How to implement Custom Log Levels in CocoaLumberJack from Swift? - swift

I am using CocoaLumberjack for a Swift project. I would like to implement custom log levels/flags, as I would like to use 6 rather than the default 5, and would prefer different names.
The documentation for doing this is not helpful. It is only a solution for Objective-C.
The fact that DDLogFlag is defined as NS_OPTIONS means I actually could simply ignore the pre-defined values here, create my own constants, and just write some wrapping code to convert from one to the other.
However, DDLogLevel is defined as NS_ENUM, which means Swift won't be very happy with me trying to instantiate something to say 0b111111, which isn't an existing value in the enum. If it were an NS_OPTIONS, like DDLogFlag, I could just ignore the pre-existing definitions from the library and use whatever valid UInt values I wanted to.
As far as I can tell, I just have to write some Objective-C code to define my own replacements for DDLogLevel, DDLogFlag, and write a custom function to pass this in to and access these properties on DDLogMessage. But this feels bad.
How can I use my own custom logging levels in Swift with CocoaLumberjack?

This is indeed only possible in Objective-C right now - and there also only for the #define Log Macros. Even then I could imagine that the "modern" ObjC compiler will warn about the types that are passed to DDLogMessage.
The docs are indeed a bit outdated here and stem from a time where Objective-C was closer to C that it is to Swift nowadays... :-)
Nevertheless, in the end DDLogLevel and DDLogFlag are both stored as NSUInteger. Which means it can theoretically take any NSUInteger value (aka UInt in Swift).
To define your own levels, you would simply create an enum MyLogLevel: UInt { /*...*/ } and then write your own logging functions.
Those functions can actually forward to the existing functions:
extension DDLogFlag {
public static let fatal = DDLogFlag(rawValue: 0x0001)
public static let failure = DDLogFlag(rawValue: 0x0010)
public enum MyLogLevel: UInt {
case fatal = 0x0001
case failure = 0x0011
extension MyLogLevel {
public static var defaultLevel: MyLogLevel = .fatal
public func LogFatal(_ message: #autoclosure () -> Any,
level: MyLogLevel = .defaultLevel,
context: Int = 0,
file: StaticString = #file,
function: StaticString = #function,
line: UInt = #line,
tag: Any? = nil,
asynchronous async: Bool = asyncLoggingEnabled,
ddlog: DDLog = .sharedInstance) {
_DDLogMessage(message(), level: unsafeBitCast(level, to: DDLogLevel.self), flag: .fatal, context: context, file: file, function: function, line: line, tag: tag, asynchronous: async, ddlog: ddlog)
The unsafeBitCast here works, because in the end it's just an UInt and _DDLogMessage does not switch over the level, but instead does a bit mask check against the flag.
Disclaimer: I'm a CocoaLumberjack maintainer myself.
We don't recommend using a custom log level in Swift. There's not much benefit from it and logging frameworks like swift-log also use predefined log levels.
However, I personally could also imagine declaring DDLogLevel with NS_OPTIONS instead of NS_ENUM. The OSLog Swift overlay also uses an extensible OSLogType.
If this is something you'd like to see, please open a PR so we can discuss it with the team. We need to be a bit careful with API compatibility, but like I said it's totally doable.
On a side-note: May I ask what you need custom levels for?


