Which one is performance wise better Text or extracted TextWidget function? - flutter

In my flutter code when I am creating an UI lot of places using Text widget. So I converted this Text widget into a function and calling everywhere? Text widget also including some styling. So calling the function or calling the Text widget is better (execution speed)?
Example code:
Text('Time left to Entrance exam',style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
color: Colors.black
Text buildText(String text,double fontSize, Color color) {
return Text(text,
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: fontSize,
color: color

TextWidget function is more useful than multiple texts. It's absolutely a good practice and if any changes need you can able to change centrally and it's time-saving with clean code. You do not get the execution speed issue. And more important things, in both widget and function you just call a single Text widget. That's why there is no performance issue. You go for the second one for good practice.


Flutter define icon color by textstyle

I think I've hared that there is a Widget the gets a Textstyle and a list of children. The children can be Text-Widgets or Icon-Widgets and get the defining styles (and with that the color of the Icon) from that parent.
But I can't find that anywhere.
Do I remember that correctly, and if, what Widget was that?
Or am I just wrong about that?
I thought it was this, but it don't seam to work the way I thought:
return RichText(
strutStyle: StrutStyle.fromTextStyle(TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500)),
text: TextSpan(
children: [
TextSpan(text: "Add Object"),
WidgetSpan(child: Icon(Icons.add))
You can make use of the DefaultTextStyle widget which receives a TextStyle entity and will apply it to descendant Text widgets (as long as the descendant Text widgets do not have explicit styles applied: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/DefaultTextStyle-class.html
When talking about the icons as well, there is no dedicated widget for that since you would usually define that as part of your overall theme as ThemeData (usually provided in MaterialApp)

Is it okay to extend the Flutter built-in TextStyle class with my own custom methods?

Is there a problem if I extend some of the framework's built-in classes, specifically TextStyle, with my own extension methods? docs here
I'll layout an example of what I mean so that it resembles the actual implementation I'm using in my project - but not fully, it's just to be as clear and clean as possible:
In this example I'm declaring some common-use text styles (for context, in my project I have many many more), and later I'm extending the built-in flutter class TextStyle to have a faster and smoother implementation of further customization:
// some text styles I'll use across the whole app
const TextStyle titleLarge600 = TextStyle(
fontSize: 20.0,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
const TextStyle titleSmall500 = TextStyle(
fontSize: 16.0,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
const TextStyle bodyRegular400 = TextStyle(
fontSize: 14.0,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
// ...
//* Here it comes
extension CopyWithStyles on TextStyle {
/// Copy with [MyColors.primaryFontColor] color.
TextStyle get primaryColor => copyWith(color: MyColors.primaryFontColor);
/// Copy with [MyColors.accentColor] color.
TextStyle get accentColor => copyWith(color: MyColors.accentColor);
// ... several colors later
/// Copy with [TextDecoration.underline] decoration.
TextStyle get underline => copyWith(decoration: TextDecoration.underline);
/// Copy with [TextStyle.letterSpacing] of 0.4.
TextStyle get withLetterSpacing => copyWith(letterSpacing: 0.4);
// etc ...
This allows me to later just import these styles and methods and implement them in my Text widgets:
// ...
Text('Some title', style: titleSmall500.primaryColor),
... and even concatenate them:
// ...
'Some action here',
style: bodyRegular400.accentColor.underline.withLetterSpacing, // ← THIS WORKS! it has no limits really
I'm amazed as to how flexible extension methods are, but in this particular case (extending TextStyle) I'm wondering about performance issues, and compatibility with the framework, or if maybe I'm missing something and actually should not do this.
For the moment I'm not experiencing any issues. Still, I'm wondering if there could be any potential problems. Is there a problem if I implement something like this in my projects? Is there something I'm not considering and should take into account in the future?

Flutter - text and icons not displaying sometimes

Sometimes after turning on my app, user see not rendered screen.
Buttons are available, but no labels and icons are printed.
I didn't notice it with debug version, only release.
In some cases restarting app helps, and sometimes user has to install the app again.
What may be causing this issue?
Broken screen:
And this is how it should look like
Code seems to be rather standard, e.g. logo, 'Slift' string is created this way:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BorderedText(
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
strokeColor: ThemeColors.getColor3(),
child: Text(
style: GoogleFonts.baloo(
TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.none, fontSize: fontSize),
are you using MediaQuery in your code? Because sometimes it works differently on release and debug mode.

Is there any way of using Text with spritewidget in Flutter?

I'm developing a game in Flutter with spritewidget library. I'd like to know if is it possible to use text inside a SpriteWidget.
I know i can use regular Flutter widgets but i need that the text size is relative to SpriteWidget so it can be consistently shown in different screen sizes.
I have searched library documentation but i haven't found anything related to text render.
Any suggestion would be appreciated!!
You can absolutely use text inside a SpriteWidget. There is the Label node for that particular purpose. If you need more advanced text rendering, you can use the code from the Label as your starting point.
Label label = Label(
'My text label',
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
textStyle: new TextStyle(
fontFamily: 'Orbitron',
letterSpacing: 10.0,
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: 24.0,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600

Flutter text not rendering correctly in some cases

I am developing a flutter app to display speed itself. But sometime, the speed isn't rendered correctly in the UI. This doesn't happen always but happens say 5-10% of the time.
I tried to add another text field, with lesser size below it(just to debug), and the same text renders there correctly.
2 screenshots - One correct and one with the bug
I am using a column widget to display the text and this is how I am building the children list:
List<Widget> children = [];
child: Text(listenerSpeedText,
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.lightGreen, fontSize: 100.00)),
padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 5.00)));
'digitalSpeed: ' + listenerSpeedText,
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.red,
fontSize: 25.00,
return children;
Any help would be appreciated. I am not sure what is going on. Do I need to give extra width or height to container?