How to make REST calls to Tableau - rest

I need to make REST requests to Tableau to upload and download data sources and other requests.
In the documentation mentioned here, it says that to make a REST request you need.
Server Name
Workspace/Group ID
Where can I get these 3 things? I am new thus not familiar with the tableau platform.
Below is my Tableau Dashboard:

I see you've figured this out based on some of your other questions but here is the answer for anyone else searching.
Server name = your server's ip address or if using Tableau Online, the first portion of your url when you login. for the GET call of
Site ID can be returned using a POST in your API authentication call. Using the server name above the POST call would look like this You will need to add some info to the POST body that will look like this.
"credentials": {
"personalAccessTokenName": "YOURTOKENNAME",
"personalAccessTokenSecret": "YOURTOKENSECRET",
"site": {
"contentUrl": "YOURSITE"
You don't necessarily need the group-id unless you are returning group specific info like user/group relationships. Use this in a GET call to return your group IDs by name.


List all users via Github Graphql v4 API

Trying to find documentation or figure out how to replicate GitHub's v3 API Get all users endpoint via there v4 graphql API.
It's easy enough to query just about anything for a specific user but how can I retrieve a payload listing all users similarly to the v3 API payload?
Can someone point me to the correct documentation or even better provide an example that returns a list of users?
As far as I can tell there is no equivalent to "Get all users" in the v4 api, however, there is a hacky way that you can get close to it using a nodes query.
First you need to be able to generate node ID's to iterate over. Looking at mojombo (the first user by database ID) you can see how node ID's are derived.
$ curl
"login": "mojombo",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
$ echo -n "MDQ6VXNlcjE=" | base64 -d
It is the string 04:User followed by the users id (database ID).
Knowing this we can now generate a nodes query for 100 users at a time. NOTE: Not all database ID's are users, some are organisations or deleted users, and as such you will get a lot of NOT_FOUND errors.
query($ids:[ID!]!) {
nodes(ids:$ids) {
... on User {
variables {
"ids": ["MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "MDQ6VXNlcjI=", ...]
If you aren't limited to only using the v4 api but still want to take advantage of improved performance of the v4 api then there is a slightly less hacky alternative, which is to use the v3 api to get users 100 at a time then use the returned node_id field to perform a bulk v4 query across all 100 users using the above technique. Using this method gives far fewer NOT_FOUND errors and hence better utilises your rate limit.
To give an idea of the performance improvement you can get using the v4 api and this technique, the task I was performing went from taking an estimated ~474 days using the v3 api to less than 5 days to using this method.
The search query works well for this. You can query based on specific fields, and it will return a list of users. This is usually good if you are looking for one specific user. If you are looking for a large list of users, the search api isn't what you want, since it is optimized for finding one value based on inputs. See an example below:
search(query: "location:toronto language:Go", type: USER, first: 10) {
edges {
node {
... on User {

Update Stock_level in OCAPI

How I can update the inventory (stock_level) using (business manager API).
I use the business manager API to retrieve products. I am able to retrieve the products but I am not sure how I can set its stock (stock_level).
I have a special requirement where product quantity cannot exceed 1, so for that I need to set it in an inventory so that I can test it.
I have tried to see if I can set inventory level using product but that doesn't seem possible.
When I try to get inventory following is the error
"_v": "18.8",
"fault": {
"arguments": {
"method": "GET",
"path": "/data/v18_8/inventory_lists/*"
"type": "ClientAccessForbiddenException",
"message": "Access to resource 'GET /data/v18_8/inventory_lists/*' is not allowed for the current client."
There is actually a DATA API endpoint that can be used to update inventory. It is called the ProductInventoryRecords resource.
You can update a product inventory record with a PATCH eg:
PATCH /inventory_lists/{inventory_list_id}/product_inventory_records/{product_id}
With a ProductInventoryRecordAllocation payload as such:
"_resource_state" : "847f9c3c5867f641470b3046aeec31f07757991b792d722e10079926f7a289fb",
"allocation": {
"amount": 2000,
"reset_date": "2016-03-31T14:05:40.872Z"
See more about this document type here.
Please note that the best practice is to pass the _resource_state key to ensure that the record is properly updated. OCAPI checks to see if this value is the same as the current state of the record if that attribute provided.
So systems should first check the record to get the _resource_state by performing a GET on the same resource.
Edit Note that you'll need an authorization token that grants you access to the API in order to make this kind of call.
your question is not crystal clear but I will try to answer. Commerce Cloud has three distinct (OCAPI) APIs:
Shop API (provides similar access as a customer on the site)
Data API (provides similar access as a merchant using business manager)
Meta API (describes the API from a functional perspective)
To get availability of a product in the inventory use below call: {{shop_url}}/products/701644676568M/availability and look at ATS in the response.
To set the stocklevel go into to business manager or use business manager import utility. There is no out-of-the-box API to update the stocklevel.

Is it considered RESTful to do additional things in POST api apart from creating a resource?

