Could not read from remote github repository - github

I am trying to push to a github repo but getting an error
ERROR: Permission to microsoft/playwright.git denied to my_user.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Steps I performed:
1- Successfully Cloned the repo using ssh
2- But when I am trying to push a branch to it I am received an authentication error
3- Prior to cloning I created a new SSH key and added it [as per instructions here ]
4- I also tested my ssh connection using ssh -T and it shows success
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
Hi user! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
5- I also re-cloned the repo after restarting my computer but I still am not able to push to the playwright repo

Regarding to the Fork a repo which describes as the following: -
A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.
Most commonly, forks are used to either propose changes to someone else's project or to use someone else's project as a starting point for your own idea. You can fork a repository to create a copy of the repository and make changes without affecting the upstream repository.
To collaborate with the public repo, basically we will do the following steps: -
Fork the repo to our own. (in this case, we fork the microsoft/playwright)
Within the forked repo
Make a change/improvement.
Push to the forked repo branch.
If it looks good, then create a pull request back to the upstream to notify them to review and approve.
We may visit the following GitHub documents as a guidance.
Fork a repo
Creating and deleting branches within your repository
About pull requests
Creating a pull request from a fork


How can collaborators push their changes to my repo in GitHub

First I have created one project in Eclipse and committed to my GitHub using below commands:git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin URI of my repo
git push -u origin master
Then I modified one file in Eclipse and committed to GitHub from Eclipse through creating remote and giving the remote URI of the repo.
I added my team member through add collaborator.
Then he downloaded my project and made a change in a file in Eclipse.
Now, how can he push that modified file to my GitHub repository from within Eclipse?
We have done one thing. He created a remote and gave the URI of my repo. But still we are unable to commit that file.
You need to add your colleague as a collaborator. This can be done in the desired GitHub repo via Settings > Collaborators (you need to type in your password again). Afterwards they have those permissions.
Sorry and good morning ;)
I overlooked that you already added your partner as a collaborator. Another possible reason for your situation could be in the Temporary interaction limits where you can, amongst others, limit the interaction with your repo to prior contributors.
If that doesn't help. Please add some more informations about your colleague's git logs.
#Rahul K regarding your comment (which you better add to your question, for faster recognition), your colleague first needs to integrate the remote changes via git pull origin master in order to be able to push his or her changes afterwards. But be aware that he or she might need to migrate any conflicts to files both of you applied changes to.
Best regards, David
I have resolved the issue by cloning the repo in my local folder, adding the project to eclipse and changing the file committed.
Before that you have to add that person as a collaborator. So that he/she can clone your repo using the command below:
git clone "Path to the repository"
This is an old question but I'll like to say this to help others that might still be facing this same issue.
I also faced this issue with a friend. I already made him a collaborator but he couldn't push. What we did to solve it was to clone the repo using the ssh url instead. Then we set up authentication in git with ssh. And we were able push successfully.
If you already cloned the repo with the usual HTTPS url, you can change the remote origin url using the git remote set-url origin <url> command but url here will be the ssh url.

Un-fork GitHub project into new GitHub project not associated with the original [duplicate]

