PowerShell and CSV: Stop CSV from turning text data into Scientific Notation - powershell

I have a CSV column with alpha numerical combinations in a column.
I am later going to use this csv file in a PowerShell script by importing the data.
Examples: 1A01, 1C66, 1E53.
Now before putting these values in, I made sure to format the column as text.
Now at first it works. I input the data, save. I test in PowerShell to import it and
all data shows up valid including 1E53. But lets say I edit the file again later to add data and then save and close. I re-import into PowerShell and 1E53 comes in as 1.00E+53. How can I prevent this permanently? Note that the column is filled with codes and there are lots of #E##.

Your issue is not with PowerShell, its with Excel. For a demonstration, take 1E53 and enter it into Excel and then save that excel file as a CSV file. You will see that the value is now changed to 1.00E+53.
How to fix this?
There are a few ways of disabling scientific notation:
I hope some of them work for you.
I think you can rename the file to .txt instead of .csv and excel may treat it differently.
Good Luck

As commented:
You will probably load the csv from file:
$csv = Import-Csv -Path 'X:\original.csv' -UseCulture
The code below uses a dummy csv in a Here-String here:
$csv = #'
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv
# in order to make Excel see the values as Text and not convert them into scientific numbers
$csv | ForEach-Object {
# add a TAB character in front of the values in the column
$_.ValueThatMatters = "`t{0}" -f $_.ValueThatMatters
$csv | Export-Csv -Path 'X:\ExcelFriendly.csv' -UseCulture -NoTypeInformation


POWERSHELL: Simplest way to save string variable to csv file

I know a little bit of Bash scripting, but I am very new to PowerShell. When I execute below code using bash, everything is fine. But, when I use PowerShell, each entry per echo is saved only in a single cell in Excel. Why is it like this? How can I accomplish my objective in the simplest way?
echo "1,2,3" > file.csv
echo "A,B,C" >> file.csv
I tried to Google it. But, in my understanding, they are converting the string type variables to something like PS Object and convert to CSV format. I tried it and it worked. But I had to force include a header.
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property #{
'X' = $A
'Y' = $B
'Z' = $C
} | Export-Csv 'C:\Temp\test.csv' -NoType
When I also opened the csv file using notepad, every word has double quotation marks (which I don't prefer to have)
You see, that is way more complicated compared to Linux Scripting. Can someone teach me the simplest way to do what I want? Thank you very much!
If in your system locale the ListSeparator character is NOT the comma, double-clicking a comma-delimited csv file will open Excel with all values in the same column.
I believe this is what happens here.
You can check by typing
in PowerShell
To have Excel 'understand' a CSV when you double-click it, add -UseCulture switch to the cmdlet:
Export-Csv 'C:\Temp\test.csv' -UseCulture -NoTypeInformation
As for the quotes around the values:
They are not always necessary, but sometimes essential, for instance if the value has leading or trailing space characters, or if the value contains the delimiter character itself.
Just leave them as-is, Excel knows how to handle that.
If you really can't resist on having a csv without quotes, please first have a look at the answers given here about that subject.
If you are absolutely sure all fields can do without quoting, you can do this:
$sep = [cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator
"1,2,3", "A,B,C" -replace ',', $sep | Out-File -FilePath 'D:\Test\file.csv' -Encoding utf8

