Create custom tabs on github repo page - github

I recall I can create a custom tab on github repo page as shown in documentation below
It is set through custom tabs as shown below
But when I get to the github page, I cannot find the Custom Tabs. Did I miss anything, or is the Custom Tabs not available for personal Github repo, and just available on Organization Repo?

It's currently only available on GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub AE.


Github action badges in private repos in github private pages

With the advent of Github private pages. I can actually put up my github actions that are run in a private repo. However, the private page can't render the badge which should have access to this private repo.
However, if I click on the image, it takes me to the badge. That's because I'm authenticated in Github and can see everything about the repository. I wonder why the action badge is not showing up.
This is a similar issue than VSCode not able to show the same badge (like your GitHub Page does): see discussion 156091
If the repo is private, you can only view it when logged into GitHub.
I don't think VS Code isn't going to be able to show the badges in this case because we'd also have to send along your GitHub creds when making the request for the badge.
Regarding badges on GitHub pages specifically, there is badges/shields issue 593 requesting support for private github repos
There's two viable options for folks that want to use Shields to get badges for private repos:
Use a self-hosted Shields instance with appropriate GH auth in your configuration.
Use and the Endpoint badge with your own custom endpoint that provides the data needed for to create and provide the badge.

How to show new website design to client from a github branch

I have created a website for a friend which I have published on GitHub and deployed using Netlify.
However as my knowledge is improving I have created a branch off of the main repository and completely redesigned the site.
How can I now show this to my friend remotely?
As I understand if I commit this to main this will change the published website which I do not want to do yet as the changes haven't been agreed?
Is there a way to create a GitHub page from that branch so I can send him a link to view what I have created?
Ideally, you create a second empty GitHub repository in which you push tour second branch.
You can then build the GitHub pages for that second repository (using GitHub Action workflow and a starter workflow), and show the alternative version, using the second GitHub Pages URL.

How can I change the default page in github pages?

I am creating a small website project and I started using GitHub pages to have it published there. The thing is that after having all my project in a github repo and decided to change my main page but I am not sure got to do it on github pages.

How do i use github to host my static websites

i'm building a portfolio website at the moment and i have some simple html, JavaScript and angular projects that i have already built and pushed to github as repositories.
I want to host this repositories on github so that i can provide a link on my portfolio website for visitors to click on and see my simple projects and not the source code on github.
You want GitHub Pages! This allows you to create a static site that can contain any content you'd like, and it's free.

How to display ALL of the repositories im working on in my github profile?

I am trying to display all of my github repositories so that when an employer enter my profile he can see all my previous projects, including those i was a collaborator in.
I know that there are pinned repositories, but it's limited to only 6 repositories. Is there any way to make all of my repositories be displayed in the same way? or in the same way that my repositories are being displayed on my dashboard?
An alternative would be to use your GitHub Secret Repository. You just need to create a repository using your username including a, and it'll be displayed on your profile page. You can use this to list all the repositories you want.
It's not possible to pin more than 6 repositories or gists to your GitHub profile.
The only thing I can suggest is making a personal website that displays all of your projects in the way that you would like and put links to it in prominent places on your CV/resume and online profiles.