The argument type 'PointerEvent' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'PointerDownEvent' - flutter

Recently I've updated to flutter 2.5 and the newest androids studio, and tried to compile my flutter project to android device. Android studio throws me the error below. If I write flutter run in a terminal there is no problem compiling to android device.
Guess this must be related to android studio. I tried downgrade to an earlier android studio version, but the problem persists.
I'm not sure what plugin this is, it doesn't seem like any I use in my project.
Edit: If I downgrade flutter from 2.5 to 2.0 my project compiles again. So the problem is within flutter 2.5
Launching lib/main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
../plugins/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The argument type 'PointerEvent' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'PointerDownEvent'.
- 'PointerEvent' is from 'package:flutter/src/gestures/events.dart' ('../plugins/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/gestures/events.dart').
- 'PointerDownEvent' is from 'package:flutter/src/gestures/events.dart' ('../plugins/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/gestures/events.dart').

There was an API change in version 2.5 of flutter and several packages must update accordingly.
Your logs show that the exact package which contains the error is photo_view.
Luckily enough the package has just been updated to fix this, so just update its version in your pubspec.yaml:
photo_view: ^0.12.0
If you don't have the package directly in your pubspec
You have two options
1 It's probably a transient dependency, you can run flutter pub deps
to list the installed packages and its dependencies and try to update the one that uses photo_view (if it does have an update)
2 Add a dependency override to your pubspec.yaml, this will effectively override the version of the package being used
photo_view: ^0.12.0
Add this just before your dev_dependencies

from your debug code
you open the file or click if there are link clickable
Search for this:
void addAllowedPointer(PointerEvent event) {
and replace with this:
void addAllowedPointer(PointerDownEvent event) {
Here is the reference link

This problem arises due to the GestureRecognizer Cleanup -
Here is the documentation if you are intrested in the migration code
But in case you just want to build your flutter app without any migrations following are couple of solutions to that problem
You can update photo_view dependency in your pubspec.yaml file to
photo_view :^0.12.0
If you do not want to update your dependency due to any reason you can opt for this temporary fix . In the pubspec.yaml file add the following custom photo_view with better gesture recognition in dependency_overrides.
git: git://


Why is riverpod failing even to initialize in project? Method not found: 'Error.throwWithStackTrace'

So i am trying to get started with riverpod and creating a new flutter project with the "click and counter" default sample.
As soon as I add on the pubspec
flutter_hooks: ^0.18.0
hooks_riverpod: ^2.0.0
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
I get this error on the debug console and can't figure it out what is the problem
: Error: Method not found: 'Error.throwWithStackTrace'.
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, chain);
: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'Never' doesn't allow null.
Never _rethrowProviderError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
Error.throwWithStackTrace was added in Dart 2.16 (Flutter version 2.10 from Feb 8, 2022).
(Check the #Since annotation.)
If your Flutter/Dart version is below that, you'll get the error you saw.
Two options that may help are:
Specify an exact version of dependencies (don't use ^ ahead of version)
upgrade Flutter/Dart to at least 2.10/2.16
flutter upgrade
If your problematic package (hooks_riverpod: ^2.0.0 in your case) is listed with ^, it'll use the latest version that doesn't break dependencies.
I'm guessing that when you created a new project and used that same dependency version, upon initial pub get it downloaded a newer version of the package (or a newer version of a dependency that that package uses) into "pub cache" which is relying on the new Error API method.
Your project will store this information in:
The min Dart SDK version listed for the package should normally have changed from 2.12 to 2.16. (update: it's been updated now) This would give us a hint that we need to update our Flutter/Dart if we see our build failing.
In an earlier version of this answer, I noted that the ^ prefix on package dependency versions is supposed to prevent these types of issues, but I'm no longer certain it was meant to cover this situation where the underlying platform needs to be updated (as opposed to a breaking change in the API of the package itself).
Anyways, at first glance, it might make sense to go from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0 for a package version # when it depends on a new core Dart API method that did not exist when 2.0.0 was published.
The author of riverpod also wrote the new API for Error.throwWithStackTrace so likely the latest version of hooks_riverpod is using the latest API changes. (The version you're listing 2.0.0 is pre-release currently). You could try earlier versions of riverpod in your pubspec.yaml (such as 1.0.3)
for anyone facing " Method not found: 'Error.throwWithStackTrace' " with firebase.
try to add this to your pubspec.yaml
firebase_messaging_platform_interface: 3.1.6
I saw this.
How about trying flutter pub upgrade?
If it is not resolved, then check analyzer version and check which dependency locks that.
As noted in Baker's answer, Error.throwWithStackTrace was recently added in Dart 2.16.
If you're getting an error about Error.throwWithStackTrace not being found for some package, the package author neglected to update their package's minimum Dart SDK version. You should report that to the package maintainer. In the meantime, you should use an earlier version of the problematic package or use a newer version of the Dart SDK.
Try running flutter upgrade
By this it will upgrade your flutter and dart SDK version and hope it resolves your issue
if you are still facing the issues after "flutter upgrade" or you use this line of code in pubspec.yaml
firebase_messaging_platform_interface: 3.1.6
you receive this type of errors
java.lang.AssertionError: annotationType(): unrecognized Attribute name MODULE (class$NameImpl)
so Try to upgrade your gradle version, this line in your build.gradle
classpath ''
after doing that it may be possible it ask you to change your
also upgarde this packages
firebase_core: ^1.10.0
firebase_messaging: ^11.1.0