Export comma-separated text file to csv and maintain leading zeros

I have 3 .txt files that each need to be converted into .csv files. Each file has 12 columns and some of these columns have data with leading zeroes. These zeroes need to remain. Is there a way through PowerShell to write a loop that will export each of these to a .csv and maintain the leading zeros?
The closest thing I could do was to export them one at a time, but this doesn't maintain the trailing zeros that I need.
Import-Csv C:\AcctsLog.txt -Delimiter ";" | Export-Csv C:\AcctsLog.csv
A sample line would be something like:
Joe Smith;1933 Test Lane;Apt 34;Los Angeles;CA;90003-3444;0000000023;0002;New Car;SmithJoe#yahoo.com;00934200034006700213;0000666666
See if this works with your data:
Import-Csv C:\AcctsLog.txt -Delimiter ';' -Header (1..12) |
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | select -Skip 1 |
Set-Content C:\AcctsLog.csv
If you explicitly want it to include the leading 0's in Excel you would have to save it as an Excel file (otherwise Excel strips leading zeros off values that it interprets as numbers when opening a CSV). You could paste the data into Excel after formatting the cells as Text, then save the files as excel files. But if you want CSV files then go with mjolinor's answer since it produces CSV files with the leading zeros, exactly like you asked for.
To work with Excel you have to create an Excel ComObject. Then you can get the content of your file, replace the semicolons with tabs, pipe to Clip, and paste right into Excel (after creating a workbook and formatting the 12 columns that you need). Should be pretty simple:
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $true
$FileList = #("C:\Temp\AcctsLog.txt","C:\Temp\SecondFile.txt","C:\Temp\ThirdFile.txt")
ForEach($File in $FileList){
$Excel.ActiveSheet.Range("A:L").NumberFormat = '#'
(Get-Content $File) -replace ';', "`t" | Clip
$Excel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(($File -replace "txt$","xlsx"))
There is a simple way to maintain the leading zeroes in Excel.
Simply add this to the cell and type whatever value you need and the zeroes will be retained
For ex: If I want 0000000023
Type into a cell '0000000023
That ' symbol seems to retain the zeroes as long as you type it before the values.

how to autofit columns of csv from powershell

I have powershell script which connects to database & exports result in csv file.
However there is one column of date which size needs to be manually increased after opening csv file.
Do we have some command/property which will make columns AutoFit?
export-csv $OutFile -NoTypeInformation
I can't export excel instead CSV, cause I don't have excell installed on my machine.
This is what I have tried latest.
$objTable | Select Store,RegNo,Date,#{L="Amount";E={($_.Amount).PadLeft(50," ")}},TranCount
$objTable | export-csv $OutFile -NoTypeInformation
But even after adding PadLeft() output is same, Date column is short in width (showing ###, need to increase value manually)
When you say you need to increase one of your column sizes all the comments were right about how everything is formatted based on the object content. If you really need the cells to be a certain length you need to change the data before it is exported. Using the string methods .PadLeft() and .PadRight() I think you will get what you need.
Take this example using output from Get-ChildItem which uses a calculated property to pad the "column" so that all the data takes up at least 20 characters.
$path = "C:\temp"
$results = Get-ChildItem $path
$results | Select LastWriteTime,#{L="Name";E={($_.Name).PadLeft(20," ")}} | Export-CSV C:\temp\file.csv -NoTypeInformation
If that was then exported the output file would look like this (Notice the whitespace):
"2/23/2015 7:33:55 PM"," folder1"
"2/23/2015 7:48:02 PM"," folder2"
"2/23/2015 7:48:02 PM"," Folder3"
"1/8/2015 10:37:45 PM"," logoutput"

Reducing one of csv columns contents down single character with powershell

I have a csv file with headers as follows
And I am wanting to change the contents of the middleName column down to just the first character then save it out as another csv file with all of the other columns unchanged.
Im not sure where to start with this.
The csv file is over 12000 rows and Im wanting to do it the most efficient way with powershell.
I am new to using Powershell so advise is greatly appreciated.
You should show some effort. A couple of google searches would go a long way. Here's one way:
Import-CSV myfile.csv |
Foreach-Object {
$_.middleName = $_.middleName.Substring(0,1)
} |
Select-Object physicalDeliveryOfficeName,sn,middleName,givenName,info,Company,employeeID,Description |
Export-CSV myupdatedfile.csv -NoTypeInformation

Write output data row to pipe delineated text file in powershell

I am a powershell newbie and I need a script that does a write output to a delineated text file in powershell.
In sequence, this is what I would like to do in powershell:
read data from excel file and store to variables
read data from table in mssql
write output the each row from (2) to a text file (pipe delineated) appending the value from (1)
I was able to figure out sequence 1 and 2 however I am stumped on (3).
Here is a snippet of what i am trying to do:
# Iterate through the dataset
foreach ($row in $ds.tables["location"].rows)
Out-file ?
Please help!
$myData | Export-CSV -delimiter '|' -Path $MyFileName
Note, the Export-CSV cmdlet will handle looping over the data, so no need for your own loop.