How can I detect a Paste event in a TextEditingController? - flutter

I have a TextEditingController which is for phone numbers. If text is pasted in it, I need to process and modify it, trimming whitespaces etc. But that should not happen if the user is typing in whitespaces. How can I differentiate between these two types of events, and call my function only when user pastes text into the field?
Currently my code looks like this and uses onChanged. I'm looking for something like onPaste:
String getCorrectedPhone(String phone) {
phone = phone.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s+"), "");
return phone;
controller: _phoneController,
name: "phone",
onChanged: (String txt) {
print('Phone field changed! Is now $txt');
_phoneController.text = getCorrectedPhone(txt);

You can do something like declare a length with the phone number field and add a listener to the text editing controller or in oNchanged which checks if its length - the old length is >1. Then its pasted
int length = 0;
if (abs(textEditingController.text.length - length)>1){
// Do your thingy
length = _phoneController.length;
So there is another way, that is to ignore any touches on the text field using the IgnorePointer widget and then use Gesture Detector to implement custom long tap and short taps. For long taps, you'll have to create your own small pop up menu for copy cut paste and stuff. Here is some sample code for the UI. As for the functioning, I would recommend using the class of flutter. If you need any help in doing this let me know but it should be mostly straightforward


Get textfield's cursor position

I'm using textfield in my flutter code. I'm trying to use my own made keyboard instead of the default phones keyboard (Hiding phones keyboard). To edit or modify the text in the textfield, I need to know the current position of the cursor in the field. how can I get that?
String _textInput = '';
void inputCharecterToTextField(int pressedKey) {
_textInput += pressedKey.toString();
setState(() {});
_textEditingController.text = _textInput;
This is what I'm doing to input text in the field. But user can change cursor position. So, for modification of the text, I need the cursor position.

Unreal Engine 4.27.2 C++ | SetText not updating UserWidget’s TextBlock from a WidgetComponent in a BP

I have an Actor BP, inside this BP I have a UWidgetComponent with a Widget Class already selected in the Details, and that Widget Class has a TextBlock. Now, inside this BP I also have a C++ USceneComponent, this component is in charge of showing a random text, in the TextBlock mentioned above, each time the user presses a button.
This is in my USceneComponent's header file (.h)
class UWidgetComponent* QuestionWidget;
class UQuestionProjectionText* QuestionText;
class UTextBlock* QuestionTextBlock;
Then in the ".cpp" file, in the constructor
QuestionWidget = CreateDefaultSubobject<UWidgetComponent>(TEXT("CodeQuestionWidget"));
QuestionTextBlock = CreateDefaultSubobject<UTextBlock>(TEXT("CodeTextBlock"));
Then in the BeginPlay()
//Gets the WidgetComponent from the BP
QuestionWidget = Cast<UWidgetComponent>(GetOwner()->GetComponentByClass(UWidgetComponent::StaticClass()));
if (QuestionWidget)
//Gets an instance of the UMyUserWidget class, from the UWidgetComponent in the BP
QuestionText = Cast<UMyUserWidget>(QuestionWidget->GetUserWidgetObject());
this->QuestionTextBlock = QuestionText->QuestionTextBlock;
//Sets the text to an empty String
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("QuestionWidget was not found"));
Then in the TickComponent(), when the user presses the button, I use a something that looks like this
The problem is that when I press the button, the text does not change in the Widget, but if I print the text that I'm passing, it does print the string, so I'm not passing an empty value to the "SetText()".
Another weird thing, is that the line in the BeginPlay that sets the text, that one works, I have changed it to a random string, instead of an empty one, and it does display it.
I don't know if when I do the "QuestionWidget->InitWidget();" I'm creating a new one separate from the one in the BP, or if I'm just missing something. If I eliminate the "QuestionWidget->InitWidget()" the widget gets initialized on time sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't.
I have some error handling in my code, but eliminated it here so that it didn't look too messy. But also, none of the Errors popup, everything goes on smoothly, only that the Widget doesn't show the updated Text.

How to search for and highlight a substring in Codemirror 6?

