how to insert an object into the players array in mongoDB? - mongodb

I have the document below and I need to insert an object into the players arrays how to do this with mongoDB
"data": {
"createTournament": {
"_id": "6130d9a565aa744f173a824a",
"title": "Jogo de truco",
"description": "",
"status": "PENDING",
"size": 8,
"prizePool": 20,
"currency": "USD",
"type": "Battle",
"entryFee": 1,
"startDate": "2021-09-01",
"endDate": "2021-09-01",
"rounds": [{
"round": 1,
"totalMatches": 4,
"matches": [{
"match": 1,
"players": []

it will add 3 to array players that array matches has match of 1 and rounds array has round of 1
{ "arrayFilters": [
{ "outer.round": 1 }, // you could change this to choose in which array must be pushed
{ "inner.match":1 } // // you could change this to choose in which array must be pushed
] }


Embedded vs. Referenced Documents mongoDB

I'm starting to study mongodb, but I want to understand better when to use embedded or referenced documents.
the project I'm trying to make is something similar to a POS (point of sale), working like:
Every time that someone make a purchase, it inserts on the database, but, there are costumers with N groups of stores and theses "groups of stores" have N stores and N POS.
After this i want a database to update the prices in specific stores (not in groups) and make a summary of how many sales any POS made.
So, talking about perfomance what is the best design and why?
here are some exemples that I made:
Embedded :
"group1": [
"store_id": 1,
"store1": "store_name",
"POS": [
"id_POS": 1,
"POS_name": "name_1",
"purchases": [
"id": 1,
"date": "2022_10_05",
"time": "10:00:00"
"id": 2,
"date": "2022_10_05",
"time": "10:10:00"
"id_POS": 2,
"POS_name": "name_2",
"purchases": [
"id": 1,
"date": "2022_10_05",
"time": "10:50:00"
"id": 2,
"date": "2022_10_05",
"time": "11:59:00"
"itens": [
"id_prod": 4,
"prod_name": "avocado",
"price": 2.5
"id_prod": 5,
"prod_name": "potato",
"price": 1.5
group of stores,POS, and itens collection:
"id_pos": 1,
"id_store": 1,
"purchases": [
"id": 1,
"date": "2022_10_05",
"time": "10:50:00"
"id": 2,
"date": "2022_10_05",
"time": "11:59:00"
"id_store": 1,
"id_prod": 4,
"prod_name": "avocado",
"price": 2.5
"id_prod": 5,
"prod_name": "potato",
"price": 1.5

MongoDB Select By Group along with that Count Unique match exclude array and object fields Get data sort by latest objects

I have a collection where from the backend user can input multiple same name bikes but with different registration number but in front-End I want them to be grouped by matching the same name but as user updates separately display image changes but I want only one display image as it is 1 vehicle
provided there is a node created I will implement it we can sort it by the latest and take the price and image of it
Activa -2 Count
KTM -1 Count
but there is a catch.
Activa 2 bikes but I want only count 2 and the price as it is the same in an array I want only 1 and the same applies to displayimage here display image file path is different but I want the latest one only Sharing data below
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62e69ee3edfe4d0f3cb4994a",
"bikename": "KTM",
"bikenumber": "KA05HM2034",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-2020-honda-city-exterior-8-1659281111883.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 1
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62dba8418ef8f51f454ed757",
"bikename": "Activa",
"bikenumber": "KA05HM2033",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-v_activa-i-deluxe-1658562557459.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 0
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62d7ff7e70b9ab38c6ab0cb1",
"bikename": "Activa",
"bikenumber": "KA05HM2223",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"afterfreekmprice": 22,
"descreption": "Activa",
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-v_activa-i-deluxe-1658322798414.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 0
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62dba8418ef8f51f454ed757",
"bikename": "Activa",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-v_activa-i-deluxe-1658562557459.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 0
"count": 2
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62e69ee3edfe4d0f3cb4994a",
"bikename": "KTM",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-2020-honda-city-exterior-8-1659281111883.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 1
"count": 1
You can use the aggregation pipeline,
$sort by _id in descending order
$group by bikename and get the first root document that is latest one in root and count total documents in count
$project to show required documents
{ $sort: { _id: -1 } },
$group: {
_id: "$bikename",
root: { $first: "$$ROOT" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
$project: {
_id: "$root",
count: 1
You can use $group for this:
{$group: {
_id: "$bikename",
count: {$sum: 1},
data: {$first: "$$ROOT"}
{$set: {"data.count": "$count"}},
{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$data"}}
See how it works on the playground example

how to push a data into an array of objects in mongodb based on the name into the the completed array in the breakfast array how will it be done?

