I created a Postgres instance, database and user in GCP, which did not ask me anything about setting user privilege. and it did not ask how the user will relate to the database.
When I check user permission using psql, I saw below info. Looks like the user has very power permission?
So, how do I grant user: myuser to admin permission only to the database: mydatabase?
Name | owner |Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
mydatabase | cloudsqlsuperuser | UTF8 | en_US.UTF8 |en_US.UTF8 |
Role name| List of roles Attributes| Member of
myuser | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
cloudsqlsuperuser | Create role, Create DB | {pg_monitor,pg_signal_backend}
I believe the question is nothing to do with Terraform but here is my Terraform code in case it helps to figure out the answer:
resource "google_sql_database_instance" "mypostgres" {...}
resource "google_sql_database" "mypostgres_db" {
name = "mydatabase"
instance = google_sql_database_instance.mypostgres.name
resource "google_sql_user" "mypostgres_user" {
name = "myuser"
instance = google_sql_database_instance.mypostgres.name
password = "mypassword"
With Cloud SQL, Google Cloud create a super admin user with all the permissions.
Then you can create new users, either builtin user (standard database user, with login and password) or Cloud IAM user that reuse the Cloud IAM capabilities to authenticate the users.
You can also create databases.
However, the RBAC is not a Google Cloud API, but a database feature, and you can't grant permission on a database to users. You need to run a command IN the database, and terraform can't do that for you.
I am trying to setup pgaudit structure in Azure PostgreSql for pgaudit log I fallowed instuction of microsoft by using below link.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/postgresql/concepts-audit. But I can not see anything when I run
| where ResourceProvider =="MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL"
| where Category == "PostgreSQLLogs"
| where Message contains "AUDIT:"
When I read some article ;
It needs that In Azure Database for PostgreSQL, pgaudit.log cannot be set using a - (minus) sign shortcut as described in the pgAudit documentation. All required statement classes (READ, WRITE etc) should be individually specified.But in Azure PostGre, You need to be superuser make pgaudit got permission with READ,WRITE.
But ;
Now when i try to create SUPERUSER , by giving the command
CREATE USER TESTER SUPERUSER; ---> it gives me error saying
must be superuser to create superuser
THat's the point? How can I give pgAudit rights and how can I see audit logs in Azure.I applied above instructions but I can not see audilts log in Kusto queries results? Why?
By default, when a server is created we have the following 3 roles defined, which you can also see when you run SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles; –
server admin login – the admin login the user created the server with – which by default is a member of azure_pg_admin.
My roles in Azure :
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
azure_pg_admin | Cannot login | {}
azure_superuser | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
my_admin | Create role, Create DB | {azure_pg_admin}
my_db | Create role, Create DB | {azure_pg_admin}
You can configure pgaudit.log using Azure CLI with the command az postgres server configuration set -g {resource group} -s {server name} -n "pgaudit.log" --value "read, write" this will log all reads and writes.
I'm running into a problem with Google's Cloud SQL solution, where I'm unable to create new schemas on my database. The rules are as follows:
testdb=> \du
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
cloudsqladmin | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
cloudsqlagent | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
cloudsqlreplica | Replication | {}
cloudsqlsuperuser | Create role, Create DB | {}
testuser | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
postgres | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
Trying to create a new schema with the testuser results in a permission error.
testdb=> CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS testschema;
ERROR: permission denied for database testdb
But I'm unable to GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE testdb TO testuser; because of the same permission issue.
Is there any way to give testuser the privilege to create schemas on its own?
Since Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL doesn't give us a superuser (not even the postgres user), I can't see what queries other sessions are running from pg_stat_activity, nor can I terminate other sessions if needed.
For example:
postgres#testdb=> select pg_terminate_backend(1584);
ERROR: 42501: must be a member of the role whose process is being terminated or member of pg_signal_backend
LOCATION: pg_terminate_backend, misc.c:319
Time: 23.800 ms
Without true superuser access, how do we do these things in Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instances? Only the cloudsqladmin account is superuser and AFAIK I can't become that:
postgres#testdb=> \dg
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
cloudsqladmin | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
cloudsqlagent | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
cloudsqlreplica | Replication | {}
cloudsqlsuperuser | Create role, Create DB | {}
don | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
postgres | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
postgres#testdb=> set role cloudsqladmin;
ERROR: 42501: permission denied to set role "cloudsqladmin"
LOCATION: call_string_check_hook, guc.c:9803
Time: 25.293 ms
FWIW, you can terminate a session if you log in as that session's user. Users can terminate any of their sessions, standard PostgreSQL stuff.
postgres#postgres=> select pg_terminate_backend(23644);
ERROR: 42501: must be a member of the role whose process is being terminated or member of pg_signal_backend
LOCATION: pg_terminate_backend, misc.c:319
don#postgres=> select pg_terminate_backend(23644);
(1 row)
pg_terminate_backend says:
pg_terminate_backend(pid int) - Terminate a backend. This is also allowed if the calling role is a member of the role whose backend is being terminated or the calling role has been granted pg_signal_backend, however only superusers can terminate superuser backends.
When you are a member of Google's cloudsqlsuperuser (default for gcloud sql users create) you can grant yourself:
GRANT pg_signal_backend TO myuser;
Then you can terminate any session except Superusers:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid), * FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE usename = 'rogue_user' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();
pg_signal_backend was introduced in v9.6 - exactly the version on Google Cloud!