How can I make GitHub forget or disassociate that my repo was originally a fork of another project?
I forked a project in GitHub. I can now see "forked from whatever/whatever". The parent repository "whatever/whatever" is no longer maintained. I have been allowed to continue use of the code base of the original repository to create an independent repository.
Is there a way to detach my project from the original repository?
Update Jan 2022:
Use the GitHub chatbot-virtual-assistant at
First answer:
You can contact github support and ask them to switch your repository to "normal mode".
On this page, "Commit was made in a fork" paragraph, it is explained that one has to go through support to switch. Therefore, it is likely that there is no way to do that by yourself (unless you destroy and recreate your repo which is explained before... if you do so be careful if you have tickets or a wiki attached to your project as they will be deleted!).
You could duplicate the forked repository to a new repository (without the fork dependency) from the GitHub UI, then remove the original forked one:
Sign in to GitHub
Select the + sign in the top right corner and select Import repository.
Import your forked repository. The new repository won't have the fork dependency.
Delete the original, forked repository in the repository settings.
NOTE: This approach will not preserve issues and pull requests.
Make sure you have all the important branches and tags on your local repo, delete the github repo, recreate the repository through usual means (no forking) and push the local repository back with git push --all. Note that if you have local branches that you don't want to publish, might be worth to create a temporary clean local clone for the operation.
However, this will also get rid of wiki and issues. As the wiki is in fact it's own repository, it can be handled similarly by cloning it and then recreating and pushing. The repo address is on wiki's Git Access page (
This leaves issues. They can be exported through the API, but as far as I know, you can only create issues and comments with your person, so importing them perfectly is impossible.
So, if you need issues to be preserved, you should go through github support as Thomas Moulard suggests.
I got the similar problem, and ended up using this github help page to solve it. I didn't mind about the wiki and issues tracker as it was for my blog using a theme kindly developed by another user.
To detach a forked repo and use it as your own after several commits without losing the whole history:
git clone --bare
Create a new empty reposity new-repository on the github website.
And push a mirrored version:
git push --mirror
One can rename on github, the forked_repository with another name to keep it as backup and check updates if needed. Or simply delete it.
Renaming the new-repository to the original name does the job. As a side effect, your commits now appear in your history.
Log in to GitHub with your credentials.
Go to
Choose "Detach", then enter the URL or repo name of the fork as your-user-name/repository-name, and answer the other questions of the virtual assistant.
You will get an email with a ticket number where you can check the status of your request. You will also be notified per email once your repo has been deforked.
Most repository settings will stay unchanged, including user permissions, stargazers, issues, PRs, discussions, etc.
Using the info from aurelien and Clayton, I was able to do this with the following:
$ git clone --bare
<delete forked_repo on GitHub>
<recreate repo on GitHub using same name>
$ cd forked_repo.git
$ git push --mirror
Here's the documentation for git clone --bare:
Make a bare Git repository. That is, instead of creating <directory> and placing the administrative files in <directory>/.git, make the <directory> itself the $GIT_DIR. This obviously implies the -n because there is nowhere to check out the working tree. Also the branch heads at the remote are copied directly to corresponding local branch heads, without mapping them to refs/remotes/origin/. When this option is used, neither remote-tracking branches nor the related configuration variables are created.
Here's the documentation for git push --mirror:
Instead of naming each ref to push, specifies that all refs under refs/ (which includes but is not limited to refs/heads/, refs/remotes/, and refs/tags/) be mirrored to the remote repository. Newly created local refs will be pushed to the remote end, locally updated refs will be force updated on the remote end, and deleted refs will be removed from the remote end. This is the default if the configuration option remote.<remote>.mirror is set.
Note: like the other git based answers, this will not copy over issues that are not part of the git repo such as the wiki and issues. Per Tapio:
The wiki is a separate git repo and can be handled in a similar fashion per Tapio. The address is:
Issues can be exported via the GitHub API but there are issues recreating them since they can only be created by your user, so imports will lose information.
This only applies to GitHub Enterprise, not on
Logged in to an account that has admin privileges:
Go to the repository that you need to detach: https://<ghe url>/<org>/<repo>
Click on the “Site Admin” rocket on the top right corner
Click "Collaboration" on the top menu bar
Click on “Network” on the left pane
Click on “Make Root” in the Network Structure pane
This was tested on GitHub Enterprise 2.9
If you do not need any past commits (I didn't in my case), you can just:
fork the project
make a local copy of the fork (I used my IDE to do that)
delete the git folder from your local copy
commit the project as you normally would a new project.
You can just delete the fork from your github account after. Took me all of one minute and worked like a charm.