I'm building a simple code editor to help children learn HTML. One feature I'm trying to add is that when users mouseover their rendered code (in an iframe), the corresponding HTML code in the editor is highlighted. So, for example, if a user mouses-over an image of kittens, the actual code, , would be highlighted in the editor.
Mousing-over the iframe to get the html source for that element is the easy part, which I've done (using document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY in the iframe itself, and posting that up to the parent) - so that's not the part I need help with. The part I can't figure out is how to search for and highlight that string of selected code in the code editor.
I'm using Codemirror 6 for this project, as it seems as it will give me the most flexibility to create such a feature. However, as a Codemirror 6 novice, I'm struggling with the documentation to find out where I should start. It seems like the steps I need to complete to accomplish this are:
Search for a range in the editor's text that matches a string (ie.'<img src="kittens.gif"').
Highlight that range in the editor.
Can anyone out there give me some advice as to where in the Codemirror 6 API I should look to start implementing this? It seems like it should be easy, but my unfamiliarity with the Codemirror API and the terse documentation is making this difficult.
1. Search for a range in the editor's text that matches a string (ie.'<img src="kittens.gif"').
You can use SearchCursor class (iterator) to get the character's range where is located the DOM element in your editor.
// the import for SearchCursor class
import {SearchCursor} from "#codemirror/search"
// your editor's view
let main_view = new EditorView({ /* your code */ });
// will create a cursor based on the doc content and the DOM element as a string (outerHTML)
let cursor = new SearchCursor(main_view.state.doc, element.outerHTML);
// will search the first match of the string element.outerHTML in the editor view main_view.state.doc
// display the range where is located your DOM element in your editor
2. Highlight that range in the editor.
As described in the migration documentation here, marked text is replace by decoration. To highlight a range in the editor with codemirror 6, you need to create one decoration and apply it in a dispatch on your view. This decoration need to be provide by an extension that you add in the extensions of your editor view.
// the import for the 3 new classes
import {StateEffect, StateField} from "#codemirror/state"
import {Decoration} from "#codemirror/view"
// code mirror effect that you will use to define the effect you want (the decoration)
const highlight_effect = StateEffect.define();
// define a new field that will be attached to your view state as an extension, update will be called at each editor's change
const highlight_extension = StateField.define({
create() { return Decoration.none },
update(value, transaction) {
value =
for (let effect of transaction.effects) {
if ( value = value.update({add: effect.value, sort: true})
return value
provide: f => EditorView.decorations.from(f)
// this is your decoration where you can define the change you want : a css class or directly css attributes
const highlight_decoration = Decoration.mark({
// attributes: {style: "background-color: red"}
class: 'red_back'
// your editor's view
let main_view = new EditorView({
extensions: [highlight_extension]
// this is where the change takes effect by the dispatch. The of method instanciate the effect. You need to put this code where you want the change to take place
effects: highlight_effect.of([highlight_decoration.range(cursor.value.from,])
Hope it will help you to implement what you want ;)
Have a look at #codemirror/search.
Specifically, the source code implementation of Selection Matching may be of use for you to adapt.
It uses Decoration.mark over a range of text.
You can use SearchCursor to iterate over ranges that match your pattern (or RegExpCursor)
Use getSearchCursor, something like this:
var cursor = cmEditor.getSearchCursor(keyword , CodeMirror.Pos(cmEditor.firstLine(), 0), {caseFold: true, multiline: true});
if(cursor.find(false)){ //move to that position.
cmEditor.scrollIntoView({from: cursor.from(), to:}, 20);
Programmatically search and select a keyword
Take a look at getSearchCursor source code it it give some glow about how it works and its usage.
So use getSearchCursor for finding text and optionally use markText for highlighting text because you can mark text with setSelection method of editor.
Selection Marking Demo
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
lineNumbers: true,
styleSelectedText: true
editor.markText({line: 6, ch: 26}, {line: 6, ch: 42}, {className: "styled-background"});
And it seem this is what you are looking for:
codemirror: search and highlight multipule words without dialog
RegExpCursor is another option that you can use:
new RegExpCursor(
text: Text,
query: string,
options⁠?: {ignoreCase⁠?: boolean},
from⁠?: number = 0,
to⁠?: number = text.length
Sample usage at:
Replacing text between dollar signs for Mathml expression.

How to validate Text mesh pro input field text in unity

I have tried to use text mesh pro input field in my project but I have face one series issue with that. i.e If try to validate empty or null text in input field it fails. For example when user without typing any text in tmp input field and click done button I have set a validation like not allowed to save null empty values but when user click done button without typing any text, those validations are fails. Please suggest any idea to fix this issue. Thanks in advance.
Here is the code I have tried :
var text = TextMeshProText.text; // here "TextMeshProText" is 'TMP_Text'
//do required functionality
// Show alert to the user.
I have set the validation like this but without giving any text click on done button it fails null or empty condition and enter in to if.
I found the problem. It fails because you use TMP_Text instead TMP_InputField.
Note that: Use the code for TMP_InputField; not for TMP_Text that is inside it as a child.
Change your code to this:
TMP_InputField TextMeshProText;
public void OnClick ()
var text = TextMeshProText.text; // here "TextMeshProText" is 'TMP_InputField'
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
//do required functionality
// Show alert to the user.
I hope it helps you

gtkentry focus behaviour

Is there any existing mechanism for a GtkEntry to simply position the cursor at the end of the text when focused, rather than selecting its contents to be overwritten by the next key? It seems odd to have to add a signal handler to do something this basic, but I can't find anything in the properties.
Edit: The signal handler doesn't work; whatever I do the default behaviour gets triggered after my handler runs. Here's my gtkd code; note that I am appending some text in the focus-in-event handler, and the appended text gets selected as well:
class NoteView : Entry
this(string text) {
if (text) {
addOnFocusIn(delegate bool(GdkEventFocus* f, Widget w) {
// clear selection
selectRegion(0, 0);
// test to see whether the appended text gets selected too
// don't let any other handlers run
return 1;
}, ConnectFlags.AFTER);
The addOnFocusIn method is in the gtkd Gtk.Widget api; it calls g_signal_connect_data internally, which should in theory be honouring the G_CONNECT_AFTER flag I'm passing it, but doesn't seem to be.
Edit2: Solved - the grab-focus handler was doing the text selection, and being handled after focus-in-event
Turns out GtkEntry was selecting the text on the grab-focus signal, not focus-in-event. Working code:
class NoteView : Entry
this(string text) {
if (text) {
addOnGrabFocus(delegate void(Widget w) {
selectRegion(0, 0);
}, ConnectFlags.AFTER);
Can't find anything in the docs.
I guess they figured that diverging from the default behavior is that uncommon that they just let people do it with signals, rather than provide a property for it.
Consider creating a subclass of GtkEntry that exhibits the behavior you require.