User ID attribute in JWT token to the backend WSO2 APIM - jwt

I'm having trouble implementing the following use case. I need to pass the User ID claim to the backend. I've enabled enable_outbound_auth_header so that the token I get from the application arrives to the backend. I've managed to add the User ID to this token. I want to use JWT grant, Code grant, client credentials grant and APIKey. However, User ID is only added to the token on code and JWT grants. The way I did it was using OIDC scopes.I've seen in docs that I can use apim.jwt to pass enduser attributes, however I haven't managed to pass User ID. Is there any way to achieve this? (without custom generators)
In the case I have to implement a custom token generation I'm wondering which one to
implement. I've seen that there are many possibilities. Should I implement a token generator? Will this one work for apiKey token? I think there are at least four possible toke generators (gateway token generator, jwt token generator, oauth token generator and oidc token generator. Which one or how many should I implement?

I ended up implementing two custom token generators. I just inherited from the default class implementation for each generator and added the userId claim. Then I added them in the deployment.toml
For the apikey generator (extended DefaultApiKeyGenerator) simply added
url = "https://localhost:9443/devportal"
api_key_generator_impl = "com.apikeygenerator.CustomAPIKeyGenerator"
The other one I implemented was the oauth token generator (extended JWTTokenIssuer). Adding this one to the configuration using
name = "JWT"
issuer = "com.oauthjwtgenerator.CustomOauthJWTGenerator"


Keycloak as IdP with own implementation of Resource Server

Is there a way of using Keycloak only to Authenticate user, but with own mapping to roles with Spring?
I would like to authenticate API Gateway in keycloak first, but then provide internal JWT Token with authorized roles inside my microservice world.
In this article, I do map Spring authorities from roles that Keycloak sets in JWTs. Is that what you are looking for?
If what you want is having a hand on access token claims, two cases:
the claim is already in the token but with a different value than what you expect (missing roles, outdated email, ...). Then, it is very likely that Keycloak admin API exposes what you need to update users data. Check that a "confidential" client with required roles is declared with client-credentials flow enabled (or declare a new one) and have relevent resource-server call admin API for updates (with WebClient, RestTemplate, #FeignClient or whatever is capable of using client-credentials flow).
the claim does not exist yet. Then, define a new Keycloak "mapper" to add a private claim. Here is a sample. You can have a look at security module to figure out how this new private claim is parsed (by ProxiesClaimSet) into an Authentication custom implementation.
In any case, the authorization-server (Keycloak) is the only place to define claims, issue JWT and sign it. JWT validation by JWT decoder on resource-server involves much more than just checking expiration date: issuer, issued-at, token integrity (server signs the payload with a private key and exposes a public one to ensure the token content was not modified), and more are verified too.
You want to make access control inside resource-servers? Great! Ensure that authorization header with Bearer access-token is forwarded by the gateway from client(s) to resource-server(s) and configure your resource-server(s) as described in the article above.
In the article you'll also find a way to test security rules (both unit and integration) with mocked authentication. This is what, in my opnion, makes resource-server(s) a better place to implement access-control: security rules are of primary business importance and fine grained unit-testing is essential.
Other note, if you go for additional private claim(s) with Keycloak mapper(s), pay attention to pom.xml file, java/main/resources and implemented interfaces of ProxiesMapper into proxies-keycloak-mapper module.
Last, you should also follow the first 3 of those tutorials (for real: write the code and run the tests), it will take you less than an hour and will save you many more hours struggling with your resource-server(s) security implementation.

Decoding Keycloak JWT Token

I'm trying to validate (and read roles from) a JWT Token. Sadly I can't use any adapter or auto configuration due to my overall application architecture.
It's no problem to decode the token like any other JWT Token, but I wonder if there is a library from Keycloak to archive this goal. (For example Just Parse the token to something like a KeycloakJWTToken and verify it by grabbing the secret from Keycloak Server or so)
Any easy-to-use client or so?
I'm using the Jose4J library:
Reading the claims inside a JWT token is straightforward:
import org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims;
import org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumer;
import org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder;
public void parseJWT(String token) throws Exception {
JwtConsumer consumer = new JwtConsumerBuilder()
JwtClaims claims = consumer.processToClaims(token);
System.out.println("* Parsed token: "+ claims.getRawJson() );
System.out.println("* Expiration date: " + new Date(claims.getExpirationTime().getValueInMillis()) );
More examples are available on GitHub:
Last remark: you do not need a key nor a secret to parse the JWT, but if needed, you can use the server (public) key to verify the token was signed by the keycloak server you are trusting.
The JWT website is listing all libraries for Token Signing/Verification:
Keycloak access tokens are indeed JWT tokens. So, you can make full use of existing JWT libraries, including for validation as stated in the Keycloak official documentation:
If you need to manually validate access tokens issued by Keycloak you can invoke the Introspection Endpoint. The downside to this approach is that you have to make a network invocation to the Keycloak server. This can be slow and possibily overload the server if you have too many validation requests going on at the same time. Keycloak issued access tokens are JSON Web Tokens (JWT) digitally signed and encoded using JSON Web Signature (JWS). Because they are encoded in this way, this allows you to locally validate access tokens using the public key of the issuing realm. You can either hard code the realm’s public key in your validation code, or lookup and cache the public key using the certificate endpoint with the Key ID (KID) embedded within the JWS. Depending what language you code in, there are a multitude of third party libraries out there that can help you with JWS validation.
Besides, in Java EE, using the Keycloak Java adapter, the roles are typically mapped on the user Principal and i.e. allows isUserInRole(). That's one of the goals.
Also it is possible to cast the Principal from the SecurityContext as a KeycloakPrincipal, then obtain in turn a KeycloakSecurityContext from it. Using the KeycloakSecurityContext you have access to both ID and Access tokens (when applicable) and can read their properties, attributes and claims.
Note that it is also good practice, and simply useful, to use the Keycloak UI to "evaluate" your tokens. For instance, you can see the generated token in the Client Scopes tab (under Evaluate), as well as evaluate your policies and permissions in the Authorization tab of your Client(s) (under Evaluate).
That's probably the best way to debug and test, while setting up your Client(s).
If you select a user in the Evaluate screen, the following example data is generated:
Generated Access Token (...)
Generated ID Token (...)
Generated User Info (...)
All examples are generated for the particular user and issued for the particular client, with the specified value of scope parameter. The examples include all of the claims and role mappings used.