Converting Pascal's variant record to Swift

I am converting a program written in Pascal to Swift and some Pascal features do not have direct Swift equivalents such as variant records and defining sets as types. A variant record in Pascal enables you to assign different field types to the same area of memory in a record. In other words, one particular location in a record could be either of type A or of type B. This can be useful in either/or cases, where a record can have either one field or the other field, but not both. What are the Swift equivalents for a variant record and a set type like setty in the Pascal fragment?
The Pascal code fragment to be converted is:
strglgth = 16;
sethigh = 47;
setlow = 0;
setty = set of setlow..sethigh;
cstclass = (reel,pset,strg);
csp = ^constant; /* pointer to constant type */
constant = record case cclass: cstclass of
reel: (rval: packed array [1..strglgth] of char);
pset: (pval: setty);
strg: (slgth: 0..strglgth;
sval: packed array [1..strglgth] of char)
lvp: csp
My partial Swift code is
let strglgth = 16
let sethigh = 47
let setlow = 0
enum cstclass : Int {case reel = 0, pset, strg}
var lvp: csp
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Variant records in Pascal are very simular to unions in C.
So this link will probably be helpful:
In case the link ever goes dead, here's the relevant example:
union SchroedingersCat {
bool isAlive;
bool isDead;
In Swift, it’s imported like this:
struct SchroedingersCat {
var isAlive: Bool { get set }
var isDead: Bool { get set }
init(isAlive: Bool)
init(isDead: Bool)
That would be more like a functional port. It does not seem to take care of the fact that Variant records are actually meant to use the same piece of memory in different ways, so if you'd have some low-level code that reads from a stream or you have a pointer to such a structure, this might not help you.
In that case you might want to try just reserving some bytes, and write different getters/setters to access them. That would even work if you'd have to port more complex structures, like nested variant types.
But overall, if possible, I'd recommend to avoid porting such structures too literally, and use idioms that match Swift better.

Swift willSet/didSet assignment?

I want to observe changes on couple of properties in my class by using the didSet/willSet API. However I'd like to keep my properties decelaration section clean, so I want to have separate functions for implementations of this logic.
Right now I have something like this:
var myProperty: SomeType {
didSet {
However this takes up 5 lines, which is quite a lot if you have more of such properties. It would be great if I could limit this to 3, for example like this:
var myProperty: SomeType {
didSet = handleDidSetMyProperty
Is there a way in Swift to assign a function/closure to a property observer?
No, you can't. See Declarations in the Swift
Programming Language.
didSet-clause → attributes­opt ­didSet­ setter-name­­opt ­­code-block­
code-block → {­ statements­opt }­
i.e. the didSet keyword can only be followed by a code block (with
mandatory curly braces).

AudioToolbox, C-function pointers, and Swift

I'm working, tentatively, with the AudioToolbox API using Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7b6. The API uses a lot of c-language constructs, including function pointers. This is my first time working with commands like withUnsafeMutablePointer and unsafeBitCast. I am looking for a reality check to make sure that I am not way off base in what I am doing.
For example, to open a file stream, you use the following function:
func AudioFileStreamOpen(
_ inClientData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
, _ inPropertyListenerProc: AudioFileStream_PropertyListenerProc
, _ inPacketsProc: AudioFileStream_PacketsProc
, _ inFileTypeHint: AudioFileTypeID
, _ outAudioFileStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioFileStreamID>) -> OSStatus
Just the type signature of the function makes me start to sweat.
At any rate, the inClientData parameter needs to be an UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, and the pointer will point to an instance of the same class I am working in. In other words, it needs to be a pointer to self. My approach is to call the function using withUnsafeMutablePointer like this:
var proxy = self
let status = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&proxy) {
AudioFileStreamOpen($0, AudioFileStreamPropertyListener
, AudioFileStreamPacketsListener, 0, &audioFileStreamID)
My first question is whether or not I'm using withUnsafeMutablePointer correctly here. I wasn't sure how to get a pointer to self - just writing &self doesn't work, because self is immutable. So I declared proxy as a variable and passed a reference to that, instead. I don't know if this will work or not, but it was the best idea I came up with.
Next, AudioFileStreamPropertyListener and AudioFileStreamPacketsListener are C callback functions. They each get passed the pointer to self that I created using withUnsafeMutablePointer in AudioFileStreamOpen. The pointer is passed in as an UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, and I need to cast it back to the type of my class (AudioFileStream). To do that, I believe I need to use unsafeBitCast. For example, here is AudioFileStreamPropertyListener:
let AudioFileStreamPropertyListener: AudioFileStream_PropertyListenerProc
= { inClientData, inAudioFileStreamID, inPropertyID, ioFlags in
let audioFileStream = unsafeBitCast(inClientData, AudioFileStream.self)
audioFileStream.didChangeProperty(inPropertyID, flags: ioFlags)
That compiles fine, but again I'm not sure if I'm using unsafeBitCast correctly, or if that is even the correct function to be using in this kind of situation. So, is unsafeBitCast the correct way to take an UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> and cast it to a type that you can actually use inside of a C function pointer?
It's interesting that the inClientData "context" param is bridged as UnsafeMutablePointer, since I doubt the AudioToolbox APIs will modify your data. It seems it would be more appropriate if they'd used COpaquePointer. Might want to file a bug.
I think your use of withUnsafeMutablePointer is wrong. The pointer ($0) will be the address of the variable proxy, not the address of your instance. (You could say $0.memory = [a new instance] to change it out for a different instance, for example. This is a bit confusing because its type is UnsafeMutablePointer<MyClass> — and in Swift, the class type is itself a pointer/reference type.)
I was going to recommend you use Unmanaged / COpaquePointer, but I tested it, and realized this does exactly the same thing as unsafeAddressOf(self)!
These are equivalent:
let data = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())
let data = unsafeAddressOf(self)
And these are equivalent:
let obj = Unmanaged<MyClass>.fromOpaque(COpaquePointer(data)).takeUnretainedValue()
let obj = unsafeBitCast(data, MyClass.self)
While the Unmanaged approach makes logical sense, I think you can see why it might be prefereable to use unsafeAddressOf/unsafeBitCast :-)
Or, you might consider an extension on Unmanaged for your own convenience:
extension Unmanaged
func toVoidPointer() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> {
return UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>(toOpaque())
static func fromVoidPointer(value: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<Instance> {
return fromOpaque(COpaquePointer(value))
Then you can use:
let data = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toVoidPointer()
let obj = Unmanaged<MyClass>.fromVoidPointer(data).takeUnretainedValue()
Of course, you will need to ensure that your object is being retained for the duration that you expect it to be valid in callbacks. You could use passRetained, but I would recommend having your top-level controller hold onto it.
See some related discussion at

