Spark Scala create a new column which contains addition of previous balance amount for each cid - scala

Initial DF:
cid transAmt trasnDate
1 10 2-Aug
1 20 3-Aug
1 30 3-Aug
2 40 2-Aug
2 50 3-Aug
3 60 4-Aug
Output DF:
cid transAmt trasnDate sumAmt
1 10 2-Aug **10**
1 20 3-Aug **30**
1 30 3-Aug **60**
2 40 2-Aug **40**
2 50 3-Aug **90**
3 60 4-Aug **60**
I need a new column as sumAmt which has the addition for each cid

Use window sum function to get the cumulative sum.
//| 1| 10| 2-Aug|
//| 1| 20| 3-Aug|
//| 2| 40| 2-Aug|
//| 2| 50| 3-Aug|
//| 3| 60| 4-Aug|
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
val w= Window.partitionBy("cid").orderBy("Amount","transnDate")
//| 1| 10| 2-Aug| 10|
//| 1| 20| 3-Aug| 30|
//| 3| 60| 4-Aug| 60|
//| 2| 40| 2-Aug| 40|
//| 2| 50| 3-Aug| 90|

Just use a simple window indicating rows between.
Window.unboundedPreceding meaning no lower limit
Window.currentRow meaning current row (pretty obvious)
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val cidCategory = Window.partitionBy("cid")
.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)
val result = df.withColumn("sumAmt", sum($"transAmt").over(cidCategory))


Collect statistics from the DataFrame

I'm collecting dataframe statistics.
The maximum minimum average value of the column. The number of zeros in the column. The number of empty values in the column.
Number of columns n < 2000
Number of dataframe entries r < 10^9
The stack() function is used for the solution,an%20argument%20followed%20by%20expressions.&text=stack%20function%20will%20generate%20n%20rows%20by%20evaluating%20the%20expressions.
What scares:
The number of rows in the intermediate dataframe rusultDF. cal("period_date").dropDuplicates * columnsNames.size * r = many
val columnsNames = List("col_name1", "col_name2")
| 11| 21| 2022-01-31|
| 12| 22| 2022-01-31|
| 13| 23| 2022-03-31|
|period_date| columns|count_null|count_zero|avg_value|mix_value|man_value|
| 2022-01-31|col_name2| 0| 0| 21.5| 21| 22|
| 2022-03-31|col_name1| 0| 0| 13.0| 13| 13|
| 2022-03-31|col_name2| 0| 0| 23.0| 23| 23|
| 2022-01-31|col_name1| 0| 0| 11.5| 11| 12|
My solution:
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local").appName("spark test5").getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
case class RealStructure(col_name1: Int, col_name2: Int, period_date: String)
val userTableDf = List(
RealStructure(11, 21, "2022-01-31"),
RealStructure(12, 22, "2022-01-31"),
RealStructure(13, 23, "2022-03-31")
) toDF()
new StatisticCollector(userTableDf)
class StatisticCollector(userTableDf: DataFrame) {
val columnsNames = List("col_name1", "col_name2")
val stack = s"stack(${columnsNames.length}, ${ => s"'$name', $name").mkString(",")})"
val resultDF ="period_date"),
expr(s"$stack as (columns, values)")
|period_date| columns|values|
| 2022-01-31|col_name1| 11|
| 2022-01-31|col_name2| 21|
| 2022-01-31|col_name1| 12|
| 2022-01-31|col_name2| 22|
| 2022-03-31|col_name1| 13|
| 2022-03-31|col_name2| 23|
stack(2, 'col_name1', col_name1,'col_name2', col_name2)
val superResultDF = resultDF.groupBy(col("period_date"), col("columns")).agg(
sum(when(col("values").isNull, 1).otherwise(0)).alias("count_null"),
sum(when(col("values") === 0, 1).otherwise(0)).alias("count_zero"),
Please give your assessment, if you see what can be solved more efficiently, then write how you would solve it.
The calculation speed is important.
It is necessary as quickly as it is provided by God.

