TSQL - How to output the content of a variable into a table? - tsql

As described in the title, I'm looking to store the output of a variable into a "non-variable table". Here is the code:
declare #fullpath NVARCHAR(200) = '''Data Source=path\to\folder\'
declare #filename NVARCHAR(50) = 'Country.xlsx'
declare #properties NVARCHAR(50) = ';Extended Properties=Excel 12.0'')'
declare #sheetname NVARCHAR(50) = '...[Country$]'
declare #extraction NVARCHAR(500) =
'SELECT * FROM OPENDATASOURCE(''Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'','+ #fullpath+
This will output the content of the excel file in table format (country_id and country_name). Now, how would one store this output table in another table? For instance:
SELECT * INTO #temp FROM #extraction

Just use INSERT INTO as you normally would. INSERT INTO allows for it to be followed by an EXEC statement:
CREATE TABLE #Temp ({Column List});
INSERT INTO #Temp ({Column List})
EXEC sys.sp_executsql #extraction;
Seems like the OP doesn't know the definition of the files. This, in truth, is a problem, but you can "get around" it. I would therefore SELECT ... INTO inside the dynamic statement. You'll need to use a global temporary table, or a user table for this though. I use a global temporary table for this example:
DECLARE #extraction nvarchar(MAX) =
N'SELECT * INTO ##TEMP FROM OPENDATASOURCE(''Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'',' + #fullpath + #filename + #properties + #sheetname;
EXEC sys.sp_executesql #SQL;


Table variable in sp_executesql parameter list

I'm having trouble sending a table variable into a sp_executesql parameter list.
my Table Variable:
declare #MemberCoverageIds table (CoverageId ID_t)
insert into #MemberCoverageIds( CoverageId) select MemberCoverageId from MemberCoverages where MemberNumber = #FulfillmentEntityIdentifier
My where clause using the table variable:
#WhereClause = #WhereClause + 'and F.FulfillmentEntityId in (select CoverageId from #MemberCoverageIds) '
it is part of my FinalSQL variable which has the rest of the statement:
select #FinalSQL = #InsertClause + #SelectClause + #JoinClause + #WhereClause
and then I have the execute:
exec sp_executesql #FinalSQL,
N' #FulfillmentEntityIdentifier RefNumber_t,
#MemberCoverageIds ReadOnly,
#EntityId Id_t,
#FulfillmentEntityType Code_t,
#FulfillmentDocumentType Code_t,
#FulfillmentMethod Code_t',
#FulfillmentEntityIdentifier = #FulfillmentEntityIdentifier,
#MemberCoverageIds = #MemberCoverageIds,
#EntityId = #EntityId,
#FulfillmentEntityType = #FulfillmentEntityType,
#FulfillmentDocumentType = #FulfillmentDocumentType,
#FulfillmentMethod = #FulfillmentMethod
I then get an unexpected error from that execution. I know it is the #MemberCoverages table variable because it worked before I added it. My question is what would be the proper syntax for sending the table variable in the parameter list? Do I have to declare it in the Parameter list?
You need to create a named type that your table variable will use:
create type dbo.myTableType as table (id int)
Then you can use it as a typed argument to sp_executesql:
declare #m dbo.myTableType;
insert #m values (1), (2)
exec sp_executesql
N'select 99 where 1 in (select id from #m)',
N'#m dbo.myTableType readonly',
If you don't want to create a new type, you can use a #temp table:
declare #t table(id int);
insert #t values (1), (2);
select * into #t from #t;
exec sp_executesql N'select 99 where 1 in (select id from #t)';

