Where-Object to match from Left to Right on all prerequires? - powershell

See the below example code.
I have several objects I need to match on several prerequires.
Lets say I want my Where-Object to not match when the NameRegex is one of the 2 values, the name not equals DisplayName1 and the AccessRights not match.
This means that when I run the below code I want to get Object $User1 back.
This is not happening what so ever.
Should I do this the other way around and then match them in some sort of hashtable?
Has anyone figured this out for a single Where-Object?
$User1 = [PSCustomObject]#{
Name = 'Name1'
DisplayName = 'DisplayName1'
AccessRights = 'AccessRights1'
$User2 = [PSCustomObject]#{
Name = 'Name2'
DisplayName = 'DisplayName2'
AccessRights = 'AccessRights2'
$User3 = [PSCustomObject]#{
Name = 'Name3'
DisplayName = 'DisplayName3'
AccessRights = 'AccessRights3'
$Test = $User1,$User2,$User3
$NameRegex = '^Name2$|^Name3'
$ACRegex = '^AccessRights2$|^AccessRights3$'
$Test | Where-Object { $_.Name -notmatch $NameRegex -and $_.DisplayName -ne 'DisplayName1' -and $_.AccessRights -notmatch $ACRegex }
And some others I've tried:
$Test | Where-Object { ($_.Name -notmatch $NameRegex -and $_.DisplayName -ne 'DisplayName1' -and $_.AccessRights -notmatch $ACRegex) }
$Test | Where-Object { ((($_.Name -notmatch $NameRegex) -and $_.DisplayName -ne 'DisplayName1') -and $_.AccessRights -notmatch $ACRegex) }
$Test | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch ((($_.Name -notmatch $NameRegex) -and $_.DisplayName -ne 'DisplayName1') -and $_.AccessRights -notmatch $ACRegex) }


Where object as variable

After reading many of the posted solutions here, none fully applies mine.
This works (returns expected number of instancesNames based on criteria):
$response.result | Where-Object {$_.targetType -eq "webserver" -and ($_.agentHostName -eq "ServerA" -or $_.agentHostName -eq "ServerB")} | select-Object "instanceName"
However, since n number of servers may be found, I created a loop to dynamically create this query:
[System.Text.StringBuilder]$clause = " {`$_.targetType -eq ""webserver"" -and ("
$i = 1;
foreach ($server in $serversArray) {
if ( $i -eq $serversArray.Count ) {
$clause.Append("`$_.agentHostName -eq ""${server}"")}")
} else {
$clause.Append( "`$_.agentHostName -eq ""${server}"" -or ")
$clause.Append(" | select-Object ""instanceName""")
$filter = [scriptblock]::Create($clause)
$instances = $response.result | where-object $filter
the $clause variable contains:
{$_.targetType -eq "webserver" -and ($_.agentHostName -eq "serverA" -or $_.agentHostName -eq "serverB")} | select-Object "instanceName"
However, it returns all instanceNames (not filtered) instead of the ones that meet the criteria. What am I doing wrong here?
The -in operator would simplify your code. For example:
$response.result |
Where-Object {($_.targetType -eq 'webserver') -and ($_.agentHostName -in $serversArray)} |
Select-Object 'instanceName'