Unable to git push julialang

I'm trying to get the latest julia master commit.
I instaled it via git clone, however, when I do
$ git push
It returns an exception:
fatal: remote error: You can't push to git://
If I use the option given, git requires me a password.
It sounds like you probably don't actually want to push to the JuliaLang repository, but rather pull from it.
You git pull to fetch upstream changes and integrate them into your local repository. So, for example, to update and rebuild Julia, you would git pull && make clean && make from within julia's directory while on the master branch.
You would only git push if you were a contributor submitting changes. But even among contributors who have commit access, very few actually push directly to the master branch. Most create branches, submit those, and then open a pull request for a review. And for that workflow, you don't even need to be a contributor. You can "fork" the project on Github, and then push to your forked repository online. From there, you can open a pull request for review.
git:// doesn't allow for authentication.
ssh or https does.
In the case of https, it is asking for your GitHub username and password.
See more at "Git - the Protocols".
GitHub needs to know who you are, because only the owner (or a collaborator) has the right to push (while everybody can clone/pull from a public repo, which is why git:// works for cloning).
See "Permission levels for a user account repository".
Note: here is an organization, which means only the owner and members/teams can push to a repo declared in that organization.
Se more at "Permission levels for an organization repository".

How to submit a pull request from a cloned repo?

How to submit a pull request from an existing locally-cloned repo?
Often, I want to look at some libraries source code from github, so I clone it. Later, I discover some issue with the code and raise it on a mailing list, often in passing. The library author says "nice find, can you send a pull request?".
And the answer is "not that easily". I haven't forked the repo yet, Ive cloned it. And there doesn't seem a way I can find to submit a pull request from a cloned repo?
If this limit is true, it feels like the sensible reaction is to fork anything and everything you ever look at, just so that if you ever might want to contribute, you can. And that fills up your github account with many inactive forks.
Doesn't seem a lot of talk about this issue - am I the only person whom this problem affects?
Fork the repo on GitHub, then add your fork repo as a remote to your local cloned copy:
git remote add myfork<myGitHubAccountName>/<repoName>.git
Then you can push to your fork:
git push myfork master
If you're doing more than just this one pull request, you can remove the origin remote and name your fork as origin:
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin<myGitHubAccountName>/<repoName>.git
This is typically what I do. Sometimes I add the original origin as upstream so I still have a reference to it.
If you're ok with installing another binary in your path, github has released a nice little tool called hub.
If you've cloned someone else's repo:
$ hub fork # This creates a fork and adds your repo as a remote
$ git push YOUR_USER feature # push the changes to your new remote
$ hub pull-request # will open your browser
I always clone instead of fork as well and the following steps work for me:
Create a new branch on your cloned repo and make the new change.
Push the change to your branch as the following:
git push origin insert_your_working_branch_name
Now you should be able to find your working branch in pull request from github master.

How to push changes from a forked project to the original project?

I’m supposed to work on my client's project on GitHub, where the changes would be on his repository. I tried to follow the fork example, but could only get the changes to go to my account repository?
In the example on GitHub, to fork a repo, they create a remote called upstream to point to the original project. I can get the changes from it by
get fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
I was able to upload the changes into my repo by
git push –u origin
which copied my changes to my account.
I tried
git push –u upstream
To push my changes on the original account. I got the following error
You can’t push to git://
use git#github.comoctocat/Spoon0-Knife.git
Basically, in order to collaborate with your client, you've got two main options:
Send your client a pull request (more info on this in this GitHub help item). This allows your client to review, discuss and/or request some changes to your proposal before merging it.
Request from your client to be added as a committer to their project. This would allow you to directly push your commits to their repository, without the need for a fork/cloned repository on your side.
As a side note, Spoon-Knife.git is one of GitHub's read-only repository (used for demonstration purpose) and you will not be able to commit to that (unless your client is GitHub). Thus, your client's upstream git remote should point to a different repository
Here are the steps (to be followed after you forked and cloned the repository to your local disk):
Remove the upstream reference: git remote rm upstream
Add in your client's info - git remote add upstream git#xxxxxx
Push your changes - git push -u upstream master . git push -u will set the HEAD of the remote repository.
Same if you want to pull - git pull upstream master
If you prefer the name origin replace upstream with origin, but still follow step 1 to remove the reference to Spoon-Knife.git. Then in step 2 - git remote add origin git#xxxx.
git:// is a read-only URL. As GitHub suggests, the corresponding write-able URL is git#github.comoctocat/Spoon0-Knife.git.
If you want to be able to push on the upstream repository, you will have to ask (to the upstream team, i.e., your customer) to be added as a committer.