Value not Store in Dynamic SQL

I've different different tables to categorically store data and a log table where all the transactions log are recorded
e.g. 1) VoucherNO, Add, ...
2) VoucherNO, Delete, ..
After I backup the database and restore in another server for my Reporting Purpose. That time I want to ensure all the log data and transaction are available in TestDB if not then I remove log from 'AUD_USER_ACTIVITY'.
To find the transaction exist or not, I create a dynamic sql select statement and check whether record is exist or not.
Basis on #RecExist Value I do the action like if records is not available in TestDB the log will be remove, if record exist immediately break this loop and going for next procedure
But #RecExist variable is not updating in Dynamic SQL Execution. Please guide me
declare #MvDocNo varchar(50)
declare #LocationCode varchar(4)
declare #UName Nvarchar(40)
declare #toe varchar(30)
declare #QryTxt as nvarchar(MAX);
Declare #RecExist as INT =0;
SET #RecExist=0
WHILE #RecExist=0
select top 1 #MvDocNo=DOCNO, #SCtr=SrlNo,#LocationCode =DMLTYPE,#UName=TABLENAME
select top 1 #toe=docno from TestDB..M_TYPEOFENTRY where TBLNAME=#UName;
set #QryTxt='Select #RecExist=1 From R_TestDB..'+#UName+ ' Where '+#toe+'='''+#MvDocNo+''''
exec (#QryTxt)
IF #RecExist=0
The following code sample demonstrates how to check for a row in a table with a specific column and value using dynamic SQL. You ought to be able to change the values of the first three variables to reference a table and column in your database for testing.
Note that SQL injection is still possible: there is no validation of the table or column names.
-- Define the table to check and the target column name and value.
declare #TableName as SysName = 'Things';
declare #ColumnName as SysName = 'ThingName';
declare #TestValue as NVarChar(32) = 'Beth';
-- Create a SQL statement to check for a row in the target table with the specified column name and value.
declare #SQL as NVarChar(1024);
declare #Result as Bit;
-- Note that only object names are substituted into the statement at this point and QuoteName() is used to reduce problems.
set #SQL = N'select #iResult = case when exists ( select 42 from dbo.' + QuoteName( #TableName ) +
N' where ' + QuoteName( #ColumnName ) + N' = #iTestValue ) then 1 else 0 end;'
select #SQL as SQL;
-- Execute the SQL statement.
-- Note that parameters are used for all values, i.e. the target value and return value.
execute sp_executesql #stmt = #SQL,
#params = N'#iTestValue NVarChar(32), #iResult Bit output',
#iTestValue = #TestValue, #iResult = #Result output
-- Display the result.
select #Result as Result;

How to use sp_execute passing table parameter

I need to pass a table var to sp_executesql statement. Do you know how can I pass the table variable to sp_executesql?
Here is how I pass the regular variable (not table variable) to sp_executesql
EXEC sp_executesql #statement, N'#Status INT',#Status
Typically you don't pass a table variable to execute SQL with sp_executesql. You make a statement up out of text and execute that. Like so:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#People') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE tempdb..#People
CREATE TABLE #People (PersonId INT IDENTITY, PersonName VARCHAR(128));
INSERT INTO #People (PersonName) VALUES ('Brett'), ('John'), ('Mark'), ('Shawn'), ('Ryan'), ('Kevin');
DECLARE #SQL NVARCHAR(Max) = 'Select * from #People'
EXEC sp_executesql #Sql
UPDATE 1-27-17
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#People') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE tempdb..#People
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#People2') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE tempdb..#People2
CREATE TABLE #People (PersonId INT IDENTITY, PersonName VARCHAR(128));
CREATE TABLE #People2 (PersonId INT IDENTITY(7,1), PersonName VARCHAR(128));
INSERT INTO #People (PersonName) VALUES ('Brett'), ('John'), ('Mark'), ('Shawn'), ('Ryan'), ('Kevin');
INSERT INTO #People2 (PersonName) VALUES ('Emily'), ('Beth'), ('Jane'), ('Hannah');
--I. getting an output for a single output variable dynamically
--Say I just want to get Ryan by his Id dynamically and output it
--I need to define one or many parameters OUTSIDE the scope of the Dynamic Sql
DECLARE #PersonId INT = 5
--I then need to associate the parameters as an array, for the purposes of explanation I will use DIFFERENT NAMES you may use the same
DECLARE #ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500) = N'#PersonIdInside Int, #OutputInside varchar(8) OUTPUT'
--I then use the names ABOVE in the dynamic sql
DECLARE #SQL NVARCHAR(Max) = N'Select #OutputInside = PersonName from #People Where PersonId = #PersonIdInside'
-- I then do the following AFTER the sp_executesql 1. The Dynamic sql nvarchar, 2. The params nvarchar 3. one or many variables and how they associate
EXEC sp_executesql #Sql, #ParmDefinition, #PersonIdInside = #PersonId, #OutputInside = #Output OUTPUT
-- I have an output so now it should show what I want
SELECT #Output
-- II. getting a result set dymamically to another record set or table OUTSIDE the scope of the internal
-- Create another table, I use a #table for example purposes
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Output') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE tempdb..#Output
--Get a truncated list for an 'in' statement later of person Id's in a variable
DECLARE #People NVarchar(32) = N'1, 5, 10'
--I then use the #People ABOVE in the dynamic sql putting it together and then do an 'insert statement first'
DECLARE #SQL2 NVARCHAR(Max) = N'Insert Into #Output SELECT PersonName FROM (SELECT * FROM #People UNION SELECT * FROM #People2) as x Where PersonId in (' + #People + ')'
--execute yields nothing
EXEC sp_executesql #Sql2
-- or does it?
Select *
From #Output
-- !!! WARNING !!!
-- With dynamic sql you cannot nest multiple dynamic sql statements inside of procs. EG: Proc1 cannot call Proc2 and both of them have dynamic sql in them. Engine limitation.