What's the best way to declare a list of scalar values in Swift

I was wondering: What is the best way to declare a non-ordered list of scalar values in Swift, that are fully backed by a symbol and are liable to be checked by the compiler?
Let's say I want to declare a list of LetterSpacing values that I want to access and use in my code via their symbols.
My understanding is that I should declare an swift enum like this:
enum LetterSpacing: Double {
case Short = 1.0
case Medium = 2.0
case Large = 3.0
This works fine and gets compiler checks but the annoying part is that I need to LetterSpacing.XXX.rawValue each time to access the underlying value. The .rawValue bothers me a bit to have to specify this everywhere.
I suppose it wouldn't make sense or would be inappropriate to declare a struct with three static let Short = 1.0 etc..
So, how would you handle such cases? Is it possible to add somekind of protocol/extension swift magic to the existing types to be able to have the Short enum act as its own value? (i.e. let size = LetterSpacing.Short would be of type Double and have a value of 1.0)
The enum would be preferred for multiple reasons.
First, the enum actually ends up with a smaller memory footprint. This is because Swift optimizing enum values into a single byte (no matter what the raw value is), and we only get the full value out of it when we call rawValue on the enum value. Paste the following code into a playground to see:
struct LetterSpacingS {
static let Short: Double = 1.0
enum LetterSpacingE: Double {
case Short = 1.0
The double is 8 bytes, while the enum is just 1.
Second, the importance of the first point extends beyond just memory footprint. It can apply to the execution efficiency of our program as well. If we want to compare two values from our struct, we're comparing 8 bytes. If we want to compare two of our enum values, we comparing just a single byte. We have 1/8th as many bytes to compare in this specific case. And this is just with a double. Consider that Swift enums can also have a string as a backing type. Comparing two strings can be extraordinarily expensive versus just comparing the single byte they're hidden behind in an enum.
Third, using the enum, we're not comparing floating point numbers, which you really don't want to do, generally speaking.
Fourth, using the enum gives us some type safety that we can't get with the struct of constants. All the struct of constants does is let us define a handful of predefined constants to use.
struct LetterSpacingS {
static let Short = 1.0
static let Medium = 2.0
static let Long = 3.0
But now what would a method look like that expects one of these values?
func setLetterSpacing(spacing: Double) {
// do stuff
And now what happens when Joe-Coder comes in and does:
Nothing's stopping him. It takes a double, any double. This might not be so common, but if this is in a library you're distributing, you are leaving yourself open to questions and comments like "When I pass a value of 5.0 in, it doesn't look right at all!"
But compare this to using the enum.
func setLetterSpacing(spacing: LetterSpacing) {
// do stuff
And now, we only get the three predefined choices for what to pass into this argument.
And outside of your internal use for the values held by the enum, you should have to use rawValue too much.
The fifth reason isn't a strong reason for using an enum over a struct, but mostly just a point to make to eliminate one of the reasons suggested for using a struct over an enum. Swift enums can be nested in other types, and other types can be nested in Swift enums. You don't have to use a struct to get nested types.
I don't see why creating a Struct with three static constants would be inappropriate. I see a lot of Swift code (also from Apple) that does this.
Structs lets you create nice hierarchies:
struct Style {
struct Colors {
static let backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
struct LetterSpacing {
static let Short = 1.0