The plugins `advance_pdf_viewer, flutter_webview_plugin` use a deprecated version of the Android embedding

The plugins advance_pdf_viewer, flutter_webview_plugin use a deprecated version of the Android embedding.
To avoid unexpected runtime failures or future build failures, try to see if these plugins support the Android V2 embedding. Otherwise, consider removing them since a future release of
Flutter will remove these deprecated APIs."
I follow some documentation but is still not working.
i upgrade and downgrade my version but still not working.
should I share my mainActivity.kt and manifest file?
if there is no newer version of advance_pdf_viewer, flutter_webview_plugin available with the new android V2 embedding, your can't do anything inside of your app. Keep watching for plugin updates of these 2 plugins... or go to it's github project and open an issue to fix it. Sometime the master branch has already fix it. In this case you could try to link direct to the master branch and not to a version in
for advance_pdf_viewer i use $flutter pub add advance_pdf_viewer
This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):
advance_pdf_viewer: ^2.0.1
Alternatively, your editor might support or flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
Import it
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:advance_pdf_viewer/advance_pdf_viewer.dart';
and for webview I try dependencies:
and it all works for me than you.

Flutter: build runner throws a precompile error

I am using analyser 1.7.1. The latest build_runner build command generates the following error.
flutter packages pub run build_runner build Failed to precompile
Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type
'String' doesn't allow null. String get displayString {
The usual flutter clean and pub cache repair commands don't seem to be fixing the problem, and displayString doesn't appear anywhere in my codebase.
There's an issue open 9 days ago. Here's the key part:
Right now, the current state of affairs is that:
package:analyzer 1.7.0 requires package:meta ^1.4.0
package:analyzer 1.7.1 has the same contents as 1.7.0, but requires package:meta ^1.3.0
Flutter stable pins package:meta to 1.3.0
I'm uncertain how we're running into the exceptions above - the two most recent versions of analyzer are pretty explicit about which version of meta they need.
#edlman do you have any dependency_overrides in your pubspec?
you're right, I'm using 3rd party pkgs which depend on meta 1.4.0 so I put it to dependency_overrides to solve the collision. It didn't come to my mind it cause such a problem.
I've changed the override to 1.3.0, it works fine, no problem yet
So I'd suggest checking whether or not there's a dependency_overrides in your pubspec, too.
It's a problem with analyser 1.7.1.
analyzer: 1.7.0
to pubspec.yaml.
There are more details available in raina77ow's answer.

