Remove or disable red dot hover breakpoint in vscode - visual-studio-code

I would like to remove red dot breakpoint. I don't need that feature and It is showing if I accidentally hover on line number. So, can I completely remove that red dot on hover on line number?


What is meant by the colourful line markings on the left side of the editor in VS Code?

Here are a few images showing what I'm referring to. They come in different colours, for example red blue and green below:
Red line markings
Blue line markings zoomed in
Green line markings zoomed in
Line markings
I couldn't find any answer while browsing. It might be because I am unable to search in a right manner.
These are "diff decorations". They indicate what has changed about a file.
Red means an existing line has been deleted/removed, green means a new line has been added, and blue means an existing line has been modified.
These are all comparing against a previous point in time, which is usually a "commit" in your Source Control Management / Version Control Software of choice (Ex. git, subversion, VS Code's Local History feature, etc.)
Their display is controlled by the scm.diffDecorations setting (SCM stands for "Source Control Management").
If you don't specify a scm.diffDecorations setting value, then the default value is "all", which means to display it in the gutter (the sidebar between the line numbers and the text being edited), the minimap, and the "overview" (decorations inside the scrollbar). You can also use the values "gutter", "minimap", and "overview" to only display decorations in one of them, or "none" to not display them at all.
As you already show in your screenshots, clicking on the decorations in the gutter opens an inline popup showing what has changed and offering action buttons to revert the change.
You may also be interested in the following related settings: scm.diffDecorationsGutterAction, scm.diffDecorationsGutterPattern, scm.diffDecorationsGutterVisibility, scm.diffDecorationsGutterWidth, scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace, and git.decorations.enabled.

How to remove vertical line in vscode

How to remove the vertical lines in vscode, In my VSCode I can see this yellow and red vertical lines, both are very disturbing.enter image description here
In VS Code, open your settings, search for 'Rulers'. Click on 'Edit in settings.json'. Remove any rulers you may have set.

How do I get rid of these white boxes on Visual Studio Code?

Even changed color themes multiple times, restarted computer. The white boxes move around when i click on another line of my code. Like if I click in the middle of the box, it moves down and avoids that line. How do I get rid of these white boxes? they only appear in open editors

How to change highlighted warning/error text background color in eclipse?

I'm using Retta color theme in eclipse. The problem is when I hover with the mouse over the warning or error symbols, it gives me a white background and I can't see a thing.
Highlighted text
Where I can change that? I've already tried going to General>Editors>Text Editors>Annotations, but changing the options there didn't solve the problem (like making Text as Underline and so on). The problem only occurs when I hover the mouse over the warning/error symbol.
First you should over the word with the highlighted background and then proceed to right click, then go to Preferences > Appearance color options
Then you should be able to adjust the colors to your liking.

Eclipse: Use background color instead of outline for matching bracket

Does anybody know how to set the background color of matching brackets to yellow instead of using a grey outline? I want to do this to be consistent with NetBeans IDE and EditPad Pro.
Go to the Window menu, Preferences option, the select the language you want to change it for in the left column (e.g. C/C++, Java, etc), then choose Editor, and select the top option of the middle frame, change to whatever color you want.
The answers listed ( Window > Preferences > Java > Editor ) are accurate for the question. But if your goal is to find ways to visually see everything inside of braces, here are a couple of more ways you can do this:
Move cursor to the opposite brace: Ctrl-Shift-P moves the cursor to the opposite brace
If you start somewhere in the middle of a section, this will toggle among three points, the beginning brace and the ending brace and where the cursor started. This works for parentheses also.
Highlight the contents of the braces: double click just to the right of the open, or left of the closing brace. The area is highlighted. At this point you can also copy to the clipboard.
I'm using Eclipse Version: 3.4.0 (Ganymede). I went to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor
I changed the 'Matching brackets highlight' to yellow, but it only changed the color of the outline, not the background. It's hard to see just that yellow outline on a white background. Looking at these options though, I don't see how it would be possible to get the highlight you're looking for.
Check the image where you need to change "Selection background color" and "Selection Foreground color" to highlight the background of the selected code.