I am trying to deploy django app on heroku but i seeing that error message - application-error

My django app is successfully deployed but when I open the app url then this type of error message is showing please help me click below link to view error
these are heroku view logs please tell me how this error will fix click on this link to see heroku view logs


Not able to login/signup in appwrite console

Yesterday i have upgraded my machine and installed everything again. But now i'm not able to login or create new account into the appwrite console. Previously it was working fine. I have checked the documentation but did not get any solution form there.
Error message:
enter image description here
Docker version : 4.16.3

i got a problem while i'm trying to connect my flutter app to realtime databese using firebase

i got this message :
pc_0 - Firebase Database connection was forcefully killed by the server. Will not attempt reconnect. Reason: Database lives in a different region. Please change your database URL to https://"appname"-default-rtdb.europe-west1.firebasedatabase.app
while i was trying to connect my app to firebase realtime db ,the problem is i made the same steps that i used to create firebase database but it wont work ,i change the the database location many times but it wont work.
i don't know what to do ,i checked the packages and all but still says the same message if you have any idea please help.
Go to your Firebase Console, next to Project Overview is "Settings" button -> choose Project settings from menu.
Scroll down to "SDK setup and configuration", and download your google-services.json file again.
There should be "firebase_url" position now under "project_info".
If you still get an error, run:
flutter clean
flutter pub get

Flutter Sign in with google error: signin failed

I want to add sign in with google to my app and i started following this tutorial:
It works good because i already used it in another app. Thing is that on the new app when i add everything correctly i get an error and it doesn't authenticate. Here is the error i got in the console:

Google App Engine: This application does not exist

I try to upload sample app to Google App Engine with existing progect ID.
Here is GAE screenshot
gae screenshot
I'm using the same ID in the progect.
But when I try to upload it with plugin from Eclipse then I recive an error:
eclipse error
The whole error from a console:
------------ Deploying frontend ------------
Preparing to deploy:
Created staging directory at: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\appcfg2693799039714166602.tmp'
Scanning for jsp files.
Scanning files on local disk.
Initiating update.
com.google.appengine.tools.admin.HttpIoException: Error posting to URL: https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/create?app_id=app1-152711&version=1&
404 Not Found
This application does not exist (project_id=u'app1-152711'). To create an App Engine application in this project, run "gcloud beta app create" in your console.
Debugging information may be found in C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\appengine-deploy7186088524405894873.log
Why I can not upload it?
This is actually the new intended behavior. App Engine will not be enabled for new projects until you go through the app creation flow in the Cloud Console under 'App Engine' to enable the App Engine service, or alternatively run gcloud beta app create from the console.
I just encountered this myself. The project has to be created in the Cloud Console AND you need to go through the project setup in AppEngine. Something must be broken in the API that creates the AppEngine part of the process while uploading. So doing it through the web interface creates the project for you... and then uploading will essentially fill it in.
It never used to be this way, so maybe something changed.
I have the same problem. This is what I did to solve it.
Log in to your google cloud account.
Select your project from the blue header bar.
Click the menu button(the 3 bars) on the top left of blue header bar.
Select IAM - you should permission for App Engine Service account. If not, you have to set it up.
To do that:
Click the menu button (the 3 bars) again
Click the App Engine
If you have not set it up, you will be prompt to do a tutorial.
Cancel the tutorial.
Go back to IAM.
Now you should see that the App Engine Service account added to the permission
Go ahead to upload. Should work now.
Make sure you are logged in with the correct Gmail account. At the bottom right corner of Eclipse you will see which account you have authorized, or you will see "Sign in to Google" - click on it to authorize Eclipse.

Ionic-view cannot load my app: view error, status 404

I have uploaded my app to Ionic successfully, because in the terminal, it says like these:
HanslendeMacBook-Pro:prt Hanslen$ ionic upload --note "First upload"
Uploading app....
Saved app_id, writing to ionic.io.bundle.min.js...
Successfully uploaded (812e9b74)
Share your beautiful app with someone:
$ ionic share EMAIL
Saved api_key, writing to ionic.io.bundle.min.js...
But when I try to open it in the Ionic View App, it shows an error, view error, status 404.