We have customer registration API that accepts name, email and mobile and generates customerId i.e.:
"name": "john",
"email": "",
"mobile": "+134325325"
We create customer record for this API hit. The customer can be created from several clients and forms. We have got a new requirement that if we get this "customer creation" record from particular form, we need to send this information (name,email,mobile)+(customerId) to some third party API as well.
I believe as per resful pratise this API should only create "customer" and not do such extra things which would only be valid for certain clients/forms.
Which is the best alternative in this case:
Create new API for this new requirement: This new API would first create customer and then send it to third party API. This fulfils our requirement here but customer creation logic is now at two APIs.
Use existing "customer registration API" by adding a new flag: We would set this flag from these forms where we have this new requirement to send data to the third party as well. We would first create customer and if flag is set, we would send this data to the third party APIs as well. But is this approach RESTful?
From these forms where we need to send data to third party API, first send request to "customer registration API" and get customerId back and then send these details to third party API: This would be slow as we will have to wait for customerId on the client side.
POST is often used as a catch-all for actions that don't fit into a proper REST API otherwise. Bulk create, update or delete, merging records, logging in, copy, etc, are all common examples. But anything else you need to do that doesn't correspond to PUT, GET or DELETE can generally be overloaded with POST. Just make sure you use a distinct URL for each use of POST.
I.e. POST /foo should create a foo, and POST /bulk_delete should delete several fooa, based on query or form parameters.
I don't feel like separate resource would fit here. Let's imagine we are discussing not API endpoints design but simple class method createCustomer. Exposing a new endpoint is the same as creating a new overload method createCustomerSpecific. This is RPC-style - the number of methods will keep growing.
What REST as a style is suggesting is to use the same method, but encapsulate all the data required to create resource in the input object.
For me your case should be driven by something like repository factory: your application logics knows what repository to call - simple CustomerRepository or CustomerWithNotificationRepository.
I hope that the owner of this question may not need an answer for this. But here are my thoughts.
My assumptions are given below,
You have CustomerService class which contains the methods to perform CRUD operations with Customer Data.
You have an endpoint /api/customers(Method: POST) which will call the CustomerService.create() method to create a customer detail in DB.
With your second approach(Slight modification):
I prefer not to create an another endpoint since we are not doing anything differently apart from calling the 3rd party API. Hence the request JSON would be modified as like below to hold the additional data from client side.
"clientData": {
"notify": "true"
"customer": {
"name": "john",
"email": "",
"mobile": "+134325325"
Post creation of the customer, We have to check whether the notify field is true or not. If its, then the 3rd party API would be called with the customer details for additional processing.

Is that a good practice to provide a aggregation API in a Rest or a normal WebAPI Design?

I have provide such REST API for getting base user info and user's space info.
/v1/users/{user_id}/profile, which will return such a JSON:
/v1/users/{user_id}/space , which also return a JSON:
Now if a client (e.g. web page, a 3rd application) have a view which need to show part of user info(e.g "name", "sex") and part of user space info (e.g "sum_space") in a same time, Do I need to provide a new aggregation API such like /v1/users/{user_id}?
And if I provide such a aggregation API, should it return all attributes of User and Space? if I did so, the return value will include some unused values, which will increase the bandwidth of network. But if this API just return what client need, what should I do if a new client requirement come(e.g just get a user's name and user's used_space)?
If I don't provide any aggregation API, all the client must call N times for getting N kinds of resource. if there are a requirement for filter search(e.g getting user list which sum space > 100), the client could only do this serially.
I am very confuse about those, is that any guideline to follow?
Provide base data at /users/{id}. Allow clients to include the optional query parameter ?expand=profile, space. If they pick both, they get a detailed response with data from all three endpoints. If they only pick, say, profile, then they get the base data and the profile data.
If you need them to be able to restrict to exactly the properties they need, you can also support an ?include query parameter, that might look like GET /users/{id}?include=id,lastModifiedDate, and might get back something like
"id": 25,
"lastModifiedDate": 0,
"profile": {
"name": "Bob Smith"
You can mess around with the URI structure above as you like. Maybe you prefer GET /users/{id}?include=id,lastModifiedDate&expand=profile[name]. The point is that you can use query parameters to define the type of information you get back.
Another choice, if you're using vendor-specific MIME types, would be to use a different mime type for different shapes of response. One type might return the profile and space, while another would return just one or the other, when a request is made to GET /users/{id}. That's a particularly blunt instrument though, and it doesn't sound appropriate for your needs.

Get all the reports which have used a specific resource id of a domain topic in jasper

I have created a topic using a Domain in my JasperReport Server. Now I need to get all the reports which have used that Domain or Topic by using REST API.
I have tried this REST call:
It gives 200 OK. But no data, it only gives the login page source.
<title>TIBCO Jaspersoft: Login</title>
Can anyone tell me how how to get this from REST call?
First, your call to the API seems errorneous.
According to the docs the call to the repository service looks like this:
In your case this would be:
Sencond, since your call is different, you won't get any result. It is possible to search for a specific string:
and / or a type:
As far as I understand it, it is not possible to search which report use which resources, though.