Detect single-byte character set from the command-line? - unicode

I have a bunch of text files in a directory. They have text in, say, English and Arabic - or both. The English-only ones only use characters from the windows-1252 codepage (or ISO-8859-1 / Latin-1 if you like), while the Arabic ones use windows-1256 (or iso-8859-6 if you like).
My question: Can I, from the (Unix'ish) command-line, detect which file uses which codepage, with decent reliability?
Note: file -i doesn't do it...


How to remove accents and keep Chinese characters using a command?

I’m trying to remove the accented characters (CAFÉ -> CAFE) while keeping all the Chinese characters by using a command. Currently, I’m using iconv to remove the accented characters. It turns out that all the Chinese characters are encoded as “?????”. I can’t figure out the way to keep the Chinese characters in an ASCII-encoded file at the same time.
How can I do so?
iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT//IGNORE -o converted.bin test.bin
There is no way to keep Chinese characters in a file whose encoding is ASCII; this encoding only encodes the code points between NUL (0x00) and 0x7F (DEL) which basically means the basic control characters plus basic
English alphabetics and punctuation. (Look at the ASCII chart for an enumeration.)
What you appear to be asking is how to remove accents from European alphabetics while keeping any Chinese characters intact in a file whose encoding is UTF-8. I believe there is no straightforward way to do this with iconv, but it should be comfortably easy to come up with a one-liner in a language with decent Unicode support, like perhaps Perl.
bash$ python -c 'print("\u4effCaf\u00e9\u9f00")' >unizh.txt
bash$ cat unizh.txt
bash$ perl -CSD -MUnicode::Normalize -pe '$_ = NFKD($_); s/\p{M}//g' unizh.txt
Maybe add the -i option to modify the file in-place; this simple demo just writes out the result to standard output.
This has the potentially undesired side effect of normalizing each character to its NFKD form.
Code inspired by Remove accents from accented characters and Chinese characters to test with gleaned from What's the complete range for Chinese characters in Unicode? (the ones on the boundary of the range are not particularly good test cases so I just guessed a bit).
The iconv tool is meant to convert the way characters are encoded (i.e. saved to a file as bytes). By converting to ASCII (a very limited character set that contains the numbers, some punctuation, and the basic alphabet in upper and lower case), you can save only the characters that can reasonably be matched to that set. So an accented letter like É gets converted to E because that's a reasonably similar ASCII character, but a Chinese character like 公 is so far away from the ASCII character set that only question marks are possible.
The answer by tripleee is probably what you need. But if the conversion to NFKD form is a problem for you, an alternative is using a direct list of characters you want to replace:
sed 'y/áàäÁÀÄéèëÉÈË/aaaAAAeeeEEE/' <test.bin >converted.bin
where you need to list the original characters and their replacements in the same order. Obviously it is more work, so do this only if you need full control over what changes you make.

Auto-replace unicode \uxxxx characters in a text file with their utf-8 equivalents

I've been given a huge properties file created in eclipse with ISO-8859-1 encoding, and all Greek characters in it are in Unicode format (i.e.: \u03bc\u03af\u03b1\u0020\u03bc\u03ad\u03c1\u03b1). It works fine, but I want the actual file to be human readable.
I converted the file to utf-8, but the characters remained as they were. Is there a way to automatically convert the contents of the file to utf-8 either from inside eclipse, or via an external tool?
This can be done with the AnyEdit Tools plugin:
When installed, in the editor hit Ctrl+A (to select all the text containing ASCII and Unicode formatted characters), right-click and choose Convert > From Unicode Notation.

Recursive directory listing of unicoded file names

If i use dir /s /b>list.txt all unicode characters in file names, like äöüß, are broken or missed - instead of ä i get '', ü just disappears and so on...
Yes, i know, unicode characters aren't a good way to name files - they aren't named by me.
Is there a method to get file names healthy listed?
The default console code page usually only supports a small subset of Unicode. US Windows defaults to code page 437 and supports only 256 characters.
If you open a Unicode command prompt (cmd /u), when you redirect to a file the file will be encoded in UTF-16LE, which supports all Unicode characters. Notepad should display the content as long as its font supports the glyphs used.
Changing to an encoding such as UTF-8 (chcp 65001) that supports the full Unicode code point set and redirecting to a file will use that encoding and work as well.