How to do cumulative sum based on conditions in spark scala

I have the below data and final_column is the exact output what I am trying to get. I am trying to do cumulative sum of flag and want to rest if flag is 0 then set value to 0 as below data
cola date flag final_column
a 2021-10-01 0 0
a 2021-10-02 1 1
a 2021-10-03 1 2
a 2021-10-04 0 0
a 2021-10-05 0 0
a 2021-10-06 0 0
a 2021-10-07 1 1
a 2021-10-08 1 2
a 2021-10-09 1 3
a 2021-10-10 0 0
b 2021-10-01 0 0
b 2021-10-02 1 1
b 2021-10-03 1 2
b 2021-10-04 0 0
b 2021-10-05 0 0
b 2021-10-06 1 1
b 2021-10-07 1 2
b 2021-10-08 1 3
b 2021-10-09 1 4
b 2021-10-10 0 0
I have tried like
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
df.withColumn("final_column",expr("sum(flag) over(partition by cola order date asc)"))
I have tried to add condition like case when flag = 0 then 0 else 1 end inside sum function but not working.
You can define a column group using conditional sum on flag, then using row_number with a Window partitioned by cola and group gives the result you want:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val result = df.withColumn(
sum(when(col("flag") === 0, 1).otherwise(0)).over(Window.partitionBy("cola").orderBy("date"))
row_number().over(Window.partitionBy("cola", "group").orderBy("date")) - 1
//|cola| date|flag|final_column|
//| b|44201| 0| 0|
//| b|44202| 1| 1|
//| b|44203| 1| 2|
//| b|44204| 0| 0|
//| b|44205| 0| 0|
//| b|44206| 1| 1|
//| b|44207| 1| 2|
//| b|44208| 1| 3|
//| b|44209| 1| 4|
//| b|44210| 0| 0|
//| a|44201| 0| 0|
//| a|44202| 1| 1|
//| a|44203| 1| 2|
//| a|44204| 0| 0|
//| a|44205| 0| 0|
//| a|44206| 0| 0|
//| a|44207| 1| 1|
//| a|44208| 1| 2|
//| a|44209| 1| 3|
//| a|44210| 0| 0|
row_number() - 1 in this case is just equivalent to sum(col("flag")) as flag values are always 0 or 1. So the above final_column can also be written as:
sum(col("flag")).over(Window.partitionBy("cola", "group").orderBy("date"))

How to delete the rows Dynamically based on based on ID and Status ="Removed" in Scala

Here I have some sample dataset and How to delete the ID's dynamically (no hardcoded values) based on (Column) Status = "Removed".
Sample Dataset:
ID Status Date Amount
1 New 01/05/20 20
1 Assigned 02/05/20 30
1 In-Progress 02/05/20 50
2 New 02/05/20 30
2 Removed 03/05/20 20
3 In-Progress 09/05/20 50
3 Removed 09/05/20 20
4 New 10/05/20 20
4 Assigned 10/05/20 30
Expecting Result:-
ID Status Date Amount
1 New 01/05/20 20
1 Assigned 02/05/20 30
1 In-Progress 02/05/20 50
4 New 10/05/20 20
4 Assigned 10/05/20 30
Thanks in Advance.
You can use either filter, not like/rlike to filter out records from the dataframe that have status = removed.
import org.apche.spark.sql.functions._
//assuming df is the dataframe
//using filter or where clause, trim to remove white spaces lower to convert to lower
val df1=df.filter(lower(trim(col("status"))) !== "removed")
//or by filtering status Removed filter won't match if you have mixed case
val df1=df.filter(col("status") !== "Removed")
//using not like
val df1=df.filter(!lower(col("status")).like("removed"))
//using not rlike
val df1=df.filter(!col("status").rlike(".*(?i)removed.*"))
Now df1 dataframe will have the required records in it.
From Spark2.4:
We can use join or window clause for this case.
val df=Seq((1,"New","01/05/20","20"),(1,"Assigned","02/05/20","30"),(1,"In-Progress","02/05/20","50"),(2,"New","02/05/20","30"),(2,"Removed","03/05/20","20"),(3,"In-Progress","09/05/20","50"),(3,"Removed","09/05/20","20"),(4,"New","10/05/20","20"),(4,"Assigned","10/05/20","30")).toDF("ID","Status","Date","Amount")
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
val df1=df.
//using array_contains function
//without join using window clause
val w=Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy("Status").rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)
//| ID| Status| Date|Amount|
//| 1| New|01/05/20| 20|
//| 1| Assigned|02/05/20| 30|
//| 1|In-Progress|02/05/20| 50|
//| 4| New|10/05/20| 20|
//| 4| Assigned|10/05/20| 30|
For Spark < 2.4:
val df1=df.groupBy("id").agg(concat_ws("",collect_list(lower(col("Status")))).alias("status_arr"))
//Using window functions
//| ID| Status| Date|Amount|
//| 1| New|01/05/20| 20|
//| 1| Assigned|02/05/20| 30|
//| 1|In-Progress|02/05/20| 50|
//| 4| New|10/05/20| 20|
//| 4| Assigned|10/05/20| 30|
Assuming res0 is your dataset, you could do:
import spark.implicits._
val x = res0.where($"Status" !== "Removed")
This will remove the rows with Status as removed, but wont give what you want to achieve based on what you have posted above.