Alternative way is to be within other role to be able to terminate session being me:
GRANT other TO me;
It is not possible to give a superuser role to a PostgreSQL user in Cloud SQL. {1}
In any case you can consult information about the instance in the graphs and logs inside the Cloud SQL section in Cloud Console. {2}
{1}: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/users#other_postgresql_users
{2}: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/diagnose-issues
I just created a new postgres RDS instace on aws (through the dashboard), and I gave it a default user, lets call him "jack".
When I logged in to the instance, I saw my created user "jack", and that he had a role "rds_superuser" attached. (so I thought that I can do the same things that I used to do with superuser on a regular postgres server).
I checked the documentation, I saw that wasn't possible.
As logged in as the default user "stan", I created a new database user like "stan", and wanted to create a new databases with the owner being the user "stan", I couldn't?
I entered something like this:
But I got an error, saying something like:
ERROR: must be member of role "stan"
So, what I did was, made the role "stan", logged out as the default user "jack", logged into the RDS instance as "stan", and created that database with him as the owner.
Since I had three different users, I had to repeat that last step three times.
My question, is there a way, that I can make the default user "jack" that I created during RDS postgres creation, capable of creating new databases (like superuser on a regular postgres server installation) and giving the different owners like this:
you were supposed to grant stan to rds_superuser in order to do that. You did:
rds=> create user stan;
rds=> CREATE DATABASE foobar WITH OWNER = stan;
ERROR: must be member of role "stan"
you should:
rds=> grant stan to su_rdsadm;
rds=> CREATE DATABASE foobar WITH OWNER = stan;
I did it as rds superuser:
rds=> \du+ su_rdsadm
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of | Description
su_rdsadm | Create role, Create DB +| {rds_superuser,stan} |
| Password valid until infinity | |
rds=> select current_user;
(1 row)
It's good to know this further. This limitation of rds_superuser for ownership/grants and so on will keep hitting you until you grant role whose objects you want to manipulate (or on which behalf you want to grant) to rds superuser.
In Google's SQL Cloud Postgres service, when I create a database via the Web Console for a PostgreSQL instance, it automatically sets the owner of the database's default "public" schema to be cloudsqladmin. It seems I cannot change the ownership:
mydb=> \dn
List of schemas
Name | Owner
public | cloudsqladmin
(1 row)
mydb=> alter schema public owner to postgres;
ERROR: must be owner of schema public
mydb=> \du
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
cloudsqladmin | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}
cloudsqlagent | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
cloudsqlreplica | Replication | {}
cloudsqlsuperuser | Create role, Create DB | {}
pg_signal_backend | Cannot login | {}
postgres | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
mynewuser | Create role, Create DB | {cloudsqlsuperuser}
I also created a "mynewuser" through the web console, and cannot remove the "mynewuser" from the "cloudsqlsuperuser" group:
mydb=> alter group cloudsqlsuperuser drop user mynewuser;
ERROR: "cloudsqlsuperuser" can't be altered
If I wanted to create a database with a public schema that only a new user has access to (and owns), should I be doing this outside of the Google web ui? It seems like any databases I create are owned by cloudsqladmin, and any users I create are those "cloudsqlsuperuser" members. If I wanted to restrict permissions for a user, should I create that user normally via psql and bypass the web ui altogether?
From my experience, you seem to have to bypass the web ui / cli tool entirely.
When you create a database through the cli tool:
gcloud sql databases create DBNAME --instance INSTANCE
It assigns ownership to cloudsqlsuperuser, same as through the gui from the sounds of it.
When I have created a user specifically through the CLI tool:
gcloud sql users create USER 'host' --instance INSTANCE
Those users get the same permissions as cloudsqlsuperuser. In this case, it is possible to alter the ownership of the database. I had success through psql command connecting as the user I wanted to own the database and running:
However if the user was created via psql (not glcoud cli), then the permission are not the same and the above failed.
I'd be tempted to create your instance, set the 'postgres' users password through the tool, then psql into the instance from there and do everything you need via sql commands. I think the tool does some things very nicely (as does the UI), but its a pain later on.
If anyone knows better, I'd love to hear how you can work with the default gcloud user.
Basically what happens here is that a usual CREATE DATABASE statement seems to create a new database based on the template0 database. This database is owned by cloudsqladmin. A role only Google has access to. When the gcloud or web GUI is used, it executes the following query:
For template1 the owner is set to cloudsqlsuperuser a role that gets assigned to the postgres user, and other users created through the GUI.
So if you would like to create a database using sql with the appropriate privileges, just execute the statement above, and your public schema will then be owned by the cloudsqlsuperuser, and can be altered using the default postgres user, or other users created through the web GUI.
Connect to the database mydb by owner user (for exaple, it is mynewuser).
If you want to change the public schema owner, first you should make the user postgres owner of your database mydb:
mydb=> ALTER DATABASE mydb OWNER TO postgres;
After that, you can change the public schema owner:
mydb=> ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO postgres;
Besides, to remove your mynewuser from the cloudsqlsuperuser group (role) use:
mydb=> REVOKE cloudsqlsuperuser FROM mynewuser;
Note: The default postgres user in Google Cloud Platform's (GCP) Cloud SQL (PostgreSQL) is not a superuser of the instance. Also, all users created from the GCP web UI have cloudsqlsuperuser role by default, and the following attributes (privileges): CREATEROLE, CREATEDB and LOGIN. They don't have the SUPERUSER or REPLICATION attributes.