Syntactic Sugar Struct Reference in Swift?

In c++, one can introduce an alias reference as follows:
StructType & alias = lengthyExpresionThatEvaluatesToStuctType;
alias.anAttribute = value; // modify "anAttribute" on the original struct
Is there a similar syntactic sugar for manipulating a (value typed) struct in Swift?
Update 1: For example: Let say the struct is contained in a dictionary of kind [String:StructType], and that I like to modify several attributes in the the struct myDict["hello"]. I could make a temporary copy of that entry. Modify the copy, and then copy the temporary struct back to the dictionary, as follows:
var temp = myDict["hello"]!
temp.anAttribute = 1
temp.anotherAttribute = "hej"
myDict["hello"] = temp
However, if my function has several exit points I would have to write myDict["hello"] = temp before each exit point, and it would therefore be more convinient if I could just introduce and alias (reference) for myDict["hello"] , as follows:
var & alias = myDict["hello"]! // how to do this in swift ???
alias.anAttribute = 1
alias.anotherAttribute = "hej"
Update 2: Before down- or close- voting this question: Please look at Building Better Apps with Value Types in swift (from WWWDC15)!! Value type is an important feature of Swift! As you may know, Swift has borrowed several features from C++, and value types are maybe the most important feature of C++ (when C++ is compared to Java and such languages). When it comes to value types, C++ has some syntactic sugar, and my questions is: Does Swift have a similar sugar hidden in its language?. I am sure Swift will have, eventually... Please, do not close-vote this question if you do not understand it!
I have just read Deitel's book on Swift. While I'am not an expert (yet) I am not completely novel. I am trying to use Swift as efficient as possible!
Swift doesn't allow reference semantics to value types generally speaking, except when used as function parameters declared inout. You can pass a reference to the struct to a function that works on an inout version (I believe, citation needed, that this is implemented as a copy-write, not as a memory reference). You can also capture variables in nested functions for similar semantics. In both cases you can return early from the mutating function, while still guaranteeing appropriate assignment. Here is a sample playground that I ran in Xcode 6.3.2 and Xcode 7-beta1:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
var str = "Hello, playground"
struct Foo {
var value: Int
var d = ["nine": Foo(value: 9), "ten": Foo(value: 10)]
func doStuff(key: String) {
let myNewValue = Int(arc4random())
func doMutation(inout temp: Foo) {
temp.value = myNewValue
if d[key] != nil {
d // d["nine"] has changed... unless you're really lucky
// alternate approach without using inout
func doStuff2(key: String) {
if var temp = d[key] {
func updateValues() {
temp.value = Int(arc4random())
d[key] = temp
d // d["ten"] has changed
You don't have to make the doMutation function nested in your outer function, I just did that to demonstrate the you can capture values like myNewValue from the surrounding function, which might make implementation easier. updateValues, however, must be nested because it captures temp.
Despite the fact that this works, based on your sample code, I think that using a class here (possibly a final class if you are concerned about performance) is really more idiomatic imperative-flavored Swift.
You can, if you really want to, get a raw pointer using the standard library function withUnsafeMutablePointer. You can probably also chuck the value into an inner class that only has a single member. There are also functional-flavored approaches that might mitigate the early-return issue.