How to compute cumulative sum on multiple float columns?

I have 100 float columns in a Dataframe which are ordered by date.
ID Date C1 C2 ....... C100
1 02/06/2019 32.09 45.06 99
1 02/04/2019 32.09 45.06 99
2 02/03/2019 32.09 45.06 99
2 05/07/2019 32.09 45.06 99
I need to get C1 to C100 in the cumulative sum based on id and date.
Target dataframe should look like this:
ID Date C1 C2 ....... C100
1 02/04/2019 32.09 45.06 99
1 02/06/2019 64.18 90.12 198
2 02/03/2019 32.09 45.06 99
2 05/07/2019 64.18 90.12 198
I want to achieve this without looping from C1- C100.
Initial code for one column:
var DF1 = DF.withColumn("CumSum_c1", sum("C1").over(
I found a similar question here but he manually did it for two columns : Cumulative sum in Spark
Its a classical use for foldLeft. Let's generate some data first :
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
val df = spark.range(1000)
.withColumn("c1", 'id + 3)
.withColumn("c2", 'id % 2 + 1)
.withColumn("date", monotonically_increasing_id)
.withColumn("id", 'id % 10 + 1)
// We will select the columns we want to compute the cumulative sum of.
val columns = df.drop("id", "date").columns
val w = Window.partitionBy(col("id")).orderBy(col("date").asc)
val results = columns.foldLeft(df)((tmp_, column) => tmp_.withColumn(s"cum_sum_$column", sum(column).over(w)))
results.orderBy("id", "date").show
// +---+---+---+-----------+----------+----------+
// | id| c1| c2| date|cum_sum_c1|cum_sum_c2|
// +---+---+---+-----------+----------+----------+
// | 1| 3| 1| 0| 3| 1|
// | 1| 13| 1| 10| 16| 2|
// | 1| 23| 1| 20| 39| 3|
// | 1| 33| 1| 30| 72| 4|
// | 1| 43| 1| 40| 115| 5|
// | 1| 53| 1| 8589934592| 168| 6|
// | 1| 63| 1| 8589934602| 231| 7|
Here is another way using simple select expression :
val w = Window.partitionBy($"id").orderBy($"date".asc).rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)
// get columns you want to sum
val columnsToSum = df.drop("ID", "Date").columns
// map over those columns and create new sum columns
val selectExpr = Seq(col("ID"), col("Date")) ++ => sum(col(c)).over(w).alias(c)).toSeq*).show()
| ID| Date| C1| C2|C100|
| 1|02/04/2019|32.09|45.06| 99|
| 1|02/06/2019|64.18|90.12| 198|
| 2|02/03/2019|32.09|45.06| 99|
| 2|05/07/2019|64.18|90.12| 198|

scala find group by id max date

I need to group by id and times and show max date
Id Key Times date
20 40 1 20190323
20 41 1 20191201
31 33 3 20191209
My output should be:
Id Key Times date
20 41 1 20191201
31 33 3 20191209
You can simply apply groupBy function to group by Id and then join with original dataset to get Key column to you resulting dataframe. Try following code,
//your original dataframe
val df = Seq((20,40,1,20190323),(20,41,1,20191201),(31,33,3,20191209))
//| Id|Key|Times| date|
//| 20| 40| 1|20190323|
//| 20| 41| 1|20191201|
//| 31| 33| 3|20191209|
//group by Id column
val maxDate = df.groupBy("Id").agg(max("date").as("maxdate"))
//join with original DF to get rest of the column
maxDate.join(df, Seq("Id"))
.where($"date" === $"maxdate")
//| Id|Key|Times| date|
//| 31| 33| 3|20191209|
//| 20| 41| 1|20191201|