Iteratively display values during optimization process in MATLAB - matlab

I am using lsqnonlin in MATLAB to align a rigid skeleton model to raw joint center data recorded from a device that does not necessarily yield a rigid skeleton. Therefore, my objective function to be minimized is the distance between model joint locations and raw data joint locations.
My algorithm does a pretty good job (red is the rigid model and blue is the raw data):
except for some select frames where my skeleton is off:
I am interested in examining the solution process graphically so that I can visualize what lsqnonlin is trying to do for every frame. Ideally, I would output a History but this seems to be only available for other solvers.
For lsqnonlin it seems that I need to specify a plotting function for the PlotFcn option in optimoptions. I have extracted from the optimation Toolbox the function optimplotx.m which displays a bar graph of the state variables during the iteration process as lsqnonlin converges. My plan is to tweak this function to reproduce the plot for the red skeleton previously displayed.
My problem is that the quantity to be optimized is not the joint locations themselves, but joint angles. I have another function which does forward kinematics and gives me joint positions from joint angles. I would like to pass model parameters into optimplotx.m so that I may call my forward kinematics function and get the plot done but I am unsure how to do that.
These are the inputs to optimplotx.m:
It seems that somewhere deep in the Optimization Toolbox, MATLAB expects these inputs, and they are not to be changed. It is required that I call #optimplotx anonymously anyway, without passing in arguments. It seems that the only way I might be able to get around this is to make my model parameters global in both my main file and optimplotx. Is there any way around this?


Co-Simulation LS-Dyna and Simulink/MATLAB

I would like to make a CoSimulation of LS-Dyna and MATLAB or Simulink.
The idea: A force applied in my dyna model displaces nodes in the first iteration. For the next iteration LS-Dyna passes over the nodal displacements to matlab or simulink. An algorithm calculates the new forces to be applied on each node by using the displacement of the previous iteration and gives it back to LS-Dyna and so on. I am really new to Fem and coding. Can anyone please help me out with my problem and give me ideas or solutions how to implement that?
Do u want to update your model with matlab after every iteration?If not, u can define a force curve in dyna. Of course, if the inertia of model changes little, you can read d3plot or nodout file with matlab to update your model and force.

ANN: Approximating non-linear function with neural network

I am learning to build neural networks for regression problems. It works well approximating linear functions. Setup with 1-5–1 units with linear activation functions in hidden and output layers does the trick and results are fast and reliable. However, when I try to feed it simple quadratic data (f(x) = x*x) here is what happens:
With linear activation function, it tries to fit a linear function through dataset
And with TANH function it tries to fit a a TANH curve through the dataset.
This makes me believe that the current setup is inherently unable to learn anything but a linear relation, since it's repeating the shape of activation function on the chart. But this may not be true because I've seen other implementations learn curves just perfectly. So I may be doing something wrong. Please provide your guidance.
About my code
My weights are randomized (-1, 1) inputs are not normalized. Dataset is fed in random order. Changing learning rate or adding layers, does not change the picture much.
I've created a jsfiddle,
the place to play with is this function:
function trainingSample(n) {
return [[n], [n]];
It produces a single training sample: an array of an input vector array and a target vector array.
In this example it produces an f(x)=x function. Modify it to be [[n], [n*n]] and you've got a quadratic function.
The play button is at the upper right, and there also are two input boxes to manually input these values. If target (right) box is left empty, you can test the output of the network by feedforward only.
There is also a configuration file for the network in the code, where you can set learning rate and other things. (Search for var Config)
It's occurred to me that in the setup I am describing, it is impossible to learn non–linear functions, because of the choice of features. Nowhere in forward pass we have input dependency of power higher than 1, that's why I am seeing a snapshot of my activation function in the output. Duh.

Inconsistency between Simulink Scope and its Matlab plot obtained using to Workspace block

I'm running a SimEvents simulation using Variable-step discrete solver. I save a signal data using a 'to Workspace' block, but the plot that I obtain is different from the one shown in the 'Scope' block inside the model.
The original signal remains constant between t=64[h] and t=65.4[h] (and this seems to be correctly done also in the matlab plot), while elsewhere it is like the plot command and the 'scope' block are working with different "sample times".
I'd like to obtain a plot showing the typical "step shape" of a discrete signal rather than a "nearly continuous" signal.
I've used the Scope 'save data to workspace' as well, but I didn't solve the problem.
I would have attached some screenshots in order to make the question more complete, but this is my first question so I have not enough reputation to post images. If you need, I can send them to you via e-mail.
Thank you in advance!
There are no screenshots to look at, but my guess would be that the signal is discrete, and the Simulink scope block, knowing this, is only changing at the discrete time points.
However, if you are plotting the data dumped to MATLAB using the standard plot function then it treats the data as continuous and joins successive points with a (non-constant) line.
If that's the case, you most likely want to be using the stairs function to do your MATLAB plottig.