I want to add a current date into a user meal plan breakfast and find
the name of an object like a banana on condition and add a date to the
completed array?
this is the mongoose document .every food item contains an array of completed and every time a request is sent it will add or remove date on the completed array. i should be able to push date to the completed array
"_id": {
"$oid": "616f193e9eb4ca14afc47fa8"
"date": {
"$date": "2021-10-19T15:52:09.298Z"
"email": "",
"firstName": "john",
"lastName": "doe",
"password": "$2b$10$jKylT8MKsUl7ZS03EVi7SecQ1eWuB37J5rLVTU/C8VXBwkWQQo6EK",
"role": "user",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIQb-JA2kcKxWquDaM",
"mealplan": {
"dietType": ["Halal", "Vegetarian", "Vegan"],
"religionType": ["Agnostic", "Muslim", "Christian", "Buddhist"],
"ethinicType": ["Asian", "Native American"],
"_id": "6179a178ba48312626059d44",
"name": "first meal",
"budget": 2000,
"orac": 163,
"medicinal": 0,
"breakfast": [
"type": "breakfast",
"completed": [],
"fdcId": 1103194,
"name": "Carrots, raw, salad",
"numbers": 1,
"unit": "100 grams",
"recurring": {
"startTime": "08:30",
"endTime": "09:30",
"startDate": "2021-10-28",
"endDate": "2021-11-03",
"daysofweek": []
"type": "breakfast",
"completed": [],
"name": "orange juice",
"numbers": 1,
"unit": "100 mililiters",
"recurring": {},
"orac": 10,
"medicinal_value": 0,
"nutrition": []
"type": "breakfast",
"name": "banana",
"completed": [],
"numbers": 1,
"unit": "100 grams"
"__v": 0
when I send a post request it will be the name of the food and date.
date show be added to the completed array in name of food
use arrayFilter like this
for example we want add to food with name of bnana
$push: {
"mealplan.breakfast.$[arr].completed": "date" // put date here
arrayFilters: [
"": "banana" // name of food here

MongoDB - Way to find closest results from arrays inside every document

I want to find closest result from array inside document for every doc, and project it new object using MongoDB. It will be easier to explain what I trying to do by example:
Doc schema:
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"track" : [
"time": "number",
"distance": "number"
I want to find closest results for every doc for time equals 4
Input data:
"id": "1",
"name": "test1",
"track" : [
"time": 0,
"distance": 0
"time": 1,
"distance": 5
"time": 3,
"distance": 17
"time": 4,
"distance": 23
"time": 6,
"distance": 33
"id": "2",
"name": "test2",
"track" : [
"time": 0,
"distance": 0
"time": 1,
"distance": 5
"time": 2,
"distance": 12
"time": 4,
"distance": 26
"time": 6,
"distance": 32
"id": "3",
"name": "test3",
"track" : [
"time": 0,
"distance": 0
"time": 1,
"distance": 5
"time": 3,
"distance": 12
Output data:
"id": "1",
"result" : {
"time": 4,
"distance": 23
"id": "2",
"result" : {
"time": 4,
"distance": 26
"id": "3",
"result" : {
"time": 3,
"distance": 12
Is it possible to do this using MongoDB?
"$addFields": {
"tracks": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$track",
"as": "track",
"cond": {
"$lte": [
"$addFields": {
"tracks": {
"$slice": [
"$unwind": "$tracks"
"$project": {
"tracks": 1,
"name": 1
It does below things:
Finds whose track time is <=4 and adds it to an array called items
Then it gets the last element - i.e closer element
Take the element from array - unwind
Projects what is needed.

MongoDB nested array aggregation

I want to aggregate data for the following sample array.
"_id": "5b7c0540342100091a375793",
"pages": [
"name": "ABCD",
"sections": [
"name": "sectionThird",
"id": 2,
"value": [
"_id": "5b3cd546342100514b4683a2",
"pages": [
"name": "ABCD",
"sections": [
"name": "sectionFourth",
"id": 2,
"value": [
"name": "sectionThird",
"id": 2,
"value": [
"name": "EFGH",
"sections": [
"name": "sectionFourth",
"id": 2,
"value": [
"name": "sectionThsads",
"id": 2,
"value": [
I want the following output:
"page": "ABCD",
"sections": [
"name": "sectionThird",
"totalValue": 140
"name": "sectionFourth",
"totalValue": 32
"page": "EFGH",
"sections": [
"name": "sectionFourth",
"totalValue": 5
"name": "sectionThsads",
"totalValue": 8
In the above sample array, you can see there are multiple documents with "page" as one of the keys which are also an array of objects. Each page object has a key "name" which is going to be unique for each object in "page" array. The "page" object has "sections" key and they also have "name" key in them which is going to be unique for each object.
So the output array is grouped by then in that its grouped by from all the page objects with the sum of all the value array throughout sections inside a page object with the same section name.
You can use below aggregation.
$unwind each page and section followed by $group with $sum to sum the values for each section and $push to push the sections values back into page array.