Incorrect Stored Procedure Syntax

I am using the below stored procedure to upload files into a db where each file has a correspondence table but there are times when the table not exist in that case i want to add the file name into a table called NewTables.I can not get the stored proc syntax working can someone help me.I believe the mistake is in the first part where i check if the table exist
ALTER proc [dbo].[UploadCSVFiles]
#FilePath varchar(100) ,
#FileName varchar(100),
#TableName varchar(250)
DECLARE #SqlStmt nvarchar(max)
DECLARE #ErrorCode int
SET #SqlStmt='Truncate table dbo.[' + #TableName +']'
set #SqlStmt =N'
IF not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''[dbo].['+#TableName +N']'') AND type in (N''U''))
INSERT INTO dbo.NewTables ('+#TableName+N','+#FileName+N') Values('+#TableName+N','+#FileName+N')
INSERT INTO '+#TableName+N'
select *
from openrowset(''MSDASQL''
,''Driver={Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv)};
,''select * from "'+#FileName+N'"'')
Thanks fpop and Christine, I have made the suggestions you made but still I get an error
Msg 4701, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot find the object "Customer" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
it seems the If statement does not insert the new table
here is the final version
ALTER proc [dbo].[UploadFiles_2]
#FilePath varchar(100) ,
#FileName varchar(100),
#TableName varchar(250)
DECLARE #SqlStmt nvarchar(max)
DECLARE #ErrorCode int
SET #SqlStmt='Truncate table dbo.[' + #TableName +']'
EXEC sp_executesql #SqlStmt;
set #SqlStmt =N'
IF ( NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''[dbo].['+#TableName +N']'') AND type in (N''U''))
INSERT INTO dbo.NewTables (TableName,FileName) Values('''+#TableName+N''','''+#FileName+N''')
INSERT INTO '+#TableName+N'
select *
from openrowset(''MSDASQL''
,''Driver={Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv)};
,''select * from "'+#FileName+N'"'')
EXEC sp_executesql #SqlStmt;
Hint: You can always add PRINT #SQLSTMT to see the code your procedure has generated.
There are two error in the script, both in line:
INSERT INTO dbo.NewTables ('+#TableName+N','+#FileName+N') Values('+#TableName+N','+#FileName+N')
First error: NewTables table must have 2 columns to keep table name and file name. Let's call them COL_TBL, COL_FILE
Second error: You have to add quotes in Values part of statement
Here is how it should look like:
INSERT INTO dbo.NewTables (COL_TBL, COL_FILE) Values('''+#TableName+N''','''+#FileName+N''')
btw, You didn't post code entirely, there is an END at the end missing. Please, next time copy the whole code so others can reproduce the error.
EDIT: Please consider following: using sp_executesql instead of EXEC, to avoid sql injection bugs do not concatenate parameters into dynamic sql and finally check if table exists before truncating it
Try this
IF (NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE [type] LIKE 'U' AND name LIKE 'mytable'))
SELECT 'not found';
SELECT 'found';

