Deploy java 8 application on weblogic 12c - deployment

I want to deploy a java application built with jdk8 on WebLogic 12c, and I am wondering if the WebLogic version is fully compatible with jdk8.

Yes it is. WebLogic Server does fully support Oracle JDK 8


How to use WebSphere 8.5 in Eclipse

I am not familiar with the IBM product. I am currently use Tomcat as the server for my localhost. Now I would like to test in WebSphere 8.5. But in Eclipse, I could only choose Tomcat as my server. I would like to ask how to install and test in WebSphere 8.5. My eclipse version is indigo.
You will need to install WebSphere Developer Tools in Eclipse via Marketplace (search for WebSphere developer tools indigo).
Then you will need to get runtime, if you dont have it:
for full version download WebSphere Application Server v8.5.5.x for Developers (which is free),
or you can use WebSphere Liberty Profile (a new lightweight version that supports Java EE 7, but doesn't contain some old WebSphere programming extensions).

doesn't Jetty server support version 3.0 of the J2EE Web module specificaton?

I created a version 3.0 of J2ee web module with resin4, now I need to use jetty, so I installed eclipse plugin of jetty 6, but when I new server with it, eclipse point that The server does not support version 3.0 of the J2EE Web module specification, is there any way to fix it?
Jetty 6 is very old and was marked End of Life back in 2010.
Use Jetty 8 or Jetty 9 for Servlet 3.0 support.

Eclipse plugin for weblogic standalone

Are there any standalone plugin available for Oracle Weblogic 11g for eclipse?
Something very similar to Jdeveloper web applications using embedded OC4J?
Is this what you need?
Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse 11gR1 (

Eclipse Helios support for WAS 6.1

I am trying to deploy my java web project to websphere application server v6.1 using Eclipse.
But I don't see any Websphere6.1 server in Eclipse - Sever view. I see till websphere 6.0.
Any idea?
Regrettably, there is no support for WebSphere 6.1 under Eclipse. As you noted, WebSphere 6.0 was supported, and now WebSphere 7, 8, and 8.5 are supported, but 6.1 was not (except in the IBM-branded version of Eclipse, Rational Application Developer).

What is the minimally required server to deploy JSF 2.0 project?

I can either install Tomcat or glassfish server in the production server inorder to deploy my JSF 2.0 project. Which from which versions of these servers are compatible with JSF 2.0? Please give suggestion.
I have developed with Mojarra 2.0.2, Facelets and PrimeFaces, Netbeans 6.8
In general you need at least a server that supports Servlet 2.5 or later for JSF 2.0 (found at JSF 2.0 tutorial), e.g.:
Tomcat 6+
Glassfish 2.1+
Jetty 6+
Google App Engine
JBoss 5+
WebSphere 6+
WebLogic 9+
If not integrated, you then need jsf-api.jar and jsf-impl.jar for JSF 2.0
If you have a server that supports Java EE 6 (Glassfish 3, JBoss 6, WebLogic 11g) these jar's are already included.
JSF 2.0 uses version 2.5 of the servlet-api, which means it should be compatible with Tomcat version 6.0.x.