Character Encodings compatibility with ASCII

I'm currently reading mails from file and process some of the header information. Non-ASCII characters are encoded according to RFC2047 in quoted-printable oder Base64, so the files contain no non-ASCII characters . If the file is encoded in UTF-8, Win-1252 or one of the ISO-8859-* character encodings, I won't run into problems because ASCII is embedded at the same place in all these charsets (so 0x41 is a A in all of those charsets).
But what if the file is encoded using an encoding that does not embed ASCII in that way? Do encodings like this even exist? And if so, is there even a reliable way of detecting them?
There is a Charset-detector of Mozilla based on this very interesting article. It can detect a very large amount of different encodings. There is also a port to C# available on GitHub which I used before. It turned out to be quite reliable. But of course, when the text just contains ASCII characters, it cannot distinguish between the different encodings that encode ASCII in the same way. But any encodings that encode ASCII in a different way should be detected correctly with this library.

How to "force" a file's ISO-8859-1ness?

I remember when I used to develop website in Japan - where there are three different character encodings in currency - the developers had a trick to "force" the encoding of a source file so it would always open in their IDEs in the correct encoding.
What they did was to put a comment at the top of the file containing a Japanese character that only existed in that particular character encoding - it wasn't in any of the others! This worked perfectly.
I remember this because now I have a similar, albeit Anglophone, problem.
I've got some files that MUST be ISO-8859-1 but keep opening in my editor (Bluefish 1.0.7 on Linux) as UTF-8. This isn't normally a problem EXCEPT for pound (£) symbols and whatnot. Don't get me wrong, I can fix the file and save it out again as ISO-8859-1, but I want it to always open as ISO-8859-1 in my editor.
So, are there any sort of character hacks - like I mention above - to do this? Or any other methods?
PS. Unicode advocates / evangelists needn't waste their time trying to convert me because I'm already one of them! This is a rickety older system I've inherited :-(
PPS. Please don't say "use a different editor" because I'm an old fart and set in my ways :-)
Normally, if you have a £ encoded as ISO-8859-1 (ie. a single byte 0xA3), that's not going to form part of a valid UTF-8 byte sequence, unless you're unlucky and it comes right after another top-bit-set character in such a way to make them work together as a UTF-8 sequence. (You could guard against that by putting a £ on its own at the top of the file.)
So no editor should open any such file as UTF-8; if it did, it'd lose the £ completely. If your editor does that, “use a different editor”—seriously! If your problem is that your editor is loading files that don't contain £ or any other non-ASCII character as UTF-8, causing any new £ you add to them to be saved as UTF-8 afterwards, then again, simply adding a £ character on its own to the top of the file should certainly stop that.
What you can't necessarily do is make the editor load it as ISO-8859-1 as opposed to any other character set where all single top-bit-set bytes are valid. It's only multibyte encodings like UTF-8 and Shift-JIS which you can exclude them by using byte sequences that are invalid for that encoding.
What will usually happen on Windows is that the editor will load the file using the system default code page, typically 1252 on a Western machine. (Not actually quite the same as ISO-8859-1, but close.)
Some editors have a feature where you can give them a hint what encoding to use with a comment in the first line, eg. for vim:
# vim: set fileencoding=iso-8859-1 :
The syntax will vary from editor to editor/configuration. But it's usually pretty ugly. Other controls may exist to change default encodings on a directory basis, but since we don't know what you're using...
In the long run, files stored as ISO-8859-1 or any other encoding that isn't UTF-8 need to go away and die, of course. :-)
You can put character ÿ (0xFF) in the file. It's invalid in UTF8. BBEdit on Mac correctly identifies it as ISO-8859-1. Not sure how your editor of choice will do.