Stripe filter transfer by creation date - rest

I'm trying to retrieve yesterday's transfer for one of our customers. Please check the following curl request
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ourPrivateKeyEncoded' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data destination=acct_anAccount \
I'm able to retrieve all the transfers of my customer, but the created filter is not accepted. Meaning the above request without the is ok.
With this filter Stripe respond me a 400 with this body
"error": {
"code": "parameter_unknown",
"doc_url": "",
"message": "Received unknown parameter: Did you mean created?",
"param": "",
"type": "invalid_request_error"
I'm following this documentation, the created filter seems to exist. Does someone have an idea why Stripe doesn't accept my filter?

Replacing by created[gt] filter key made my request works.
The documentation seems to be outdated


Sonos Cloud API HTTP POST always returns 500

I'm trying to control my Sonos One (Gen 1) speaker through cloud APIs but all the POST request return 500 Internal Server Error without error message.
I generated an access_token as described in the documentation and was able to obtain information about the 'households' inside my network, finally both the group id and the player id.
I tried to obtain information about the status of the group by performing a GET on the following endpoint and it worked:{{group_id}}/playback
Same with other GET requestes (e.g. groupVolume).
The problem arise when I try to make a POST (e.g. changing the volume or playing an audioClip), it returns 500 Internal Server Error without any body.
For all the requests I am using Postman including as Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [token]
Content-Length: ??? (automatically inserted by postman)
while for the body of the change volume request I select the raw option and then select JSON(application/json) option.
The body is:
"volume": 80
The endpoint is the following:{{group_id}}/groupVolume
I also tried controlling the player with node (Package) and it works.
Also tried to use Wireshark to see what requests the node-sonos package is performing but it seems it's not using the Cloud APIs.
I expect the player to change volume, but the API doesn't do anything and doesn't return any error message.
The cURL request from POSTMAN is the following:
curl -X POST \<playerID>/audioClip \
-H 'authorization: Bearer XXX' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'postman-token: XXX' \
-d '{
"appId": "edu.myInstitute.myName",
"clipType": "CUSTOM",
"name": "Test",
"streamUrl": "http://...mp3_file_url"

How to list all assets in a catalog in watson data science experience?

I have created a Watson data science experience (DSX) account, created a catalog into it and added data assets to it.
I am trying to use the REST APIs as documented at:
... to retrieve the assets using curl.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <---stripped the auth token --->" -X GET ''
I get the following response:
"errors": [
"code": "invalid_parameter",
"message": "COMSV3006E: Missing or Invalid 'asset' id",
"target": {
"name": "asset",
"type": "parameter"
"trace": "e7b07khusvkj7s0ymgrggm6si"
How do I specify the asset id to retrieve the same?
Also, I am looking to upload assets, assign metadata/tags to existing assets using REST APIs. Is there any documentation/tutorial available, which can help explain me that?
One option is the search api, although it is listed as deprecated:
curl -X POST -d '{"query":"asset.asset_state:available"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"<catalog_guid>/types/<type>/search -H "Authorization: Bearer ...."
For <type>, you probably want data_asset, but you can also look up all existing types:
curl -X GET<catalog_guid>/types -H "Authorization: Bearer ...."

"The revision must be specified." error with status 400 Bad Request when delete controller-services and connections

I try export and import nifi templates via nifi rest api; but when i tried to delete controller-services, connections or import a template i get the response message "The revision must be specified." with '400 bad request' status from nifi rest api. I didn't understand what i have to do.
This my request for delete a control-service,
request "/controller-services/{id}" (id is, The controller service id.)
curl -X DELETE \
http://localhost:8090/nifi-api/controller-services/015b1030-a099-13d3-812c-77772afcaeb0 \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
and the response is "The revision must be specified."
status : "400 Bad Request"
Any idea please?
I finally got some answers about my mistake after reading this article
It seems you have to add two information to request url; version and clientId.
After make a call and get a component form nifi instance, it sends a version number inside a DTO to you as explained here
like this:
and finally i made a call like below and it worked:
curl -X DELETE \
'http://localhost:8090/nifi-api/controller-services/015b1030-a099-13d3-812c-77772afcaeb0?version=0&clientId=5ed15669-015d-1000-99cf-bc9c6f378085' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \

Use CloudHub API to restart an application via REST call

At the moment, in order to restart a Mule application, I need to:
Log into Mule via a browser
Navigate to the Runtime Manager
Select my environment
Locate my application
Navigate to Settings
Then restart
I know that MuleSoft have a Management API (CloudHub API), but I cannot find an example of how to restart an application via a REST call.
If anyone has a working example or can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
Just in case if anyone wants to know how to restart a Mule application hosted on CloudHub via REST API.
Call this API{domain}/status with payload "RESTART"
API Endpoint: /applications/{domain}/status
Method: POST
Example payload in request body:
"status": " 'RESTART' or 'stop' or 'start' ",
"staticIpAddress": ""
Postman code snippet: update the bearer token, domain and environment id
curl --request POST \
domain}/status \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Postman-Token: 42539dcd-1d33-4b66-80d9-6cfcc4ed8f77' \
--header 'X-ANYPNT-ENV-ID: environment ID' \
--header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
--data '{\n "status":"RESTART"\n}'
First, you need to install the runtime manager agent
Second, you can find an example in below link:
Operation: Restart an Application
PUT http://localhost:9999/mule/applications/myapp/restart HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Further to developer9's answer, here's how to obtain the Bearer token:
To access Platform APIs, you must obtain a token from either the login
endpoint or using the OAuth authorization process.
To authenticate using a username and password, you must invoke the /login API.
POST /accounts/login HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"username" : "joe",
"password" : "password"
This returns the following response and token:
"access_token": "d127e2ec-a703-4e2a-8629-e9158804748b",
"token_type": "bearer"
You can then use that in the restart (or other API request). Eg (note, update the bearer token, domain and environment id)
curl --request POST \
domain}/status \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer d127e2ec-a703-4e2a-8629-e9158804748b' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Postman-Token: 42539dcd-1d33-4b66-80d9-6cfcc4ed8f77' \
--header 'X-ANYPNT-ENV-ID: environment ID' \
--header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
--data '{\n "status":"RESTART"\n}'

kaa update configuration using REST API

I used kaa rest api for changing my configuration as follow:
curl -v -S -u devuser:devuser123 -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
"applicationId": "2",
"schemaId": "65539",
"endpointGroupId": "32768",
"body": "{\"timeConfig\":{\"org.kaaproject.configuration.unchangedT\":\"unchanged\"},\"dailySchedules\":{\"org.kaaproject.configuration.unchangedT\":\"unchanged\"},\"enabled\":{\"boolean":false},\"relays\":{\"array\":[false,false,false,true,true,false,false,false]},\"samplePeriod\":{\"int\":9}}",
}' 'http://localhost:8080/kaaAdmin/rest/api/configuration' | python -mjson.tool
But I get HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request. Does my post parameters seems OK? any suggestion will be appreciated.
Finally I found the problem. Kaa Rest API Works perfect. It was about mismatching schemaID and endpointgroupId. I got the correct values from kaa web interface:
. since the 400 ERROR CODE is not present in Rest documentation, I had no clue that where was the problem.