Combining 2 cmdlets for one result/output using pscustomobject

Basically what i'm trying to achieve here is an output with 4 column/list (in this case i'm exporting as a text)
Get-MailboxPermission gives me a property of identity, user, accessrights but it doesn't give me a property of "Manager". I need to identify where that particular user reports to. So, i tried PSCustomObject and hoping i can put the results in an array. See script below
$GETMAILBOXPERM = Get-Content C:\Users\Account\Desktop\MailboxUsers\MAILBOXESUSERS.txt | ForEach-Object {Get-MailboxPermission $_ |
where {
($_.User -notlike ‘*NT AUTHORITY*’) -and
($_.User -notlike ‘*S-1-5-21-*’) -and
($_.User -notlike ‘*NAMPRD08*’) -and
($_.User -notlike ‘*PRDTSB01*’) -and
($_.User -notlike ‘*0365Admin*’) -and
($_.User -notlike ‘*Discovery Management*’) -and
($_.User -notlike ‘*NAMPR08A005*’) -and
($_.User -notlike ‘*NT AUTHORITY*’)
$Results = foreach( $Mailbox in (get-content C:\Users\Account\Desktop\MailboxUsers\MAILBOXESUSERS.txt))
$Users = Get-User $Mailbox
if ($Users){
foreach ($User in $Users){
DisplayName = $User.name
Account = $GETMAILBOXPERM.user
Manager = $User.manager
Access = $GETMAILBOXPERM.accessrights
$Results | Format-List -Property DisplayName, Account, Manager, Access | Out-File C:\Users\Account\Desktop\MailboxUsers\mailbox4.txt
Here's the output in text file. I get the DisplayName and Manager right but the Account and Access just doesn't seem to loop from the text file.
DisplayName : MAILBOX1
Account : {user1#domain.ca, user2#domain.ca, user3#domain.ca, user4#domain.ca...}
Manager : MANAGER1
Access : {FullAccess, FullAccess, FullAccess, FullAccess...}
DisplayName : MAILBOX2
Account : {user1#domain.ca, user2#domain.ca, user3#domain.ca, user4#domain.ca...}
Manager : MANAGER2
Access : {FullAccess, FullAccess, FullAccess, FullAccess...}
The user manager attribute is normally in ADDS, not Exchange. Yet, that text file seems to be where you are getting this from vs dynamically from ADDS.
Why are you using Format-List?
PowerShell will automatically format as a list the moment you columns exceed 5.
This is untested, since I do not have an environment to try it on, but a refactor of what you have here. Give it a shot.
$GetMailboxPerm = Get-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Account\Desktop\MailboxUsers\MAILBOXESUSERS.txt' |
ForEach-Object {Get-MailboxPermission $PSitem |
where {
($PSitem.User -notlike ‘*NT AUTHORITY*|
*Discovery Management*|
foreach( $Mailbox in (Get-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Account\Desktop\MailboxUsers\MailboxUsers.txt'))
$Users = Get-User $Mailbox
if ($Users)
foreach ($User in $Users)
DisplayName = $User.name
Account = $GetMailboxPerm.user
Manager = $User.manager
Access = $GetMailboxPerm.accessrights
} | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Account\Desktop\MailboxUsers\mailbox4.txt' -Append

Creating new PsObject

I must be doing something wrong here results are empty, I tried converting html with PsObject it requires -Append that creates multiple html tables and not suited to send an email, any help appreciated.
Foreach($sender in $senders){
$users=Get-TransportServer|Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-4) -ResultSize Unlimited -Sender $sender.PrimarySmtpAddress |?{$_.Recipients -notlike "*#domain.us" -and $_.RecipientCount -eq "1" -and $_.RecipientStatus -notlike "*,*" -and $_.eventid -eq 'RECEIVE' }
$users | % {
$t = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Sender = $_.Sender
Receiver = $_.Recipients
RecipientCount =$_.RecipientCount
$outtbl += $t
Why do you need $users, $outtbl, or $t?
foreach ( $sender in $senders ) {
Get-TransportServer |
Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-4) -ResultSize Unlimited -Sender $sender.PrimarySmtpAddress |
Where-Object { ($_.Recipients -notlike "*#domain.us") -and
($_.RecipientCount -eq 1) -and
($_.RecipientStatus -notlike "*,*") -and
($_.eventid -eq 'RECEIVE') } | ForEach-Object {
[PSCustomObject] #{
Sender = $_.Sender
Receipients = $_.Recipients
MessageSubject = $_.MessageSubject
RecipientCount = $_.RecipientCount
TimeStamp = $_.TimeStamp
(Not tested - this is just an example of how to eliminate unnecessary variables and write clearer code.)
This code sample requires PowerShell 3.0 or newer because it uses [PSCustomObject].
This was it
foreach ( $sender in $senders ) {
Get-TransportServer |
Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-4) -ResultSize Unlimited -Sender $sender.PrimarySmtpAddress |
Where-Object { ($_.Recipients -notlike "*#domain.us") -and
($_.RecipientCount -eq 1) -and
($_.RecipientStatus -notlike "*,*") -and
($_.eventid -eq 'RECEIVE') } | ForEach-Object {
$results += New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Sender = $_.Sender
Receiver = $_.Recipients
MessageSubject = $_.MessageSubject
RecipientCount = $_.RecipientCount
TimeStamp = $_.TimeStamp
$results| ConvertTo-Html -Head $style| Out-File $reportpath