The method 'setMockMessageHandler' isn't defined for the class 'BasicMessageChannel<dynamic>'

After running the Flutter project, I get this error. What can I do to solve it?
Error: The method 'setMockMessageHandler'
isn't defined for the class 'BasicMessageChannel<dynamic>'.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
I had the same problem after update plugin's in AndroidStudio on Mac
flutter pub upgrade
did nothing for me, but
flutter clean
flutter pub upgrade --major-versions
has solved the problem
Go to specified class 'BasicMessageChannel' by press and hold ctrl and click on it
than search for the 'setMockMessageHandler' by ctrl+F
than u will see something like this
// Looking for setMockMessageHandler?
// See this shim package: packages/flutter_test/lib/src/deprecated.dart
and paste this line below this comment
void setMockMessageHandler(dynamic message){
but this is just simple hack which is not recommended
I had the same problem today.
from what i could notice, this basically was a breaking change caused by transition of platform channel test interfaces to flutter_test package.
in my case, the problem was resolved just running the flutter pub upgrade on a global terminal session.
see more details about the mentioned transition on referred release notes
I have the same problem, I have tried all the above and did not help.
flutter pub upgrade and flutter pub upgrade --major-versions outputs this:
No dependencies changed.
1 package is discontinued.
76 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints.
Try flutter pub outdated for more information.
No changes to pubspec.yaml!
The plugins advance_pdf_viewer, flutter_absolute_path, geocoder, google_api_headers, onesignal_flutter use a deprecated version of the
Android embedding.
To avoid unexpected runtime failures, or future build failures, try to see if these plugins support the Android V2 embedding. Otherwise,
consider removing them since a future release of Flutter will remove these deprecated APIs.
If you are plugin author, take a look at the docs for migrating the plugin to the V2 embedding:
Running across this problem after upgrading to Flutter 2.5.3 (from 2.2.3). The change outlined in the release notes broke several hundred tests since the mock method handlers were set in the global setUp() for most tests.
As shown in the release notes, I replaced code like
.setMockMethodCallHandler((MethodCall methodCall) {});
with code using the default instance of TestDefaultBinaryMessenger:
.setMockMethodCallHandler(MethodChannel('channelName'), (MethodCall methodCall) {});
This change allowed me to keep all tests unchanged.

Error: This requires the 'non-nullable' experiment to be enabled

I am playing around with non-nullable types and added this to my analysis_options.yaml:
- non-nullable
I have a code-generator that is utilising the nullability extension. Visual Code is fine with my code.
Now, I try to run:
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch
I get this error message:
[SEVERE] Failed to snapshot build script .dart_tool/build/entrypoint/build.dart.
This is likely caused by a misconfigured builder definition.
[SEVERE] xyz.dart:95:7: Error: This requires the 'non-nullable' experiment to be enabled.Try enabling this experiment by adding it to the command line when compiling and running.
How can I pass --enable-experiment:non-nullable to flutter packages pub run?
The same happens if I run:
flutter build ios
I get the error message:
lib/main.dart:61:26: Error: This requires the 'non-nullable' experiment to be enabled.
Try enabling this experiment by adding it to the command line when compiling and running.
So, same question: How can I pass --enable-experiment:non-nullable to flutter build?
This problem was occured for me after upgrading the Flutter.
I solved it by cleaning and upgrading the project dependencies again.
Run the below commands in the root directory of your project:
flutter clean
flutter packages pub upgrade
flutter pub run build_runner build
Also as others said, please make sure your sdk version in the pubspec.yaml is compatible with your flutter sdk version.
For null safety to work,
sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"
should be this version at least.
then run flutter clean
and flutter pub get it will work.
flutter clean
This is worked for me!
Depending on what you're doing, sometimes it's as simple as changing the environment in your pubspec.yaml file to update the lower end, ie change a lower end like
sdk: ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0"
sdk: ">=2.6.0 <3.0.0"
sdk: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0"
This has worked for the various things that cause this error (using spread syntax in latest version of flutter and dart will also cause this), but I don't need the older environments.
A simple fix for me was to ensure that the analysis_options.yaml is in
the root folder. In my case, it was in the lib folder and none of the
experimental features worked until I moved the file to the same folder
as pubspec.yaml. Other things that can happen include updates that
make the experimental feature no longer required so updating to the
latest version on the flutter master channel may be useful in addition
to verifying the file location. Haven't been able to get the command line
running with this option, however.
Dart Reference
Example of Analysis Options File