How to get row count from EXEC() in a TSQL SPROC?

I have a TSQL sproc that builds a query as and executes it as follows:
EXEC (#sqlTop + #sqlBody + #sqlBottom)
#sqlTop contains something like SELECT TOP(x) col1, col2, col3...
TOP(x) will limit the rows returned, so later I want to know what the actual number of rows in the table is that match the query.
I then replace #sqlTop with something like:
EXEC ('SELECT #ActualNumberOfResults = COUNT(*) ' + #sqlBody)
I can see why this is not working, and why a value not declared error occurs, but I think it adequately describes what I'm trying to accomplish.
Any ideas?
use sp_executesql and an output parameter
DECLARE #sqlBody VARCHAR(500),#TableCount INT, #SQL NVARCHAR(1000)
SELECT #sqlBody = 'from sysobjects'
SELECT #SQL = N'SELECT #TableCount = COUNT(*) ' + #sqlBody
EXEC sp_executesql #SQL, N'#TableCount INT OUTPUT', #TableCount OUTPUT
SELECT #TableCount
You could instead have the dynamic query return the result as a row set, which you would then insert into a table variable (could be a temporary or ordinary table as well) using the INSERT ... EXEC syntax. Afterwards you can just read the saved value into a variable using SELECT #var = ...:
DECLARE #rowcount TABLE (Value int);
INSERT INTO #rowcount
EXEC('SELECT COUNT(*) ' + #sqlBody);
SELECT #ActualNumberOfResults = Value FROM #rowcount;
Late in the day, but I found this method much simpler:
-- test setup
DECLARE #sqlBody nvarchar(max) = N'SELECT MyField FROM dbo.MyTable WHERE MyOtherField = ''x''';
DECLARE #ActualNumberOfResults int;
-- the goods
EXEC sp_executesql #sqlBody;
SET #ActualNumberOfResults = ##ROWCOUNT;
SELECT #ActualNumberOfResults;
After executing your actual query store the result of ##ROWCOUNT in any variable which you can use later.
EXEC sp_executesql 'SELECT TOP 10 FROM ABX'
SET #TotRecord = ##ROWCOUNT into your variable for later use.
Keep in mind that dynamic SQL has its own scope. Any variable declared/modified there will go out of scope after your EXEC or your sp_executesql.
Suggest writing to a temp table, which will be in scope to your dynamic SQL statement, and outside.
Perhaps put it in your sqlBottom:
CREATE TABLE ##tempCounter(MyNum int);
EXEC('SELECT #ActualNumberOfResults = COUNT(*) ' + #sqlBody +
'; INSERT INTO ##tempCounter(MyNum) VALUES(#ActualNumberOfResults);');
SELECT MyNum FROM ##tempCounter;
You can use output variable in SP_EXECUTESQL
PRINT 'Number of affected rows: ' + CAST(#AFFECTED_ROWS AS VARCHAR(20));
SQL2.sql: Number of affected rows: 2
Thanks Jesus Fernandez!
The only problem with the answers that create temporary tables (either using "DECLARE #rowcount TABLE" or "CREATE TABLE ##tempCounter(MyNum int)") is that you're having to read all the affected records off disk into memory. If you're expecting a large number of records this may take some time.
So if the answer is likely to be large the "use sp_executesql and an output parameter" solution is a more efficient answer. And it does appear to work.