In Keycloak, can you use a JWT to get a caller's identity?

We would like to have users authenticate to a Slack app by providing their current Keycloak JWT as a one-time authentication procedure. This would allow us to associate their Slack user ID with their Keycloak user ID.
However, I can't find any endpoint like AWS' GetCallerIdentity within Keycloak. I have combed the docs, and the closest thing I can find is an identity token mentioned here. However, I can't find anything about how to unravel that identity token to securely gain information about its owner.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
Open ID Connect defines userinfo endpoint, which is similar to AWS GetCallerIdentity endpoint. But that requires to fire request. I would prefer to read user details from the token.
Standard JWT (OIDC) libraries support token decoding. Access/ID token has 3 parts: header, payload, signature. You can use base64 decode on the payload part and you will get json with user details. Of course proper implementation will read also header to get used algorithm and it will validates token signature with used IdP public key and algorithm. Otherwise someone can tamper token. provides nice visual interface, which will help you to understand and also decode token structure:
Keep in mind: what is returned in the userinfo response depends on OIDC client configuration in the Keycloak

How to restrict a user to THEIR resources using JWT when there is no identity in the Access Token?

We have a REST resource like this:
We want to use the JWT tokens returned from AWS Cognito to secure access to this resource.
The {customerId} here is not the Cognito user id, it's a domain specific id. We have added this domain specific id to the Cognito user as a custom attribute. It comes in the ID token that Cognito returns like this:
"sub": "xxxxxxxx-852f-474d-aa9e-a50fd832bcb8",
"aud": "xxxxxxxxsijed6uf54dh0uhi",
"custom:customerId": "4044",
"event_id": "xxxxxx-fc0c-4ffc-affa-f8987714fb2b",
"token_use": "id",
If we use this ID Token in Authorization: Bearer <ID Token> we can write code (custom authoriser or in-app code) that ensures the customerId in /customer/{customerId}/bill is equal to the value of custom:customerId in the supplied token, and we have secured our API.
But then we read that you should not use ID tokens to secure APIs . The key point being:
"The audience (the aud claim) of the (ID) token is set to the application's identifier, which means that only this specific application should consume this token."
So it seems we need to send an Access Token to secure the API. With Cognito, there is no way we can add any concept of who the user is into the Access Token. We can't add a custom scope like user:4044 for example.
What folks suggest as an approach here is to call the /userinfo endpoint of Cognito on the server-side with the supplied Access Token to learn who the user is. This would enable us to write code (custom authoriser or in-app code) that calls this endpoint and asserts permission. But it's an endpoint call for every request, which seems crazy.
One thought that crossed our minds was to use the Access Token to secure access to the API itself, but also require the ID token, either as a query parameter or a header to allow us do the fine grained access control. But that too starts to feel wrong.
Surely this is a solved problem? What is the right thing to do here?
Sorry, this question is a year old, so my answer is probably irrelevant. But for future wanderer, I would say that, given the limitations of cognito in allowing custom claims in the access token, a call to the /userinfo route is definitely the best way.
The API GATEWAY lets you cache authorizer response for a given user, so you won't be calling the endpoint on every request. Note that some implementations recommend it as a way to make sure that the token haven't been revoked.

Implicit flow, but requires access to multiple API's

Say I have a website secured with IdenityServer3. It uses the implicit flow so users are asked for their credentials. Now I'm facing a requirement where this application should access multiple (Web)API's on behalf of the user. These API's are secured using roles.
How do I go about this? Do I get one access_token for all by adding "token" to the ResponseType of the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions? Do I have to change the Implicit flow (to Hybrid?) and manually request access_tokens for each individual API and add those to the user's claims, after authentication?
I'm not sure on how to approach this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can keep using Implicit flow and add "token" to reponse_type (so it becomes "id_token token"). That will give you access token as well. Additionally, you can specify any scopes that those APIs might require in order to include claims that might have to be present for API Authorize attribute to allow the call through.
Once you have the response from IdentityServer in your application along with access token, you call the api with that token in the Authorization header.
I was able to resolve my requirement by moving to a Hybrid flow. For the response type I ended up needing "id_token", "token" and "code". I also had to retrieve the user claims manually in a separate request and manually add them to the user's identity, because adding "token" besides the "id_token" would remove all claims from the server response (to keep the token smaller).