Powershell - Get-AdUser: Exclude users in array

I want to generate a list of users, with the exception of a list of names. This exclusion list changes from week to week.
$exclude = #('smith, bob', 'jones, tom', ...)
$csvmaster = #()
$uacct = 'User Account'
$UserID = 'User ID'
$lastname = 'Last Name'
... other attributes
$ulist = get-aduser -filter {enabled -eq 'true'} -properties * | ? {$_.Distinguishedname -like '*Standard User*' -and $_.title -ne $null -and $_.employeenumber -ne $null}
foreach ($u in $ulist)
if ($u.name -notmatch $exclude) {
$csvline = New-Object System.Object
$csvline | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name $UserID -value $u.EmployeeNumber
$csvline | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name $lastname -value $u.surname
...other attributes
$csvmaster += $csvline
...Output to csv
When I run this, the names I want to exclude still make it into the list. I also tried -notcontains and excluding them like this:
$ulist = get-aduser -filter {enabled -eq 'true'} -properties * | ? {$_.Distinguishedname -like '*Standard User*' -and $_.title -ne $null -and $_.employeenumber -ne $null -and $_.name -notmatch $exclude}
This behaves the same way.
So I think my problem was the way Get-ADUser accepts input value. And/Or my logic in general. I changed the code to this:
$exclude = #( ..list..of..names..)
$csvline = #()
$ulist = get-aduser ...
foreach ($u in $ulist)
if ($exclude -notcontains $u.name)
$csvline += $u.name
And it is doing what I need.

Export only the machines that meets criteria

I have a script that works great but I would like to only export the machines that meet one of the three conditions in the foreach statement. Right now it exports all the machines, which I have to clean up manually in excel.
#Create an LDAP searcher object and pass in the DN of the domain we wish to query
$Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]"LDAP://DC=ten,DC=thomsonreuters,DC=com")
#Pass in the ceriteria we are searching for.
#In this case we're looking for computers that are enabled and running Windows 7
$Searcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(objectClass=computer)(!UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)(operatingSystem=Windows 7*))"
$Searcher.PageSize = 100000
# Populate General Sheet(1) with information
$results = $Searcher.Findall()
$results | ForEach-Object { $_.GetDirectoryEntry() } |
select #{ n = 'CN'; e = { ($_.CN) } },
#{ n = 'DistinguishedName'; e = { $_.DistinguishedName } },
#{ n = 'extensionattribute7'; e = { $_.extensionattribute7 } },
#{ n = 'extensionattribute1'; e = { $_.extensionattribute1 } },
#{ n = 'NewComputerName'; e = { 'Filler' } } |
Export-Csv 'C:\temp\Windows7_Only.csv' -NoType -Force
$csv = Import-Csv -Path "c:\Temp\Windows7_Only.csv"
foreach ($row in $csv)
if (($row.CN -notmatch '^U\d{7}') -and ($row.DistinguishedName -like "*Laptops*") -and ($row.extensionattribute7 -match '^U\d{7}$') -and ($row.CN -notmatch '\d{3}'))
$row.NewComputerName = $row.extensionattribute7 + "-TPL-ZZ"
elseif (($row.CN -notmatch '^U\d{7}') -and ($row.DistinguishedName -like "*Desktops*") -and ($row.extensionattribute7 -match '^U\d{7}$') -and ($row.CN -notmatch '\d{3}'))
$row.NewComputerName = $row.extensionattribute7 + "-TPD-ZZ"
elseif (($row.CN -notmatch '^U\d{7}') -and ($row.DistinguishedName -like "*Virtual*") -and ($row.extensionattribute7 -match '^U\d{7}$') -and ($row.CN -notmatch '\d{3}'))
$row.NewComputerName = $row.extensionattribute7 + "-TPV-ZZ"
$csv | export-csv c:\temp\fixed.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force
Try this:
$csv = $csv | where { ($_.CN -notmatch '^U\d{7}') -and ($_.CN -notmatch '\d{3}') -and ($_.extensionattribute7 -match '^U\d{7}$') -and (($_.DistinguishedName -like "*Laptops*") -or ($_.DistinguishedName -like "*Desktops*") -or ($_.DistinguishedName -like "*Virtual*")) }
Before the final line. It should filter out any ones that haven't met any of the criteria in the foreach loop