How to deal with video frames in simulink

I am working on videos in simulink.As we know that multimedia file block reads one frame at a time so when I will attach it with matlab function block it should read one frame at a time with imread command. If I double click the matlab function block (as shown at then you will see that I have to give the name of the function as written in matlab mfile along with the input; which in this case is video(named as convid.avi). I am reading one frame at a time but I have given the whole video as an argument to the matlab function.This is the problem how can I resolve it.What should be given as an argument in matlab function block rather than the whole video.I have also uploaded my model at The code which I am using for vidfunc is:
function h=vidfunc(u)
a=imread(u); % read frame
BW = edge(a,'sobel'); %sobel edge detection
[H,thetaa,rhoo]=hough(BW); % Hough Transform
P = houghpeaks(H,6,'threshold',ceil(0.5*max(H(:))));
figure,imshow(I),hold on
for k = 1:length(lines) % Draw lines
xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];
It looks like the meat of the work done in this "Simulink" model is actually being performed by your MATLAB function. So the answer to this question is going to largely rely on what that function is actually doing. Specifically, what is the expected input to vidfunc, and what is this function's output? I suspect that this function may need to be revised to fit into your model.
To debug your model, it's useful to think about what the signal output is from each block. At each time step, your From Multimedia File block will output a single image frame, which according to the doc looks to be structured as an
M-by-N-by-P color video signal where P is the number of color planes.
Moving downstream, we next come to the Color Space Conversion block, which in this case looks like it will most likely output an image frame in the form of an M-by-N matrix (where each element of the matrix corresponds to the image's intensity at that pixel).
Now we come to the interesting part -- the MATLAB Fcn block. As we just saw, the input to this block will be an M-by-N matrix representing a single image frame. When you look in the parameter dialog box for the MATLAB Fcn block, the input to this block is represented by the variable u. Therefore, to execute the vidfunc function on the image frame being input to this block, you would simply enter vidfunc(u) for your MATLAB function.
Now, based on the input going to the MATLAB Fcn block, and the fact that you have a Video Viewer block connected to the output, vidfunc should be structured such that it operates on a single image frame as its input and outputs another single image frame. If vidfunc is not structured in this way, you will need to edit it (or just re-implement the same functionality using Simulink blocks).
That said, let's assume that vidfunc is also returning an M-by-N matrix representing a processed image frame. You will want to set the Output Dimensions parameter for your MATLAB Fcn block to -1 to indicate that the output will have the same dimensions as the input. Also, (as indicated in the doc) you will want to make sure Collapse 2-D results to 1-D is unchecked or else your image output will be in the form of one long vector rather than an M-by-N matrix.
Provided that vidfunc is structured correctly, this should solve your problem.
NOTE: To make your life a lot easier, I would strongly suggest displaying the signal data type and dimensions in your Simulink model. This can help to avoid a lot of confusion. This doc describes exactly how to do this.
After looking at your code, this confirms my suspicion that the inputs/outputs of vidfunc are inconsistent with what your Simulink model expects. The way that you proceed is highly dependent on what your own design constraints are and what you actually want out of this system. Basically, your Simulink model and MATLAB function disagree... which one is right? I'll give some general thoughts based on my best guesses at what you're aiming for.
First, Simulink is passing an image (in the form of an M-by-N matrix) into vidfunc. This means that vidfunc no longer needs to load an image at the start of the code. So I believe that you could update the first few lines of code to be as such:
function h=vidfunc(a)
BW = edge(a,'sobel'); %sobel edge detection
See that now vidfunc is taking the actual image (not the filename that contains the image) as its input. Basically, you are removing the a=imread(u); line and jumping right in to processing a.
The other issue is the output of vidfunc. Simulink is expecting the output to be an image, but it is not. I'm not 100% sure what h is supposed to be in this code (when I first glanced at your code I thought these were handles to line objects but that doesn't seem to be the case). It looks to possibly be the y coordinate of the endpoint of one of the houghlines. Nevertheless, it's not what your Simulink model is expecting. This one is not as straight-forward to fix. Possibly you could try to use getframe to grab an image from the plot of your lines.
I actually feel that the best advice that I can give to you is to just scrap the MATLAB function and implement everything in Simulink. I think this will be a lot easier than trying to get vidfunc to play nicely with your model. vidfunc does not actually contain that much code, so this should not be too difficult of a task for you. Another benefit is that at the end of this process you'll have a nice Simulink model that explicitly shows all of the image processing steps that you are taking.
I believe that all of the image processing that you are doing with MATLAB functions can also be done with Simulink blocks (see the Simulink Blocks section of this doc).
Good luck.

Rotational mechanical system in Simulink

I'm simulating a shaft system in Simulink, where I have to find the displacement of a mass. I'm not sure how to model this in Simulink because of the shaft and pulley. I'm looking through the documentation and the closest thing I see to a shaft is the wheel and axle block. But the shafts are connected by a flexible shaft, which is similar to a spring. Any ideas?
This is a fairly trivial task when using SimScape, which is especially made to simulate physical systems. You'll find most of the blocks you need ready from the library.
I've used SimScape to create a model of a complete hybrid truck... In Simulink it can be done, but you'll need to build your own differential equations for the task. In your case, the flexible axle could be translated to another block with a spring/damper system inside.
If you haven't got access to SimScape, you may also consider to use .m (matlab) files to write your differential equations. This can then be used as a block in Simulink, varying (only) a few parameters over time.
Take this step by step:
1. Draw a free body diagram, write out equations for all the forces as a function of displacement, velocity and acceleration of every element (including rotation obviously). For instance, you know that force on the box m will be *c*dy/dt* plus whatever the pulley experiences.
2. Sort out the rotation of the rod first. You know that *T=I*d(omega)/dt* if you get rid of the rest of the system. So, do something analogous to the car engine example of MatLab: Divide the input T by I to get the acceleration, integrate it to get velocity and one more time to get rotational displacement.
3. Keep adding bits one by one. First, you know that there will be a moment proportional to k*(theta_1-theta_2) acting. This will oppose the motion of rod 1 and act to create motion of rod 2. Add a new "branch" to your model to get theta_2 same way you got theta_1.
4. Go on including further elements...