How do I hide this message output from knitr? - knitr

I'm trying to knit a markdown file and I couldn't hide this message for one of my chunks.
I tried using message=false,warning=false but none of them worked. Any help would be appreciated!
enter image description here


How to add an image to github file

I have tries all the below and the image does not seems to be appearing on my read me file. I've added the image under the issues as someone suggested but nothing. also tried numerous other methods but the image does not want to appears and on the video tutorials i'm doing line by line but nothing.
link to the isssues:
using the img tag with the image that are in the root folder
<img src="">
The most used method to add image to read me file with image under the issues
image stored on the root repo with image link
** Image with the root directory**
What is funny is that it is working within stack overflow but not on github with the img tag with root directory.
Answer provided in #Benjamin W's comment; thank you, much appreciated. Please see answer below:
I took a look at your file, and the problem is that your text blocks are indented. In Markdown, that means "code block", where everything is interpreted literally. You have to un-indent them. I have created a PR to show you how.

How to get rendered colored text in GitLab / GitHub using AsciiDoc?

I'm new to AsciiDoc, so I made a simple project on GitHub to test the rendering of colored text.
The project is located at
I can't seem to get the colored text to show when using the examples found on
Here's the source that I'm using to test:
[red]#Obvious# and [big red yellow-background]*very obvious*.
[underline]#Underline text#, [overline]#overline text# and
[blue line-through]*bold blue and line-through*.
It was taken directly from
Any help in understand what I'm doing wrong is much appreciated.
Thanks goes to mojavelinux for answering this question in the thread at
To recap the most important point:
GitHub and GitLab do not permit using colors in content in the repository preview view. This has been requested countless times, and the response is always to reject that request.

How to resize an image with clickable link in file?

I have been trying to add a link to one of the YouTube videos in the file. So, first I took a screenshot of the video at a specific timestamp, put it in the local directory, and then used the following syntax:
[![ALT TEXT] (image/screenshot path)] ( "video text")
But as the size of the screenshot is a little big (as big as my laptop screen), using the above syntax takes a lot of space in the output! I don't want that. I want to control the size of the screenshot/image. How can I do that?
I found different answers on adding an image with a clickable link; resize an image in readme; but I couldn't find any answer addressesing both the issues. (Sorry if such answer already exists)
Thanks a lot in advance :)
You can include raw HTML in your Markdown document, so just use standard HTML <a> and <img> tag with width and height atttributes:
<img src="path/to/img.png" width="xxx" height="yyy">
This will render correctly on github and elsewhere.

jQuery-File-Upload: Image preview not being generated for all images

For most images jQuery-File-Upload is displaying a preview image. However, for some large images (14MB) no preview is being displayed. Why is this happening and is there anyway to fix this? Unfortunately I am not seeing any errors on my web dev console when this happens so I have no idea how to debug this issue.
Here is a link to an example image that will not display a preview for me.
This helps me in same situation:
in file
change parameter
loadImageMaxFileSize: 40000000 /40MB

Tinymce - Convert image url to html image url

This is question about tinymce... Current image editor is slow for because it demands opening popup for every new picture I want to add. I have my own external image gallery where each image contains it's url so copy-paste of url's is very easy and fast...
I would like to have button similar to Bold that does following:
To editor I paste url of image (for example: and when i select this url and click on my new button it converts image url to <img src=''> and shows image in editor.
I searched plugins and found nothing similar to this.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
In documentation there is example how to manipulate text in editor from external commands... end even set them as button