:" field each contain one or more
unique message identifiers
The message ID is used to show which message is a reply to which other message, for example. That way mail clients can show a tree of emails with their replies even if other things like the Subject don't change. (Counting leading Re:s of the subject line would be a bad way to determine ancestors and children: not every mail client adds them, and some use language specific ones.)
in conjunction with the References and In-Reply-To fields, mail clients use Message-ID to organize multiple messages into threads.
and at least some clients will consider two messages with the same ID to be the same thing and discard one of them.

FIX Protocol: Conditionally Required Field Missing for CashOrderQty

I'm attempting to implement a FIX protocol in .NET with QuickFIX in order to automatically send out trade orders. Sending orders with the OrderQty tag doesn't raise any issues, however when using the CashOrderQty tag, the host returns the error message "Conditionally Required Field Missing". The message already includes all the specified fields required for CashOrderQty, the error only disappears if I add OrderQty to the message, however the documentation explicitly states only one of the two must be sent in the message.
I would agree with the earlier comments - it seems to be a question to your counter-party, no issue with QuickFix/n as such. It (apparently) correctly delivers the trade order message to the exchange, and the exchange's response back to you, so only the maintainer of the exchange's documentation could explain the reasons for the behavior your see.
Check FIX.xml dictionary on your side, it should match the third party documentation in terms of required and optional fields + supported fields.

Assigning and accessing custom email headers in .NET

I need to add a custom header to an email using the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage class and then using the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage class I need to read that value.
What I'm trying to do exactly is bounce processing for emails we send out. I am generating a new Guid value and adding it to the headers right before it's sent. I'm storing that value in a database and need to match it up when a separate process scans the inbox for processing. I all of that working except one part - I can't get the message ID from the header.
I know messages have a Message-ID header (which is automatically added) and I can access that but what I'm having difficulty with is getting that value when it's sent in the first place. Is that even possible? If so I'll use that instead of my own value.
I can get the email address and the other relevant information but the system I've written uses the message ID I was assigning as the foreign key used in joins in the database.
Any guidance on this would be appreciated. I doubt I'm the only person whose ever tried doing this.
Sorry everyone, the email I was testing with didn't have the header in it, that's why it couldn't be found.
I created a new email with it added and I could access it through the InternetMessageHeaders property of the EmailMessage object.

QuickFix do not validate user defined fields for specific message only

I implement QuickFix client and I parse SecurityDefinition message ('d') with many user-defined fields. The service provider wants me not to validate user-defined fields, as he says that they add new fields from time to time and don't want to make us (clients) dependant of this.
Is there a way to cancel validation of user-defined fields for one specific message only?
Take a look at the Configuring QuickFIX page, in particular the ValidateUserDefinedFields parameter:
ValidateUserDefinedFields: If set to N, user defined fields will not be rejected if they are not defined in the data dictionary, or are present in messages they do not belong to.
This does not turn off validation of one particular message of course. It turns off validation for User Defined Fields in messages where they are not defined in the Data Dictionary. If the SecurityDefinition message is the only one they add fields to without prior notification then setting ValidateUserDefinedFields to N is probably good enough for you because:
In other messages, either you defined User Defined Fields in your Data Dictionary and they are validated, or you haven't and they are not validated. In the latter case because you probably won't use those fields there's no harm.
In SecurityDefinition only the User Defined Fields you put in your Data Dictionary are validated, other UDF's aren't which is what you want.
If there's still a use-case that would prohibit you from using that configuration option, please let me know in the comments section.